beggarkingquestions. 作文

gypsy的**2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


jiumaowao 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
Given assignments.Written in bullet points and paragraph form.Please ignore.Three justification of the use of this book in history class.- The book adopted a variety of stories from different culture.- History is basically the story of a social group, and the beggar king certainly talked about events that happened in the past.- History isn’t only about the event itself, but the understanding behind it. This book presents different thinking from different people.Three justification of the use of this book in another class.- This should be a great language arts book. It is very literally written.- It could also be a social studies book (kinda overlaps with history.), since it’s the thinking and lives of a cluster of people.- Being a philosophy book could also be considered, it express some common morals but in an interesting new way, precise and thoughtful.Among all these stories, I enjoyed the border guard best. It’s the one talking about a Swiss guard at the border of Austria who checked every man passing by for smugglers. And every day the same man passes, riding a bicycle and a basket of sand. The guard would search carefully but finds nothing hiding in those sands. Years passed and truth revealed, the man had been a bicycle smuggler. I laughed so hard at that. It was hilarious! Sometimes people check down to the tiniest grain but ignore the most obvious answers right under their noses! And this search, according to the book is supposed to represent the search of truth and happiness.


That beggar seems _____ anything
That beggar seems _____ anything
That beggar seems _____ anything yesterday.
A.not to have eaten B.not to eat C.didn't eat not have eaten
radyblog 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
因为是对昨天的事情作以推测.用不定式的完成式 to have done
The old lady showed her ______ by giving the beggar several
The old lady showed her ______ by giving the beggar several dollars.
(A) benevolence
(B) advantage
(C) prosperity
(D) dignity
xy5521586 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
选A benevolence n.善意,慈悲,善行
advantage n优点
prosperity n.繁荣,兴旺
dignity n.尊严,高贵,端庄
英语短文翻译?The story of Latiff Latiff was the poorest beggar of
The story of Latiff
Latiff was the poorest beggar of the village. But he was considered by all to be the wisest man intelligence, but by what he had lived. Every night he slept in the hall of a different house,in front rest under a different tree, with a widespread hand and a faraway look in his thoughts.
Hearing about his story, entertained, the king ordered Latiff to come and said:“If you answer my question, I will give you this gold coin.”
Latiff looked at it , almost contemptuously, and said, “You can keep your coin, what will I do with it anyway? What is your question?”
To the king's surprise, Latidd's response to the question that was bothering him for days was wise and creative.
“Latiff, I need an adviser like you,”the king said. “I promise youthat you will be respected and that you may leave whenever you want...”
Latiff, after thinking a few minutes, accepcted it.
There monthe after his arrival, Latiff became the favorite speaker of the king.
Obviusly all the other advisers hated him. They saw in the beggar a threat against their own influences.
Then they said to the king,“Your friend Latiff, as you call him, is conspiring against you. You can confirm it with tour own eyes.”
The king felt cheated and hurt.
Thatevening he was waiting for Latiff under the stairs. He saw Latiff come to the door and look all around, then open the wooden door and slink secretly into the room.
Followed by his personal guard, the king struck the door.
The door opened. There was nobody inside, except Latiff. There was omly an old wooden plate, a walking stick and a ragged tunic hanging in the roof.
“Are you conspiring against me, Latiff?” the king asked.
“How could I, Your Majesty?” Latiffan swered. “no way. I come here every day to touch this old tunic to mzck sure that I do remember who I am and where I come from.”
siuuo 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
A young idler ,an old beggar!(这句话的意思是什么?)
那夜的风 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
快我需Fine feathers make fine birds.A young idler,an old beggar
快我需Fine feathers make fine birds.A young idler,an old beggar.You are never to 的中文意思急!
zmp13807679760 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
the beggar stood___to me and asked for money
the beggar stood___to me and asked for money
A.closely B.close C.closing D.closed
风间美月 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
一篇英语阅读理解,大师进one day ,a king met a beggar.The beggar was very
one day ,a king met a beggar.The beggar was very old and poor .there was a bowl in front of him ,but there was nothing in it ,then the king asked the beggar ,"what do you want?"
the beggar said ,"can you fill my bowl with something?"
the king said:"of course!"he put some money into the bowl,but it disappeared at once.he put in more and more money ,but the beggars bowl was always empty.
then the king put more diamonds into the bowl .everything that put into the bowl soon disappeared.
finally,the king got very angry ang said,"OK,i cant fill your bowl.Canyoutell me what your bowl is made of "
The beggar laughed and said ,"it is made of your desire."
1.What do you think of the beggar?
2The passage tells us______
A.the beggar was very bad
B.The king was very friendly
CThe beggars bowl was empty
DThe king was grasping
Angel-sky-love 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
1,He’s very wise.
Beggars can not be choosers\A beggar's purse is bottomless.
yujianye518 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Beggars cannot be choosers.
A beggar's purse is bottomless.
Feeling is a beggar beg you want rather than to a fight for
Feeling is a beggar beg you want rather than to a fight for god please bless
阳阳一号 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
treat me as a beggar和treat me like a beggar什么区别?
lliqi 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
treat me as a begga
the old beggar walked down the street alone.he wondered ___
the old beggar walked down the street alone.he wondered ___
A.which place to live in
B.which place to live
书上的答案给的是A,可我好像记得我们学过如果动词不定式做后置定语修饰的名词是place 时,后面的介词应该略去的,为什么答案会是A呢?是答案错了,还是,
4_33 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
假如是where to live 就不需要加in,如果是用whic place 还是需要保留用in,原句是 to live in which place
问一道英语选择题Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket pu
Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly,______ him milliomaire overnight.
A.making B.having made make D.made
orc-naga 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
to deny a aim a satire at snobbery等动词前为何要加to.
蝶佛丽儿 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
动词前面加 to ,构成不定式.
When a beggar asked to come into the house for warmth,I ____
When a beggar asked to come into the house for warmth,I ___________.
A.turned him out
B.turned him away
C.turned him in
D.turned him by
傻的不善良 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
turn away
To send away; dismiss:
turn in
To hand in; give over:
turn out
To shut off:
英语作文改错有十个It seems that there are a larger number of beggar i
it seems that there are a larger number of beggar in the streets than there used to be.i don't know how we should help them or not.once i gave some money to a beggar who looks poor.however,minutes late,i saw him bough some really shocked at my opinion,anyone who work hard can make a living.i'm afraid that giving them money isn't best way to help them.maybe the *** can do something to helping them.anyway,if they want to live a better life,should learn to depend on ourselves.
冒雨护花 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%

