英语翻译Rock garden plantsSmall,colourful rock plants bring a sp

xzm03982022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Rock garden plants
Small,colourful rock plants bring a sparkle to nooks and crannies all over the garden THE FIRST ROCK GARDEN was built in the 1770s in Chelsea physic Garden in Britain by Sir Joseph Banks,the explorer and natural historian.It consisted of a brooding heap of black basaltic lave from the Tower of London.Though unattractive,it was nevertheless important as an attempt to grow plants in a way which reproduced their natural habitat.
However,the vast Victorian models of the Matterhorn,whitened on top to suggest snow,show how easy it is to get carried away by this approach.Modern gardeners now appreciate that reproduction of habitat is concerned basically with soil type,drainage or availability of moisture,and aspect.
Rock plant is collective name for an enormous range of plant,characterised by their generally small stature and brilliant flowers,rather than their mountain origins.Many of them make such a show as to completely hide their leaves behind a cascade of colour,Some of the most popular,such as Alyssum and Ajugas,have no need of rock-garden conditions or care-good drainage and an open position are all they require.At the other end of the scale are the high alpines-rare gentians,and rosaces and primulas.Exquisite in detail,their successful cultivation is often a considerable test of skill.
Between the two extremes is a host of lovely plants for rock gardens proper,cracks and crannies in walls,sinks and troughs or a single block of tufa rock which ,nestling in moist sand,can provide a home for some of the most beautiful plants anyone can grow.


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摇滚工厂是集体名称大量的植物,它们的普遍特点是小的地位和灿烂的花朵,而不是他们的山区起源.他们中的许多人提出这样的节目,以完全隐藏自己留下了一连串的颜色,其中最流行的,如庭荠和Ajugas ,有没有必要岩花园条件或照顾好排水和一个开放的立场都它们需要.在另一端的规模是高阿尔卑斯-罕见gentians ,并rosaces和primulas .精致的细节,他们往往是成功种植了相当考验技巧.

