初二英语选词填空 Din't worry.Let me tell you the___of the words

梦中飘絮2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


Din't worry.Let me tell you the___of the words.
Sometimes ___ the future is kind of interesting.


落日情故 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
1.astronaut 2.probably 3.meaning 4.predicting 5.come true 6.looks like 7.impossible 8.housework 9.seems 10.shape



瓦五地怀南鬼 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
has worn
hallerwong 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
8iki8 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
sghdshg 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
公式: F=PS 【S:受力面积,两物体接触的公共部分;单位:米2.】
规律:①同一深度处,各个方向上压强大小相等②深度越大,压强也越大③不同液体同一深度处,液体密度大的,压强也大. [深度h,液面到液体某点的竖直高度.]
公式:P=ρgh h:单位:米; ρ:千克/米3; g=9.8牛/千克.
即F浮=G液排=ρ液gV排. (V排表示物体排开液体的体积)
4.当物体漂浮时:F浮=G物 且 ρ物G物 且 ρ物2f f
娜么美丽啊 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率64.3%
求助,初二英语句型转换1.I have been collecting money (since I was ten).
1.I have been collecting money (since I was ten).对括号里的内容提问
2.He finished (writing a book)last week.对括号里的内容提问
3.I (was studying)in the library yesterday afternoon.对括号里的内容提问
4.She did her homework last night.改成否定句
She ( ) ( ) her homework last night
5.My best friend is more popular than me.改为同义句
I ( ) ( ) popular than my best.
baobao-sy 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
how long have you been collecting money
what did he finish doing last week
what were you doing in the library yesterday afternoon
She didn't do her homework last night
am less
继电保护 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
(4分)某学者就“初中生语文学习方式与学习效率之关系”对三个平行班(每班50人)进行了调查,以下是调查的数据统计.学习效率学习方式 掌握80%以上 掌握
布兰达达 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
(4分)某学者就“初中生语文学习方式与学习效率之关系”对三个平行班(每班50人)进行了调查,以下是调查的数据统计.学习效率学习方式 掌握80%以上 掌握
英语 初二英语语法总结 (28 11:5:35)
老枯 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1.在进行时态中.如:1.He is watching TV in the room.
2.They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
2.在there be结构中.如:There is a boy swimming in the river.
3.在have fun/problems结构中.如:We have fun learning English this term.
They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
4.在介词后面.如:Thanks for helping me.Are you good at playing basketball?
What /How about doing sth?做某事怎么样?I am interested in playing football.
1.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事;
2.finish doing sth;完成做某事;
3.feel like doing sth 想要做某事;
4.stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事)
5.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事;
6.go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);
7.remember doing sth 记得做过某事;
8.like doing sth 喜欢做某事;
9.find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做
10.try doing sth 试图做某事;
11.need doing sth 需要做某事;
12.prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;
13.mind doing sth 介意做某事;
14.miss doing sth 错过做某事;
15.practice doing sth 练习做某事;
16.be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;
17.can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;
18.waste time/money doing 浪费时间/金钱做…;
19.keep sb.doing 让…始终/一直做…
20.stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事
21.prefer doing B to doing B=like A better than A喜欢做A更喜欢做B
22.“do some +doing”短语
如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking
23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)
如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎)
I feel(am/was) excited/ surprised/ amazed /interested /tired/pleased/worried/lost
Keep…closed/ a boy called/named Tom
初二英语阅读理解A kind of little cars may some day take the place of
A kind of little cars may some day take the place of today’s cars.If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less pollution in the car.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowded.Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.
The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safer,too,as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers an hour.The cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city,but they will not be useful for long trips.Little cars will go 450 kilometers before needing to stop for more gasoline.
If big cars are still used along with the small ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the future.Some roads will be used for the big,fast cars and other roads will be needed for the slower,small ones.
1.The usual size of cars today are ( )that of future cars.
A.much smaller than B.much the same as
C.three times as large as D.a little larege than
ii风云客 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
A.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowded.Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.这句话说明车的尺寸会更小这样城市才可以有更多的空间.
