
字母片爱好者2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


ezha 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Another new Disney Pixar Movie is coming out in 2007, cheers. It's about a rat (this reminds me of my friend named Stanely Selva Ratnam) to be specific a Parisian rat. He's no ordinary rat you find around the neighborhood. This dude is super picky, he insist to have the finest food from the best restaurants in Paris. Which means he must go through loads of crazy adventure to enjoy them.


what's the title of the film?
how is the hero?
what have you learned from the movis?
chaoning002 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Remy is an irregular rat who lives in the attic of a French country home with his brother Emile and a pack led by his father Django. Gifted with a keen sense of smell and taste, Remy aspires to be a gourmet chef, inspired by France's recently deceased top chef, Auguste Gusteau, but instead he is put to work sniffing for rat poison. When the pack is discovered by the home's occupant, they flee into the sewers; Remy is separated and ends up aground underneath Gusteau's restaurant in Paris.
Led by his imagination of Gusteau, Remy goes to the kitchen skylight to watch the kitchen in action during a service. There, he observes Alfredo Linguini, the son of Gusteau's former lover, being hired as a janitor by Skinner, the restaurant's current owner and Gusteau's former sous-chef. When Linguini spills some of the soup and attempts to recreate it using random ingredients, Remy is horrified and falls into the kitchen; instead of escaping, Remy attempts to correct the soup. Remy is caught by Linguini just as Linguini is caught by Skinner, but before anyone can stop the serving staff, the soup is served and found to be a success. Colette, the staff's only female chef, convinces Skinner to retain Linguini, believing him to be the success behind the soup. Linguini takes Remy home, realizing he cannot kill him as instructed by Skinner as Remy was the "little chef" that made the soup.

Remy discovers that he can control Linguini's movements by pulling on his hair.Remy and Linguini find a means to overcome their language barrier, with Remy pulling Linguini's hair under his toque blanche to control his limbs like a marionette. The two work together to successfully cook in the kitchen, even overcoming challenges placed by Skinner. Skinner, suspicious of Linguini's talents, discovers that Linguini is actually Gusteau's son and by Gusteau's will, is the rightful owner of the restaurant; this revelation would ruin Skinner's plans to use Gusteau's name to market a line of microwaveable meals. Remy discovers Skinner's documents and retrieves them, bringing them to Linguini, who subsequently fires Skinner and takes control of the restaurant, much to the staff's delight. Linguini and Colette even begin to develop a romantic bond, with Remy feeling that he is being left behind. Remy finds Emile in the restaurant's trash, and is reunited with the pack. Django warns Remy that humans and rats will never get along, but Remy insists that it will all work out. Meanwhile, Remy begrudgingly feeds Emile and his growing group of friends from the kitchen's pantry as the nights pass.
Anton Ego, a food critic that had cost Gusteau's one of its star ratings, announces he will review the restaurant again the next day based on its rising success. Linguini, under pressure of Ego's pending arrival, has a fallout with Remy, causing Remy to retaliate by leading a raid on the kitchen's foodstocks that night. Linguini catches the rats stealing the food and chases them all out, including Remy, telling the rat he never wants to see him again. Remy, dejected, is captured by Skinner who recognizes Remy was the real talent behind Linguini, but is later freed by Django and Emile. Remy returns to the kitchen to find a frantic Linguini apologizing for his actions, and asking Remy back to help. Linguini then reveals the truth to the rest of the staff about Remy, causing them all to walk out, but Colette later returns after recalling Gusteau's motto: "Anyone can cook." Django, recognizing his son's determination, organizes the rest of the pack to help out in the kitchen to serve the other customers along with Linguini, while Remy and Colette work together to prepare a variation on ratatouille for Ego. Ego is amazed by the dish, bringing back memories of his mother's cooking, and asks to see the chef. Linguini and Colette wait until all the other customers leave to reveal Remy and the rats to Ego. Ego leaves the restaurant deep in thought, and writes a glowing review of the meal the next day, declaring Remy to be "nothing less than the finest chef in France".
Gusteau's restaurant is closed a short time later after a health inspector discovered the rats in the kitchen. Though Ego's reputation is tarnished on reviewing a restaurant plagued with rats, he eagerly funds a popular new bistro, "La Ratatouille", run by Linguini and Colette, featuring diner areas for both humans and rats and a kitchen designed for Remy to continue to cook in.
