north carolina是什么意思

张飚2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


记忆橡皮擦 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
north carolina
北卡罗来纳州是美国东南部大西洋沿岸的一个州.最初的13州之一.北接弗吉尼亚州,东滨大西洋,南界南卡罗来纳州和佐治亚州,西邻田纳西州.面积136560平方公里,在50州内列第28位.人口970万(2012年).农村人口占50%以上,为美国农村人口最多的州之一.首府罗利 (Raleigh),最大的城市为夏洛特.


North carolina 是个什么地名·· 能给我100字的英文介绍吗?
liao_15 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
North Carolina
In 50 states,in 28th place.
Population:5,525,000 people
In 50 states,in 11th place.
State:The Murray Raleigh
Major cities:Charlotte Chqrlotte
Grid mound Rensburg Greensboro
State Flower:dogwood flower
State bird:North American Cardinals
North Carolina,United States Senator controversial,the United States tobacco industry and textile magnate Jiexihai Helms (Jesse Helms) homeland.Thus,people will mention the state think there is pyrotechnics and chemical fiber.North Carolina has ups and downs along the border in the Tennessee mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountain Range cut,the state still twists and turns in the winding,scenic Atlantic coast.Moreover,Sr.Walter Raleigh in 1585 established Luoenuoke island is British in the Americas,a colony.
Both the colonial period,or in the War of Independence in the key role,and today it then bred in the state of elegant town's traditional culture,all showed the long history of North Carolina.Raleigh,the state capital with two people welcomed by the symphony and fine art museums,which are sponsored by the Jesikheirems President.Coin Museum of Art is located in Charlotte.Chapel Hill's Morehead Planetarium is the best planetariums in the United States.
Area:136,560 square kilometers
North Carolina,and South Carolina to a StateofSouthCarolina was originally called Carolina satisfied ProvinceofCarolina province,in commemoration of the British monarch.Because the name of King Charles,when written in Latin,Carolus.North and South divided into two states in 1712.
In 1585,the colonial Raleigh SirWalterRaleigh here.The current state of the state is called Raleigh Raleigh,he is Huannian.On November 21,1789,as the old 13 states in the United States of the 10th state.The dogwood is the state flower of flowers,and Virginia the same.State alias called "black oil heels of the state" tarHeelState or "Old North State" OldNorthState.State maxim:"Yes,it is better than" toBe,RatherThantSeem.
The state is located in central Raleigh Raleigh,population 120,000.Charlotte metropolis,in southwestern Lower population.State colleges and universities have 98.Most universities are the University of North Carolina (6 points:the first at ChapelHill search Song Mountain,founded in 1789; The second is in Raleigh,founded in 1889; Third in the grid mound Rensburg Greensboro,founded in 1891; In the fourth Ashiweier Asheville,founded in 1927; Weiming fifth in Dayton,founded in 1947; the last one in Charlotte,founded in 1965,the number of students is 40,000.)
The state has two characteristics:first,agriculture,tobacco production up to 700 million pounds annually,in the states,out of one.In recent years,the Health Board's smoking cessation,decreasing production.Second,the cotton industry as the state crown.Charlotte to Charlotte for the center,around the many small textile industry city.Undersecretary of freshwater willing Island factory.
Honshu main crops are tobacco,cotton,soybeans and corn.Turkey,broilers,cattle,the cattle keepers also Sheng.Mica producing state,the highest yield for the state.
一道gmat题Most North Carolina ski resorts broadcast music onto
Most North Carolina ski resorts broadcast music onto the slopes; skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are no slopes without music.
(A) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are
(B) because skiers can choose hard rock, soft pop, or “beautiful music,” there are
(C) however, skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music,” and
(D) although skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are
(E) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music” slopes, but
为什么是D不是E?不是说有there be结构的都不正确的吗?
划线部分skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are
迷迷800315 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
首先 要说明的是 there be 只是大多数不正确 不是全部 所以 要慎用 第二 请注意 D和E的区别 用E的话,逗号后面是 but no slopes without music.这个句子是不完整的 这是大错误 是首要排除的
而且就这题来说 转折用although 比用but这个强转折更合适点