( )1.One of the treasures Canada has to offer is___beauiful

yongyongboyup2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

( )1.One of the treasures Canada has to offer is___beauiful scenery.Especially in autumn maple leaves turn ___beautiful red.A.a;a B.a;the C./;a D./;/( )2.—What's your name please,sir?—Thompson S.Robert.A.It's a long name.B.Could you spell that for me?C.Robert?That's interesting.D.Why do you say so?( )3.The famous bar streets and districts like Sanlitun or Houhai ___these youth as well as a great number of foreign workers and students.A.catering for B.catering to C.caters to D.cater to( )4.___I could remember,I did return him the money.A.As far as B.What C.Since D.Now that( )5.It was___some mistakes in our work that our project was going on so slowly.A.thanks to B.owning to C.in spite of D.regardless of( )7.___such subjects ,the department also taught mathematics and geography.A.In addition to B.Except C.But for D.Despite( )8.—What a beautiful dress it is!Who have you bought it for?—My sister.She will ___ like it!A.sure to B.be sure C.be bound to D.be bound of( )9.___with air-conditioning ,the room is cool in summer and warm in winter.A.To equip B.Having equipped C.Being equipped D.Equipped( )10.—you are late again.—I'm sorry,but an/a ___visitor came to see me when I was ready to go.A.acute B.absolute C.unexpected D.countless( )11.Try to spend your time just on the things you find___.A.worth doing themB.worth being doneC.worthy to being doneD.worthy of being done( )12.___the timing has changed,Mr Bush says his determination has not.A.Because B.While C.In that D.In order that( )13.—Oh,it's you!I didn't recognize you .—I ___my hair cut,and ___dark glasses.A.had;was wearingB.had;woreC.have had;am wearingD.have had ;wear( )14.When I lived in that village,I often observed an old man sitting under a tree___something on the ground.A.draw B.drawing C.to draw D.drawn( )15.—Paul bought a new car last week again.—Oh,he___have earned a large sum of money.A.could B.should C.might D.must 终于打完这些题目了(累)求答案…………在线~


aifudong 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
scenery不可数且无特指,turn red中间不用加冠词
主语是streets and districts,而且句子缺谓语动词,所以C
据我记忆,as far as...就是据...所知,所记忆的,所了解的
thanks to多亏
owing to 由于
inspite of 即使
regardless of不管...
be bound to 是一定的意思
be sure 后面要加to或从句
equip的主语是the room,因此用被动,如果选C则表示正在被安装,强调正在,所以不选C
worth doing sth 本来就有被动意味,如The museun worth visiting,这个博物馆值得参观
because表示因为,in that表示既然,in order to表示为了
see sb. doing表示看见某人在干什么,see sb. do 表示看见某人干了什么事,表示看完了事件的整个过程


英语翻译1.One of the nice things about surrendering to the fact
1.One of the nice things about surrendering to the fact that life isn't fair is that it keeps us from feeling sorry for ourselves by encouraging us to do the very best we can with what we have.
2.I have never had any trouble with the public beause I always try to be nice to everyone.
3.It is celebrated because the parents want their children to be strong and healthy.
4.Despite what the work is,how you relate to people influences not only how well you work,but also how you feel about yourself.
5.His extra work would be finished and they could both play.
6.Children who often eat dinner with their parents are happier and have fewer behavior problems.
7.Sports can help you keep fit and gei in touch with nature.
8.Compared with traditional health clubs and modern sports centers,they are better choices.
9.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking,so he will learn to work hard and gradully finish his job successfully.
10.These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book,but rather to think,to use his mind.
11.There is no place so good as this for feeling the difference between light and darkness.
12.The next kind of friend is really unusual and having one makes you very lucky.
13.But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity.
14.Amazingly,da Vinci wrote backword,so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror.
15.Sometimes I have to give information quickly,without time to think it over.
16.Wearing a smile will make you more charming and help you to win lots of friends.
tehf 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 关于对生活不公平这个事实屈服的好处之一就是它能通过鼓励我们把现有的做到最好来使我们从对自己失望的情绪中走出.
2 我从未与公众产生不和,因为我总是努力对每个人都很好.
