l am the fastest man alive这句话中alive 做什么成分,

天地同存2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


nacm 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
这是修辞学上的倒装法,也叫移位修辞格.具体地这句,就是形容词后置. --- 其作用依然是修饰性的,修饰前面的名词,但起到突出和强调的作用.
上面的句子中,alive - 本身是存活的,有生命的.一旦后置,句子末尾的词一般印象最深,所以读者看到的就是alive. 而这里的强调和突出的是: the fastest man不仅是存在,而且还很活跃(即还没有退役,可能还在参加比赛).又: 如果不放到最后,alive放到其他地方还真不合适(或者很别扭);如果换个词,比如living,则没有强调出不仅existence而且active的意思.
思瑞1215 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
学渣飘过。。。 后置定语,修饰man


many people like traveling.the.fastest.w____
many people like traveling.the.fastest.w____
of travelling is by plane,o____ a modern plane you can travel
jason2007r1 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
在“The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that h
在“The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built.”中,为什么用has
lyzhoujf 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
英语问题Concorde is the world's fastest plane. it first flew/too
Concorde is the world's fastest plane. it first flew/took off/invented/produce on 2 March 1969.选择原因
zhoujieford 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
took off
2.took off指飞机等的起飞
Vegetable gardening is one of the fastest growing hobbies an
Vegetable gardening is one of the fastest growing hobbies an America.的阅读理解
sadfish525 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
The fastest train can go about 8 kilometers in one minute 谁能
The fastest train can go about 8 kilometers in one minute 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的语序,about用法
秋凉晓寒 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
The fastest train can go about 8 kilometers in one minute
主语 谓语动词 宾语 状语
请帮忙看文法和用词是否正确.I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest
I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.
It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to its constantly appearence designs.It owns the day to day safety assurance system,which reduces the unsafety that high speed driving could brings as far as possible.It has successfully been the indispensable part of people's lives in modern society.
However,the negative effect that it produced has been continuouslly taking on as one of the reasons that the vehicles commoditization causes the global warming.The number of people died and hurt in annual traffic accidents has been gradually increasing.In China,one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes.One person can be hurted in the the traffic accidents every one minute.More and more automobiles have caused the traffic jams in every cities.These are the unavoidable drawbacks that automobiles bring us convience at the same time.
If people obey the traffic rules strictly ,drive safely and take public transportation as much as possible,the negtive effects can be reduced to the lowest point.
We can not stop the progress of modern technologies but can avoid the harmfulness that it can bring.In this way,we can still enjoy automobiles.
被草包hh 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
第一段 I like automobiles.Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.
1.the fastest one of the civil products 应该为 one of the fastest civil products
第二段 It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to its constantly appearence designs.It owns the day to day safety assurance system,which reduces the unsafety that high speed driving could brings as far as possible.It has successfully been the indispensable part of people's lives in modern society.
2.It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions 要么用代词 they provide people with …because of their superior functions 呼应上文,要么改为 an automobile provides people with … because of its superior functions.
3.后面的 和 its 按照第二条意见逐一改动,同时要注意其他名词与所用主语的数的一致,如 It satisfies … due to its constantly appearence design 或者 they satisfy … due to their constantly appearence designs
4.could brings as far as possible 情态动词 could 后要用动词原形 bring
第三段 However,the negative effect that it produced has been continuouslly taking on as one of the reasons that the vehicles commoditization causes the global warming.The number of people died and hurt in annual traffic accidents has been gradually increasing.In China,one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes.One person can be hurted in the traffic accidents every one minute.More and more automobiles have caused the traffic jams in every cities.These are the unavoidable drawbacks that automobiles bring us convience at the same time.
5.the vehicles commoditization 改为 the commoditization of vehicles 比较符合语法.
6.one person dies in the traffic accidents every five minutes 中 one person 泛指某一个人,如果改为 There is one person dying in the traffic accidents every five minutes 就合理了.同理,有一句话也应该如此处理,或者改为与前一举并列 and one person being able to be hurted in the traffic accidents every one minute.
