三人对话As a young college student,are you willing to risk death

白发么女2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

三人对话As a young college student,are you willing to risk death for a drowning kid in a river?


天花板76 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
A:YO B!Have you heard the news that C saved a drowning kid in a river?
B:Of course,it was in the morning newspaper.
A:What do you think of him?
B:He is so brave,but he is not my type.
A:zZZ I'm not asking you whether you like him...I mean what's your opinion on his risky action?
B:It is lack a bit of thinking.Thank god,both of them are okay.If I were him,I would never jump into the river.
A:Why don't we go and ask him?I still do not know why he saved the kid by risking his own life.
B:Hey!here!You must be so busy right now!But just give us a minute!
C:All right,what's going on?
A:We want to ask you something about the kid you saved.
B:Yeah!Why did you saved that kid?You can call the police and professional people to do that.You know how dangerous it is right?
C:Eh!Okay,to be honest,I had never think of all the risks and other methodes when I saw the kid drowing in the river.It all happened too fast,there was no time for thinking.I just knew that if I did not do something he was sure to die,then I took off my shirt and jumped into the river immediately and saved the boy's life.That's all.I think I got to go now.Maybe see you guys later?
B:Yeah sure.See you!
A:Bye C
A:Now I see,it is the human nature to help another,when he is in danger.
B:I agree with you.All right!It's time for class now.Let's go
发烧39 共回答了6个问题 | 采纳率


abser 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
三人( )( ),(寓言成语)
zhaorz2004 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
词目 三人成虎
发音 sān rén chéng hǔ
释义 三个人谎报城市里有老虎,听的人就信以为真.比喻说的人多了,就能使人们把谣言当事实.
出处 《战国策·魏策二》:“夫市之无虎明矣,然而三人言而成虎.”
点点滴滴地 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
A:My name is.what is your name?
B:My name is.
C:My name is.
A:Nice to meet you?How are you doing?
B:Nice to meet you!I'm doing.
C:Nice to meet you too!I doing.
A:If you don't mind,let.
C:Sorry,I've still got something to do.
A:Oh,that sad,how about next time?
C:Well,I would love to.
A:What's your phone number?My phone number is.
B:My phone number is.
C:My phone number is.
A:Thank you,see you next time!
B:See you next time!
A:If you don't mind,let .
B:I would love to,let go!
求救英语三人对话 your summer holiday plans,
求救英语三人对话 your summer holiday plans,
不可以太短的,每个***概5句这样,当然除了hello 之类的语句,
象牙戒指1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Milford:How are you going,Kylee and Shirley?You know,summer holiday is coming.What's you guys' plans?
Kylee:er..Let mee see.Ah.You know,I am gonna study in Japan,consequently,I will stick to leran Japanese in this summer holiday.
Shirley:Well,you know,I have finished the university entrance examination,therefore,I am really free now.I will may do a part-time job in this summer holiday.
Milford:As you know,I am gonna study in Australia.So,I will take the IELTS in this summer holiday.Kylee,you meant you would learn Japanese by yourself?
Kylee:Not really,I will take the language course,it's kinda costly.
Shirley:right,everybody work so hard and me.I cannot waste my long holiday.I deem I gotta study hard as well.
Milford:Well,so,how would you study hard.I mean what can you learn after the university entrance examination?
Shirley:Come on,I have decided to major in Financial.As a result,I can leran something about financial in this holiday.I need to lay a fundation for my university life.
Milford:All right,it sounds good.Come on,we are young.We are not supposed to study all the time.Do you guys have some exciting activities?
Kylee:As I mentioned,I wll study in Japan.So,I want to travel in there in this summer holiday with my parents.I wanna see the cherry tree and eat the sushi.
Shirley:I will go shopping with my friends.Kylee,do you wanna join me?What is more,I am gonna travel in a Shanghai.
Kylee:Asolutely,I would love to go shopping with you.
Milford:Alright,For me ,I will travel in Australia with my parents.I will visit the splendid universities and visit my friends in there.
Well,it's nice to talk to you guys.May you have a wonderful summer holiday!
Kylee,Shirley:(Ok),So do I.May you enjoy your summer holiday too.See you.(Bye).
Come on,it's not easy to finish all of them.Would you mind to give me more points than that?
in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话
in the shopping mall三人英语情景对话
诸葛蓉心 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%
olives 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率30%
aaa333333 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
A:My truck's glasses are broken,what should I do?
B:maybe,you shoud ask the pepole around to give you some money.
C:My poor boy,let me help you,give your hat to me,i'll give you some money.
B:yes,i will be the first to give you.
C:Here you are,don't be so sad.
B:I must go now.
C:what's worng?
A:He is the person who sold me the glasses.
三人对话:Eagle:I can____________(see/well)both of you.Monkey:I c
Eagle:I can____________(see/well)both of you.
Monkey:I can____________(jump/high)both of you.
Elephant:That's OK.I will__________________both of you.
Sorry!大象的是:That's OK.I will____________(live/long)both of you.
骑着乌龟ll 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
你中间是不是打错了,应该是see well吧,里面没有/,
Eagle:I can see better both of you 我比你们看的更清楚
Monkey:jump higher 我比你们跳的高
Elephant:live longer 我比你们活得长
surfing the internet三人对话
surfing the internet三人对话
wwfghigk 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
Juan:What are you doing,Manuel?Manuel:I'm surfing the internet to find the biography I need.Juan:Let's go into this website,you will find it,type after me,www.***.com.Juan:What's the biography f...
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我从Arnold Lobel的小故事"Cookies"找到灵感,写下这段对话.感觉挺有意义的.