are 改为 is (第一行)
beggar 改为 beggars (第一行)
how 改为 whether (第一行末尾)
looks 改为 looked (第二行)
bough 改为 buying (第三行)
at 去掉 (第三行)
work 改为 works (第三行)
best 前加 the (第四行)
helping 改为 help (第五行)
ourselves 改为 themselve (最后一行)

Nothing more than the poorest beggar,will eventually die ear
Nothing more than the poorest beggar,will eventually die early.翻译成中文是什么意思?
酷酷的法位利 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Yesterday a street beggar bought a lottery ticket purposeles
Yesterday a street beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly,__________him a millionaire overnight.
A.making B.makes make D.made
怕怕别重名 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

The beggar’s suffering couldn’t arouse any ________ ,who had
The beggar’s suffering couldn’t arouse any ________ ,who had lost his shirts because of being addicted to gambling.
A.satisfaction B.sympathy
C.assistance D.dignity
蕤蕤97 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

it did not exactly beggar description
it did not exactly beggar description
爱薇一万年2 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
It did not exactly beggar description
2.To exceed the limits,resources,or capabilities of:
beauty that beggars description.
beggar v
2.(idm 习语) beggar description be too extraordinary to describeadequately 难以形容
a sunset which beggared description妙不可言的日落景象
His conduct is so bad it beggars (all) description.
1.The stranger _____ rags is a modern beggar.A.dressed B.wor
1.The stranger _____ rags is a modern beggar.A.dressed B.wore D.has on2._____ there many times,I know the city well.A.Being B.Having been C.Going D.Gone3.The pupil sat there,_____ what to do.A.does knowing B.didn't knowingC.not knownD.not knowing4.It's a pleasure to watch the face of a _____ baby.A.asleep B.sleep C.sleeping D.slept
落落0121 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1 C理由;因为后面有is,所以前面不存在动词过去时或一般现在时,排除B Dbe dressed in +衣服,另外,in rags 是词组,衣衫褴褛.2 B解析:此句是现在分词作状语,Having been 表示去过...3 D解析;因为The pupil sat there已完整,所以后面做状语.这句话意思是 这个小学生坐在那儿,不知道做什么.“不知道做什么”这个动作和小学生是主动关系,所以用现在分词,doing的形式.分词的否定直接在前面加not.C项是过去分词的否定.4 C解析;A只做表语,不能做定语.B是动词,不符D过去分词做的是后置定语
大树王 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
I saw a beggar begging food on the station when i made a call to my friend,i felt sorry about it,so i took some money from my pocket to buy some bread for him.
the rich man gave the beggar _____ to eat,and the beggar tha
the rich man gave the beggar _____ to eat,and the beggar thanked him ______.
a.lots of ; a lot
b.a lot;a lot of
c.lots;a lot
d.a lot;lots
dd_222 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
C ) lots,a lot .
the beggar's well-deserved dinner
the beggar's well-deserved dinner
sunyick 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
完形题目没有找到,但应该就是根据这篇文章出的题,你看看吧,这是原文.Many years ago,there lived two woodcutters,Rahim and Rahman,in a village.They would go out every morning to the nearby Bandipur forest to cut firewood and sell it in the nearby town.They earned barely enough to survive.After they had cut wood,they would sit on the bank of the river and eat their lunch from their Tiffin boxes.Next they would sell the firewood till the end of the day in the marketplace before going home.One sunny day,the woodcutters were eating their lunch.It was at that time,Rahim noticed a thin and exhausted beggar,coming out of the forest.His clothes were torn and his hair was dishevelled.The beggar hungrily eyed the packets of lunch."I see that you are having an excellent day my friends," said the beggar,addressing them.I wonder if you can spare a