Every Rat Has Its Day
---movie review from Pan
Rats have never seemed welcome to mankind. Most women would scream at the sight of any of this creature. Look what words and slang we would readily employ to describe the rodent: Little, dirty, nasty, disgusting creature; a rat is an unpleasant, disloyal person who is ready to betray and deceive; something's going
wrong when you smell a rat. The list can never end. I don't really make squeal sounds when bumping into one or two of them, but I admit that their grey, tousled hair and wriggling tail unfailingly make my flesh crawl.
But obviously Hollywood, or to be more specific, Disney, doesn't seem to feel
the same way. It seems to have a deep-seated penchant for this furry creature that everybody detests. The trilogy "Stuart Little" is reported to have raked in
at the box office, and not long ago they had another animation that starred rats, Flushed Away. People have the best laugh of their lifetime watching Mouse Hunt 1 and 2. Though I would never have enough of watching Tom and Jerry, the classic stories about the world-famous cat and mouse, none of these three movie serieses have favorably impressed me. The image of the rat in Stuart Little is nothing lovely in the first place and the acting of that muscular actress is awful;
Flushed Away tells such an ill-organized, incoherent story that I even can't sit it out; and Mouse Hunt is funny but no more than slapstick.
Disney is, no doubt, more capable than that. And this time it's with Pixar, my favorite animation studio. Set me straight if I am wrong, but most works from
Pixar are incredibly well done: A Bug's Life, The Incredibles, Monsters. Inc,
etc. The new rat animation certainly is a real eye-opener in any respect.
Can you imagine a rat dreaming of becoming a chef? This is what they are going to come up with this time. Pardon me if this makes you feel sick, but refrain
from losing your dinner here yet.
Born with a sensitive nose and a refined palate for delicacies, and having been inspired by the motto of a famous Paris chef "Anyone Can Cook", our hero rat has a dream of becoming a real chef. Of course his family wouldn't go happily along with his mad notion, but he is not dounted. By a quirk of fate he enters the territory of that elite restaurant owned by that famous Paris chef and by working with a hapless garbage boy in the kitchen, he actually comes through with flying colors. Everybody in town is attracted by his cooking and even the pickiest gourmet, the same critic who once takes the restaurant down a peg by writing critically, is swept off his feet.
It all sounds like a cock-and-bull story but silly as it may sound, you watch
it and it'll change your views. Pixar is definitely getting the hang of computer-making animations, with the rats looking so adorable and their moves so real.
Well, you can say it's a little bit exaggerated, but precisely to a level that
you would gladly accept. You burst into laughter for a few times, and the music is freshing. Actually it's all about giving your imagination more free rein.
Why not? Anyone can cook - and anyone can imagine.
Ohh, if I have to play balance - nothing's flawless, right - I would say the only fly in the ointment is the title of the movie, Ratatouille, is a real jawbreaker. It's the name of a dish, tasty and memory-stirring in the movie, but obviously not much so as the name of the movie.
For English lovers, the exotic English with a French flavor is a nice surprise
. Go watch it yourself and see if you agree.
小李没带飞刀3 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
A lot of animated movies have inspired sequels, notably "Shrek," but Brad Bird's "Ratatouille" is the first one that made me positively desire one. Remy, the earnest little rat who is its hero, is such a lovable, determined, gifted rodent that I want to know happens to him next, now that he has conquered the summit of French cuisine. I think running for office might not be beyond his reach, and there's certainly something de Gaullean about his snout.
Remy is a member of a large family of rats (a horde, I think, is the word) who ply the trash cans and sewers of a Parisian suburb, just like good rats should. "Eat your garbage!" commands Remy's father, Django, obviously a loving parent. The rats are evicted from their cozy home in a cottage-kitchen ceiling in a scene that will have rat-haters in the audience cringing (and who among us will claim they don't hate rats more than a little?), and they are swept through the sewers in a torrential flood.
Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) has always been blessed, or cursed, with a refined palate and a sensitive nose, and now he starts skulking around the kitchen of Gusteau, his culinary hero (voice of Brad Garrett).
