英语专业口语考试问题怎么回答啊????? 前几个问题就算了

红粉飞飞2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

英语专业口语考试问题怎么回答啊????? 前几个问题就算了
1. Tell something about yourself and your family?
2. What role does English play in your life and work?
3. Where do you prefer to live,downtown areas or suburb?Why?
4. Can you tell something about your hobby?Or what do you like to do in your spare time?
5. Do you have any good friends?How can you keep friendship alive?
6. Could you describe your latest travel in detail?
7. Do you prefer to study alone or with other people together?And why?
8. Why do you think it necessary to improve your English?
9. What is your favorite movie?How did you come to love it?
10. What digital products do you have and how do you like them?
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation, for example, bus, taxi, private car, etc?
12. How can a student become a successful language learner?
13. What did people use for correspondence in the past?What do they use now?Which way of correspondence do you think will be the most popular in the near future?Why?
14. What is your favorite sport in the Beijing Olympic Games and tell the reasons?
15. Could you tell me something about the earthquake that hit Sichuan Province on May 12?
16. What is you attitude towards economic globalization?Give your reasons?
17. What do you know about ”blog”?Whose blog do you like to read most?Do you have a weblog personally?
18. What do you think are the biggest difficulties for part-time students?And how do you plan to cope with these difficulties?
19. There are many impressive stories about the champions of the Beijing Olympic Games,which one touched you most and why?
20. What do you think of celebrities crossing over into politics?
一. 加试时间:2008-9-20上午8:00 — 11:30,以准考证通知为准;
二. 加试地点:北京大学第一教学楼(北京大学图书馆北侧),考生凭本人身份证和口语加试准考证进入考场;
三. 加试形式:考官从以下20个题目中任意抽取两个提问,考生当场回答,时间为3—5分钟。


jonypan 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
ririnini 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
黄羊川 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%


英语语法题解答 最近遇到一些语法上面的疑惑 希望是英语专业的高手帮我解答一下 近可能详细一点 非常感激
英语语法题解答 最近遇到一些语法上面的疑惑 希望是英语专业的高手帮我解答一下 近可能详细一点 非常感激
1. If your car ____ ang attention during the first 12 month, take it to an authorized dealer.
A.shall nedd B. should need C.would need D.will need
2.The clarks haven't decided yet witch hotel _____.
A.to stay B.is to stay C.to stay at D.is for staying
这个题饿哦觉得遇到过好多次 可是每次我都没弄清楚到底怎么回事 正解是C
wcneeq 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
第一题,应该是关于将来的虚拟语气,所以if从句中只能用should do 或者 动词的过去式 或者
were to do 这三种形式 ,所以只能选B.但要是主句,就可以用would /should/could do了.
第二题,你就还原一下,stay at the hotel,stay是不及物动词,后面必须得有介词 才能接宾语.
比如说 which city to live in,因为live in the city.
比如说,where to live 因为where相当于in which ,你就想一下live here(跟where一样,是副词,where是疑问副词,而which是疑问代词),live in the city,我想你就能明白了,就还原一下就行.
没懂的话 可以继续问.
Raad the following passage and answer the questions:
Are the examples explained adequately?
Are the examples relevant Why
Are the paragraphs coherent or unified Why?
How are the paragraphs organized?
hjqrbn 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
就是写作时的一些原则 比如准确 什么的 这些 在 课本上都专门有章节讨论 我劝你还是看看书吧 光看提纲 也不行
风中有泪滑过 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Dear Zhangming,
I heard that you have got your Engineering Master degree from one of my friends,Congratulations!
I show my admiration to you because I have witnessed that you have kept studying hard for all this years.I firmly believe that you will achieve great success in computer area.
Best regards !
