process of investment(意为投资步骤)我是否可以更改为invesment process

yukimo2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

process of investment(意为投资步骤)我是否可以更改为invesment process
process of investment(意为投资步骤)我是否可以更改为invesment process,如果不能更改,那么这个含义与加了of的含义又有什么不同?


sunsky_li 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
涉及到比较长的 名词组时 在所有关系上 要用 of 来表示
虽然含义没有什么不同 但是process of investment是英语表达方式 invesment process是中文的表达方式


The tender process can take a while.I have passed on the inf
The tender process can take a while.I have passed on the information
to our salesperson who has quoted a price to the client.I will let you
know as soon as we hear anything.
Thank you for all your help.
Can you please forward a copy of your proforma invoice for our
xiangfei8216 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
/ Process a batch of asynchronous orders from the queue and
/ Process a batch of asynchronous orders from the queue and submit them to the database within a transaction
烟眼媚行 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
计算机基础的一些问题 As part of the process of setting up a wired netw
As part of the process of setting up a wired network,what should you remember to do?– A.Assign an IP address to each network device.– B.Remove the Ethernet card from any computer that has one.– C.Enable wireless security.– D.Disable the SSID.When you’re setting up a wireless network,you see an option asking if you want to broadcast the network SSID.You should:– A.Change the default SSID and broadcast it while you set up the network.– B.Turn SSID broadcasting off so that hackers don’t know the network’s encryption key.– C.Make sure SSID is broadcasting so that your network is protected by strong encryption.– D.Activate SSID broadcasting or else the network devices won’t be able to send data to the router.Copying important data files from your computer’s hard disk to an optical disk or flash drive is a simple way to back up data.It is not a total backup solution,however.Why not?– A.You cannot restore these files to a new hard disk without the activation codes.– B.The backup is bootable,but it won’t start your computer if the hard disk fails.– C.You have not backed up your programs or your personal settings.– D.You have not backed up the restore points needed to reconfigure the Windows Registry for a new hard disk.
最后一题我选B 为什么选D
悍马司机 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
specification process, or other reference
specification process, or other reference
synchronize 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语介词填空The conversion (转化) process is inefficient and about t
The conversion (转化) process is inefficient and about two-thirds of the energy is wasted.The same is nuclear power stations.
Most drugs offer either no real improvement or,best,only moderate improvements.
The conversion (转化) process is inefficient and about two-thirds of the energy is wasted.The same is nuclear power stations.
Most drugs offer either no real improvement or,best,only moderate improvements.
smartmani 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
The same is among nuclear power stations.
Most drugs offer either no real improvement or,at best,only moderate improvements.
英语翻译Let us analyze the process of making a sale in company l
Let us analyze the process of making a sale in company like Sears and Roebuck.The customer could come to one of the retail outlet or pick up a catalog from somewhere or order via one of the direct delivery channels like television,radio or the Internet.In the first case,assuming that the outlet has the stock,the customer will immediately receive the goods he asked for and that would be the end of the process.In the other cases,the transaction generates what is called a sale ticket.This ticket carries the transaction number,the ID number of the good(s) purchased and other details.The ticket is then processed.A good or the goods matching the description on the ticket must be 'tagged' with the address that it needs to be delivered to,usually as a bar coded address.This 'tagged' good will generally reside in the warehouse at this time.The good will then be picked up and put in to the truck that is going to do the round of a set of address among which the tagged address is one.Once loaded into the truck,this good will then be offloaded and handed over to the customer at the right address.The processes that we have not detailed in this simplistic description are the supply chain and its management,the inventory and its management,the routing for the warehouse forklifts (if the warehouse is big enough to warrant it) and the routing for the trucks.In each case as is evident,geography is the key to cutting costs.Geography determines which truck will go to or be able to service how many address.Geography determines the time taken by the distributor to get new stocks to the retail outlet.Geography determines how much stock can be transported to the truck in one trip from the warehouse to the truck.The entire process of managing this process is called logistics management.
yxl8628 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率60%
英语翻译是关于网络营销这方面的.1:The process of planning and executing the
1:The process of planning and executing the conception,price,promotion,and distribution of ideas,good and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
2:Marketing is not just selling.It is strategy.
3:The focus of selling is on the needs of manufactures to turn their product into cash while the focus of marketing ultimately is consumer satisfaction,which is derived from an in depths as well as carefully thought out marketing strategy.
gzxhzhfan 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Process和procedure词义 ,用法的区别.
bbnbbnb 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语:process和course 表示“过程”这个意思时,有什么不同
yuqi020 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
the process of reading,of finding the self in the other ,of
the process of reading,of finding the self in the other ,of searching for the human dimension,for
the eccence and yes .of failing miserably at that task and finding instead the searcher,the self,the question once again.谓语在哪呢?好像只有主语呀
zhouting00 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译The present invention relates io a new and novelprocess
The present invention relates io a new and novel
process for for the purification of pseudo-ionone and to
a chemical complex formed during the process.
Pseudo-ionone is prepared from citral and acetone by
the following reaction:
This reaction is generally carried out at a temperature
of between oo and 1000 C.During the reaction,a by-
product,shown as formula (I) below,is formed at the
same time as the pseudo-ionone,because of an impurity
in the citral,thereby resulting in a mixture of pseudo-
ionone and formula (I),referred to herein as a pseudo-
ionone mixture or as crude pseudo-ionone.This by-pro-
duct is the condensation product of isocitral and ace-
tone,which is formed according to the following reac-
无常的雪 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
这个反应基本上在00到1000 C的温度条件下进行.由于柠檬醛中的一种杂质,反应过程中,一种副产(如下公式(1)所示),与假紫罗兰同时形成,结果形成公式(1)和假紫罗兰的混合物,因此这里提到作为一个假紫罗兰混合物或粗假紫罗兰.这个副产是isocitral 和丙酮的浓缩体,通过下面的反应形成.
谁帮我修改一下这篇小作文啊?This process diagram briefly shows how the Aus
This process diagram briefly shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology gathers up-to-minute imformation on the weather in order to make weather forecast to the public.
