数值模拟 使用icem划分网格 周期性有问题

zh0503172022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

数值模拟 使用icem划分网格 周期性有问题
face at nodes .in periodic family p_1 has no periodic twin moving to family .
periodic triangle matches tet but no tri
我设定了周期性 请问有什么方法解决呢?


zxl217217 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%


In Analysis 'Flow Analysis 1' - Domain Interface 'lbk yl':The interface is placed at a rotor-stator interface and the pitch change option of 'None' has been selected.This option should only be used when the overall extent and shape of each side of the interface perfectly match and the surfaces are aligned with each other.It may therefore be suitable when full 360 degree or exactly equal pitch components are being analyzed.
celia7 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
reversed flow in 452 faces on outflow 4.
turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 19137 cells
164 3.3709e+07 3.9266e-02 4.9875e-02 2.2243e-02 4.5108e-01 1.#INFe+00 0:01:13 236
reversed flow in 458 faces on outflow 4.
turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 11743 cells
Error:Floating point error:invalid number
Error Object:()
iter continuity x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity k epsilon time/iter
Error:Floating point error:invalid number
reversed flow in 466 faces on outflow 4.
turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 19109 cells
285 7.4954e+04 1.7990e-02 1.9036e-02 1.2463e-02 9.8631e-02 2.4406e-010:00:55215
reversed flow in 467 faces on outflow 4.
turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+005 in 19137 cells
Error: Floating point error: invalid number
Error Object: ()
wlgt 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
如果是连续性无法收敛的话一般是网格质量不行,你的网格存在尖点,网格斜率大于0.8了,建议你从新划分网格,划分网格的时候分区划分,将尖点处单独划分 ,稍密一点 这样可能会好点.
夕之颜色 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
英语翻译“锦屏水电站缆机平台高陡边坡开挖支护数值模拟”锦屏水电站是Jinping Hydropower Station缆
锦屏水电站是Jinping Hydropower Station
缆机平台:cable-crane platform
数值模拟:numercical simulation
开挖支护:excavation and support
庄郝 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
高陡边坡:high and steep side slope
the numerical simulation of excavation and support of high & steep side slopes on cable-crane platform,
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
消失模铸造 EPC casting 铝合金 aluminum alloys 数值模拟 Numerical Simulation
充型及凝固过程 mould and solidifaction 缸体 cylinde block 浇注系统 gating system
顶注式和阶梯注入式 top gating system and step gating system 流场 velocity field
缩孔缩松缺陷 shrinkages and macroporosity 温度梯度 Temperature gradient
cooling speed 热应力 Thermal stress 晶粒 Grain
浇注温度 Pouring temperature 模样密度 Pattern density 负压度 Vacuum degree
薇乔 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
EPC casting has such distinguishing features as high production efficiency,high precision,good product quality ,less polluting and so on.This paper will focused on the aluminum alloy cylinder , a numerical simulation will be carried out for the mould and solidifaction of cylinde block EPC casting ,based on ProCAST,a numerical simulation software,and a optimal process plan will be determined to shorten the test cycle, save production costs, improve product quality, so as to guide the actual production.
The most important and largest part of a engine is the cylinde block . Because of the complication of the structure and the uneven of the wall thickness of the cylinde block,this is the focus and the difficult part of the engine production, the casting of the cylinde block is directly related to the level of the quality of the engine.This paper analyzes the cylinder block structure, two types of gating system are designed: top gating system and step gating system.As a result of simulating both the filling and solidification process,comparing to the temperature of the flow field and the predict of shrinkages and macroporosity of the two gating systems,we found that top gating system is relatively stable when filling, solidification temperature gradient is smaller, distribution is more uniform, cooling speed is faster, is good for reducing the thermal stress, refining grain , geting uniformly distributed organizational structure. So the top gating system is more reasonable. Rearch
Then, the impact between temperature,pattern density ,vacuum degree with shrinkages and macroporosity of the cylinde block has been carried out in this paper.Studies showing:
three factors impact the defect in a decreasing order is density, pouring temperature, vacuum degree. The combination of the minimum propensity to form casting shrinkage and macroporosity is pouring temperature of 730 ℃, vacuum degree of 30kPa and pattern density of 18g / L.
Therefore, this paper determine the final process paln. For the EPC casting of the aluminum alloys cylinde block (ZL101) , we adopt the EPS (polystyrene) as the pattern materials, select the top gating system, casting temperature is 730 ℃, vacuum degree is 30kPa and pattern density is 18g / L.

PS 花了两小时,每句看过,希望有点用处.
文文DD 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
Using numerical simulation method is used to study with rudder catheter propeller open water performance, can partly replace model test, so as to reduce the catheter propeller design cost, shorten the design cycle, in order to optimize the catheter screw propeller provide a feasible way. This paper derived the propeller blade section local coordinate system to the global coordinate system and the coordinate conversion formula, and gives the 3 d entity modeling process.
Using the computational fluid mechanics software to viscous flow field in open water propeller hydrodynamic performance calculation research, simulate the catheter propeller in different into speed coefficient of the thrust coefficient, torque coefficient, propeller surface pressure distribution and propeller after wake field condition, etc. Then will open water performance of the numerical calculation results and map the calculation results do a comparative analysis. Through the comparative analysis with the test pattern, found Wilcoxk - ω model is more suitable for catheter propeller open water performance calculation, and use structured grid and unstructured grid calculation method of combination can meet the catheter propeller open water performance forecast accuracy requirement of the engineering. In addition, if you want to get more accurate calculation results, we should improve the quality of grid, as far as possible to use structured grid. Although the grid number of increase is not always mean calculation error reduction, but reasonable control grid fine density can get more credible computational results.