König Ludwig II.怎么读?

偶小兔乖乖2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


汨汨 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
König Ludwig II
最后,II是罗马计数法的“二”,德语中“二”叫做 zwei,Z发【磁】的音,ei组合法【爱】的音.
再就没什么特殊的了,总体发音类似【颗尼西 路德Vi西 此Vai】


阅读理解。 Name Personal Information Ludwig von Beethoven Born in
Name Personal Information
Ludwig von Beethoven Born in 1770 in Germany
A musician
Died in 1827
Florence Nightingale Born in Italy on May 12, 1820
An English nurse
Died in 1910
Bill Gates Born in 1955 in the USA
Wrote Business@the speed of Thought
Owns (拥有) Microsoft
Thomas Edison Born in 1847 in the USA
Made over 1,000 inventions (发明)
Died in 1931
Yao Ming Born on September 12, 1980 in Shanghai, China
A basketball player
Playing for the Houston Rockets, USA
1.Florence Nightingale is from ______.
[ ]
A. Canada
B. the USA
C. Italy
D. China
2.The ______ was born in 1770.
[ ]
A. musician
B. nurse
C. businessman
D. scientist
3. Business@the speed of Thought is the name of a ______.
[ ]
A. song
B. book
C. school
D. Film
4.Thomas Edison died in ______.
[ ]
A. 1910
B. 1827
C. 1847
D. 1931
5.Which of the following is TRUE?
[ ]
A. Yao Ming is playing basketball for Los Angeles Lakers in America.
B. Beethoven made over 1,000 inventions.
C. Edison was born in 1820.
D. Bill Gates is the author (作者) of Business@the speed of Thought.
ttianttian 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
1-5: CABDD
英语翻译in addition,says Dr.David Ludwig,director of the Optimal
in addition,says Dr.David Ludwig,director of the Optimal Weight for Life Program,the routines are relatively easy for most families to adopt." This is a beautifully simple study.It makes a very important point,and one that needs to be noticed time and again.These are all behaviors that are within the reach of us all.
灏灏爱明 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
此外,‘生活项目最佳体型’的DAVID LUDWIG 博士说,这些活动大多数家庭都是能轻易接受的.这是一个很简单的学习.但是它效果突出,你只需要一直注意下去就可以了.这些都是和我们相关的行为.
一个瑞士的几何学家 叫ludwig schlfli 他是一个个用几何学解开四维世界奥秘的人.我想知道他的详细资
polo19812004 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
  出生日期:15 Jan 1814
  死亡日期20 March 1895
  Schläfli是一个专家语言学家,讲多国语言,包括梵文和Rigveda文(不知道什么文- -) .施泰纳在1843年,雅可比和狄利克雷前往罗马,并让Schläfli作为一个翻译.他与这些数学家进行了很多的讨论.
  1853年Schläfli在伯尔尼成为数学教授.他的Theory of continuous manifolds ,发表于1901年,是他去世后,也只有到那时他的重要性得到充分的赞赏.
  他得到了由柏林科学院颁发的施泰纳奖 ,他发现了27线和36个双六的表面一般立方米.(
  27 lines and the 36 double six on the general cubic surface.)
  以上是直接翻译的修改 原文是
  Ludwig Schläfli first studied theology,then turned to science.He worked for ten years as a school teacher in Thun.During this period he studied advanced mathematics in his spare time.
  Schläfli was an expert linguist speaking many languages including Sanskrit and Rigveda.In 1843 Steiner ,Jacobi and Dirichlet travelled to Rome and took Schläfli as an interpreter.He gained greatly from discussions with these mathematicians.
  Schläfli's work was in geometry,arithmetic and function theory.He gave the integral representation of the Bessel function and of the gamma function .He also worked on elliptic modular functions.
  Schläfli made an important contribution to non- Euclidean (elliptic) geometry when he proposed that spherical three-dimensional space could be regarded as the surface of a hypersphere in Euclidean four-dimensional space.
  In 1853 Schläfli became professor of mathematics at Bern.His major work Theory of continuous manifolds was published in 1901 after his death and only then did his importance become fully appreciated.
  He received the Steiner Prize from the Berlin Academy for his discovery of the 27 lines and the 36 double six on the general cubic surface.
  Schläfli also made significant contributions to celestial mechanics.
  PS:关于这个人 中文资料不多 不过英文的资料很多 能查的到 你自己去看
I'm a year one student at XJTLU, I want to go to Ludwig Maxi
I'm a year one student at XJTLU, I want to go to Ludwig Maximilian Muenchen Unitversitaet because i cannt learn phy at here. Anyone can give some info about study abroad at Muenchen Unitversitaet?
一点也不小资 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Are you thinking of exchanging program for MU or just re-taking first year in Germany?
For exchanging program, I think you should follow what your current university suggests you to do; for taking...