According to the diagram ,ways to finish the first step “imcoming information”are by outer space satellite,using radar on land and by drifting buoy on the water.Secondly,experts works there analysis and forecasting them base on photos taken by satellite or study them on radar screen.They can also consider the imformation provided by synoptic chart produced by drifting buoys to make the broadcast more convincing.Next,in the third stage,they will make use of the computer to make the broadcast be prepared for the fourth stage.Finally,the weather data will be sent to the public by TV,radio program or straightly by calling them.
Overall,this process diagram clearly shows how the weather imformation is collected,studied,prepared and broadcast in the end.
krico97 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
"1 This process diagram briefly shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology gathers up-to-minute imformation on the weather in order to make weather forecast to the public.
要把流程分几步交代清楚,可选用下面的句式:the whole procedure can be divided into __ stages
2 According to the diagram ,ways to finish the first step “imcoming information”are by outer space satellite,using radar on land and by drifting buoy on the water.
意思表达含混,改成:the first stage is incoming information.It means that data are collected from outer space,on land and at sea,using satellites,radar and drifting buoy.
3 Secondly,experts works there analysis/analyze and forecasting /forecast them base/based on photos taken by satellite or study them on radar screen.They can also consider the imformation provided by synoptic chart produced by drifting buoys to make the broadcast more convincing.
不凝练,改成experts there determine the weather conditions by analyzing photos taken by satellite or study them on radar screen.synoptic chart produced by drifting buoys
Next,in the third stage,they will make use of the computer to make the broadcast be prepared for the fourth stage.
改成:in the third stage,computes will be used
To get weather information prepared for broadcase
Finally,the weather data will be sent to the public by TV,radio program or straightly by calling them.
思路比较清楚 但是
The roles of WTO in the globalization process and the impact
The roles of WTO in the globalization process and the impacts of globalization to consumers 请回答
纾云 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
WTO promotes free trade among member countries by lowering and eliminating tariffs,building trade ties,etc.Consumers then have more access to foreign goods,businesses can expand their business to other countries (Transnationals),and promote higher quality of living.
BioProcess Media Q Sepharose Fast Flow中的Fast
carinahaha 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
Fast Flow是快速流动的意思,BioProcess Media family是生物媒体家族.
11 .The basic features of the communication process are iden
11 .The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question:Who says _____
luhechang168 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Who says what
Show that,in the simple process of photon a bsorption by a f
Show that,in the simple process of photon a bsorption by a free electron,without anything else occuring,energy and momentum cannot be conserved simultaeously
王爱文 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
你的free electron是静止的还是匀速运动的?
光子初态 能量为E=hν,动量为hν/c.
电子初态 能量为E=m*c^2 动量为0.
末态 光子被吸收,电子能量为M*c^2,动量为p.
根据相对论动力学 有
photosynthesis(光合作用)is a process of taking in carbon oxide a
photosynthesis(光合作用)is a process of taking in carbon oxide and producing oxygen 中的take in
xuyikui 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译Involving customers in the personalisation process makes
Involving customers in the personalisation process makes them feel more comfortable with,and more in control of,their Web site visits
从开始到现在83 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
请帮忙解析下这句英文.And this process need not be left to the unconsci
And this process need not be left to the unconscious.
left 有交流的意思?
我不太懂 =
夏月xia 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
be left to 表示一种状态
比如leave me alone 就是让我单独呆一会
一则小邮件【英译中】We have been unable to process your order using th
We have been unable to process your order using the prescription you provided for the following reason:
Prescription is Illegible,We cannot read the prescription.
We will need to confirm the information that appears to be missing from the contact lens prescription you sent to our office,in order to ensure your complete satisfaction.If you have a contact lens prescription listing this information in English,please fax it to our office.
zhy1997 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语翻译You have selected [Fax] confirmation process.Please prin
You have selected [Fax] confirmation process.
Please print your member ID,e-mail address and put a title as "Foreigner Registration"
After this process is completed,we will send you an E-mail within 24 hours.
You may not use services until confirmation process is completed.
lyaner 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
你已经选择 [传真]证实程序.
请印刷你的成员身份证,电子邮件帐号而且放了名称如 "外国人登记"
在这一个程序之后被完成,我们在 24个小时内将会寄给你一份电子邮件.
Experts believe that language learning is a process ______ s
Experts believe that language learning is a process ______ skills are more important than grammar rules.
[ ]
A. whose
B. when
C. of which
D. in which
mojie0342 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
such a gradual process can this be that you are not aware of
such a gradual process can this be that you are not aware of it happening.
such a gradual process麻烦问下这地方为什么不能换成so gradual a process.
张小六 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
process valve qualification procedure
process valve qualification procedure
Process Valve Qualification Procedure,中文怎么说?
API 591 标准,谁有比较正规的翻译?阀门方面的
行云--流水 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
英语翻译magnaflux per process specification DS0081350KC after ma
magnaflux per process specification DS0081350KC after machining
倾听gg 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
LLOVEZ 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
英语翻译said process comprising a step of implementing,in said c
said process comprising a step of implementing,in said container-forming cycle,a so-called "compensation period" in order to automatically vary,temporarily,the duration of said flushing step,on each start of production of the containers,and in order to establish thermal conditions in said containers allowing the first containers to be formed at a temperature that gives them a final volume corresponding to the final volume of the containers formedduring the steady-state operation of said stretch-blow moulding machine,i.e.during the period of production when the temperature of the moulds has stabilized.
依山揽海 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
人小心老 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
梦想 家庭 过程 知识 提高成就
GRE送分出不去2012年人,有没有出现:We are unable to process your order wit
GRE送分出不去2012年人,有没有出现:We are unable to process your order with the payment information
GRE填完出现:We are unable to process your order with the payment information you provided.To try again using a different payment method,please click on the link below.
cg2001 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
英语翻译将“Businese Process Services” 替换为“BusinessProcess Service

