第十二期文科爱好者 基础知识专题梳理答案

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落日苍穹 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. A 42. B 43. D 44. B 45. B
46. first 47. quietly 48. height 49. entrance 50. helpful
51. can’t any 52. What do 53. Which do 54. When are 55. by underground
miketuzi 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
tttt律 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
晨风之呼吸 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
Book 4Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DBCBD 6-10 BCADC
11-15 CBDAC 16-20 DABCB
21-25 ABBCD 26-30 DCABD
31-35 DAABB 36-40 DADDC
41-45 DBACA 46-50 CDBAD
51-55 BAFDE
56. Their friends and family.
57. They helped their dad do some work.
58. Life is good.
59. They felt heartbroken / extremely sad.
60. Because he thought he had done
what he had planned.
61. ... adult guinea pig ... pig → pigs
62. ... was always watch ... watch → watching
63. ... curious observe them. curious → curiously
64. ... gets into the yard. gets → got
65. ... were upsetting ... upsetting → upset
66. ... kept barking me. barking后加at
67. ... that was wrong ... that → what
68. ... believe in my eyes. 去掉in
69. ... that he had ... he → she
70. ... the slighter idea ... slighter → slightest
One possible version:
My dear fellow students,
In recent days, I've noticed that many students are walking on the lawns on the campus, which is causing severe lawn damage. In view of this phenomenon, I am calling on everybody to do his bit to protect the lawns. I suggest that every class be in charge of a specific lawn, regularly maintaining the lawn and dealing with weeds. Second, I suggest every class make up a slogan on lawn protection and put it up on a sign on their lawn. Last, I hope everyone can form the following good habits — don't leave litter, don't tramp through the lawn, and pick up rubbish whenever you spot some. As long as everyone makes the effort, we will have a beautiful green campus.