3 父母想让孩子变得更强壮更健康很让人欣慰.
4 不管你做的工作是什么,怎样与人们相处影响到的不仅是你的工作,更影响到你对自己的感觉.
5 他的额外作业马上就能做完,然后你们就可以一起出去玩了.
6 经常和他们的父母一起吃饭的孩子会更加的开心也会有更少的行为问题.
7 运动可以让你保持健康和与大自然接触.
8 与传统的健康俱乐部和现代运动中心相比,他们是更好的选择.
9 一个好的厨师总是努力提高他的厨艺,所以他会学习勤奋工作和逐渐成功的完成工作.
10 这些活动不仅教会孩子们怎样读书,更是教会孩子们用自己的头脑来思考.
11 没有像这个地方一样好的地方来使你感受得到光明与黑暗的不同.
12 下面这种朋友很不寻常,有一个这样的朋友你就很幸运了.
13 但是反对调查的人说,改变记忆很危险因为记忆给我们属于自己的印记.
14 令人惊奇的是达芬奇写下了反向,所以读他的笔记的最简单的方法便是在镜子前面举着笔记.
15 有时候我必须很快的给出信息,并没有时间去仔细的思考.
16 面带笑容能让你更有魅力并帮你交到更多的朋友.
英语翻译1.one of the world`s famous institutions of higher learn
1.one of the world`s famous institutions of higher learning
2.Most fellows are college instructors called tutors,and the rest are university peofessors and lecturers
3.Students choose which lectures to attend on the basis of their own special interests and on the advice of their tutors
4.The Rhodes scholarship program enables students from the Uniteed States,Canada,and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimum of two years
5.Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application,as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs
我扔 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
几道英语!sos根据首字母填空1.One of my fridens won an a___ for his artic
1.One of my fridens won an a___ for his article last year
2.Don't worry.Mrs Hu will be a___to help you work out this Maths problem.
3.Don't go out,The rain is p___ down.
安安希玛 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1.one of rooms 后边是跟has 还是have
1.one of rooms 后边是跟has 还是have
2.this tree trunk is thicker than that tree trunk(改为同义句)
that tree trunk isn't ____ ____ ____ this tree trunk.
an343 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
one of the rooms has
as thick as
1.One of his friends______his daughter sometimes.
1.One of his friends______his daughter sometimes.
A.visiting B.is visiting C.visitor D.visits
2.This machine is very easy to use._______can learn to use it in a very short time.
A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Few people
3.Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem.
So it_______be very difficult.
A.may B.must C.can D.need
4.---Hi,Mike,can you help me?---OK._______
A.you'll help me B.I'm going C.I'm coming D.I'm leaving
5.---What can I do for you,madam?---I'd like two_______.
A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk
D.bottle of milks
幻想ss 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
求各位亲们的回答1.One of the birthday cards ____ my favorite and it'
1.One of the birthday cards ____ my favorite and it's from Lily
A.is B.am C.are D.be
2.Selina,remember ____ December 22nd is our mother's birthday
A.that B.what C.when D.this
3.He often ____ a dog at home.
A.play B.play with C.plays D.plays with
4.-----____They taste very good.
-----Because they are not good for health
A.Why don't you like to eat ice-cream?
B.Why don't you like to eat hamburger?
C.Why don't they go to the zoo with you?
D.Why don't they like the pet dogs?
600237 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
形容词&副词1.One of his great inventions was ____ valued at the w
1.One of his great inventions was ____ valued at the world Scientific Conference.
2.It’s ____ that he was wrong.
3.Nancy is considered to be ____the other students in her class.
A.as intelligent as
B.the most intelligentC.intelligent as wellD less intelligent.
4.The top of the Great Wall is____ for 5 horses to get side by side.
A.wide enoughB.so wideC.wideD.enough wide
5.---Is the library ___ now?----No,it’s____.
6.---what’s his mother like?---- ­_______.
A.she’s tall and thin.B.she’s at homeC.she likes watching TVD.she’s very happy
7.Of all the students in our class,Betty writes___.
A.the most carefullyB.most carefullyC.more carefullyD.very carefully
8.Chinese is spoken by the ___ number of people in the world.
A.largestB.mostC.smallest D.wide
9.He ________ lives in the house where he was born.