将“Businese Process Services” 替换为“Business
Process Services (业务流程服务)”
Application Services (SaaS) 应用程式服务 (SaaS,软体即服务)
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
英语翻译Sizing refers to the process of reducing the size of ric
Sizing refers to the process of reducing the size of rice straw and
rice husk,with the aim to improve boiler efficiencies.In general,
biomass fuel with small-sized particles provides higher burning
rates as well as ignition front speeds,leading to better combustion
efficiency .For instance,rice husk,cut straw and sawdust can
provide boiler efficiency of up to 75%,a 5% improvement over the
large particle biomass feedstock,for instance,palm shell and wood
chips .Further researches show that fine-sized straw improve
the combustion behaviour and energy conversion efficiency.
tonle 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Conduction is the process of transferring heat through a
Conduction is the process of transferring heat through a medium that does not involve appreciable motion of the medium.后半句里面does not involve appreciable motion of the medium这个我不懂啊!
欢颜欢宇 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
这几句英文什麼意思?The sensitivity of a given transport process to bu
The sensitivity of a given transport process to bumetanide is now generally
regarded as a sine qua non of a Na+-K+-2Cl- co-transporter.Since eccrine sweating is
bumetanide sensitive,it would be attractive to hypothesize that a Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport
system is also involved in the sweat gland.
逃之夭夭C 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
现在,对某个特定布美他尼的输送过程的敏感度通常被视为 钠-钾-二氯 联合输送的一个必要条件.由于汗腺出汗对布美他尼敏感,因此可以做出一个吸引人假设,假设一个钠-钾-二氯 联合输送系统也属于汗腺.
英语翻译Life is in living.It is not a thing,it is a process.Ther
Life is in living.It is not a thing,it is a process.There is no way to attain to life except by living it,except by being alive - flowing - streaming with it.If we are seeking the meaning of life in some dogma,in some philosophy,in some theology,that is the sure way to miss life and meaning both.
Life is not somewhere waiting for you,it is happening in you.It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at,it is here - in our breathing,circulating in our blood,beating in our heart.Whatsoever we are is our life,and if we start seeking meaning somewhere else we will miss it.Man has done that for centuries
Nobody can give us the meaning of our life.It is our life,the meaning has also to be ours.Himalayas won’t help.Nobody except we can come upon it.It is our life and it is only accessible to us.Only in living will the mystery be revealed to us."
yiqiaojojo 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
I like the whole process of writing but when I get back ther
I like the whole process of writing but when I get back there in my workshop,I notice that ...
全句:I like the whole process of writing but when I get back there in my workshop,I notice that I'm quite happy .
李前吹 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
英语翻译2.3.The SR processThe speech recognition process follows
2.3.The SR process
The speech recognition process follows five steps
*1.Audio input:The human voice is transmitted
through a microphone connected to a PC with a
standard sound card.
*2.Acoustic processor:The acoustic processor filters
out background noise and converts the captured
audio into a series of phonemes.
*3.Word matching:The software attempts to match
the sounds to the most-likely words in two ways.
First,it uses acoustical analysis to build a list of
possible matches that contain similar sounds.
Then,it uses language modeling (the likelihood
that a given word appears between those coming
before and after it) to narrow the list to the best
candidates.In addition,the word-matching process
draws on the user-defined domain (the set of voca-
bularies,pronunciations,and word-usage models,
as well as a model of the user’s speech and words).
The user can extend the domain by adding new
words and can create multiple domains for
different applications.Finally,continuous-speech
SR examines contextual information to predict
what words should come next in the current
phrase.This also helps the system to distinguish
among homonyms.
*4.Decoder:The decoder selects the most-likely
word based on the rankings assigned during word
matching and assembles the word along with those
selected earlier into the most-likely sentence
*5.Text output:Some SR programs include their own
word processors,but many also allow text
transcription directly into a separate word proces-
sing program or a text box in an application,such