Sincerely yours,
Li Yue
1. D.由You are amazing 可知,应答者在肯定对方的成绩,故选Well done.with flying colours 全胜,大成功.
2. B.come straight to the point 是固定短语,意为“开门见山”;experience在本题中为不可数名词,且表泛指,故第二空不用冠词.
3. C.the best things in life are worth waiting for 是saying 的具体内容,且从句中不缺少成分,故选that.
4. B.forbid 可用于forbid sb to do sth结构,且we与enter之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选to enter.
5. D.由watched 和until 可知,disappear是发生在过去的动作,故选disappeared.
6. B.由for over 30 years 可知应用完成时,结合It’s a pity可知应选haven’t traded.
7. C.设空处引导定语从句修饰farm,且从句中缺少宾语,故选which.
8. A.while 后省略了it(指代the city)is,且city与surround之间是被动关系,故选surrounded.
9. D.Only if 从句位于主句之前时,主句要部分倒装,且本题表示一般情况,故选are you not allowed.
10. C.由I’m not so sure 可知,耳环有可能是给贝蒂的妈妈的,故选might,表达一种不确定性.
11. C.由My father tried to teach me the importance of hard work 可知,父亲努力想教给作者勤奋工作的重要性,然而却无意间“ 教给(taught)”作者一些其他事情.
12. B.由His body suffered from liver cancer 可知,作者的父亲“病了(sick)”.
13. D.由下文的He probably earned a lot of money that day 可知,尽管作者的父亲生病了,他依然坚持“工作(working)”.
14. A.pay the price付出代价.
15. C.因为作者的父亲病了,所以要赶紧去医院.
16. D.在目睹父亲的惨痛经历后,作者“思考(thought)”了很多关于工作的事情.
17. A.由I will never crawl up the stairs可知,作者是在作决定.
18. B.由下文的After all, I am my father's daughter 可知,作者的爸爸就是工作狂,所以放下手中的工作对作者来说实属不易.
19. C.由下文的the doors to open 可知,作者在图书馆台阶上坐着,等着开馆.
20. B.由He had to be doing something as he looked at it 可知,作者的父亲很忙,所以“没法(unable)”欣赏日落.
21. A.由下文的He was a published author ... fluent in German 可知,作者的父亲多才多艺,是位“成功人士(success)”.
22. B.由published,fluent 可知,作者的父亲在音乐方面也“技艺娴熟(skilled)”.
23. B.父亲的多才多艺让人“印象深刻(impressive)”,钦佩不已.
24. C.由下文的多个疑问句可知,作者想看日落的想法引发了一连串的“问题(question)”.25. D.作者想准点下班去欣赏“日落(sunset)”.
26. D.作者想按时下班看日落的想法会造成一定的“后果(consequences)”.
27. C.作者想按时下班,所以后果还是“职业(profession)”方面的.
28. A.作者工作八小时后下班也许会影响到她职位的“晋升(promotion)”.
29. B.由I eat dinner with my family可知,作者5点下班可以与家人共进晚餐.
30. D.由下文的That's got to be worth something 可知,作者想要“欣赏(enjoy)”更多的日落.
本文是一则访谈.文章是对通过在网上共享课程计划而获得一大笔收入的Deanna Jump老师进行的访谈.
31. D.词义猜测题.由上文的she'd brought in a million dollars selling her lesson plans online 可知,此句 中的windfall 指的是“突然得到的一笔收入”.
32. A.细节理解题.由文章首段中的 Last fall, Deanna Jump made headlines when it was announced 可知,网上共享课程计划使得Deanna Jump老师出了名.
33. A.细节理解题.由Deanna Jump 老师所说的But I still drive a Kia. I still live in the same house 可知,她仍然过着简朴的生活.
34. B.推理判断题.由文章最后一句 I create things with my students in mind 可以推断,Deanna Jump 老师只有确定课程计划在自己的课堂上产生良好效果的前提下才会将其传到网上.
35. B.细节理解题.由第二段中的It wasn't until 1875, however, that the first systematic study of therapeutic riding was reported. After prescribing pony riding as a treatment for a variety of conditions, French physician Chassaign concluded that riding was helpful in the treatment of certain types of neurological paralysis可知B项正确.
36. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的描 述可知,Liz Hartel 具有坚强的意志力.
37. A.段落大意题.第四段是对 NARHA的总体介绍.
38. D.推理判断题.本文主要介绍骑马疗法,旨在说明马是人类的好帮手.
39. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的 one of our most beautiful native animals 可知,作者认为褐貂非常 漂亮.
40. C.细节理解题.由第三段中的 Although pine martens are carnivores, they eat a variety of foods, including small mammals, birds and their eggs, fruits and nuts 可知,褐貂既吃肉也吃植物.
41. D.篇章结构题.these sites 指的是前文提到的tree holes,所以应该选D项.
42. B.推理判断题.由文章最后一段中的Now the Vincent Wildlife Trust is making an effort to try to see if there really are martens outside Scotland. If you think you've seen one, they'd love to hear from you (visit vwt.org.uk)可以推断,本段作者主要是希望大家能够提供一些有关褐貂的线索.
43. A.细节理解题.由Chocolate Fashions 部分提到的fashion show, best dress, Fashion models 等可知,服装行业的工作人员可能对这个节日感兴趣.
44. C.细节理解题.由Annual Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Festival 部分提到的Profits benefit Project Open Hand, a charity supporting people with HIV / Aids 可以推断,这个节日所得利润一部分会用于医疗保健事业,这个节日是在旧金山举办的.
45. A.推理判断题.由Chocolate Fest 部分提到的chocolate carving contests 及Chocolate Fashions 部分提到的win a prize for the best dress 可知,这两个节日都有一些有竞争性的项目.
46. C.主旨大意题.由文章第一段的 These are some of the best chocolate festivals held each year.可知C项正确.
本文是记叙文.文章介绍了蛋白石之都—— Coober Pedy.
47. D.细节理解题.根据they were out of water 及in search of water 可知,他们没水喝了.
48. B.段落大意题.本段介绍当地的地理变迁,特别介绍了岩石的变化,是为了给Willie
Hutchinson 发现蛋白石矿石作铺垫.
49. A.推理判断题.根据第一段和第三段可知,Willie Hutchinson 本来 是留守营地的,但是他却跑出去,并且发现了水源和珍贵的蛋白石,这些发现纯属偶然.
50. D.标题归纳题.本文从蛋白石矿的发现说起,并在最后一段提到此地的蛋白石在世界上的地位.故 D项标题概括准确、生动.
后来又 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
《读者》第十二期 里面有哪些文章
《读者》第十二期 里面有哪些文章
一篇就可以了 只要题目 急!