40644064 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

figarowu 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率90.3%
where does he live
how long did you stayed there
have you even been to dalian
That's great
how did you go there
初二上册单项选择1.Don't ____ water.It's cold.A.play B.play for C.pla
1.Don't ____ water.It's cold.
A.play B.play for C.play with D.play on
2.The little boy and the girl are practicing _____ a kite.
A.buy B.to make C.flying D.playing
3.It's raining hard outside,so we _____ stay in the classroom.
A.must B.can C.have to D.might
4.Let's play games,shall we?-_____ play soccer?
A.What about B.Let's C.Why not D.Why don't you
5.Cars,buses and bikes _____ stop when the traffic lights are red.
A.can B.may C.must D.need
6.I don't like this pair of shoes.Please show me _____.
A.another pair B.other one C.the other ones D.others
7.Would you please _____ in class?
A.not to talk B.to not talk C.not talk D.talks
happyhuamao 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1 B 固定用法‘玩……’
2 C PRACTISE DOING STH 固定用法,故排除A与B,而风筝是放不是玩,故D也错
3 C 客观‘不得不’
4 C 根据句式排除B,A后的动词要用ING形式,故A错,根据句意D不对,因为没包含‘我’在内
5 C 车辆遇见红灯必须停,这是交通规则
6 A 指三者以上的东西用ANOTHER
7 C 固定用法
初二宾语从句1.Where is the red pen?Could you tell me?_____________
1.Where is the red pen?Could you tell me?
2.What should we wear there?Can you tell me?
3.What's wrong with you?I don't know
4."Which coat should I choose?" she asks
5.When will Kate come back?He wants to know
zhangweiguang67 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
Could you tell me Where the red pen is?
Can you tell me What we should wear there?
I don't know what's wrong with you
She asks which coat she should choose.
He wants to know when kate will come back
aphredite 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
当S 闭合时A2=0.5A
S闭合时,A1的示数为0.5A 得
(2)当滑动变阻器达到最大时,Vr0=4v 电流Ir0=0.5A
且有 0.5R+4=U ………………1
1*R=U ……………………2
由1、2得 R=8Ω
zyj51 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
教科书 后面单词表 Words and Expressions
每一个单元后面的语法重点 Grammar Focus
单词表前面还有 Grammar 语法
初二句型转换,1.My parents want to reduce pocket money.My parents w
1.My parents want to reduce pocket money.
My parents want ( ) my pocket money ( ) in number.
2.Most people like to enjoy themselves in a large area without building.
Most people like to ( ) ( ) in ( ) ( ).
3.Restaurants,shops and market stalls are all important.
Restaurants,shops ( ) ( ) ( ) market stalls are all important.
4.Millie wanted to have an interview with Mr.Chen.
Millie wanted to ( ) ( ) Mr.Chen.
5.American people often dump the old furniture before Christmas.
American people often ( ) ( ) the old furniture before Christmas.
无非120289300 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
1.cut down
2.have fun open air
3.as well as
4.talk with
5.clean up
qamvm 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