as a web browser or e-mail program.
2.4.SR limitations
While SR requires less hardware ( keyboard
is needed for input—especially advantageous for
PDA’s) and people speaking can generate text faster
than those typing,there are some significant limita-
tions.Most important,the current state of the technol-
ogy prevents transcriptions from achieving 100%
accuracy because of slurred speech,mispronunciation,
and background noise that becomes worse in crowded
*offices [24].Enrollment can improve the accuracy
somewhat,but this represents added startup cost.
XPMN 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
2.4 语音识别的局限
请帮忙翻一下这一段To facilitate the automatic tuning process in a rec
To facilitate the automatic tuning process in a receiver, a number of AFs shall be transmitted. Ideally the AF list
shall only comprise frequencies of neighbouring transmitters or repeaters. Two methods of transmitting AFs are possible.
AF method A is used for lists up to 25 in number and AF method B is used for larger lists. AF method B is also used where
it is required to indicate frequencies of generically related services
不要用GOOGLE 翻译。。。。
林捷1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
以下为本人手工制作 有翻得不好的地方还请多多见谅
To facilitate the automatic tuning process in a receiver,a number of AFs shall be transmitted.
附:AF abbr.音频(=audio frequency)
Ideally the AF list shall only comprise frequencies of neighbouring transmitters or repeaters.
附:transmitter n.传达人,发射机,发射台
repeater n.转发器
Two methods of transmitting AFs are possible.
AF method A is used for lists up to 25 in number and AF method B is used for larger lists.
AF method B is also used where
it is required to indicate frequencies of generically related services
附:indicate v.指出; 象征; 显示
generically adv.一般地; 普通地
英语翻译Quinn defines the process as being,one which can be plan
Quinn defines the process as being,one which can be planned and predicted,very much along the lines of the military analogy
蓝色心思 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译spmgr.exe is a process installed on Sony VAIO laptops an
spmgr.exe is a process installed on Sony VAIO laptops and provides additional configuration options for these devices.This program is non-essential process to the running of the system,but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problem
But should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problem 是表示它现在引起问题,还是以后会引起问题?
平常r 共回答了39个问题 | 采纳率82.1%
英语翻译Plant Layout Figure 1 shows the layout of a food process
Plant Layout
Figure 1 shows the layout of a food processing factory.The principles used in this layout apply to all food factories.It can be seen from the figure that there is a logical flow of raw material from intake to final dispatch.The raw mate-rial preparation,the processing,and the packaging are carded out in separate ar-eas,and there is separate storage for raw materials and for both finished product and packaging.It should be noted that access to the packaging area is via a changing room.This is necessary for access to areas where high-risk food is exposed
High-risk foods are foods that may be eaten cold or eaten after warming only,and which have the potential to support the growth of food poisoning microor-ganisms.
It should also be noted that the win-dows are on the north side of the build-ing.The purpose of north-facing
Figure 1 Plan of a food factory repro-duced from Factory Construction; Envi-ronmental Considerations.Encyclopae-dia of Food Science.Food Technology and Nutrition,Macrae R Robinson RK and Sadler MJ (eds) 1993 Academic Press.
windows is to prevent them from be-ing a source of heat The choice for the location of service equipment is impor-tant,if the installation and operational costs are to be optimized.
烈风雷雨 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
厂布局图1显示了一个布局食品加工厂.采用这种布局的原则适用于所有食品工厂.由此可以看出,有一个数字逻辑流从原材料到最后摄入 调度.原搭档-里亚尔准备,加工、包装都进行单独普梳氩救护、 并有单独存放原料和成品,无论包装.应当指出,进入包装领域是透过更衣室.这是必要的地区进入高危食品裸露高危食品食品可吃掉 冷或暖之后才吃、有潜力支持微生物生长食物中毒悬浮.还应当指出,赢Web服务是北边的建莺.为了北面对图1计划食品工厂复制诱导从建厂; 在ENVI-Haliotis考量.encyclopae-嗲食品科学.食品与营养技术、机智、沙拉兆焦耳,左肾住宅罗宾逊(博)1993年学术新闻.窗户是防止他们受到莺热量来源位置选择服务设备 管理重要性而来,如果设置和运行成本的优化.
植物布局 图1 显示食品加工工厂的布局.原则被使用在这种布局适用于所有食物工厂.它能被看见从图,有原材料逻辑流程从进水闸对最后的急件.原材料准备,处理,并且包装被拟订在分开的区域,并且有分开的存贮的原材料和的完成品和包装.值得注意的是,对包装的区域的通入是通过一间更衣室.这是必要的为对高风险食物被暴露的区域的通入 高风险食物是也许是被吃的冷的或吃在只温暖以后,并且有潜力支持食物中毒微生物成长的食物.它应该并且注意到,窗口是在大厦的北边.北部饰面的目的 图1 计划食物工厂再生产了从工厂建筑; 环境考虑.食品科学百科全书.食物技术和营养、Macrae R 鲁宾逊RK 和Sadler MJ (eds) 1993 学术出版社.窗口将防止他们是选择为服务设备地点重要的源泉的热,如果设施和业务成本将被优选.
倾倾 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率96.2%
1. Producing a dictionary is a slow process.