few morsels of food for me." Rahim,who felt sorry for the beggar,quickly reached for his packet of lunch and was about to give a part of it to the beggar,but Rahman immediately grabbed his elbow and pulled him back "We have no food to spare," Rahman told the beggar."We work hard throughout the morning and pack enough food for ourselves to see us through the day.At the end of the day,we buy food and other essentials for our families.So you see we cannot give you what we are eating.But if you wish,I can lend you my Axe and we both will teach you how to cut firewood and sell it.Insha Allah at the end of the day,you will have enough to eat and buy yourself a new Axe to cut more firewood tomorrow.This way,you can earn a livelihood with dignity." The beggar joined Rahman and they both went inside the forest.Patiently,Rahman showed the poor man how to cut the firewood and make it into a neat pile.Thereafter they took him to the market and told him how to sell it.At first,the beggar had no success.He began to mutter angrily:"It would have been so much simpler if these men had been generous,and shared their food with him".As he was thinking,a carriage pulled up before him.A person stepped out.He purchased the whole bundle from the beggar.While making an exit,he pulled out a bundle of currency notes from his pocket and pressed it into his hands.The beggar was delighted and grinning happily,he proudly took the money to Rahman to show them his earnings.Rahman took him to another shop and purchased him a brand new Axe with a part of his money.After thanking Rahman and Rahim for their help,he headed towards an inn to eat his dinner and catch up with some badly needed rest.After he had gone,Rahman told Rahim,"Had you given the beggar some food,he would have eaten it quickly and would have been again hungry tonight.By teaching him how to start his own trade in firewood,we have both taught him a skill,which will last him a lifetime.Now he will never go hungry again.In doing this,we have followed the teachings and the example that has been set for us by the Holy Prophet of Allah,Muhammad (peace be upon him)." As a very famous saying goes,"Don't give them fish but teach them how to catch the fish." Lessons from Life:"We make a living by what we get; and we make a life by what we give."
a beggar lived near the king's day t
a beggar lived near the king's day t
e king was giving
小小的tt 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率77.3%
The beggar always asks for a_______of bread and a glass of b
The beggar always asks for a_______of bread and a glass of beer.
会飞的于 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Hao yang doesn’t laugh at the beggar.改为被动语态
ILOVEDAD 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
The beggar wasn't laughed at by Hao Yang.
the rich man gave the beggar _____ to eat,and the beggar tha
the rich man gave the beggar _____ to eat,and the beggar thanked him ______. a. lots of ; a lot b.
a. lots of ; a lot
b. a lot;a lot of
c. lots;a lot
d. a lot;lots
纸杯880 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
2、a lot of = lots of 表示“许多的,大量的”,后接可数名词的复数或者接不可数名词.由此,排除AB.
3、gave the beggar 【lots】 to eat = gave the beggar 【a lot】 to eat 意为:给乞丐很多吃的东西.lots 在此表示“许多,大量”的意思.
4、我们知道Thanks a lot = Thank you very much. 表示“非常感谢”,a lot 意为“十分,非常”的意思,但是不能说:Thanks lots.由此可以排除D答案.
That beggar seems _____ anything yesterday. A.not to have ea
That beggar seems _____ anything yesterday.
A.not to have eaten B.not to eat C.didn’t eat not have eaten
POLO0001 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%