Α_α 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
A.海龟、鱿鱼;B.海蜇、青蛙;C.蜘蛛蟹、章鱼;D.鲤鱼、河蚌.答〔 〕
A.鼻孔;B.鳃;C.口;D.鳔.答〔 〕
C.身体腹面粗糙,有刚毛;D.体表干燥.答〔 〕
A.气管;B.肺;C.体表;D.头部.答〔 〕
A.节肢动物;B.环节动物;C.爬行动物;D.两栖动物.答〔 〕
二氧化硅2006 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
一、反复阅读选文 平时讲解课文之前要求学生要预习、阅读课文,其目的在于让学生熟悉课文、读通课文、读懂课文.要答阅读分析题,自然也不例外,读是基础.何况现在的选文大多是文质兼美的文章,它们或注重思辨、启迪学生智慧,或展示科技新貌、开拓学生视野,或寓理于情、引导学生形成正确的审美观、人生观,有的还代表着新的文化观念等,这些材料对大多数同学而言是陌生的,因此引导学生对材料进行浏览、细读、品读是必不可少的.浏览,即引导学生学会快速阅读包括标题和检测题在内的所有文字资料.通过浏览,大体知晓材料的内容和命题的方向,形成初步印象.细读,即在浏览的基础上,让学生带着检测题细细阅读选文,深入了解文章立意、写作思路、表达方式和表现手法等,做到重点明确、胸有全局.品读,就是要求学生带着对材料的初步理解,首先重点品读检测题的题干,揣摩出题者的意图,在有所思考的基础上再读选文,同时对那些答题要求较高的题目做到有的放矢、重点关注.二、抓住文体特征 阅读是解答题目的前提,要答好题,如果仅是读懂选文,而没有一定的知识积累,不掌握一些基本技能,可能也会无从下手.各类文体的特征就是必须掌握的知识.因为许多阅读材料一般都有较明显的文体特征,只有掌握各类文体的基础知识,答题才容易“上路子”.例如,记叙文常涉及的是记叙的六要素、记叙的线索、叙述的方式、表达的方式等;说明文常考的是说明方式、说明顺序、说明对象及特点、说明方法等;议论文则侧重对议论文的三要素考查,如文章的论点、论据的类型、论证的方法等.这些都涉及到相应文体的基本概念,有共性的内容.如果学生对选文的文体类型辨别无误,基本概念认识清晰,那么答题时就不会张冠李戴,这样基本分就不会丢失了.三、准确把握材料 每篇选文都是有血有肉的.但是阅读过程中,如不能很快地抓住主要内容或主题思想,而被一些具体琐碎的材料遮住视线,答题就会吃力不讨好.怎样很快地抓住文章的主干和灵魂呢?大体有以下三种方法:1、抓题目.标题是文章的眼睛,读懂了它,文章大概意思也就知晓了三分之一.有些文章题目交代了文章的文体或写作的方向,抓住了题目,答题一般就不致于产生太大的偏差.2、抓住中心句.中心句是文章内容的主要基石,常常是文章题目的阐释和延伸.抓住它,对文章内容的理解认识就会更准确更具体.3、抓议论、抒情句.议论、抒情句往往起突出中心、深化主题的作用,是作者感情倾向最鲜明的体现之所在.因此,抓住这类句子,往往能明了文章的立意,有助于理解文章的中心.四、区别题型作答 读懂文章、明辨文体及基本概念,其目的还在于运用,在于答题.学会区分不同题型,巧妙处理也很重要.1、选择题.通常采用排除法.阅读分析题的内容涉及到的不仅仅是内容,有时对课内知识也多有勾连考查.因此对课内掌握的知识如能或排除或选择,就无形中降低了知识的选择难度.2、延伸题.如根据有关内容默写名句等,对此要避难就易,写自己最有把握的答案.否则容易吃力不讨好.3、基本概念题.要做到抓住语段的主要内容来答题,不能捡芝麻,丢西瓜,更不能一页障目,不见森林.4、综合分析题.对于这类题,则要在整体认知的基础上扣住命题内容解答,不能断章取义,更不能答非所问.这类题往往是最能见学生语文能力高下的题,答题应努力做到:简明扼要,言简意赅,一般不超过30字;句子要通顺,语言表达没有漏洞,符合逻辑推理;要围绕文章内容,突出重点,不能信马由缰,胡乱扯谈.阅读能力的提高不是一朝一夕的事.它要求学生树立正确的思想方法、价值观念,同时掌握答题技巧、不断拓宽知识面,提高综合素质和能力.
风也sj 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Since 12 May,2008 I've been watching everything concerning Sichuan earthquake with deep sorrow.It's one of the terrible disasters and tragedies in history.The dreadful number of deaths has been growing every day.We are unlucky because such a great misfortune happened to us,but we are lucky because after the earthquake numerous support and assistance come from the whole country and throughout the whole world.
This is a battle against disasters joined by the whole country.In the battle we can only see the brilliant side of human beings.Numerous names like Tan Qianqiu should be loved and remembered forever.
Besides donation and close attention,I can do nothing but pray for the victims,those who are still suffering from the great pains,those who lost their beloved ones,those who are sparing no pains searching for and rescuing people buried under ruins.
Closing my eyes,crossing my fingers,I pray for the victims...
May every blessing from here be sent to Sichuan to soothe their pains.