Yours Sincerely,
Wu Gang
请英语专业的来Nowadays,Women play softball is regard as a conventio
Nowadays,Women play softball is regard as a convention.Some people
wondering that “why do women play softball and men play baseball?” In this
article “Men play Baseball,Women play Softball,” the writer show us the people’
prejudice on women baseball player,by using chronological order history and talks
about women’ baseball team barely get attention compare with other women’ sport
teams like basketball team (compare and contrast).
begin with,the writer put many efforts on researches women’s sports and she
shows us the chronological history about women’s baseball’ development.For
instance,“I found that students as the all-female Vassar College…..in 1886.” (P6)
The writer states that during 1866-1948,the women baseball team was as popular
as men’s.However,the women’s baseball team gains less attention from people
since the “televising of men’s major league” (P10) Moreover,along with the
rising of cost of insurance companies after World War II,so fewer women play
baseball.Therefore,the wrong prejudice start to grow in people’ mind- the
baseball is just for men.What is worse,the sponsor companies will be less
interest in women’ baseball team.Without enough money,fewer people will join
the baseball team.Secondly,the author compare and contrast the different
situation the women sport face.For example,it stills a struggle for women who
want to play baseball like “Still,when she reached……was a struggle.” (P17)
While the women’s college basketball is producing…..starts.(P19) The “women
national soccer team won a gold medal in the 2004” gain the recognition at the
same time.Both women’ soccer and basketball can see an increase trend in 2004
compare with women’s baseball.Moreover,the writer does not give us an
accurate answer of “Why men play baseball and women play softball,’’ but she
use certain metaphor to express some ideas about this question in the last
paragraph.For example,the author states that fewer women will choose baseball
because of lack of support like “coaches,parents and scholarship money.”
women who want to play baseball are still discouraged from the public.Like the
writer said “It’s still a difficult road for girls who dream of stealing home” (P20)The
girls who dream for stealing home means the girls who want to play baseball and
win the recognition from others.Over all,the writer uses compare and contrast
to show people’ wrong prejudice on women baseball player and give us a
chronologic order of women baseball’ history development.
snoopy99 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Nowadays, Women playing softball is regarded as a convention. Some people
are wondering that “why do women play softball and men play baseball?” In this
article “Men play Baseball, Women play Softball,” the writer shows us people's
prejudice on the women baseball player, by using chronological order history and talking
about women baseball team barely x1dgotten attention compared with other women sport
teams like basketball team (compare and contrast).


我用'蓝框'画出的是什么意思哈?是不是说 前面部分的' di' 可以读成 'dai'?

qqwandb 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
前面部分的' di' 可以读成 'dai'
with the economic integration,our national economy has been in harmony with the world tidal current.as the investment of the foreign traders in china grow with each passing day and chinese local enterprises establish a closer trade links with foreign companies,cross-cultural business activities become more frequently.in business english,color words are in widespread use.the understanding of the different culture background of color words is a safeguard that business activities can be carried out smoothly.understanding the way of thinking,the customs and the value that your business associates have been naturalized to in their nation and differences and integration with our thinking habits is the a critical step to the success of communication.do in rome as the romans do,and it can help to go on a perfect,reasonable and tactical negotiation or marketing.color words are the main line of this article.combined with examples,this article explores the unique meaning and application of color words in business communication between chinese and western from cross-cultural perspective.
建立新证 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
more frequently, more 后面加形容词比较级,你这是副词
小种红茶 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
=> My major in college is English.
i study English as my major in college
一些商家在食品加工过程中使用“***”,严重危害人们的健康,请你根据下面的提示就“***”现象为china daily 写一篇英语短文.
名称:***(illegal cooking oil)
注意:1 100词左右
2 适当增加细节
3 格式以写好,不计入总次数
参考词汇:地球一小时:earth hour 二氧化碳排放:co2 emission
march 27,2010 saturday nice
不是拖鞋 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
Recently, we found a kind of ecological harm to the liquid - hogwash oil.
Hogwash oil produced in hotels, kitchen, even the discovery, the drain, the liquid on the ecological environment harm extremely large.
The beauty of our home cannot so polluted, my newspaper calls for the masses to protect our homeland, for the survival of force.
The specific measures are: don't of edible oils on illegal trading, we can take it for recycling and chemical production according to law.
You spend together, future!
Today is Saturday. Today is very strange, very special, because when I go online today in a strange unexpectedly found something tonight at 8-9: to earth hour, really depressed.
Then after I know detailed understanding of earth hour is what meaning, which requires us out all the unnecessary lighting, achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, global warming, improve the environment effect. Really is a joke.
To improve the earth - our homes and not so easy. An hour out unwanted light can achieve? Not that things are not so simple. Want to save our beautiful home, must pay more attention to the ecological environment and save the earth is not a moment to achieve, really want to save is sincerely.
I hope some and some of our homeland enterprise can hold his hand, but also for myself, posterior!