Linguini and Remy meet, somehow establish trust and communication, and when Linguini gets credit for a soup that the rat has saved with strategic seasonings, they team up.
All of this begins as a dubious premise and ends as a triumph of animation, comedy, imagination and, yes, humanity. What is most lovable about Remy is his modesty and shyness, even for a rat. He has body language so expressive than many humans would trade for it.
Brad Bird and his executive producer, John Lasseter, clearly have taken over the leadership in the animation field right now. Yes, Bird made "The Incredibles," but the one that got away was his wonderful "The Iron Giant," in which a towering robot was as subtle, gentle and touching as Remy. His eye for detail is remarkable. Every prop and utensil and spice and ingredient in the kitchen is almost tangible, and I for one would never turn off the Food Channel if Remy hosted a program named "Any Rat Can Cook."
This is clearly one of the best of the year's films. Every time an animated film is successful, you have to read all over again about how animation isn't "just for children" but "for the whole family," and "even for adults going on their own." No kidding!
影片中给我我印象最深刻的是古斯特的名言:Anybody can cook,也正是这句话激励着雷米坚持不懈地一直朝着自己的理想前进.任何人都可以做出美食,只要你有心,所谓有志者事竟成.是的,没有什么是不可能的,生活中很多事情也是这样,不要被别人在某方面的成就所筑成的高墙所困住,渐渐在围墙内自暴自弃、自怨自艾,其实,只要你有目标,肯尝试,说不定你也会摘取到成功的果实.这一念之间就在于你自己肯不肯尝试的问题上.上帝是公平的,在机会面前人人都是平等的,关键就在与你自己的选择如何.小老鼠雷米就是靠着对美食的一腔热爱,靠着一股子冲劲向自己的理想前进着.
Anybody can cook. 同样Anybody can try.机会不等人,所以我们应该抓住每个机会去尝试、去奋斗,发掘自己的潜能,有一天你可能会发现:我也行!这其中当然有着自信的作用,自信是做任何事情的必要砝码之一.每每看到别人的成就时,我们有时候就会产生一股挫败感,认为自己确实不如别人,别人获得成功才是应该的.其实不然,没有谁是天生的失败者,也没有谁是天生的成功者.打起精神来,要知道每个人都有自己的长处的,不要被别人的成就所威慑,每个人都有资格成为成功者,只要你有自信并且努力奋斗.上帝不会偏爱任何人,如果他真的偏爱的话,也是偏爱那些有自信并且不懈努力的人.
小鼠雷米的成功告诉我们,Anybody can cook,没有什么是不可能的,只要你尝试、奋斗,而真正的朋友是值得信赖的.
请帮忙判断下功夫熊猫 `料理鼠王`花木兰`马达加斯加等动画片是英式发音还是美式发音?提供下英式发音的电
请帮忙判断下功夫熊猫 `料理鼠王`花木兰`马达加斯加等动画片是英式发音还是美式发音?提供下英式发音的电
料理鼠王 (貌似是美音)
whitter 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
最明显的是r音,(英式标准音中,字母r在元音前才发音,如read/ri:d/,而在辅音前或词尾时不发音.但在美式发音中,r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音,在词尾时亦发音,如:farm [fa:rm],car [ka:r].)这样说起来很麻烦,简单地说,但凡是美式,他会把r念的非常明显,有卷舌的味道,英式基本没有.
然后是i,若果是美式,他们喜欢发成ə,人家英国人民就直接念i,比较明显的是California,hesitate两词,你可以试试OC的片头曲,或者I'm yours这首歌,都很明显···
追寻冰木瓜 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
ah~paris france, home of the finest restraunt and the greatest chef in the world. all my life i've wanted to be one of them! you may think that's a strange dream for a rat, but, always believe that with the hard work and a little luck, it's only a matter of time before i'm discovered.
明明亮 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
you can not change the nature.你改变不了自然常规
change is nature.变化即自然本身的常规
you have helped a noble 在料理鼠王里面看到的
you have helped a noble 在料理鼠王里面看到的
dqy83 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
eikc01 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
It is a very good story.Can you imagine a rice is able to speak?I was amazed at its magic skill in cooking.The boy is really lucky to have a rice like this.And I think it is his kindness that win him the good luck.I like this movie very much!