Let the death rest in peace
Let the living live stronge
初二英语填空.John liked to wear his hair very long.Some of his fri
John liked to wear his hair very long.Some of his friends t____ that it looked like a girl"s hair.But they never made jokes about it,b____ John was a big,s____ young man,and he didn"t think jokes about his hair funny.
John a____ went to the barber"s twice a month to have his hair cut and w____.One day the barber said to him,"Now w____ don"t you let me cut most of your hair off and make your head t____?Nobody would recognize you if I did this,I am s____."
John said n____ for a few seconds,and then he said,"Maybe you are right,but I am sure that nobody would recognize you,e____,if you did that to my hair."
yoopuff 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
初二英语补全对话_________?I have been to the library._________?I rea
I have been to the library.
I read some science books there.
They are about Chinese history.
Is history your favourite subject?
_________.I like it very much.
It is very interesting.
风云万测雷震子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
Where have you been?
What did you do?
What were they about?
Yes,it is.
How do you think about it?
初二完形填空ted is a student of no.1 middle school.he
初二完形填空ted is a student of no.1 middle school.he
aned to
youmowang2 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
英语初二配对阅读1.In English class,my classmayed often laugh at my p
1.In English class,my classmayed often laugh at my poor spoken English.
2.I find I am too busy to have any time for my own entertainment.
3.My family is quite poor.My study is not good.I want to quit school and find a job.
4.My parents are woking all day.I feel lonely.No one can understand me.
5.I don't have any friends.Maybe that's bacause I come from a poor family.
A.You are too young to find a job.If you want to get rid of poverty in the future,you need to study hard and be skillful to get a job later.
B.Never lose your heart.Get up earlier and pratice your spoken Enlish.Pratice makes perfect.Believe your English will get better and better.
C.Arrange your stdy and work well and you can save some time to relax.Don't worry,Just be happy.
D.Talk to your parents at dinner table and let them know you more.And make more friends with your neighbors or classmates or teachers.There are still many people aroud you.
E.You are nevet too old to learn,no matter how old you are or what you have done,nothing should ruin your determination for study,just go ahead,the new life is waiting for you.
F.People like you mainly bacause you are an interesting and lovely person.If you can open yourself to talk to and share with other people,you can find a lot of friends.Don't feel ashamed of your poor family.If you work hard,you can be rich one day.
dorazi8 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1B 2C 3A 4D 5 F
初二英语作文the ways to keep healthy
初二英语作文the ways to keep healthy
za60052 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
The ways to keep healthy
As we all know,people want to keep healthy.But how can we do that?It seems mysterious.So I think we should eat more vegetables and fruits,because they contain a lot of vitamins.We shouldn't eat butter,cheese,chocolate and drink coffee,because they contain a lot of
sugar and fat.It can make you become fatter and fatter.In a word,we'd better have a balanced diet.We also need to take exercise everyday and have a good rest,so that we can keep fit at once.By the way,we shouldn't stay up too late and we'd better not smoke.In this way,I'm sure that we can become very strong.
初二英语作文:"The parks in our city"
风语者001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Today FIONA took us to her friend's farm, farm is so big, a bit like the broad grasslands of Mongolia feel.
初二英语阅读短文In many countries today,people are doing something t
In many countries today,people are doing something to protect wild life so that wild animals can be safe.In Indian the need for such protection was understood centuries ago.
About 300B.C.an Indian writer told people something about forest.The forests of that day were a bit like national parks today.The game of killing animals was carefully governed.That is,people mustn’t kill animals freely.Some animals were fully protected.Within the forests,nobody could cut trees,burned wood,or catch animals for their furs.Animals dangerous to human visitors were caught or killed outside the forests so that other animals would not become worried or afraid.
The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before.About a thousand sorts of animals are in danger of extinction (灭绝),and the speed at which they become extinct has been putting on.With mammals,for example,the speed of extinction is now about one sort every year; from A.D.1 to 1800,the speed was one sort every fifty years.Everywhere,people are trying their best to save wildlife while thinking about the world’s growing population.
( ) 41.Which of the following is true?
A.People knew wild animals needed to be protected long ago.
B.Only Indians knew wild animals should be protected centuries ago.