妖怪麒麟 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
不用担心 专四考试是固定60分及格分数线的
两个月内 提高口译能力本人情况: 英语专业, 专四 良好 口语 语音不错 词汇量不错 但不到GRE水平听力 VOA标准
两个月内 提高口译能力
专四 良好
口语 语音不错
词汇量不错 但不到GRE水平
听力 VOA标准 5分钟的新闻 能听懂80%
问题:需要在哪些方面提高 请具体
希望推荐书籍 以及练习方法
表达适合正规场合 词汇 句型都 精准
特别是 中译英 各个方面的专业术语都要表达的明白.这个怎么针对练习
dadaxo 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
新东方 的哪里行啊! 教你的都是怎样去应付考试, 做不到真正提高英语能力
英语专业进!阅读回答问题when irish writer george bernard shaw visited ne
when irish writer george bernard shaw visited new zealand in the 1930s,a reporter asked
what he thought about the place.shaw replied:“too many sheep.”
in new zealand,there are 40 million sheep.the number is 10 times as many as that of people in the country.so there are a lot of jokes about new zealand and sheep.
since there are so many sheep,for years,new zealand sent meat and wool to countries
like britain.
agriculture has become less inportant recently.most new zealand live in cities,and only
a small number still run sheep farms.
new zealand is a beautiful place,with rivers,mountains and endless green plains.have you seen the lord of the rings films?they were all filmed in new zealand.the movies are an advertisement for the country’s beauty.
the maoris are the original people of the country.they make up 15% of new zealanders.
most new zealands now use maori words in everyday life.maori and english are the offcial languages.
1.who visited new zealand in the 1930s?
2.what is new zealand famous for?
3.what did new zealand send to countries like britain for many years?
4.the lord of the rings wasn’t filmed in new zealand,was it?
5.who are the original people of new zealand?
6.what are the official languages in new zealand?
miaomiao0215 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
1、george bernard shaw
3、meat and wool
4、yes,it was
5、the maoris
6、maori and english

关键词 中学语文;古诗词;人文教育;***主义教育
zealing_real 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
In this paper,
Middle school stage is the key to the students' body and mind development period, the Chinese curriculum with its rich cultural connotation has narrative on the student's thought emotion, reflect the significance of Chinese education, the humanities education is an important part of Chinese education. Junior high school Chinese classical poetry content and profound, not only has the function of education and expression, and contains the rich cultural atmosphere, is an important approach to the humanities education of middle school students. Humanities education involves many aspects, especially the patriotism education is the important content of patriotism is noble moral realm of humanities connotation, mainly displays in: love the motherland beautiful natural scenery; Love the simplicity of folk customs; Have high aspirations for merit of patriotism; Engagement with patriotism; The people of the noble。
keywords:Middle school language;Poems;Humanistic education;Patriotism education 求采纳!!!
请英语专业的各位大大(或者精通英语的人士)解释下:different and,...是句子的什么成份,
请英语专业的各位大大(或者精通英语的人士)解释下:different and,...是句子的什么成份,
It is difficult for any of us in the moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence,different and,because the experience is intensely moving,in some way higher.
1 different and,...是句子的什么成份?
2 为什么and 后面要有个逗号?
3 我认为different and,...是作realm existence的补语,但是如果是这样的话,那个and好像又是多余的.
赖岚 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
首先,这个different跟前面a different realm of existence中的different是一样的,因此是同位语(有关形容词做同位语的资料请参看http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/5365399.html?fr=qrl3).
其次,different后的and连接的是different和句末的in some way higher;这一点把两个逗号和之间的内容删除掉就很清楚了:different and in some way higher.
最后,because the experience is intensely moving作为插入语就很清楚了,因为这个从句是插入语,前后都要加逗号.
找树的兔子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
An English major, you say you are
But Chinese you use oftener, English you scar
The problem is Chinese, English causes no trouble
If you think in Chinese, to learn English well, it costs you double.
Good luck.