混涯一世 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
《独一无二的偶像剧》 方文山 12期的卷首语 有代表性
第十二期文科爱好者 基础知识专题梳理答案
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
liguofangxiang 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Book 5 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ACBDC 6-10 DADBA
11-15 BDACD 16-20 BACAD
21-25 BCADB 26-30 CACDB
31-35 DBDDA 36-40 BDCBD
41-45 ABBCD 46-50 DADDB
51-55 EFGAB
56. To house and educate the orphans there.
57. Rusty Russell. / A football coach.
58. In the 1930s and 1940s.
59. A symbol of hope.
60. With courage and faith / determination, everyone can succeed. / Where there is a will, there is a way.
61. ... must be treated proper.
proper → properly
62. ... a lot of problem.
problem → problems
63. When people breathed ...
breathed → breathe
64. ... drink the polluting water ...
polluting → polluted
65. ... is sorted and send ... send → sent
66. ... but some harmful ... but → and
67. Waste gas is cleaned after ...
after → before
68. Waste water is being ... 去掉being
69. ... to keep people throwing ...
70. We should do their best ... their → our
One possible version:
The Crested Ibis, a rare and valuable bird, is called the “Oriental Diamond”. Its body is white with part of its head and wings red. Mainly feeding on small fish and insects, this kind of lovely bird lives in the woods or by the streams in Qinling Mountains of China.
Because of the destruction of its habitat, the Crested Ibis has almost died out several years ago. To save this endangered species, the Chinese government has taken many measures. Now its population is on the increase. As a symbol of friendship, Crested Ibises were sent to Japan, South Korea and other foreign countries.
Hope you’ll see this lucky bird with your own eyes one day.