7.These are the unavoidable drawbacks 中的 the 应该删除.
第四段 If people obey the traffic rules strictly ,drive safely and take public transportation as much as possible,the negtive effects can be reduced to the lowest point.
8.take public transportation 用 take 表示“乘坐”应该跟具体名词,此处可以改为 take public vehicles,或者把动词换为 go,后面用 by means of public transportation.
第五段 We can not stop the progress of modern technologies but can avoid the harmfulness that it can bring.In this way,we can still enjoy automobiles.
Packing too many things is one of the fastest ways to make y
Packing too many things is one of the fastest ways to make your trip less enjoyable. When you leave, it always seems like you’re going to need every item(物品)in your suitcase. when you finish your journey, you may haven’t been worn once. Unless you can a porter(行李)everywhere you go, all of those extra items are going to weigh you down. Here are on how to pack for vacation and make your trip a pleasure.
Choose a wheeled suitcase and a small backpack. The wheeled saves(避免)you from carrying heavy baggage. The small backpack lets you keep items close.
Put your necessary travel items in the backpack. They things like money, medicine and a mobile phone. If you have space, add some items as well as a book, a snack and sunglasses.
Bring less. You’ll have to carry your bags airports, train stations and city streets, so you don’t want to pack more items than necessary. Leave home any items you may not need during your trip.
Don’t your suitcase. You are sure to buy at least a few souvenirs during your trip, and leaving space for them in your suitcase will reduce your travel stress.
A.So B.And C.But D.Since
A.support B.afford C.provide D.serve
A.skills B.researches C.messages D.suggestions
A.car B.bike C.robot D.case
A.interesting B.important C.wonderful D.educational
A.include B.prepare C.experience D.discover
A.expensive B.necessary C.extra D.correct
A.around B.through C.between D.inside
A.when B.where C.why D.that
A.fill B.lose C.forget D.lock
天堂和地狱结婚 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%

填空哦!He runs fastest____all the students A.in B.of C.at D.Wit
填空哦!He runs fastest____all the students A.in B.of C.at D.With
SODOMAN 共回答了50个问题 | 采纳率44%
---Who runs fastest in your class?
---who runs fastest in your class?
---(tom does)
为什么是tom does?tom is行不行?
you usually have supper at school,(don't you)?
为什么是don't you?
haven't ***不行?
sheep live on grass,(don't they)?
为什么是don't they?do they咋不行?
2854670 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
He runs inthe fastest,and nobpdy else can c___ with him
He runs inthe fastest,and nobpdy else can c___ with him
All the ___(communicate)with the outside world was broken
You'd better__(ride)your bike to school.
It's time for breakfast【改为同义句
It's time ___ ___ ___
He would like to offer us some help改为同义句
He would like to___ some help ___ us
These fans arrived very early.They could see their favorite stars【合并成一句话
These fans arrived very early___ ___ they could see their favorite stars
He returned the dictionary ( ) to me yesterday.
___ give him a watch?
A What about B Let‘s
C Why not Dwhy don’t you
You could save some money ____ you can buy a gift for your mother
A in order to B because
C so D so that
一直潜水的八戒 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
He runs inthe fastest,and nobpdy else can c_hase_ with himAll the _communication__(communicate)with the outside world was brokenYou'd better_ride_(ride)your bike to school.It's time for breakfast【改...
What’ s the fastest way to learn a language?
What’ s the fastest way to learn a language?

Learning a new language seems hard and frightening as
we look back on the years of grammar and translations in
school.Yet babies communicate t eighteen months and speak
the language fluently before they go to school.
Firstly and most importantly, a child’ s natural language-learning ability exits only in a speech environment free of translations and explanations of translations and explanations of grammar.Secondly, a child’ s language learning speeds up by constant feedback(反馈)from family and friends.Thirdly, children learn through play.
At Rosetta Stone, you know adults can recover the native language-learning ability they once had as children.At every step and in every skill, you receive immediate and actionable feedback, including speech recognition(识别), advice and attention.
