Prospects for the coming year look bright.

huanghao02062022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Prospects for the coming year look bright.
此句中的 prospect for 用得是否合适
为什么不用 prospect of?


meimeiyao 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
for the coming year只是对于prospects的补充性说明,表达是对来年的预测而已.并不是刻意必须使用for来接这个动词,用of当然可以,但读起来可能会感觉不同,总之表达的意思是没有什么差别的,我认为用得合适.


英语翻译6.Future prospectsAccording to the Chinese government ti
6.Future prospects
According to the Chinese government timetable,energyefficiency design standards for residential buildings in all climate zones should take effect by the end of 2003 (for moderate zones,designers can use standards for neighboring climate zones).A revision of JGJ 26–95 is the highest priority because its design indices still lag behind those of developed countries,and it addresses only central heating
systems and does not address air conditioning.In addition,the Beijing municipal government is preparing to revise its local energy-efficient buildings standard.This revised local standard should result in a significant increase in energy savings.
In the current standards,the key performance parameters stipulated for windows are heat-transfer coefficients and air tightness.These parameters are key in Northern China where heating-season energy consumption dominates.However,in Central and Southern China where cooling loads are the major contributors to residential energy consumption,the window performance requirements are somewhat different Similar to related American standards,in which window performance requirements are prescribed according to climate zone,The Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in the Hot Summer and Warm Winter Zone has included a shading coefficient requirement.
Building energy efficiency is and will continue to be an important aspect of a national strategy for managing energy resources,encouraging sustainable development and environmental protection,and strengthening the Chinese economy and standard of living.
幼林 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
根据我国政府的时间表,在所有气候区的住宅大厦energyefficiency设计标准应考虑在2003年底生效(将温和区,设计人员可以使用邻近的气候区标准).一个JGJ 26-95修订是最优先的,因为它的设计指标仍落后于发达国家的差距,而且只涉及集中供热
请教一句英文,如下.it is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects
it is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens.这一句中it is not simply to 固定用法吗?
_bloodfox_ 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
这是个“it is +被强调部分+that+句子其余部分”的强调句式,还原成普通句子是:
All children are legally required to attend school into their teens not simply to raise everyone's job prospects.
英语翻译“Lapsed” prospects might be sent surveys,incentives to r
“Lapsed” prospects might be sent surveys,incentives to revisit the website,or an invitation to engage you via another channel.
waterman2004 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
改错~Whatever good our economic prospects are,we still have a
改错~Whatever good our economic prospects are,we still have a long why to go.
月光mz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Whatever 改为 Howeve
这个英语句子对吗?What do you think are the prospects for on-line edu
What do you think are the prospects for on-line education?
怎么感觉那个 are 用在这里很别扭,不是有个 惯用用法 what do you think of ... (对某个/些事情的看法)吗?
嗯,What do you think of the prospects for on-line education? 是一个对的句子。
而What do you think are the prospects for on-line education? 是一本听力书上的句子,但我感觉不对,想问问大家的意见。
说点废话 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
意思是 你认为网络教育有什么样的前景?
it is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects
it is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects
lixiaojie2006 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
分析:此句中“It”作形式宾语,代指后面的不定时“to raise everyone's job prospects”,所以在翻译是须把不定时翻译在前,而“simply ”是修饰不定时
帮我写篇英语作文how to improve career prospects while at college 急
至尊宝来了 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
In a competitive society, having a good academic transcript will no longer guarantee you a job position when you graduate. This is because one may possess a good knowledge of theories that have been learnt from textbooks, but do not have the actual practical skills that can be effectively applied to the job when they start working. Hence, having relevant job experience that relate to the degree that you are studying is crucial for modern college students. Having job experience will mean that you have stepped out from being a student who knows 'nothing' to a beginner of the society. Therefore, the earlier you have the experience, the more 'mature' your job skills will build. This will definitely be your competitive advantage and help you to have the edge over other students when you are finding the same job. Hence, work experience and a good academic transcript will greatly help students to improve their career prospects.
求指导~1.It is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects tha
1.It is not simply to raise everyone's job prospects that all children are legally required to attend school into their teens.这句话的that是什么作用?还有attend school into是固定用法吗?
2.But,for a small group of students,professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills,all other factors being equal,can be the difference between having a job and not.这里的all other factors being equal为什么用being不用are
syt1234567 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
attend school是固定短语,是入学;into their teens 是在青少年时期.

