"He is easy to get along with._________ that,he is a determi

沉默的鬼2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

"He is easy to get along with._________ that,he is a determined boy."
A.Apart from
D.In addition


倒霉的摩的 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
句意:他很容易相处,除此之外,他也是一个有决心的孩子.apart from that“除此之外;beside改为besides也对;except表示“排除”关系,不合题意;in addition后面要加介词to.


He left the place,( )never to come back again.括号中为什么用determi
He left the place,( )never to come back again.括号中为什么用determined?
我知道be determined to do 是固定句式,前面的He是后面句子的主语,那么主动关系不应该用determining吗?
hchc2003 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
determined adj.坚决的,决定了的
句中是(being) determined never to come back again省略了括号内的现在分词,就是用现在分词短语作了伴随状语(强调状态),当然,你也可以写为现在分词短语:determining never to come back again来做伴随状语的(强调动作).
David has got everything ready, _________ it well. A.determi
David has got everything ready, _________ it well.
A.determined to do B.to be determined to doing
C.determining doing D.to determine to do
fd02jenghis 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

考查形容词做状语。Be determined to do sth “决心做某事”。 句意:大卫做好一切准备决心把这件事情做好。
英语选词填空.grasp means comfortable enriches adapt wonder determi
grasp means comfortable enriches adapt wonder determines perfect
apply impression
1、It is through words that people ( ) the thought of others and do their own thinking.
2、A good vocabulary also ( ) academic success.
3、when i was in senior high school,i lived with my parents and they took ( ) care of me.
4、if i still depend on others,i will never ( )myself to the new surroundings.
5、The reading room in our school library is quiet and ( )
6、i can ( ) for a part-time job if i am not busy.
7、not only doer reading widen my knowledge,but it also ( )my life.
8、your freshman experience will definitely make a deep ( ) on you.
9、you may ( )why you should improve your vocabulary.
10、your vocabulary also ( ) the shape and size of your world.
风之韵1223 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1.grasp 2.means 3.perfect 4.adapt 5.comfortable 6.apply 7.enriches.Not only does reading widen my knowledge,but it also (enriches) my life.8.impression 9.wonder 10.determines
英语翻译After the general dirction for a tunnel has been determi
After the general dirction for a tunnel has been determined,the next steps are a geological survey of the site and a series of borings to obtain specific information on the strata through which the tunnel may pass.The length and cross section of a tunnel generally are governed by the use for which it is intended ,but its shape must be designed to provide the best resistance to internal and external forces.Generally,a circular or nearly circular shape is chosen.
In very hard rock,excavation usually is accomplished by drilling and blasting.In soft to medium-hard rock,a tunnel-boring machine typically does the excavating work.In soft ground,excavation usually is accomplished by digging or by advancing a shield and squeezing the soft material into the tunnel.In all cases the excavated rock or earth,called muck,is collected and transported out of the tunnel.In underwater tunneling,a shield is used to advance the work.Another method of building an underwater tunnel is to sink tubular sections into a trench dug at the bottom of a river or other body of water.
兰若兰生 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
在非常坚硬的岩石,开挖通常花了凿岩爆破.在软岩石,一个tunnel-boring medium-hard机器通常禁赛的挖掘工作.在软土地基、开挖通常是挖洞或提前完成一个盾牌,轻轻地捏软物质进入隧道.在所有情况下,出土的岩石或地球,称为粪,收集和传播出去的隧道.在水下隧道,一个盾牌是用来发展工作.另一种方法,建立了一种水下隧道是沉管状部分挖一条沟河的底部或身体的其他的水
高二英语单选题1.by the progress he had made,the student was determi
1.by the progress he had made,the student was determind to work harder.
A.Being encouraged
B.Having encouraged
C.To be encouraged
2.At first sightthese problems seemedrather hard to deal with,but
second thoughtwe found out the clue to solve the problems
elaspanxu 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
1.D 考查的是非谓语动词作状语,如果自己不能一眼看出来的话,可以先把这个句子还原完整:(Because the student was) encouraged by the progress he had made,the student was determind to work harder.因为从句和主句的主语一致,所以可以把从句中的连词、主语和be动词一起省略,也就是encouraged by...表示被动
2.A 考查的是固定短语 on second thought “仔细一想”
The importent thing in life is to have a aim.and the determi
The importent thing in life is to have a aim.and the determination to attai
blue_shine_y 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
The important thing in life is to have a aim and the determination to attain
帮忙修改一下(一个英语句子)I decide to be hard-working with great determi
I decide to be hard-working with great determination and perseverance.
zoe131499999 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
lz的意思应该是 ‘ 我下定决心努力工作,并将坚持不懈’
With great determination,I decide to be hard-working and perseverant.
谁能告我这句话啥意思?He left school early,and as an adolescent,determi
He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South America,set off from his home in Hannibal Mississippi,for New Orleans
ADGJL 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
他还在一个未成人的时候就提早肄业离校,从他的家乡Hannibal Mississippi离开,到了 New Orleans ,决定到南美去闯一下.
____all the accomplished all the procedures,they are determi
____all the accomplished all the procedures,they are determined to repeat the experiment and ensure that thry will be succesful in it.
A.Not accomplished B.Not been accomplished
C.Not accomplishing D.Having not accomplished
oo111222 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
原题貌似在all the accomplished 和 all the procedures之间少了个in
one shouldn't give up easily if he is __ to succeed (determi
one shouldn't give up easily if he is __ to succeed (determine)
xiaogouxiaogou 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
e determined to 是下决心做某事的意思
I left that class _____ never to underachieve again.选determi
I left that class _____ never to underachieve again.选determined 不选 decided 请问为什么?
determined 和 decided 都是分词做伴随状语啊!选determined 不选 decided 请问为什么?
还有就是 如果determined 换成determining 句意貌似也未发生变化啊!只是一个主动,一个形容词性的被动
Until I took Dr.Offutt’s class,I was an underachieving student,but I left that class determined never to underachieve again.He not only taught me to think,he convinced me,as much by example as words,that it was my moral obligation to do so and to serve others.Neither of us could know how our relationship would evolve over the years.When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English,I worked for Dr.Offutt,the department chair.My discussions with him as he mentored me were like graduate seminars in adolescent development,classroom management and school leadership.
After several years,I was named department chair,and our relationship shifted again.I thought that it might be awkward chairing the department,since all of my former English teachers were still there,but Dr.Offutt supported me throughout.
灯与光与音乐 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
前面几句的意思大概是:我一直都是一个学习成绩不怎么好的学生,直到我上了Dr.Offutt’s 的课.
I left that class determined never to underachieve again.我离开他的课堂,当时伴随的状态是“下定决心再也不能让成绩坏下去了”
形容词作伴随状语,是有这种用法的,如i went home ,tired and exhausted
这里 I left that class determined to do sth.我觉得结构差不多
我觉得这里用形容词determined更强调的是一种状态,I was determined 我当时是意志坚定的,下定了决心的.
换成其他的表达方式,侧重点有所不一样,I left that class determining never to underachieve again.现在分词作伴随状语,没有特别强调“状态”,就是伴随着这决定
I left that class deciding never to underachieve again.也是现在分词作状语,跟上面差不多.
please indicate your GPU performance.This is used to determi
please indicate your GPU performance.This is used to determine your initial video settings
13903768800 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
please indicate your GPU(CPU) performance.This is used to determine your initial video settings