Every act is an act of play for children and there’ s no reason why it should be different for learners of any age.With Rosetta Stone programs, you rediscover the joy of learning languages.Clever, puzzle-like activities produce sudden “aha!” moments and astonishing language discoveries, we see it all the time.A slow of recognition, as though the brain suddenly realizes what is like to learn a language as a child.
Visit our website and find out how you can make your own language-learning ability active with Rosetta Stone.It’ s the fastest way to learn a language.
小题1:Which of the following as is TRUE about Rosetta Stone?
A.You can learn only a few languages.
B.You will get some advice in time during learning.
C.You may take part in the language school today.
D.You can get your money back after seven months.
小题2:The main purpose of the text is to
A.tell adults how to 1earn a language well
B.present readers to buy CDs of Rosetta Stone
C.present some problems of learning languages
D.compare adults and children 1earning 1anguages
小题3:If there’ s a$499 program,you order it today and pay .
A.$479 B.$459 C.$449 D.$439
小题4:The passage is most 1ikely to be a( n)
A.education paper B.review on 1anguage
C.science report D.advertisement for a product
xcp6880 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率83.9%

选词填空:People fastest move Cheetahs 112km without seconds Shar
People fastest move Cheetahs 112km without seconds Sharks per sailfish animals 109km
1.can.very fast in cars or boats,but.can move very fast on land or in the water.machines.
2.The.people can run l00 min 9.78..3..are the best runners .They can run.per hour.
4..can swim 39 km.hour.
5.The.can swim.per hour .
燕山老鬼 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.People ,move ,animals,without
4.Sharks ,per
He jumps fastest in his club.He jumps farther than __ __ __i
He jumps fastest in his club.He jumps farther than __ __ __in his club.He jumps farther than__ __in
5323980 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
anyone else
Amy swims fastest in her class(改成同义句)
dengjurr 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
Amy is the fastest swimmer in her class.
英语翻译Modern life is impossible without traveling.The fastest
Modern life is impossible without traveling.The fastest way of traveling is by air.With a modern airliner (客机) you can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.
Traveling by train is slower than by air,but it has its advantages (便利).You can see the country you are traveling through.Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars.They make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible.There are large liners and river boats.You can visit many other countries and different places.Traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car.You can make your own timetable (时间表).You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day,just as you like.You can stop wherever you wish where there is something interesting to see,at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal,or at a hotel to spend the night.That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips,while people usually take a train or a plane when they are traveling on business.
束明辉 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
现代生活是不可能的没有旅行.最快速的方式旅行是由航空.与一架现代班机(客机) 您能旅行在一天到这花费一个月的地方或更多得到对一百年前.
旅行通过火车慢的比由航空,但它有它的好处(便利) .您能看您旅行通过的国家.现代火车有舒适的位子和餐车.他们使甚而最长的旅途令人愉快.
许多人喜欢旅行通过汽车.您能做您自己的时间表(时间表) .您能旅行三或四百英哩或只五十或一百英哩每天,正您喜欢.您能停止无论哪里您祝愿何处有某事感兴趣看,在您能享受一顿好膳食的一家好餐馆,或在旅馆度过夜.所以旅行通过汽车是普遍为游览,当人们通常乘火车或飞机当他们旅行在事务.
This is the fastest train that there is to Beijing.这句话可不可以像下
This is the fastest train that there is to Beijing.这句话可不可以像下述那样表达呢?为什么?
1.This is the fastest train to Beijing.
2.This is the fastest train which/what/that is to Beijing.
3.This is the fastest train which/what/that to Beijing.
dreamtalk 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
The boys running the fastest were the winner.
The boys running the fastest were the winner.
问题2、本句改为定语从句是否可为:The boys who had run the fastest were the winner.
雁过楼空 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
定从:The boys who ran the fastest were the winners.不必用过去完成时,没有要重点表达完成的意思,过去是就好了.
the award was given to him for being the fastest 如何翻译?
pbkh8561 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Hao Yi ran fastest and won the 100-meter race .She is an i__
Hao Yi ran fastest and won the 100-meter race .She is an i_____to us all
yqm820619 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
idol 偶像
用所给动词的正确形式填空1.Underground is the fastest transport the boy _
1.Underground is the fastest transport the boy _____(take) so far in his life.