应该买什么样的英语词典~要上大学 读的是英语专业因为那个英英、英汉双解词典已经买了想买个能用汉语拼音检索的英语字典买什么
要上大学 读的是英语专业
yufer 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
你好.我是英语专业大三的学生 其实你只需要一本牛津高阶. 汉英词典有道手机电子词典足矣.如果经济允许建议买卡西欧的电子词典 专业 全能 权威
suifeng515 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
feisha547667 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
我们只能给你提供大概框架,需要你自己制定.毕竟是你自己的人生啊. 职业目标,在个人职业计划中,这是必须的、当为首要的内容.对于积极向上、可望务实的雇员来说,目标无疑是人生的指标. 1、制定个人长远职业目标. (1)长远目标期限不可太长,也不可过短,一般以掌握在10年左右为宜. (2)确定长远目标,建立自己的事业和职业需要,必须能够配合工作环境的需求才行,能从市场角度探求人生的人,必可得到清晰的目标. (3)眼光放远,不要囿于现实和近期,就是说,放眼未来,预测可能的职业进步. (4)寻找自己最深深渴望和追求的东西,用心去思考和发现自己的长远职业目标.看清自己的欲望,是个人谋略的重要工具.雇员的长远目标,一靠雇员思考、反思而得来,是雇员以自己的价值观、信念、能力、特性与其理想或志向进行分析,把可能性预知相做一新的组合;二靠雇员创建得来.雇员异乎寻常的创意,使之超脱现实思想限制,拓展更广阔的眼界,利于长远目标的确定. 2、制定短期职业目标. 已经选定长期目标,现在需要足够的理智和准确度,把长期目标换成一个个具体的短期目标.短期目标是一种特殊工具,将长期目标具体化、现实化、可操作化,它是结果和行动之间的桥梁.长期目标和短期目标有机联系,构成一个金字塔型目标网,塔尖是长远目标,底部是无数个短期具体目标. 制定个人短期职业目标: (1)短期目标必须清楚、明确、现实、可行.如果你对短期内期望完成的事业,有清晰而完整的概念,那么你差不多已完成目标的制定了. (2)每一短期目标设输出目标和能力目标.所谓输出目标,即为达长远目标而设定的具体实施目标,是能以标准衡量是否完成的目标.能力目标,则是为达到输出目标所需要的相应能力,是对于“为了达成我的输出目标,我必须擅长什么?”问题的解答.
(首先想说 当我问道 英语有几种语态时 你告诉我是16种的人 请退出该页面)
viviancheng宁 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
谓语形式: 动词的时态: 过去(一般过去,过去进行,过去完成,过去将来)
动词的语态: 主动语态,被动语态
语气: 祈使语气,陈述语气,虚拟语气
非谓语形式: 不定式,分词,动名词
等你回来2 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
云中金山 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
7、推荐 http://www.***.com/note/92003724/
1、担任第一届中加班(Canadian)的班主任(home teacher),对我来说是一个巨大的挑战.工作非常琐碎,还要不断承受各种各样的非议和批评,因此,我现在特别希望得到肯定和赞美,这会鼓励我继续做好班主任工作.
逆天商号 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1. Being the first Chinese home teacher in a Canadian class is a great challenge to me. The works I had to do were trivial, and meanwhile much criticizm and recentful comments were made. That's why I'll be very grateful to get some appreciation and glorification as these will encourage me to continue my job as a responsible teacher.
2. The following are my sentiments:
(1) Always follow the school rules. (school wear, attitude, attire etc.)
(2) Be hard-working. Use those legs to try and understand students. Use those hands and always write reminder on the whiteboard. Work that mouth and always praise and critizice at the right time.
(3) Create chances for students to open their hearts and communicate. Encourage communicating face-to-face with honesty. There may be a period every week for the students to speak out their hearts.
(4) Respect students and their parents. The most I have learnt form G and W is respect and diligent. Never look down to them because of their disadvantages. Help the kids to grow and improve with a sincere heart.
(5) Admit my own mistakes and learn from the students.
用英语写的三分钟演讲稿,题目叫 my ideal life,英语专业的
weidana 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Ladies and gentleman,I am very honor to stand here to share my opinions with you and I hope I can make a good performance here .I am guopeixuan from Fujian province. Now,let’s begin my speech.
“Ideal is the beacon” said by Leo Tolstry.
Everyone has their own thought about their future jobs and lives. However,not all people can keep on their directions.No pain,no gain. I believe there is no better time to start than today with unlimited enthusiasm and insist on you goal.
Different people has different dream.A roommate, a neighbor, a professor even a lover-but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect you life especially your dream in some profound way. As it is,I always dream that I set up a coffee house in the most romantic place---the Provence of France after my lecturer ’s introduction of this amazing place. I have determination to attain it.As is known to us money is not everything,but without money ,everything is nothing.So I have to learn how to manage personal finacial problems as each students who has dream.