1. A.take an active part in是固定搭配,意为“积极参与”;in danger是固定搭配,意为“处境危险”.
2. C.worth后接动词-ing形式时常用主动式表示被动意义.
3. B.come into fashion是固定搭配,意为“流行起来”;for在此处意为“以……钱”.
4. D.设空处引导定语从句,且在从句中作定语,故选whose.
5. C.题意:这条新闻在BBC上播出了,BBC代表(stands for)英国广播公司. stand up站起来;stand out突出,显眼;stand by袖手旁观.
6. D.题意:妈妈去买东西了,在此期间(meanwhile)我打扫了房间.
7. A.题意:目前科学家们正在尝试着用风能(wind energy)发电.
8. D.让步状语从句的主语与主句主语一致且含有动词be时,可以省略主语和be,故选D项.完整的从句应为Although she was surprised.
9. B.由时间状语By the end of yesterday可知,此处应用过去完成时.
10. A.由I remember that you have wanted to go there for a long time可知,“你不能去云南是一件遗憾的事”,故选It’s a pity.
11. B.由下文中的the dog that had died recently以及Soon, he was “my dog”可知,“我”家的狗死了,“我”的丈夫坚持要“换(replace)”一只狗.
12. D.由下文中的not asking for any more than I was willing to give可知,这只狗成了“我”的一个“忠实的(faithful)”伙伴.
13. A.由下文中的No dogs are allowed on my bed可知,“我”不允许狗到“我”的“床(bed)”上来.
14. C.由上文中的The night after my husband died可知,“我”应该是眼含“泪水(tears)”.
15. D.由下文中的all by myself可知,“我”的丈夫去世了,“我”自己一个人躺在床上,显得这张床“大(big)”了.
16. B.由上文中的I was wondering how long it takes for a good case of loneliness可知,“我”想知道自己失去丈夫后的这种孤独感什么时候才会“痊愈(heal)”.
17. A.由上文中的The bed seemed ...可知,“我”躺在床上,手应该在“被子(covers)”的外面.
18. C.一个东西爬进了自己的手里,并且“我”感到了刺痒的毛发,因此“我”“发出了尖叫声(screamed)”.
19. A.从上文中的put my arms around his hairy neck可知,“我”对狗的态度变得温和.由此可知,此处应该是“拥抱(hugged)”狗.
20. D.由上文中的I hadn't even wanted the dog in the first place可知,“我”并不“想要(wanted)”这只狗.
21. B.由a warm companion always和and available to可知,这只狗成了“我”的忠实的伙伴,“愿意(willing)”陪着“我”出去.
22. C.由下文中的when I needed to get out of the house可知,这只狗陪着“我”出去“散步(walk)”.
23. A.由下文中的I cried loudly and out of control可知,有两次,“当(as)”“我”哭泣并且失去了控制时,这只狗朝“我”咬来.
24. D.狗好像在安慰“我”,告诉“我”要“坚强(strong)”.
25. B.由love和forgiveness以及下文中的loving them just as they are可知,“我”认为这只狗教会了“我”爱、“接受(acceptance)”和原谅.
26. C.由下文中的loving them just as they are可知,不管“我”是什么样,Shawn都“爱(loves)”“我”.
27. A.28. C.由上文中的I've learned to help those around me可知,“我”希望像Shawn在自己受伤的时候过来温暖自己一样,去帮助那些“受伤的(hurting)”人们,并且“轻轻地(gently)”接近他们.
29. D.由上文中的I just want to be there in case ... 可知,“我”希望自己在那里,以防自己被他人“需要(needed)”.
30. B.由上文中的a friend可知,“我”感谢生活在“我”孤独的时候给了“我”一个“朋友(friend)”.
本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述了Jane Hodgson的一次急救经历.
31. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的Jane, who had completed a first aid at work course ...可知,Jane Hodgson学过急救知识.
32. B.细节理解题.由第五段中的... but after looking her over ... she had escaped relatively unhurt可知,Jenny并没有受重伤.
33. D.推理判断题.由倒数第三段中的To distract her ... we laughed about that可知,为了分散Jenny的注意力,并且降低她休克的风险,Jane一直和她说话,并不断给她信心.
34. D.推理判断题.本文主要讲述了Jane Hodgson的一次急救经历,由文中的描述以及最后一段可知,Jane Hodgson是个热心且乐于助人的人.
35. A.细节理解题.由General English courses部分中的We have different levels for students of different learning abilities可知,该课程对于不同层次的学生都有帮助.
36. B.推理判断题.由倒数第三段中的All courses are based on practice可知B项正确,其余选项与原文所述不符.
37. D.推理判断题.由Interview course部分可知,This course has been mainly designed to teach students how to pass an interview successfully.因此对于将要找工作的学生来说,选择该课程最有用处.
38. C.写作目的题.作者介绍了一个独特的远程学习项目,目的是向读者介绍他们的英语网上学习课程,因此C项正确.
本文是议论文.作者对Liz Pike的观点进行了反驳,认为对方的观点是极其错误的.
39. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的... and responded to teachers' complaints of rising costs of living以及第二段中的Liz Pike is very angry that teachers want raises even while test scores are dropping可知,Liz Pike认为老师们不应该要求加薪.
40. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的With standardized testing ... in the United States可知,D项正确.
41. A.篇章结构题.这里指公立学校不能拒收任何学生,而私立学校可以这样做.
42. B.推理判断题.由最后一句可知,支持老师能够让老师教学生如何勇敢地维护自己的权利.
43. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的Some people have thought that ... However, many naturalists and wolf biologists do not accept that idea可知,许多人认为狼嗥叫是为了欺骗邻近的狼群,而博物学家和狼生物学家却认为狼嗥叫的原因是多种多样的.
44. C.推理判断题.由第二段可知,狼在捕猎前后及寻找狼群时都要嗥叫,可见狼的嗥叫传递着不同的信息.
45. D.推理判断题.由第三段可知,狼夏天产仔后要保护幼崽,而嗥叫会把自己的巢穴暴露给其他捕食性动物,从而对幼崽构成威胁,所以狼在五六月份很少嗥叫.
46. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的Surprisingly, pack members seem to recognize each other's voices, since individual wolves often have their own way of howling可知,D项正确.
47. A.主旨大意题.由第一段中的 ... its list of the worst passwords of 2013 ... 和 ... “123456” as the world's most popular worst password以及下文描述可知,本文主要讲述了最容易被破解的密码.
48. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的 ... a good reminder not to base your password on the name of the website or application you are accessing可知,Morgan Slain建议不要使用含有网站或应用程序名称的密码.
49. D.推理判断题.由倒数第三段中的It's best to use random words rather than common phrases. For example, ‘cakes years birthday' or ‘smiles—light—skip?'可知,D项正确.
50. B.推理判断题.由最后一段可知,全球有290万人在使用流行的应用软件时,个人信息(如密码、信用卡信息)会被窃取,由此可以推知,我们在设置密码时要非常小心.