2.where____you ____(be)?Your uncle ____(wait) for you.
rengen1985 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
hasn't taken( so far 可知用现在完成时) 2 have , been , is waiting
on the other hand , china has the fastest growing and expand
on the other hand , china has the fastest growing and expanding economies in the world and this might give you the chance to take part in future projects in different areas of china
margeryhrb 共回答了158个问题 | 采纳率9.5%
Bob runs the fastest in his class.
Bob runs the fastest in his class.
换成同义句Bob runs ___ ___ ___ ___ ___in his class.
sisi0258 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Bob runs faster than any other student in his class.
1.Liu ran fastest in the race.(同义句替换)
1.liu ran fastest in the race.(同义句替换)
liu ran____ ___ ___ ___ in the race.
___ else ran___ ___ ___ liu.
2.can you come to my ***.(同义句替换)
i ___ ___ ___ ___ my ***.
涵凯 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
faster than anyone else
Everyone as fast as
invite you to attend
Joe,__best runner,ran___fastest in ___last race,为什么选C,难道比较级前
Joe,__best runner,ran___fastest in ___last race,为什么选C,难道比较级前不加the吗
A./;/;the B.the;/;/ C.the;/;the D the;the;/
yw1031 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
再给你补充一下,先前的best,如果答案里有a ,那么最好用a,因为best可以当做形容词,这里的best没有一个比较的具体范围,所以考试的时候要小心,best前面不一定加the的
翻译这句话which is the fastest fish?
木木水丰 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
who ran the fastest in your class?
危险人物kk 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
英语翻译It's the fastest train in the world.It goes from Shangha
It's the fastest train in the world.It goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport in eight minutes.The same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.The train is the faestest way to go.but it's also the most expensive;with two passengers.it's more expensive than a taxi.
wdx258 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
它是世界上最快的火车.从上海浦东机场站在八分钟同样的行程大约需要30分钟车程.火车是faestest go.but方式也是最昂贵的;两passengers.it的成本比一辆出租车.
Tom runs the fastest in his class
Tom runs the fastest in his class
tom runs faster than ___ ___in his class.我写的是 any other 对吗 标答是没有这个答案 给我所有可以的答案吧
江湖儒侠 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Tom runs the fastest in his class.此句是最高级.
=Tom runs faster than any other in his class.此句是用【比较级】形式表【最高级】含义.
the fastest living creature is the ____
the fastest living creature is the ____
A peregrine falcon B hummingbird c bald eagle
mhxt1986 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
A:peregrine falcon 隼是移动速度最快的生物,最快速度可能达到269千米/时
"The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is the fastest living creature,reaching speeds of at least 124 mph and possibly as much as 168 mph when swooping from great heights during territorial displays or while catching pry birds in midair."
the fastest living creature进来看看,选择题
the fastest living creature进来看看,选择题
The fastest living creature is the ( ).
A.peregrine falcon B.hummingbird C.bald eagle
wxxxp001 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
peregrine falcon
英语同义句转换,急,I‘'m the fastest of all the runners.I'm faster___
I‘'m the fastest of all the runners.
I'm faster___ ___ ___runner
三大皆空色不空 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
I'm the fastest of all the runners.
= I'm faster (than any other) runner.
= I'm faster (than the other) runners.
注:此类句型转换,如果是any other,则后面是名词单数,即“任何一个其他的...”;
如果是the other,则后面是名词复数,即“其他的...”.
He ran the fastest.the 是不是可有可无?
殇1 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1.Patrick ran the fastest at yesterday's school sports meet.
1.Patrick ran the fastest at yesterday's school sports meet.(保持原句意思) Patick ran faster than
______the_______runners at yesterday's school sports meet.
2.You have Jone do the work,_______ ________?(改为反意疑问句)
3.We need computers more than we realize.(同意句转换)
We______ ______computers more than we realize.