Firstly,as a college students,we don’t have our own stable finacial resources so that we can receive finacial support from our parents.Why don’t we get some extra money? Part-time jobs is the best choose.We can not only have more money to do something useful about realize our dream, but also understand the society in advance . Also,our academic study is the most important. Just remember,don’t use money in doing meaningless things . Furthemore it is always reported that there still exist poverty in some part of china and a number of childen can’t afford their study . How can we waste money which is at the cost of our parent’s hard work? As a result,You had better make a finacial plan and control youself. For example when shopping , we just pay for something valuable.
Secondly,after graduated from college, we can make money by ourselves and we have more opportunities to learn about what we have to do and how to reach the goal . A finacial plan is also necessary. To me,in my dream,my coffee house must be as upscale as possible within my reach. So a bugest is very important at that moment and my finacial plan can help me save enough money.
Happiness,I have discovered,is nearly always a rebound from hard work.Take action and believe youselves, you can creat your life and make the dream come true if you have a good budget for your life. Let’s start together immediately!
That’s all of my speech , thank you for listening.
不定式的被动态我是英语专业的同学,不定式to do 的被动态和主动态的用法,他们有什么区别.比如1.There is t
我是英语专业的同学,不定式to do 的被动态和主动态的用法,他们有什么区别.比如1.There is too important a matter to leave/ to be left until tomorrow.2.There is so much work to do/ to be done.3.There was nothing to see/ to be see.Thank you~
抱抱宝宝抱抱 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
英文是很讲究逻辑的语言.主动和被动的定义,相信你非常了解.我拿一个句子做例子:There is not much to see.(没啥值得看的东西)其实,这句话,合理的句型应该是:There is not much to be seen. 要不然,就应该是:There is not much for us to see. 在口语中,这句话的for us被省略了,就成了There is not much to see.希望我简短的答复你能满意.
xiner_6511 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
On sturday .I get up and ask mother:"what day is it today"?My mother says:“It's March 12th ."Oh,is tree planting day .we are go to the hill behind grandma home .We have bucket ,spade and sapling,I and my brother help my father to take the bucket and saplings.the bucket is very heavy .at noon,the sun shine on our head ,we are very hot and busy,my grandma says to our,your are hard woking,come here ,have lunch quickly!oh,how nice,we have chinken,fish ,potato and eggs.we have a good day!
jak87 共回答了33个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1. we are go to the hill behind grandma home 我们去奶奶家后面的小山 grandma home 应该用所有格即grandma`s home 整句改为we (are going)/(will go ) to the hill behind grandma home
2. I and my brother改为 my mother and I
3. bucket ,spade and sapling这几个词全文都用复数
4 my grandma says to our改为 my grandma says to us
5 your are hard woking 改为 you are hard working(working hard)
6 Oh,is tree planting day 改为 Oh, it is tree planting day
mother grandma 前最好加上my
liyingjj 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
1. I'm not better than you, but I won't be defeated by you!
2. Could you give me another chance please?
3. Would you like to play it again?
4. Yo...Beautiful world, I am coming!
5. Get up fellows! And hurry up!
6. What do you want?
7. For my sake, do your best!
8. Don't let me see you again!
9. Watch out!
10. Who want takeout? Tell me quickly!
11. Why do you think so?
12. Excuse me, could you tell me how to spell it?
13. Sorry, I have no idea.
14. Yes, I can! I can make it!
lion_ou 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
我是English major 哈
travel around the world with Air China 这样好,英语习惯!
it 作形式主语(英语专业的请进),
it 作形式主语(英语专业的请进),
选哪个:I think( ) is not good to smoke in public.
A.this B.that C.it D.you
it 作形式主语要具备什么条件,它前面可以是那些词,例如:
I found it's interesting to play sports.
I think it's interesting to play sports
I belive it's interesting to play sports
I feel it's interesting to play sports
以上句子可以吗?在found、think、belive、feel 这些词之后的it 作主语和宾语都可以吗?有什么决定它作主语还是宾语?
13588662191 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
在这道题以及你写的这些句子里面,think, found, believe, feel后面接的都是一个宾语从句,如果写完整的话应该是: I think that it is not good to smoke in public. 原句中把that省略掉了,这是允许的.而后面这个从句中it 是作为形式主语,避免句子头重脚轻.