C.Indians built some national parks to protect wildlife centuries ago.
D.Only the Indian writer knew what forests were like long ago.
( ) 42.Long ago in Indian forests,_______________________.
A.none of the animals could be killed
B.no game of killing animals was held at all
C.dangerous animals could be killed anywhere
D.the game of killing animals were controlled
( ) 43.According to the passage,we know that people are not only thinking about___________,but also trying to save wildlife.
A.the animals in national parks B.the trees in the forests
C.their own needs D.the human visitors to the forests
( ) 44.The meaning of the underlined words “putting on” in the third paragraph should be _________.
A.slowing down B.rising C.growing up D.going on
( ) 45.The growth of the world’s population means __________________.
A.greater danger to wild life B.people like animals better
C.over a thousand sort of animals are extinct
D.only one sort of animals is extinct every year
fangl_019019 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1 C
2 D
3 C
4 D
5 A
仁爱初二阅读理解,Are you looking for something fun and would you lik
Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people when you have enough time.Then come to us and become a volunteer(志愿者)!
We are a non-profit organization (非盈利组织).We have volunteer jobs for people of all ages.Anyone,from twelve-year-old children to old people in their 80s,can become a volunteer.
You can help people in many ways.School needs help with taking care of children when parents are working.Hospitals need volunteers to look after children when their parents see a doctor.Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats without homes.There is something for everyone.
“AS a volunteer.I don’t want to get anything.I often see the children’s happy faces.And I’m happy,too,” said Carlos Domingo,an old woman of 62.
“I often played computer games before.Now I help older people learn how to use computers,” said another volunteer at the age of 18.
If everyone helps out a bit,we’ll all have a better world to live in.
Interesting?If you like,call us at 555-5756,or visit our website:www.***.com
( )1.What kind of people can become volunteers?
A.Only teenagers.B.People from 12 year old to about 80
C.Only old people.D.Only students and teachers.
( ) 2.______needs voluntees.
A.Animals without homes B.Docror
C.Non-profit oranganiation D.Everyone
( ) 3.Volunteers want to get ______ when they help others.
A.everything B.money
C.nothing D.computers
( ) 4.Carlos Domoingo does volunteer work with_______.
A.dogs B.cats
C.old people D.children
( ) 5.This passage is ________.
A.a tory B.a plan
C.a film D.an advertisment
xfeng79 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%

cs5664798595 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
to do
初二英语补全句子I want to be a p_____ so that I can fly everywhere i
I want to be a p_____ so that I can fly everywhere in the world.
We should try to s_____ water and electricity.
As we know,Bingxin wrote a letterto her little r_____.
Hr plays football very well because he is a p____ football player.
Her d_____ is to be a famous computer programmer.
顶大大大大大大 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
初二英语Excuse me,could you help me carry the heavy box?A Yes,Ic
初二英语Excuse me,could you help me carry the heavy box?A Yes,Icould B It doesn't matter C With please D Don't mention it 我凭语感知道选C可是我同桌英语很差她选A我要帮她讲解这题可是又不太懂为什么不能选A 求讲解
飞翔的天使鱼儿 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
C 解析:with pleasure多用于别人请求帮忙时,意为“乐意效劳”.A项错在could,提问者用的could并没有表示过去的意思,只是一种委婉,客气,回答的时候可以是Yes,I can,不是could
初二英语改写句子Time is so short that he can't finish the work.=It's
Time is so short that he can't finish the work.
=It's very______ ______ _______ to finish the work in _______ ________short time.
mvpsz 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
这句应该是改写成It's very hard for him to finish the work in such a short time.
考了两个语法点,it's + adj.+ for sb to do sth,另一个是 such+adj.+n.
初二英语难题,高手进来指导1.I'm (going shopping)with my mom this Thursday
1.I'm (going shopping)with my mom this Thursday morning?(对括号内的部分提问)
____ ____ you ____ to ___ ____ ____ mom this Thursday morning?
2.How about going to the movies?(改为同义句)
_____ _____ ______ to the movies?
3.I'm very busy tonight.I can't come to your party.(合并成一个简单句)
I'm _____ busy ______come to your party.