2. It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed.

3. I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.

4. We're still in the process of moving house.

5. How fast does the new micro process the data?

6. Teaching him Greek was a painful (ie slow and difficult) process.

7. The bishops, priests and deacons processed into the cathedral.
主教、 司铎以及助祭列队走进大教堂.

8. Unloading the cargo was a slow process.
英语翻译the powder-producing process is similar to a foundry ope
the powder-producing process is similar to a foundry operation in which high-purity virgin metals are charged to a melting furnace in preweighed batches to be processed at predetermined heating rates and times
wodesongsongya 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Charged 不能理解为 充电.在这的意思应该是装载或注满.

the powder-producing process is similar to a foundry operation in which high-purity virgin metals are charged to a melting furnace in preweighed batches to be processed at predetermined heating rates and times

" 随着搜索进程改变 "翻译成"change with the seaching process"对吗?
honghong4769 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
随着搜索进程改变的英文翻译是With the search process
The process did not complete. Details should follow 是什么意思?
205066 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
( ) is a process whereby a word of wide meaning acquires a n
( ) is a process whereby a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower sense,
) is a process whereby a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower sense,in which it is applicable only to some of the objects it had previously denoted,or a word of wide usage is restricted in its application and comes to be used only in a special sense.For example,“meat” originally meant food and drink in general but it presently means flesh of animal used as food.
A:Extension of Meaning
B:Specialization of Meaning
C:Degradation of Meaning
D:Elevation of Meaning
失落的秋 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
The process of producing electricity may also give out CO2,
The process of producing electricity may also give out CO2, ______ you heat your house with electricity instead of charcoal. long as soon as if D.even if
ling16850605 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%