I think it no good/bad to smoke in public.
I found it interesting to play sports.
在这里面it 后面就不要有be动词了.
静梦心韵 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率86.2%
The interviewer is good, my name is XX, very honored to be here for this interview, previously worked at XX company, as the quality control of this post, in my mind, the quality is the first concept, is not affected by the concept of time during the inspection, I found that the unqualified products to maximize, maximum limit reduces the subjective fault rate, and not by any factors that affect my ability to identify and judgment, found unqualified products, make overall record, by my superior to make the final judgment, my job is at risk, it doesn't affect my own interests, also affect the image and development of the company, so I have to constantly reflect on their own and others problems, summing up the experience, lessons learned, to explore each other, good communication with colleagues take warning, no matter what the situation, they remember their duties, loyal to their duties, fulfill their duties, continuous learning and testing methods, the new standards, and the company's new management concept, improve the quality of consciousness, and common progress and development
Dear friends, I want is manual translation, thank you! If it is a computer translation, what the translator that baidu not trouble you, thank you, master, professional!
symonsgao 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1. We will make your bed every day.
2. If you want to change the beddings and towel please place this card on the bed and throw the towel into the towel basket. We will consider to meet your requirment preferentially.
3. Thanks for your supports and contributions to environmental causes.
4. Let's protect the colourful green world together.
在线等英语专业高手人工!人工英译汉 翻译一小段文字!谢谢~
在线等英语专业高手人工!人工英译汉 翻译一小段文字!谢谢~
This thesis holds that optimal relevance is powerfully and effectively interpretable on translation . Neither foreignization nor domestication should be adhered to rigidly, and that the practice of either should depend mainly on the communicative intentions of the source language author and that of the translator. The notion of optimal relevance in the relevance theory can effectively account for the operation of these two principles in translating and for the relation between them as one of unity in opposites. The use of the notion "optimal relevance" to explain translation action and translation reading can, moreover, settle the endless disputes revolving around the principle of foreignization and domestication.
dadonghai 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
意译的,原文写的很不错,强调灵活运用This thesis holds that optimal relevance is powerfully and effectively interpretable on translation . 本文认为在翻译过程中,最佳关联是非常重要的Neither foreignization ...
躺在水中的“月亮”,***古人一直把月亮当作一个平面化的意向来辨识,想像出很多关于月亮的神话故事,自从西方科学文明的发展,我们都知道月球其实是一个灰色的球体,但是在我看来一个平面 化的月亮更富有浪漫主义色彩,不是么?
《月光》叙述着是一个扑朔迷离夜晚的城市 景观.当夜晚的灯光亮起,城市只剩下依稀可辨的轮廓线.在那些闪闪烁烁的 灯火之下,月缺月圆,城市的夜景仿佛永恒.
贝多芬一直是我非常崇敬的音乐家,他的音乐既能激发人的热情,同时也能安慰人的心灵,本展览借《月光奏鸣曲》为题, 希望在这个繁杂的现实世界的这个秋之夜带给人们一丝宁静.
angelmm 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Lying in the water "the moon", ancient Chinese has the moon as a the complanation intention to identify, imagine a lot about the moon fairy tale, since the west science and civilization development, we all know that the moon is actually a grey sphere, but it seems to me a plane to turn of the moon more rich romantic color, isn't it?
"Moonlight" his narrative is a complicated and confusing night city landscape. When the night lights light up, the city only vaguely discernible profile. In those twinkling lights under, moon month circle, the city's evening as if forever...
Beethoven is always I admire musician, his music not only can stimulate the enthusiasm of people, at the same time also can comfort people's heart, this exhibition theme through the moonlight sonata, hope in this complex real world this autumn night bring people a little quiet.
我是业余英语专业的学生,想写一篇《老人与海》The Old Man and the Sea的英语论文,
我是业余英语专业的学生,想写一篇《老人与海》The Old Man and the Sea的英语论文,
行走的猴子 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea
On Hemingway's Characterization In The Old Man And The Sea
简历中的 “英语专业描述” 描述的是英语课程还是英语水平?
上海小静 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
kkmyss50 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
1.a)The rain started at two o'clock last night.
b)It started to rain at two o'clock last night.
c)The rain began at two o'clock last night.
d)It began to rain at two o'clock last night.