all other factors being equal 是作为插入语,并不是句子的主干,用现在分词形式,使的句子无法成为一个独立的句子.因为整个2是一句话,一句话只能有一个谓语,如果用are,就存在两个谓语了.
1 their__________prospects are bright.
1 their__________prospects are bright.
A economy b economics c economic d economical
2 how much will you_______for the handbag?
A charge b cost c spend d take
3 he should not be_______for the accident
A beaten b blamed c burdened d loaded
4 what are the ______on his getting the job?
A odds b chance c possibility d opportunity
5 A large_______of originl bokks are available at the bookstore
A sum b quality c deal d variety
6 some employees are not so_______with their working conditions
A critical b satisfied c satisfying d pleasant
7 he didn`t go to meet his wife_______yesterday due to an important conference
A in detail b in place c in person d in a hurry
8 if you_______a pupil too hard,he may get bored of learning
A pack b put c pull d push
9 when did India gain_______from great britain?
A friendship b reliance c independence d dependence
10 the female scientist has_______all her life to conserving the rain forest
A dedicated b gave c sacrificed d devoted
11 what a noble,splendid,inspiring________you have given us
A foundation b injury c passenger d address
12 the teacher asked for____facts explaining the fall of the roman empire
A rural b severe c terrific d concrete
13 that one______coal from the railway is Portuguese
A loading b shaking c broadcasting d hijacking
14 she went through the typescript carefully,to_____all errors from it
A fight b draw c eliminate d beat
15 in her anger she_______her lips so tightly that they went white
A carved b compressed c integrated d stick
16 wine is one of the______that france sells abroad
A commodities b commercials c matters d materials
17 they have just built a new automobile________
A era b plant c organization d nation
18 the doctor`s talk_______the history of medicine from roman times to the present day
A showed b conveyed c covered d marked
shuaiku 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1 their____C______prospects are bright.
A economy b economics c economic d economical
2 how much will you__A_____for the handbag?
A charge b cost c spend d take
3 he should not be__B_____for the accident
A beaten b blamed c burdened d loaded
4 what are the ___D___on his getting the job?
A odds b chance c possibility d opportunity
5 A large___B____of originl bokks are available at the bookstore
A sum b quality c deal d variety
6 some employees are not so___C____with their working conditions
A critical b satisfied c satisfying d pleasant
7 he didn`t go to meet his wife____C___yesterday due to an important conference
A in detail b in place c in person d in a hurry
8 if you_____D__a pupil too hard,he may get bored of learning
A pack b put c pull d push
9 when did India gain___A____from great britain?
A friendship b reliance c independence d dependence
10 the female scientist has__A_____all her life to conserving the rain forest
A dedicated b gave c sacrificed d devoted
11 what a noble,splendid,inspiring____B____you have given us
A foundation b injury c passenger d address
12 the teacher asked for_D___facts explaining the fall of the roman empire
A rural b severe c terrific d concrete
13 that one___D___coal from the railway is Portuguese
A loading b shaking c broadcasting d hijacking
14 she went through the typescript carefully,to_C____all errors from it
A fight b draw c eliminate d beat
15 in her anger she__B_____her lips so tightly that they went white
A carved b compressed c integrated d stick
16 wine is one of the___B___that france sells abroad
A commodities b commercials c matters d materials
17 they have just built a new automobile____B____
A era b plant c organization d nation
18 the doctor`s talk___C____the history of medicine from roman times to the present day
A showed b conveyed c covered d marked
- What about my career prospects? Is my work contract ______
- What about my career prospects? Is my work contract __________?
- I think so. If we’re satisfied with you, you can become our permanent worker.
A.qualified B.temporary C.renewable D.promising
laopowode 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

Interest,as well as prospects,_____ important when one looks
Interest,as well as prospects,_____ important when one looks for a job../.
please explain
Interest,as well as prospects,_____ important when one looks for a job.a.are b.were d.was
zhouqiaodidid 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
大家帮我看看这个句子It is not simply to raise everyone's jib prospects
It is not simply to raise everyone's jib prospects that all children are legally required to attend shool into their teens.
逃跑的乞丐 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
It’s simply a waste of time and money seeing that movie.
英语翻译The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of
The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly studied as Vermeer are not,on the surface,---------------
hhz914 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
解释:看我的直译,就知道原英语句子的结构,主语是 the prospects ;谓语是are not encouraging ;as thoroughly studied as Vermeer 作定语修饰 a painter ; on the surface是插入语(从表面看来),它插在谓语之间了.
unpromising,adj. 无前途的,没有希望的
superficial,adj. 表面的;肤浅的
看这4个词的意思,与本句相关联的意群逻辑意思都不融洽,或者说如果选择上面4个,逻辑意义都没有选择encouraging合理,(注意谓语是are not 所以,后面再跟否定意义的词表示肯定),上面你提的4个不可以选择.(但是如果你硬要选择,句子本身都可以形成,但是,句子逻辑意义却令人费解),选择题并不是只要句子本身能够说得过去就行,而是要把句子说的几乎完美无缺,当然选择词必须看上下文或句子本身的具体意义来确定最佳选择了!
英语翻译The prospects of a cure for lung cancer are,at present,r
The prospects of a cure for lung cancer are,at
present,remote,and it is impossible to estimate when,if ever,someone
will find one.You would be foolish to rely on someone finding a cure
before you needed it.
One man in eight who die between the ages of
35 and 64 is killed by lung cancer.The figures for women in this age
group are lower,about 1 in 20.This is partly because women smoke less,
and have not smoked as long.But the figures are still very high.
六枝盘县 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译1.翻译一下括号里的Man:what do you think of the prospects for onl
1.翻译一下括号里的Man:what do you think of the prospects for online education?Is it going to replace the traditional school?
Woman:(I doubt it.Schools are here to stay.Because they are much more than just book learning.Even though more and more kids are going online,I believe fewer of them will quit school altogether)
男人居家 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
