while he___(write)on the blackboard,the children ____(talk).

eagle_FC2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


等待是快乐 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
While he was writing on the blackboard,the children were talking.
zhongda77 共回答了3个问题 | 采纳率
was writing,talking.两个延续性动词,从意思上面理解,当老师正在黑板上写字时,同学们在说话。所以说是两个同正在进行的动作,都用现在分词形式。


My brother ----(fall )while he -----(ride )his bi My brother
My brother ----(fall )while he -----(ride )his bi My brother ----(fall )while he -----(ride )his bike.括号内用动词的适当形式填空!求各位大神解答!谢谢!
玻璃城里的守望者 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
fell, was riding
while he_____(read)the letter,he___________(hear)a knock at
while he_____(read)the letter,he___________(hear)a knock at the door. 过去进行时的题
薏苡M 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
was reading heard
My brother _________while he ________his bicycle and hurt hi
My brother _________while he ________his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell; was riding B.fell; were riding C.had fallen; rode D.had fallen; was riding
耐心的狼007 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
关于时态的单选Ted____while he____his bicycle and hurt himself
关于时态的单选Ted____while he____his bicycle and hurt himself
Ted____while he____his bicycle and hurt himself
A.had fallen;was riding
B.had fallen;rode
C.fell;were riding
D.fell;was riding
huanhuan3203 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
while 后的动词是持续动词,一般用进行时,故排除B,主语是HE,再排除C,根据句意在骑自行车时摔下,再排除A
过去进行时练习题答案一、 单项选择1.My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle a
一、 单项选择
1.My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell,was riding B.fell,were riding
C.had fallen,rode D.had fallen,was riding
2.Tom ___ into the house when no one ___.
A.slipped,was looking B.had slipped,looked
C.slipped,had looked D.was slipping,looked
3.The last time I __ Jane she ___ cotton in the fields.
A.had seen,was picking B.saw,picked
C.had seen,picked D.saw,was picking
4.I don ' t think Jim saw me; he ___ into space.
A.just stared B.was just staring
C.has just stared D.had just stared
5.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ___ at a radio shop at the time.
A.has worked B.was working
C.had been working D.had worked
6.---Hey,look where you are going!
---Oh,I ' m terribly sorry.________.
A.I ' m not noticing B.I wasn ' t noticing
C.I haven ' t noticed D.I don ' t notice
7.The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it.
A.was traveling B.traveled
C.had been traveling D.was to travel
8.I ___ my breakfast when the morning post came.
A.had B.had been having
C.have been having D.was having
9.When I arrived at his office,he ___ on the phone.
A.was speaking B.spoke
C.had been speaking D.had spoken
10.“ What ' s the matter,Ali?You look sad.”
“ Oh,nothing much.As a matter of fact,I ___ of my friends back home.”
A.just thought B.have just been thinking
C.was just thinking D.have just thought
二、 动词填空.
1.John_______(work) all day yesterday.
2.He _______(walk) home when the (rian)_______begin.
3. —What______you _______(do) at ten o'clock yesterday?
—I_______(studay) in class.
4.When Harry _______(have) breakfast Lily _______(telephone) him.
5.When I ________ (go) to school this morning I ______ (see) a car running into a bus.
6.This time yesterday Jack ______ (mend) his bike.
7.I ______ (write) a letter at ten last night.
8.It was six.The Greens ______ (have) supper.
9.When you ______ (knock) at the door yesterday,I ______ (do) some washing.
10.While my mother ______ (watch) TV,I ______(make) a kite.
刚刚到永远 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
二. 1.was working 2.He was walking home when the rain began.(原题打错了吧)
3. were you doing was studying (原型study打错了)
4. was having telephoned 5. was going saw
6. was mending 7. was writing 8. were having 9. knocked was doing
10. was watching was making
英语高手进来用正确形式填空 While he ( )(walk)in the park,he found a lette
用正确形式填空 While he ( )(walk)in the park,he found a letter lying on the grass.
I think it difficult ( )(make) her (change)her mind
白极猪 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
walking while 后面的时态是过去式,而前面讲的是HE正在做的事
to make 这是一个短语It difficult to do sh.
While he ___(chat) online,his father___(cut)the apple into h
While he ___(chat) online,his father___(cut)the apple into halves.说明原因!
aw2e 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
was chatting cut
Her brother___ while he ___ his big horse and had his leg br
Her brother___ while he ___ his big horse and had his leg broken.
A.fell; was riding B.fell; ride C.had fallen; was riding D.had fell; rode
蓝咖6 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%