4.He was talking with _a lady of about thirty_.(对划线部分提问)
________ _______was he talking?
大cc股神 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1. all; other
2. haven't you?
3. depend in
4. With whom
对副词的最高级提问,如:Ling Ming can run fastest in his
xiaopinggai2008 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
你好, How can Ling Ming run in his class?
go to the fastest boat at the jetty!
溟茫 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
去最快的船在码头 是翻译把
"Out of 25 horses,pick the fastest 3 horses.In each race,onl
"Out of 25 horses,pick the fastest 3 horses.In each race,only 5 horses can r
"Out of 25 horses,pick the fastest 3 horses.In each race,only 5 horses can run at the same time.What are the minimum number of races required?"
yueqwert 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
David swims fastest in his team __________ _________ can swi
David swims fastest in his team __________ _________ can swim as ________ as David in his team
风云藏马 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
no one fast
请帮忙看一下这句话说的是什么猫The fastest furry cat living in Africa and so
The fastest furry cat living in Africa and southeast Asia .
rabbitleaf 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
Bob runs the fastest in my class.(同义句) Bob is ____ ____ ___
Bob runs the fastest in my class.(同义句) Bob is ____ ____ ___ in my class.
一个北方的黑人 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
the fastest runne
John runs fastest in our school.(改为同义句) John runs
John runs fastest in our school.(改为同义句) John runs
John runs fastest in our school.(改为同义句)
John runs faster than()()()students in our school.(每空一词)
6231033 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
rest of the
"Your the fastest reply will be the highest appreciation" 这句
"Your the fastest reply will be the highest appreciation" 这句话对吗?
对望月 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Your soonest/early/earliest reply will be much/highly appreciated!
Bruce is shortest boy but runs fastest in his class哪错了
兰兰0122 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
the shortest 因为如果最高级修饰形容词,the 不能省略,但是如果最高级修饰动词the 可以省略,所以fastest 前面的the 被省略了
Lin runs the fastest in his class的同义句
Lin runs the fastest in his class的同义句
Lin runs the faster than____ _____ in his class
Lin runs the faster than______ ______ ______in his class
Lin runs the faster than______ ______ ______ _______ in his class
haluo1986 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率75%
the others
the other students
the rest of students
Tom runs fastest in his school.(保持原句意思)
Tom runs fastest in his school.(保持原句意思)
Tom runs ______ ________ any other ______ in his school.
紫枫0104 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
faster than ,student
这句到底加不加the.“he can run the fastest”,外国朋友说加,可是高考题好像明确说不加.he c
这句到底加不加the.“he can run the fastest”,外国朋友说加,可是高考题好像明确说不加.he can run fastest in his class
阿枫A 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语失音(急)经常听到 fist ship 连读后fist中的st似乎没有读了.类似的似乎还有fastest ship
经常听到 fist ship 连读后fist中的st似乎没有读了.类似的似乎还有fastest ship ,largest ship.是我听的失误还是事实就将st这两个音吞了?
经常听到that the连读时好像听到时两个the the在发音.时我听错了还是就时这么读的!
triumph308 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
但是that the……由于the是浊辅音开头,因此不省.
I fear is that even if I could do.With the fastest speed,run
I fear is that even if I could do.With the fastest speed,running,ran to you there.
iibon 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
英语翻译1.E-book are by far the fastest-growing segment of the o
1.E-book are by far the fastest-growing segment of the otherwise sluggish,recession-plagued publishing business.我翻的:电子书目前为止是发展最快的部分.,出版业在衰退.
of the otherwise sluggish这句怎么翻到里面去请问,单词都明白,但句子理解不了,
henry_gz 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
segment 是出版业中的一个
1. Mike is the fastest student in his class.(同义句转换)
1. Mike is the fastest student in his class.(同义句转换)
Mike is ___ than ___ ___ ___ in his class.
2. Why don't we ask him about the matter?(同义句转换)
___ ___ ask him ahout the.matter?
3. I think their football team will win.(改为否定句)
___ ___ their football team win.
Journey_spring 共回答了1574个问题 | 采纳率22%
faster any other student