10.Although he did not know London well,he made his way____ to the airport.
A.easily enoughB.enoughC.easy enoughD.enough easily)
11.Neither John ___ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.
12.They were the only men who received votes __ me.
13.She is not only my classmates____________ also my good friend.
tingting825 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
6-10 AAAAA
11-13 AAA
用下列词组造句:1.one of the main reasons 2.try to do 3.try one's be
用下列词组造句:1.one of the main reasons 2.try to do 3.try one's best 4.be ready to 8.not as
9.dress up like a boy
xafn 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1.It is one of the main reasons to protect environment.
2.We can try to do something difficult.
3.We can try our best.
4.Are you ready to do it?
8.The city here is not as clean as that one.
9.You dress up this modelling like a boy.
英语翻译1.One of the apples is a lot bigger than the other one.2
1.One of the apples is a lot bigger than the other one.
2.it's selfish to take the bigger one for yourself .
骑士2005 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
选择填空(情态动词):( )1.One of the most famous singers ( ) from Beij
选择填空(情态动词):( )1.One of the most famous singers ( ) from Beijing .A:come B:is come
( )1.One of the most famous singers ( ) from Beijing .
   A:come B:is come C.comes
( )2.Though ( 尽管 ) he is very tired ,he still continues ( ).
A:work B:to work C:works .
( )3 The( ) boy is good at drawing pioctures .
A:8-years-old B:8-year-old C.8 years old.
( )4 He is good at playing ( ) piano and ( ) table tennis .
A:the ,the B:/,the C.The ,/.
( ) 5.( ) weather it is
A:What a bad B:How bad C What bad.
( ).6.--- Would you like ( ) cake --- No ,thanks .I’m full .
A:another B:the other C.others.
yy250 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 C
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 C
6 A
用12个英语造句1.one of ···之一2.top student 尖子生3.put on 穿上4.at break
1.one of ···之一2.top student 尖子生3.put on 穿上4.at breakfast 吃早餐时5.make phone calls 打电话6.on the way to... 在去的路上7.daily life 日常生活8.talk about 讨论9.take away 拿走10.be different from 和....不同的11.be similar to 和...相似的12.be good at 擅长
米生设计 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
1.There are many people,one of them is my mom.2.He is a top student in our class.3.You must put on the coat because it's very cold today.4.He always reads newspaper at breakfast.5.You must make phone ...
初二英语短语造句1.one of +名称复数+谓动词单数 ...其中之一2.in modern history 在现代3
1.one of +名称复数+谓动词单数 ...其中之一
2.in modern history 在现代
3.hear about 听说
4.at the time 在当时
5.have fun 玩得愉快
6.ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事
7.stop doing sth.停止做某事
8.in silence 静静地
9.take place 发生
10.in more recent times 在最近
11.not all 不是所有
13.go into space 进入太空
14.all over the world 全世界
有烟-没火 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
1.YaoMing is one of the famous basketball players in the world.2.In modern history,people's lives become increasingly better.3.I hear about Lily always goes to the library every Friday.4.He was fallin...
英译汉1.one of the ways of travel is called "package" travel
英译汉1.one of the ways of travel is called "package" travel
1.one of the ways of travel is called "package" travel
2.I spent time relaxing myself at home
心流血 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
( )1.One of the treasures Canada has to offer is___beauiful
( )1.One of the treasures Canada has to offer is___beauiful scenery.Especially in autumn maple leaves turn ___beautiful red.
A.a;a B.a;the C./;a D./;/
( )2.—What's your name please,sir?
—Thompson S.Robert.
A.It's a long name.
B.Could you spell that for me?
C.Robert?That's interesting.
D.Why do you say so?
( )3.The famous bar streets and districts like Sanlitun or Houhai ___these youth as well as a great number of foreign workers and students.
A.catering for B.catering to C.caters to D.cater to
( )4.___I could remember,I did return him the money.
A.As far as B.What C.Since D.Now that
( )5.It was___some mistakes in our work that our project was going on so slowly.
A.thanks to B.owning to C.in spite of D.regardless of
( )7.___such subjects ,the department also taught mathematics and geography.