while he was riding给出一个表示一段时间的状语,主句表示在此期间发生的动作行为.
While he_____ on the phone, a man walked into his room. A.wa
While he_____ on the phone, a man walked into his room.
A.was talking B.talked C.is talking D.talk
minhong418 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%

while he ____(ride)his bike ,he fell off and broke his arm 填
while he ____(ride)his bike ,he fell off and broke his arm 填什么?
metersbowne 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
was riding
英语翻译Only if he doesn't stick to principles _________while he
Only if he doesn't stick to principles _________while he is holding office.(vote)
冰千 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
will we vote against him 因为only出现再句首修饰介词短语,副词或接状语从句时,应使用部分倒装,if可引导条件状语从句.
eg:Only if you have a receipt will we change the goods
一、only if
1.在only if 这个短语中,副词only是中心词,而从属连接词if则只是用来连接从句的,因此,它表示“只有……(才);只有在……的时候,唯一的条件是……”的意思.例如:
I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard.我告诉他,只有努力才能成功.
2.only if 有时也写成only...if,表示唯一的条件,但是意思不变.例如:
I will only come home if you come with me.(= I will come home only if you come with me.) 只有你跟我一起走,我才回家.
因此,根据上面的分析,课文中的句子我们也可以把它改成Yet they could get the blood only if one of the frightened children would agree to give it.这样,句子就比较容易理解,意思也就十分清楚了:但是,只有这些受惊吓的孩子中有人自愿献血,他们才能够得到血.
二、if only
1.在if only这个短语中,中心词是从属连接词if,而副词only只是加强if的语气的,因此,if only仅仅是if的一种强化形式,不仅能表达说话人的愿望,而且能表达条件.因此,它同if一样,也能引出条件状语从句.
If only they were here now,we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary.如果他们现在在这里,我们就能庆祝他们的结婚纪念日了.
2.if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件.常被译为“但愿”、“要是……该多好啊”等.例如:
If only she could have lived a little longer.要是她能活得再长一些,那该多好啊!
3.if only从句在大多数情况下用作虚拟条件句,但是偶尔也有用在真实条件句的情况.例如:
He will succeed if only he does his best.只要他竭尽全力,他就会成功.
4.if only有时也可以写成if...only.例如:
If she would only come!但愿他能来.
三、从上面的分析,我们还可以看出only if和 if only这两个短语都可以用来引导条件从句,表示主句所需要的“条件”,但是两者有差异,主要表现在说话人的语义意图等方面.
1.only if 引起的条件状语从句,是一个对“条件”限制更严的“限制性条件状语从句”,表示“只有……(才) ;只有在……的时候;唯一的条件是……”的意思;与if引起的一般条件句相比,它有一种增强主句语势的作用.例如:
Only if the case is urgent should you call out the doctor in the middle of the night.只有患者情况紧急时,你才可以在半夜叫医生看病.
2.if only引导的条件句,通常用来表示说话人对某事所寄予的某种强烈愿望,相当于as long as.它可以独立使用,用来表示由于客观条件限制,为某事不大可能或完全不可能实现而感到惋惜或遗憾的复杂心情,常用虚拟语气.例如:
If only I were as clever as you!要是我像你一样聪明该多好啊!
一,用正确时态填空1,While he _______(read)the letter,he____(hear)a kn
1,While he _______(read)the letter,he____(hear)a knock at the door.
2,While mother _______(prepare)lunch.Lucy ____(watch)TV in the living room.
3,She______(drop)the plate when I______(speak)to her
4,I _____(draw)on the computer when jim______(come)to see me yesterday evening
5,When I_______(go)to say goodbye to Anna,she____(play)the piano
6,We _____(have)a meeting when he _________(come)on
7,The telephone_______(ring)while she_______(come)
xfzqh 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1、While he (was reading) the letter,he (heard) a knock at the door.
2、While mother (was preparing) lunch.Lucy (was watching) TV in the living room.
3、She (dropped) the plate when I (was speaking) to her.
4、I (was drawing) on the computer when Jim (came) to see me yesterday evening.
5、When I (went) to say goodbye to Anna,she (was playing) the piano.
6、We (were having) a meeting when he (came) in.
7、The telephone (rang) while she (was coming).
My brother () while he () his bicycle and hurt himself.
My brother () while he () his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell,was riding
B.fell,were riding
C.had fallen,rode
D.had fallen,was riding
cedronella1983 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
首先,我们知道 and 连接的两个动作时态得是一致的,这里的两个主要动作“摔下自行车”和“受伤”,由and连接,需要保持时态一致,因此首先排除掉CD两个答案~
while表示当.的时候,主语为my brother 第三人称单身,因此在表示过去进行时的be 动词选择上也该使用第三人称单数
While he___(sleep),the monkeys came down from the tree and t