如题:有谁能帮我中文摘要翻译成英文的?(英语专业的请进) ★翻译最好不要直译,也不要用软件翻译! 摘要: 网络给人们带来了方便高效等前所未有的便利,但是,网络也无时无刻在泄漏着隐私,2010年沸沸扬扬的***事件就是典型,可见网络正不断给个人乃至***的信息安全带来了隐患。因此研究网络环境下个人信息安全问题对于当今***有着重大的现实意义。本 文主要采用综合分析、比较研究和问卷调查的研究方法,研究在网络环境中个人信息的安全问题,首先对网络时代下信息安全问题的现状进行分析,然后找出如今个人信息的安全问题,强调研究个人信息安全问题的意义。其次,说明对于网络环境的理解,以及对网络环境目前的状况及原因分析。再次,叙述网络环境与个人信息安全两者之间的联系,在网络环境下个人信息安全问题如何产生,及产生后带来的影响。最后,通过制作调查问卷的方式对不同阶层的***人士调研,从对调研的结果加以分析揣摩得出个人的结论,为网络环境下个人信息安全问题的解决提出个人观点及解决措施。最后提出必须从加强法制建设与网络伦理的监督的建议。 关键字:网络环境;个人信息;调查分析;网络监督
我是新人我怕谁 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Abstract: The network has brought people convenient efficiency and unprecedented convenient, but also in the defining, network privacy, in 2010 the leakage of wikipedia decryption event is raging, visible network is increasingly typical for personal and social information security brought hidden trouble. So the network environment safety problems for the personal information society has the significant practical significance. this Article mainly USES the comprehensive analysis, comparison and questionnaire survey research methods, the research in network environment of the personal information security problems in network times, first under the current situation of information security problem analysis, and then find out now to the safety of personal information, stressed that the research the significance of the personal information security. Second, that of the network environment for understanding, as well as to the current situation of the network environment and analyzes the reasons. Again, narrative network environment and personal information security the connection in the network environment, personal information security problem how to produce, and generated after impacts. Finally, through the production of questionnaire methods to different class society personage research from the result of the investigation, to consider the analysis to the conclusion that individual under the network environment, for personal information security put forward with personal point of view and counter measures. Finally put forward from strengthen the legal system and to the supervision of the network ethic of Suggestions. Key word: network environment; Personal information; Survey analysis; Network supervision
犹怜清风 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
推荐河南人民出版社 刘云波 《实用英汉翻译教程》
英语语言学求助protolanguage 这是英语语言学中一个名词解释,请英语专业同学和老师帮忙用英语回答一下
cetv_edu 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Protolanguage refers to the original form of a language family which has ceased to exist.
有一首歌叫 sweet child o' mine
好事之英 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
and 'n
are you ya
because 'cause/cuz
could have coulda
could not have couldna
did you didya
don't know dunno
give ne gimme
going to gonna
goodbye g'bye
got to gotta
had better betta
have to hafta
her 'er
him 'im
his 'is
how did you how 'dya
how do you howdya
how does how's
in front of infrontof
-ing -in'
is that s'that
just jus'
leave me leeme
let me lemme
of a/o'
old ol'
out of outta
probably prob'ly
should not have shoulena
them 'm/'em
to ta
want to wanna
what wud/whut
what are you whachya
waht did you whadya
what do you what cha
what does what's
what is the what's a
would not have wudn'a/wouldna
you ya/y'
why did you whyd'ya
why do you why'dy'a
when's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;
kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;
what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;
that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;
It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;
gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;
C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;
'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of;
旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,简记为TSP) 是一个组合优化领域典型的NP-hard问题,其求解时间随问题规模呈指数级增长.传统的优化算法已经无法满足其需求,基于智能优化算法求解TSP问题,是近年来刚刚兴起的热门课题.
模拟退火算法是将物理退火过程与组合优化相结合的一种随机迭代寻优算法,以Metropolis 准则收敛全局最优解.采用模拟退火算法来解决TSP旅行问题是一种比较理想的方法.
Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time with problem size increases exponentially.Traditional optimization algorithms have been unable to meet their needs,that based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm that combination of the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,And can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria.using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem,According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm,Design of the city's position and its algorithm rules.Construct a basic window based on C++ and define random city position in the window.At the same time,neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference designed to speed up algorithm speed.Experimental result shows that the design has achieved good effect.
zjzone 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field, of which the solution time is exponential with the increase of the problem scale.Since traditional optimization algorithm fails to meet demand, what based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm that combines the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,which converges to the overall optimal solution by Metropolis criteria.Using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem, and has made designs of the city's position and its algorithm rules, according to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm. A basic window is constructed based on C++, which has defined random city positions in the window. At the same time, neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference are designed to speed up algorithm speed. Experimental test results show that this design has achieved good effects.
比如:肖力 = shawlee ;黄清白=Cham-Ber Huang;前进=?
hsing 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
zhege baqi fou?
onlyseesee 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
When is comes to the present house price, you just find it higher,higher and higher,no damn peak!
请英语专业的回答:英语写作基础问题 He shook his head.He thought differently.(
请英语专业的回答:英语写作基础问题 He shook his head.He thought differently.(compound sentence改成并列句)
标准答案:He shook his head,for he thought differently.
能否改成He shook his head,because he thought differently.为什么?请问还有什么答案? He shook his head,because he thought differently 我这个句子对不对?会不会是复合句?这样写符合不符合题目要求? 最后问一下He shook his head.He thought differently.这句话如何改成复合句呢?
巴蜀布衣 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1. 从句意来看,用because he thought differently也是可以的.
He thought differently, so he shook his head.
2. 该句要变成复合句的话,可以用楼主自己写的句式:
He shook his head because he thought differently.(句中的逗号可要可不要)
或:Because he thought differently,he shook his head. 原创回答团(第159号团员)
土豆真逗 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
Topic: theory PiPaQu "house of flying daggers" techniques used
Abstract: bai juyi in the pipa has said: "the big string as torrential rains travel travel, small chord. CaoCaoQieQie du earnestly like whispers play, a jade plate pearls." This sentence is soft hand in hand with praise pipa tone, and PiPaQu wonderful "house of flying daggers" is the charm of classic, pipa in this music was also show incisively and vividly. This paper PiPaQu "house of flying daggers" and its special the basic performance techniques is analyzed, and through playing techniques to its historical introduction, musical characteristics, use the technique three aspects expounded comprehensively, fully understand the music playing techniques involved, facilitate improve performance level and enhance piece of music of expression.
Keywords: house of flying daggers; Art characteristic; Playing techniques
200分!!英语专业高手进 Revise the following sentences with the given
200分!!英语专业高手进 Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.
Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.
1. David’s beloved grandfather passed away last week.
2. He looked at me with a sad look.
3. Sorry, my pocket can’t afford such a pair of shoes.
4. I never believe until then that any meal could defeat me, but on that day I met my Waterloo.
5. Her hostility melted.
6. She is lovely, kind-hearted and has a quick mind.
7. I was knocked down by a motorcycle, but it was not serious.
8. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.
9. To chew carefully and eating slowly are necessary for good digestion.
10. On the train I met with a girl from my hometown and who just graduated from Tianjin University with MA degree.
11. My heart is like a singing bird.
12. She is as cool as a cucumber..
13. They were short of hands at harvest time.
14. The bad news was a dagger into her heart.
15. They stormed the speaker with questions.
16. He looked at me with a bitter look
17. You want your pound of flesh?
18. He doesn’t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.
19. His grandfather passed away recently.
20. Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.
不是让你们翻译 是让你们做题
小狗闻花香 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
您好Mad Zach请问购买后的教程中包括您使用的那款软件吗?只需要您教程中电脑上的软件不需要别的设备支持就能用键盘敲出跟您视频中一样的DJ音乐吗?如果是的我很愿意购买您的教程!请尽快回复我谢谢!
工具翻译的别来 谢谢您的好意.工具翻译的连人都看不懂的.
蓝色雨2 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Mad Zach,
I want to buy the tutorial, but I have a few questions. Does it include the software you use? If it does, can I use the keyboard to play like a DJ with your software? And I don't think I need to use other software or equipments to support your software , right?
I'd like to buy the tutorial if the answer is yes.

Yours sincerely
小聊哥 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
第一段When I first came to America, I thought I was in university English majors, have certain vocabulary, this should communicate with native won't have any trouble. But results prove me wrong. Becau...
噶发噶 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
最后送你一句话:Practise makes perfect!加油!
The superficial reporting that is barely tolerable in coverage of stories of little subtance becomes dangerous when the stories deal with public health and survival
四月玺子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%