4.我将做我想做的事.(be going to)(英译汉)
5.Open the door,please.(改为否定句)
_______ ________ the door,please.
dj9dl9 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
1 What are , going ,do with your
2 Why not go
3 too, to
4 I am going to do what I want to do.
5 Don't open
zhiaijielun 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
初二英语,准确In 1973,Martin Cooper invented the first cell phone.B
In 1973,Martin Cooper invented the first cell phone.Because they were too big and expensive at first,so cell phones were only used by the military and business.1._______
A cell phone is a special kind of phone.It's not connected to the telephone in your house and works both inside and away from your house.For example,you can use a cell phone to make a call in your car,at the park,in the supermarket or even in the mountains.A cell phone turns your voice into a special kindof electricity and sends it over the air to a.nearby cell.tower.2._______Cell phones work well when they are near cell towers,but not so well if they are too far away from a cell tower.
Cell phones are important for us.3.________Even the kids and old people use cell phones.4.________They are not just phones any more.Many people use cell phones to take pictures and even surf the Internet.
A.The tower sends your voice to the person you are calling.
B.And.cell phones are much smarter with more functions.
C.What do you like to do with a cell phone?
D.Now they are much more.popular.
E.By 1983 they were much smaller and less expensive.
F.You can't use a cell phone on a stormy day.
jklqqq 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
根据上下文翻译即可知答案阿 同学
初二动词填空after she entered the cinema she ---(hurry )yo find he
after she entered the cinema she ---(hurry )yo find her seat as the film was on
szhgc 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
How do you (stay) healthy zhangwei?
The dumpings are delicous .hou about (sharing) them?
1题stay healthy固定搭配
2题how about 加doing
初二英语智力测试Sea;Why are you so rich?River;Because I have two ___
Sea;Why are you so rich?
River;Because I have two ________.
lrp524 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
初二英语`````修改病句I don`t know how to do.
gtball 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
改成 I don't know what to do .
或 I don't know how to do it.
初二英语Erma talks with many children who have cancer and learns
初二英语Erma talks with many children who have cancer and learns important lessons from them.
天使de愿望 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
have和learns对应的主语是不一样的,who have cancer 做定语修饰 many children ,主语为复数,所以用have.而learns 的主语是Erma,它和 talks with 是并列的.句意:Erma和许多患有癌症的儿童交谈,并从他们那里学到了很多重要的东西.
初二英语补全对话A:hello,may i ask you some questions?B:sureA:_______
A:hello,may i ask you some questions?
B:I'm interested in collecting kites and shells
B:about fifty kites and four hundred shells
A:wow , you are great
I'll hold an exhibition about collection
B:sure i'd love to
A:would you mind exchanging some of kites and shells with others
i'd love to do that
爱情浪人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率75%
what's your hobby?how many kites and shells have you collected?are you sure? no/ of course not
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
初二生活 作文
cougar1412 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
初二英语选择1.I will not go to the film tonight,because I_____my t
1.I will not go to the film tonight,because I_____my ticket.
A.will lost B.have lost
C.lost D.didn't have
2.Be quick,the door______!You'll________just in time.
A.is closing,make it B.will close,catch it
C.is closed,miss it D.has closed,go out
3.The Olympic Games______every four years.
A.is held B.are held
C.is taken palce D.are taken place
4.The pills for your stomachache_______after meals.
A.have taken B.have been taken
C.must take D.must be taken
live1106 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.I will not go to the film tonight,because I__B___my ticket.
A.will lost B.have lost
C.lost D.didn't have
2.Be quick,the door__A__!You'll________just in time.
A.is closing,make it B.will close,catch it
C.is closed,miss it D.has closed,go out
3.The Olympic Games___A___every four years.
A.is held B.are held
C.is taken palce D.are taken place
4.The pills for your stomachache____D___after meals.