While he___(sleep),the monkeys came down from the tree and took all his hats.填所给词语的正确形式
填slept行吗,答案是was sleeping,求讲解.
yxrs1015 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
While he ----(wait) for the bus,he ------(read) a book.
围棋 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
While he( was waiting) for the bus,he( was reading) a book.
while he__________(write)a letter to his pen-pal,his brother
while he__________(write)a letter to his pen-pal,his brother_________(come)in.怎么填
futuretoday 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
While he was writing a letter to his pen-pal, his brother came in.
整个时态是过去时,while后面要用be doing.
过去进行时专项练习三 选择填空1.My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and
三 选择填空
1.My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell,was riding B.fell,were riding
C.had fallen,rode D.had fallen,was riding
2.Tom ___ into the house when no one ___.
A.slipped,was looking B.had slipped,looked
C.slipped,had looked D.was slipping,looked
3.The last time I __ Jane she ___ cotton in the fields.
A.had seen,was picking B.saw,picked
C.had seen,picked D.saw,was picking
4.I don’t think Jim saw me; he ___ into space.
A.just stared B.was just staring C.has just stared D.had just stared
5.I first met Lisa three years ago.She ___ at a radio shop at the time.
A.has worked B.was working C.had been working D.had worked
6.---Hey,look where you are going!---Oh,I’m terribly sorry.________.
A.I’m not noticing B.I wasn’t noticing
C.I haven’t noticed D.I don’t notice
7.The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it.
A.was traveling B.traveled C.had been traveling D.was to travel
8.I ___ my breakfast when the morning post came.
A.had B.had been having C.have been having D.was having
9.When I arrived at his office,he ___ on the phone.
A.was speaking B.spoke C.had been speaking D.had spoken
10.“What’s the matter,Ali?You look sad.”
“Oh,nothing much.As a matter of fact,I ___ of my friends back home.”
A.just thought B.have just been thinking C.was just thinking D.have just
小雅的青春dd册 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
求翻译.求翻译.在线等if you telephone a man early in the day,while he
if you telephone a man early in the day,while he is shaving of having breakfast,the time of call shows that the matter is very important and that is requires immediate attention.The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00pm.
oo寻情 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
他在做作业时,我在看电视.While he ___ doing his homework,I ___ watching
他在做作业时,我在看电视.While he ___ doing his homework,I ___ watching TV.
While he ___ doing his homework,I ___ watching TV.
惊艳一拍 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率89.3%
如果没有具体的语境 现在进行和过去进行都可以用的
My brother (fell) while he( was riding )his bicycle and hurt
My brother (fell) while he( was riding )his bicycle and hurt himself.
A.fell,was riding B.fell,were riding
C.had fallen,rode D.had fallen,was riding
前面的句子为什么要用fell原级,后面的was riding为什么要用过去进行时,
枕着红绿均入眠 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
while后面加进行时,后面是was riding显而易见.本句的意思是当我的表弟在骑车的时候摔了下来并且伤了自己.前面fell 是指现在摔了
英语翻译Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs,while he
Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs,while he remained as a shell of flesh and bone,completely lacking in life.
lacking in life是不是应该解释为生活缺乏生气呢 总觉得“完全缺乏生活”有些奇怪
while he remained as a shell of flesh and bone好像翻的也是字面意思
Luna_zz 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
while he____(walk)across the street,he saw a traffic acciden
while he____(walk)across the street,he saw a traffic accident____(happen).`第二个空怎么填啊为什么
江鸽 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率76%
was walking,happen
因为while表示时间段,在.其间.所以后面see sb do 表示看见了整个过程.