Will power意志力
Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates
Scene----in the college dorm
Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping.
Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?
D: I am playing war craft.
M: Where is Tommy?
D: Shiiiii!
M:What? What's the matter?
D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.
M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?
D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.
M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!
T:five more minutes, please.
Mike: No way, Jose. Time really flies.We still have a lot to do. Hurry up.
T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes? when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)
M: Guys! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.
D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.
D and T: what is will power?
M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.
D: You mean like trying not to play war craft?
Mike: right.
T: you mean like trying not to stay up late?
M: right.
Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom.
Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment.
Danny: Mike, can I take a little break? Let me play one round and we will continue our work?
Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute? My back hurts.
Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!
Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you.

The end
大学英语情景口语对话 三人日常对话
helen0023 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
.Robbie 和Alex是一对好朋友.有一天,他俩在Robbie家发现了一只狗Gemma.他们用了很多办法为狗找主人,但都没有成功.最后,他们来到了一家动物收容所.Linda是这家动物收容所的所长.噢 还有就是 几天前帮我指导的ABC夭下口语的外教说过 就是要掌握好英语是很容易的.坚持要拥有一个符合的学习情境以及闇练口语对象,外教水平很重要 口语纯正很重要 持续逐日口语沟通,一对一针对性教学才会有最.好.的学习成效!完成课堂后同样要重听课堂录音档 好巩固知识点!然后要是真的没人帮忙的状况下 只能上 VOA或爱思得到课外教材阅读 多问多听短时间口语能力会进步许多,学习效益应该可以达成目标的.. Linda: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And ts is Alex Pappas. Alex: .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma. Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it’s host, but we don't succeed ultimately. Linda: Oh, wait a wle. You I must make a record in terms of rule. Robbie: No problem. Linda: OK .Your name will do, Mr. Stewart . Then, please tell me your address? Robbie: Linden Street, Riverdale. Linda: Where did you find the dog? Alex: Speak exactly ,not we found her . It's she found us in robbie’s house. Linda: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? Robbie: Yes, but the number’s no longer in service . So we only call for you. Linda: And there’s no address on the dog tag? Alex: There’s no other information. Linda: No ID number. Without that, it’s hard to find her host. Alex: I tnk you will try to find the dog’s owner. Linda: Oh, we’ll try, believe me. Robbie: And if you don’t? Linda: Yes? Robbie: I want to that...If you don’t. can I adopt the dog? Linda: Why, yes. If the owners don’t claim the dog in forty-eight hours, then you can apply for adoption. Alex: I you must love the dog very much. Robbie: Yes .How do I do that? Alex: You really want to adopt the dog? Robbie: Yes, I’m serious. If no one comes to claim Gemma, I’d like to adopt her. Linda: It’s not difficult .If you want to adopt her. I believe it is also very happy to find a new host. OK.first we need to some references. Robbie: References? People we or what information else? Linda: Friends, teachers... We need to talk to some people about you. We want to be sure that you’re responsible and that you can take good care of an animal. Then you have to fill out ts form about your family background .Ts is the form, you can look at it first. Robbie: Is that it? Linda: No, there’s more. We need to about your story with animals. Have you ever owned an animal? Robbie: Yes. We had a cat when I was eight years old. I love cats. I also like other animals like dog. Linda: OK .Do you have any animals now? I want to more about you. Robbie: Unfortunately, no. So I want a animal friend again. Please trust me I will take good care of it. I tnk you can comprehend my feeling .I want to adopt her. Alex: Anytng else you want to ? Linda: We also like to your reasons for wanting an animal. Alex: Just to hold it and cuddle(依偎) with it. Just to have as a pet. I love animals. Robbie: To have a friend — a pal. You , man’s best friend is s dog. Linda: And one tng more.If you're under twenty-one years of age... Robbie: That’s me. Linda: Then an adult must sign for you. Alex: Uh-oh. Robbie: No problem. My parents will tnk it’s a good idea. I’ll be back with them. Alex: If the real owners don’t come to claim Gemma... How long we will wait to apply for adoption. Linda: After forty-eight hours. But please call first. Alex: Thanks for your information and for being so helpful. Robbie must be happy if he adopt the dog. Linda: It’s my pleasure. Nice talking to both of you. Robbie: Thanks again. Alex: Maybe the real owners will come to claim her. Robbie: Her eyes look so sad. She must really miss them. Linda: I see you’re both animal lovers. Robbie: We are. Alex: Good-bye, Miss Linda. We’ll call in a couple of days. Linda: Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in. Robbie: you are welcome. Bye.