Look at all the corruption that's going on.It's time the cit

Ivan-6032022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

Look at all the corruption that's going on.It's time the city was_
A cleaned out B cleaned down C cleaned away D cleaned up 要解释


EverythingNew 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
Look at all the corruption that's going on.It's time the city was cleaned up.
corruption作为腐化、堕落,我觉得应该是用clean up的整顿这个意向合适些.整句的意思是:现在真是堕落之风盛行,这个城市是时候整顿下了.
南方的树 共回答了5402个问题 | 采纳率
Look at all the corruption that's going on.It's time the city was cleaned up
clean up-----打扫干净
gengwanai 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率


Individualism:Free From Corruption
Individualism:Free From Corruption
In Oscar Wilde’s philosophical novel The Picture of Dorian Gray,the most salient and significant feature is the advocate of individualism which is oppositely shown by the negative consequences of Lord Henry’s influence toward the main character Dorian Gray.In the beginning of the novel,during a conversation between the painter Basil Hallward and his friend Lord Henry Wotton,Basil introduces Dorian as a good-natured,innocent young man.However,as innocent as Dorian is,he is vulnerable to Lord Henry’s negative influences.After hearing Lord Henry’s enchanting speech about the significance of youth and beauty,Dorian stares at his beautiful portrait and utters:“If it were I who was to be always young,and the picture that was to grow old!I would give my soul for that”(29).It is clear that Dorian is allured by Lord Henry’s philosophy of Hedonism,and starts to value beauty more than morality.From this point on,Dorian gradually loses his conscience and views the main goal of life as to “search for new sensations” (149) and pleasure,which is the theme of the yellow book that Lord Henry gives to Dorian.Dorian’s unrestricted speeches and actions lead to the suicide of the young actress Sibyl Vane and the murder of Basil.Eventually,Dorian begins to contempt his evil transformation and appalls by the decay of his own soul; he stabs his portrait and kills himself.In this heartbreaking tragedy,Wilde skillfully depicts how Dorian’s credulous nature causes his destruction.Furthermore,Wilde illustrates the importance of having individuality and not to be easily corrupt by outside influences.This value of individualism helps explain the idea of transcendentalism in which people need to rely and trust themselves and be free of outside influences.
天长地久6556 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率87.1%
Individualism:Free From Corruption
In Oscar Wilde’s philosophical novel (“)The Picture of Dorian Gray(”),the most salient and significant feature is the (advocacy) of individualism which is (shown oppositely) by the negative consequences of Lord Henry’s influence (towards) the main character Dorian Gray.In the beginning of the novel,during a conversation between the painter Basil Hallward and his friend Lord Henry Wotton,Basil introduces Dorian as a good-natured,innocent young man.However,as innocent as Dorian is,he is vulnerable to Lord Henry’s negative influences.(Dorian's vulnerable nature is clearly represented as he) stares at his beautiful portrait and utters:“If it were I who was to be always young,and the picture that was to grow old!I would give my soul for that”(29) after hearing Lord Henry’s enchanting speech about the significance of youth and beauty.It is clear that Dorian is allured by Lord Henry’s philosophy of Hedonism,and starts to value beauty more than morality.From this point on,Dorian gradually loses his conscience and views the main goal of life as to “search for new sensations” (149) and pleasure,which is the theme of the yellow book that Lord Henry gives to Dorian.Dorian’s unrestricted speeches and actions lead to the suicide of the young actress Sibyl Vane and the murder of Basil.Eventually,Dorian begins to (despise) his evil transformation and (is appalled) by the decay of his own soul; (as a result)he stabs his portrait and kills himself.In this heartbreaking tragedy,Wilde (efficiently) depicts how Dorian’s credulous nature causes his destruction.Furthermore,Wilde illustrates the importance of having individuality and (the determination to resist corruption) by outside influences.(The) value of individualism (within the novel explains) the idea of transcendentalism in which people need to rely and trust themselves and be free from corruption and outside influences.
这句英语语法对吗Rampant absenteeism,nepotism and corruption debilita
这句英语语法对吗Rampant absenteeism,nepotism and corruption debilitated the company
thanks.I wrote it.
脉动不是脉动 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
完全正确的. 你的疑问应该在于 debilitated 吧, 你在不知不觉中使用了修辞手法(personification)