英语翻译My DearestGood morning and how are you doing,i am happy

forfox2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

My DearestGood morning and how are you doing,i am happy to hear from you,i have gone through your letter and i am appreciating you for your promise and effort so far.am sending you more pics of mine for you to know how love and trustworthy i have found in you and please promise me never to let me down because of my condition,i was born with a silver spoon but it was tragedy that made me to be in the refugee camp today seeking for help,Dear,i want you to write to the bank now through their email address i stated below tell them that you are my partner and you want to know the faster and sure mean my late father's money can be transferred into your bank account since i have introduced you to themDear this is all you have to write to the bank then whatever that is their response try to let me know so that i will know the next step to be taken,i want you to be fast about it because i am not happy with my situation hereThe contact information's of the bank is as follows,ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PLC LONDON.Royal Bank Of Scotland Plc Registered in Scotland No..90312Registered office:Forthstone,56 south Gyle CrescentEdinburgh EH12 9LE Regulated and authorized by theFinancial Services Authority.Tel:+447974277359 Fax:+448715039088( E-mail:)==( scotlandplcbank@aol.co.uk ) Mr.Robert Edward Diamond Jr.Chief Executive Foreign Payment Dept.Information about the deposit code are as follows.Name of depositor:Appiah Kabran;Nationality:Ivory CoastNext of kin:Favour Chizizy AppiahAmount deposited:4.750,000.00 million us dollarsAccount Number:RBSUK745608902546/QB/91/A.I am waiting to hear from you soonest!.Yours forever in love,favour


thatisthename 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
早上好,我很高兴收到你的来信.我已经看过信了并且非常感激你目前为止做出的保证和努力.我正发给你更多的关于我的细节想然你知道我有多么爱着你并信任着你并且请你保证你永远不会因为我的条件而让我失望.我喊着金汤匙(生于富贵人家)出生但现在却在难民盈利寻求帮助.亲爱的,我想让你现在给银行写一封信通过一会我告诉你的他们的邮件地址,告诉他们你是我的合作伙伴然后你想知道我养父的先能否转移到你的账户自从我把你介绍给他们的最新的准确消息.亲爱的,这时你要写的全部然后无论结果如何都要尽力告诉我那么我就知道下一步的计划.我希望你能尽快因为我很不习惯于这里的日子.银行的联系方式如下:ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PLC LONDON.这个银行在Scotland街第..90312号已注册办公室:[人名] 弗里斯通,…后面不懂…由经济服务权威整理著名,联系电话:+:+447974277359 ,
传真:……邮箱…… .Robert Edward Diamond Jr先生,首席外国付款部执行官(之类).
有关于储蓄密码的信息如下:储蓄人:Appiah Kabran,国籍:Ivory Coast.近亲: Favour Chizizy Appiah.储蓄金额::4.750,000,000,000美元.账户号码RBSUK745608902546/QB/91/A.我等候你快点回信!你永远的爱人……