A.In addition to B.Except C.But for D.Despite
( )8.—What a beautiful dress it is!Who have you bought it for?
—My sister.She will ___ like it!
A.sure to B.be sure C.be bound to D.be bound of
( )9.___with air-conditioning ,the room is cool in summer and warm in winter.
A.To equip B.Having equipped C.Being equipped D.Equipped
( )10.—you are late again.
—I'm sorry,but an/a ___visitor came to see me when I was ready to go.
A.acute B.absolute C.unexpected D.countless
( )11.Try to spend your time just on the things you find___.
A.worth doing them
B.worth being done
C.worthy to being done
D.worthy of being done
( )12.___the timing has changed,Mr Bush says his determination has not.
A.Because B.While C.In that D.In order that
( )13.—Oh,it's you!I didn't recognize you .
—I ___my hair cut,and ___dark glasses.
A.had;was wearing
C.have had;am wearing
D.have had ;wear
( )14.When I lived in that village,I often observed an old man sitting under a tree___something on the ground.
A.draw B.drawing C.to draw D.drawn
( )15.—Paul bought a new car last week again.
—Oh,he___have earned a large sum of money.
A.could B.should C.might D.must
小意天天 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
SAT 改错 1.One of the most popular and attractive new cars 【we
SAT 改错
1.One of the most popular and attractive new cars 【were available for so little money that people thought something was】 wrong.
(C) was available for so little money that people thought something has gone
(D) was available for so little money that people thought something was
2.【Whether the ancient Egyptians actually sailed or did not】to South America remains uncertain,but Heydrdahl’s Ra Ⅱ expedition demonstrated that they could have done so.
(A) Whether the ancient Egyptians actually sailed or did not
(D) That the ancient Egyptians actually sailed
3.Mr.Chung would like to retire ,but retirement is unable to be afforded by him.
(B) Mr.Chung would like to retire,but he cannot afford that.
(C) Mr.Chung would like to retire,but he is unable to afford that.
4.The Ussuri tiger,a relative of the Bengal tiger,has been described 【as the strongest tiger and also the most peaceful of them.】
(C) the strongest tiger at the same time as it is the most peaceful tiger
(E) the strongest and yet the most peaceful of tigers
cqyouyu 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率75%
1. 主谓一致,C应该用had gone
4. 有对比,转折关系
初一英语的几道句子改错!1.One of the models come from China.2.My grandpa
1.One of the models come from China.
2.My grandparents felt happily when they saw us.
3.I can't study because she makes much too noise.
4.Daniel is interested in play basketball.
5.The students are doing after-school activities.Some are running,the others are jumping.
6.Don't late for class again ,Tom.
7.The shopkeeper has none eggs in his shop now.
8.It's getting dark.Please open the light.
hbjob 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
1.comes one of做主语时谓语动词用三单形式.
2.happy feel 属于系动词,后跟形容词作表语.
3.much too -too much
much too,too much,两者都是表示程度,但前者修饰形容词做状语,后者修饰名词作定语.
4.playing interested in后跟动名词
5.最后一个ARE 改为is some做主语谓语动词用三单.
8.open -turn on 前者指打开某物,后者指打开开动某机器,(要和汉语用法区别开)
以前学过的知识都忘了1.one of the solutions to the equation x^2+20=-4x
1.one of the solutions to the equation x^2+20=-4x is
A -20 B -24 C -2+4i D2+4i e 4i
2.if (2x+3)^1/2-x=0,then x=?
A 0 or -3/2 B -1+/- 2^1/2*i C 3 D -1 E 3 and -1
strangwinner1 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
i是虚数单位,i=根号下(-1).本身-1不能开根号,但是将实数域扩展后负数也可以进行开根号运算.运算法则与根号运算一样,例如根号下-3就是 (根号下3)* i;根号下-9就是3i.
新概念二的英汉互译题,1.One of car wheels came off2.Right wheel!3.The e
1.One of car wheels came off
2.Right wheel!
3.The eagle wheeled in the sky
4.The soldiers make a left wheel.
贴图监管 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
5.When I called bill,he turned immediately.
6.I am a bit tired,could you drive for me?
7.That box is used as a table to us.
8.Are you served?
9.He served but the ball didn't get over the net.