A.have taken B.have been taken
C.must take D.must be taken
初二英语阅读Part BOnce there was an old farmer.He had a horse and
Part B
Once there was an old farmer.He had a horse and the horse was almost as old as himself.One morning he set out with his young son to sell the horse before it died.The father and the son walked because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired(疲劳).They met two men on the road.They said,“Why are you walking,farmer?You have a horse.It's a long way to get to the market.”The farmer knew that this was true,so he rode on the horse while his son walked.Then they met two old ladies.“What are you doing up there,farmer?Can't you see how tired your son is?”So the farmer got down,and let his son ride on it.Twenty minutes later,three old men stopped them.One said,“Why are you walking,farmer?Get up.It's too hot for an old man like you to walk today.”So the farmer got up behind his son and they went on riding.Some time later,a young woman passed them.“Why aren't you walking?”she asked,“It isn't far to the market.Give your poor old horse a rest.”So the farmer and his son got down once again.It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.
46.The farmer was .
A.nearly the same age as his horse
B.almost always older than his horse
C.not quite as old as his horse
D.a little older than his horse
47.The two men on the road .
A.asked how far it was to the market
B.said they thought the horse looked very tired
C.asked why the farmer was not riding on his horse
D.told the farmer's son to get off the horse and walk
48.The two old ladies said it was wrong for .
A.the farmer to ride such a tired horse
B.the farmer to ride while his young son walked
C.the boy to ride instead of his father
D.only one person to ride such a long way
49.The farmer got up behind his son because .
A.the old man said it was too hot for him to walk
B.the three old men stopped them on the road
C.he did hot know why he was walking
D.his son could not ride the horse by himself
50.What did the writer really want to tell us?
A.The old man was a fool
B.The horse was old and was going to die
C.It is not right to listen to others
D.It is impossible for a man to make everyone satisfied(满意)all the time.
angey 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
46. D
47. C
48. B
49. A
50. D
我爱吃花生米 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
欧姆定律:I=U/R U=IR R=U/I(单位:I/A U/V R/Ω)
电功率:P=W/t W=Pt t=W/P (单位:P/W t/s W/J 或 P/kW t/h W/kW.h)
P=UI I=P/U U=P/I (单位:P/W U/V I/A)
P=U²/R P=I²R
W=UIt W=U²/Rt W=I²Rt
Q=I²Rt (焦耳定律)
Q= W=Pt Q= W=UIt Q=U²/Rt
初二英语 句子改错1.what makes you to keep working so hard,boy?2.he h
初二英语 句子改错
1.what makes you to keep working so hard,boy?
2.he has gone to yunnan last year.
3.how do you think about this band?
8198831 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率76.9%
1.what makes you【 to 删除】keep working so hard,boy?
2.he 【has gone改成went】to yunnan last year.
3.【how 改成What】do you think about this band?
dalaoshu 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
call ,swim ,anything ,clever ,bear ,can ,his ,give ,girl ,something ,read ,take
Many years ago ,there was a family ___1___ Franklin.They lived in Boston.There were five ___2___ and six boys in the family.On a January day in 1760,another baby boy ___3___.They boy’s mother and his father ___4___ the boy a name — Benjamin.
Benjamin was the ___5___ of all the children.He could read when he was five and he ___6___ write by the time he was seven.When he was eight he was sent to school.
In school Benjamin had been good at ___7___ and writing but not good at math.He read all of ___8___ father’s books.And whenever (每当)he had a little money,he bought a book with it .He liked books.They told him how to do ___9___.At that time he invented the paddles (脚蹼)for ___10___ .
答案:1.called 2.girls 3.was born 4.gave 5.cleverest 6.could 7.reading 8.his 9.somehing 10.swimming
Manners are important in every country,___1___ people have different ___2___ about their manners.What is good in one country may not be ___3___ in another.
Chinese people are ___4___ to know the fact that an Englishman ___5___ stop to talk and shake hands with his friend ___6___ the street.They just say hello ___7___ each other and then pass on.
English people think that ___8___ Chinese end our ___9___ to friends all of a sudden.They ___10___ begin to show that they want to go 15 _11_ 20 minutes before they leave their ___12___ house.And they do this two or three ___13___ within 20 minutes.
It is important ___14___ people to understand each other.Here is a ___15___ ,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do .”
答案:1.for 2.ideas 3.welcomed 4.surprised 5.doesn't 6.in 7.to 8.we 9.visits 10.usually 11.or 12.friends' 13.times 14.for 15.say

kvkv0297 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