考查seem的用法。句意“那个乞丐似乎昨天什么也没吃。”seem to do sth.“似乎做某事”;seem to have done sth.“似乎已经做了某事”。故选A。
The poor old beggar looked forward to _____ by the other beg
The poor old beggar looked forward to _____ by the other beggars.
A.not playing a trick on B.not being played a trick on
C.playing not a trick D.being not played a trick
nn4747 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%

本题考查非谓语动词的用法。非谓语动词的否定式是将not加在非谓语动词的前面,所以排除选项C、D。从句子结构看,play a trick on与主语之间是被动关系,所以要选B。)
英语翻译Another wrote:"He doesn't really look like a beggar,more
Another wrote:"He doesn't really look like a beggar,more like a vagabond.The quality of this person's tops are all not bad,a down jacket,cotton jacket,even a leather jacket inside,and though they're a bit dirty,they're all in good condition,not the kind that beggars find from the trash."
The suggestion that homelessness can be cool chimes with a fashion trend that many have considered tasteless:in January,the designer Vivienne Westwood presented a "homeless chic" show in which models were styled to look like rough sleepers,a move prefigured by Ben Stiller's satirical film Zoolander,which featured a similar show called Derelicte.Two years ago the supermodel Erin Wasson revealed the homeless were her fashion inspiration,saying:"When I...see the homeless,like,I'm like,'Oh my God,they're pulling out,like,crazy looks and they,like,pull shit out of like garbage cans.'"
But anyone with similar designs on Brother Sharp's sartorial tips is out of luck.His identity remains a secret,and social workers in Ningbo say they want to keep it that way."Homeless people are vulnerable.It is incorrect to use them for entertainment purposes," said one worker at a homeless centre in Ningbo.Brother Sharp is said to appear mentally disturbed when approached on the street
hjkenson 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
另一人写道:“他真不像个乞丐,倒更像个流浪汉.他的上衣品质都挺不赖,一件鸭绒衫,棉夹克,而且里边还有件皮夹克,虽然看似有点脏乱了,但仍完好,不像是乞丐从垃圾堆里翻出来的.    流浪汉也可以很酷,和时尚很一致.一月份,美国著名游戏软件公司发布了一款“流浪汉服饰”的秀,模特们被打扮成粗糙的马路流浪汉,在本斯蒂勒讽刺电影中,也描绘了一个相似的金世遗-_-,2年前,著名模特艾琳沃森透露说流浪汉是她时尚灵感的源泉,“当我看见那些流浪汉,那疯狂的外形,从垃圾堆里找出来的杂物,哦,上帝,我真喜欢...”
meal可数吗?I gave the beggar a meal.meal不可数,为甚麽之前家冠词a.
CyberJesus 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
cook a meal 做顿饭 cook one's meal 自己做饭
eat / have a meal 吃一顿饭 take three meals 吃三餐
单项选择A neighbour told me about him.He ( ) Tim was a beggar.A.
A neighbour told me about him.He ( ) Tim was a beggar.
A.told B.said me C.told to me
chenjianhong001 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
said 后面省略了that 引导Tim was a begga
谁能把下面文章的音标标出来!A Young Idler,An Old Beggar Almost everyone kn
A Young Idler,An Old Beggar
Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar.Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.
It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which one's mental and physical states are at their peaks.It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments.In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young.Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.
Of course,we all know:no pains,no gains.If we don't make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals.As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.
dearok 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
l-nyyughyyp8y7ftgyyuunhuhuyyhfytftdxygviyuijnhuuuuuuuu yu tyi百度地图
a beggar on horseback的由来
a beggar on horseback的由来
albhet 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
这是个成语,原句是“Set a beggar on horseback, and he will ride to the devil”.意思是原本就是一个穷鬼,给他一匹马,他也会骑着去找魔鬼的.解释为如果这个人不值得获得利益与财富的话,给了他也会浪费的,因为他会乱用的.后来就缩短成了一个短语/成语.还被用来作为书名或者一个章节的标题.
You are a beggar,dirty dead,I will take you out,rolling roll
You are a beggar,dirty dead,I will take you out,rolling roller?
_sissi 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every
The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house.
飞水流天 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
翻译:A young idler,anold beggar.
dcx5282000 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率86.2%
A young idler,an old beggar.
A young idler ,an old beggar!(这句话的意思是什么?)
dark_z 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
字面意思是,小时候游手好闲老了只有当乞丐的份了. 俗语就是,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