这句话:In the process of imitation,there is a matter of whether
这句话:In the process of imitation,there is a matter of whether obtaining the true meaning of the original products or not,thus causing quality problems.
of whether 引导是什么从句呢?thus 后面跟的是状语从句吗?如果是thus连接词不是应该引导并列结构吗?如果不是是什么呢?
196677 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
1、of 在这里跟从句没有什么关系的,是修饰matter的,翻译成“的”
就像the development of economy
2、thus后面不是从句,是分词短语.thus 在这里只是一个表关系的词,主要是后面那个分词短语做了状语
帮忙修改下论文语法(节选2)Any teaching process need teacher to control t
Any teaching process need teacher to control the study behavior of students effectively in order to achieve the corresponding teaching purposes.It does not achieve the goal of transfer knowledge and skill purposefully,organized,systematically to learner if you only in propagation without control.Same as movie teaching,There is no use to learner only in appreciation without task.In connection with different student,different movie and different teaching task,setting teaching assignment could be diverse.Setting the theme before class begins.Determine one or two themes based on the degree of students and video content in order to require students follow closely to the assignment and finish it.For instance,we can use daily communication as the theme in that class to require students grasping expression that shown in movie about people greet,answer calls and farewell etc.students need to scene reproduced timely or use the language in movie performed.In this way we could help students learn largely applied language outside the textbook,strengthen the flexibility of using language.Chinese subtitles could obstruct the effect of the listening comprehension but it can assist translation teaching.Context is considered in translation,the evolving plot provide the content to the translation teaching necessarily,and subtitles provide teaching a reference which could learn and juxtapose.English movie language is the best material for training listening skills because it has rich information and difficult to easily.In the process of watching a movie teacher could make some listening task on the basis of students’ English basis.Some movie subtitles does not have high quality in the situation of driven by profit.Obvious mistakes.On the one hand it damage the benefit of consumer,on the other hand it provide the material for English teaching.Teacher should select discrepancy in the movie when prepare a lesson and ask student to discuss these questions on the class.
English movies have fully showed its potential superiority based on feature of interesting,imaginary and large language and culture information.Particularly fetch up the shortage from tradition teaching and existing materials on the part of English listening skill,language communicate skill and cross-culture ability.Appropriate use English movies in listening comprehension have active significance with regard to improve the students’ interests,strengthen the understanding English country’s culture,background and improve the English skill effectively.
绝情文文 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Any teaching process needs teacher to control the study behaviors of the students effectively in order to achieve the corresponding teaching purposes. It does not achieve the goal of transfering knowledge and skill purposefully, organizedly and systematically to learners if you are only in propagation without controling . Same as movie teaching . There is no use learning only in appreciation without task . In connection with different students , different movies and different teaching tasks, setting teaching assignments could be diverse. Setting the theme before class begins. Determine one or two themes based on the degree of the students and video content in order to require students to follow close to the assignment and to finish it. For instance, we can use daily communication as the theme in the class to require students to grasp the expressions that are shown in the movie when people greet, answer calls , farewell etc. Students need to reproduce the scene timely or use the sentences in the movie performed. In this way we could help students learn largely applied language outside the textbook and strengthen the flexibility of using language. Chinese subtitles may obstruct the effect of the listening comprehension , but it can assist translation teaching. Context is considered in translation, the evolving plot provides the content to the translation teaching necessarily, and subtitles provide teaching a reference which could learn and juxtapose. English movie language is the best material for training listening skills because it has rich information and different degrees of difficulty . In the process of watching a movie teacher could make some listening tasks based on the students’ English base . Some movie subtitles do not have high quality in the situation of being driven by profit. On the one hand ,it damages the benefits of the consumers. On the other hand it provides the material for English teaching. Teacher should select discrepancy in the movie when preparing a lesson and ask student to discuss these questions on the class.
English movies have fully showed its potential superiority based on feature of interesting, imaginary and large language and culture information. Particularly fetch up the shortage from tradition teaching and existing materials on the part of English listening skill, language communicate skill and cross-culture ability. Appropriate use English movies in listening comprehension have active significance with regard to improve the students’ interests, strengthen the understanding English country’s culture, background and improve the English skill effectively.
二十一世纪英文报征文活动的英语作文开头为aprocess is a
粉粉圈 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Now in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. So...