1.Right now I __ would do___ watching T.V.Tomorrow at this t

艺龙nn2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

1.Right now I __ would do___ watching T.V.Tomorrow at this time,I (watch) _ ____ T.V.as well.


刘放北 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
ight now 此刻 和现在进行时用
即Right now I __ am__ watching T.V.我正在看电视
Tomorrow at this time 明天的这个时候,和将来进行时连用哦·
那么就是Tomorrow at this time,I (watch) _will be watching___ T.V.as well.
心矿神遗 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
will be watching
解析:‘ Right now、、、’意思是说现在的这个时候。现在的这个时候是确切的,那么明天的这个时候也就是确切的。 ‘、、、Tomorrow at this time、、、’可知要用将来进行时,表示在将来的某一确切时间做某事。


过去将来时中 would do 一定要在从句中吗
Ericming415 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
是的 will大多时候表将来时 而would 是will 的过去式.
用动词的正确形式填空我自己填的是:should do;were但是别人写的是would do;were因为之前看说虚拟语
我自己填的是:should do;were
但是别人写的是would do;were
HE asked me what I --(do) about the problem if I __(be) in his shoes.
a7298 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
这里只能填would啊~~~这可以根据意思来~~~是他问我我会做什么,而不是他问我我应该做什么,你说的should修饰第一人称,我没听说过,比如如下句子,i think he should do that或者i thought he would do that都是对的~~~所以没有你那种说法~~~希望能帮到你~~~
英语中对将来的虚拟用过去将来时,那过去将来时可用should do 或would do ,这两种用法有何区别
大城小爱8010 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
could、should 和 would 在中国大陆的英语语法教学中都被冠以“过去将来”这样一个似是而非的“专有名词”.其实,这个概念在英美的ESL教学中已经很难见到了,原因就是其误导性远大于指导性,而且解释不清楚.建议你在虚拟语气表达中如果用这三个辅助动词(或者叫”情态动词”),只要记住以下两点就好:这三个词都是表达说话人意愿、感觉或判断
对已经发生的事情或动作进行“虚拟”表达时,在这三个词后面要用 have v+ed 结构例:I could have been one of the passengers on board if I was not caught in the traffic.(事实:因为遭遇堵车,我没在飞机上)You should have come earlier for the meeting.(事实:你开会迟到了)They would have gone to Beijing if the airplane did not fail to take off.(事实:飞机没能起飞,他们没能去成北京)
用 could do,should do 或would do 的区别:这三个词如果用在尚未发生的动作上时,更多的是表达意愿、建议或判断而非“虚拟".例:I would do the job if the pay is good enough.(意愿)You should go and see her if she asks you.(建议)They could be here by now if the train is on time.(判断)
wish虚拟加would do 表将来么
wish虚拟加would do 表将来么
那had done 是表示过去吧
紫眼猫猫 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
would do可以表示对现在的虚拟,也可以表示对将来的虚拟
had done 表示过去的虚拟
虚拟语气中,什么时候用would have done,would do
虚拟语气中,什么时候用would have done,would do
He was very busy yesterday,otherwise he would come to the party.
He was very busy yesterday,otherwise he would have come to the party.
wu1314xin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
would have done是对过去的虚拟,would do是对现在或将来的虚拟
第二句正确,“come to the party”是过去发生的事,句子对过去虚拟,所以用would have done
would do只用在一般过去将来时态么?
would do只用在一般过去将来时态么?
-We'll try to repair the line today.
-I would appreciate your fixing the phone as soon as possible.
我是ggvv 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
翻译为 请你尽快帮我修电话吧我会很感激你的.
Would you mind doing sth
Would you like to do ...
另外,would do 还可以表示过去的某种习惯做法,如:
He would sit at the table for a cup of coffee after lunch.他以前午餐后总会坐在桌边喝杯咖啡.
would do和had done的区别.
would do和had done的区别.
I wouldn't feel anything good about my life,is that what you wanna hear me say?这句里的wouldn't feel可以用hadn't felt代替吗?两者意思上有什么区别?
帅果 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
hadn't felt是过去完成时,表示“过去的过去”,即过去某个时间的过去.不合这里的语境.
wanna=want to
would do和be to do的去别
wjq0507 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
would do 表过去习惯性的动作,翻译成:(过去)总是会.如:
The old man would sit in front of the house, waiting for his son to come to visit him.
be +动词不定式(即be + to do sth.)的用法如下:
When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家?
She is to be married next month.她将于下个月结婚.
The Queen is to visit Japan in a week’s time.女王将于一周后访问日本.
这种结构也可用于过去.was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划;was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划.例如:
I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time.我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了.
They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.他们告了别,不知道以后再也不会见面了.
We were to have told you, but you were not in.我们本来想告诉你的,但是你不在家.
2.表示“应该”,相当于should, ought to.例如:
You are to report to the police.你应该报警.
What is to be done?应该怎么办呢?
3.表示“必须”,相当于must, have to.例如:
The letter is to be handed to him in person.这封信必须亲手交给他.
You are to do your homework before you watch TV.看电视之前你得先做完作业.
4.表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want.例如:
If we are to be there before ten, we’ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走.
Am I to go on with the work?要我继续完成这项工作吗?
What are we to do next?我们下一步该怎么办?
The books in this room are not to be taken outside.这个室内的书籍不得带出室外.
You are not to smoke in the reading-room.你不可以在阅览室里吸烟.
7.表示“可以,可能”,相当于may, can.例如:
The news is to be found in the evening paper.这条消息可以在晚报上见到.
Such people are to be found everywhere.这种人到处都有.
She is nowhere to be found.在哪里也找不着她.
8.were to do sth.用于if或even if / even though从句中,表示对未来的假设.例如:
If I were to tell you that I killed him, would you believe me?要是我告诉你是我杀了他,你会相信吗?
Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never do such a thing.即使太阳从西边出来,我也决不做这种事.
9.be to blame(该受责备,对某坏事应负责任)与be to let(待出租)两种结构中,用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义.例如:
Which driver is to blame for the accident?这事故是哪个司机的责任?
This house is to let.这房子要出租.
would do 和was to open when he ____ the door,he found his key
would do 和was to open when he ____ the door,he found his keys were nowhere.A.to,by B.
when he ____ the door,he found his keys were nowhere.A.to,by B.by,to C.had opened D.was to
.将要开的时候,但是would open 是will open的过去式,虽然常用作过去常常的意思,但是也是will do的过去式啊~也可以理解过过去要开门的时候啊,怎么A错了,错哪里了
tywtyw0778 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
只有D是对的,意思是:当他马上(就要)去开门时,他发现找不到钥匙.填would open也表示表示“当他将要开门时…”,但是,be about to do ,表示即刻或马上就发生的动作,will (would )表示的动作远比be about to do 慢的多,表示将来的动作但是更可能过去经常 的或通常的动作.所以,按照正常逻辑,只有选择D是正确的.(我是宋ocean )
have done、 would do,were doing和had done的不同
没事逛逛瞧 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
have done 是现在完成时
were doing是过去进行时
had done是过去完成时
would do 是过去将来时 或者用在虚拟语气或者表示委婉礼貌
be used to doing 和would do的区别
be used to doing 和would do的区别
我们老师说"would do"一定要和表示过去的时间状语连用,并且不表示状态
除此之外等同于uesd to do ..
would do 表过去习惯性的动作,翻译成:(过去)总是会.
used to do 强调过去曾经做过,而现在不做了,
alliy 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
首先,了解used to do
used to do表示"(过去)习惯于做……,但是现在 不 做了" ——”现在不做了“是最最大的区别
I used to【 (过去)习惯于散步,但是但是现在 不 散步】have a walk after supper, but now I like playing basketball.
然后是would do
would do 表过去习惯性的动作,翻译成:(过去)总是会.如:
The old man would sit in front of the house, waiting for his son to come to visit him.
英语虚拟语气 200分在if引导的虚拟语气中,主句用would have done(与过去相反)或would do(现在
英语虚拟语气 200分
在if引导的虚拟语气中,主句用would have done(与过去相反)或would do(现在相反),从句用had done或did,were和were to do.但在as if ,if only ,but for等词引导的虚拟句中,却只能用上面的某些,而不是所有.比如说:为什么可以这样说 if only i would have known it.却不可以这样呢if only i were to know it
媛份de天空 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
虽然有人这样说 但我认为不可以这样说 if only i would have known it.
却可以这样说if only i were to know it 万一我知道 就好了
我的观点 与你相反
determine 后接从句 需要用虚拟语气吗 如果要 是should do 还是would do 还是其他的
bjweilaikeji 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
请帮我分析一下下面句子里would have to do和would do 搞不懂~
请帮我分析一下下面句子里would have to do和would do 搞不懂~
When this happened,my friend would have to go in the hole.He would go into debt and owe people money.
efdw 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
其实这里would have to do 和 would do 是一样的句型.都是 would 后加动词原型,即would do sth.
只不过would have to do是把 would do sth(表“将来“) 与 have to do sth(不得不做某事)结合起来了.表达一种“在将来不得不去做某事”的意思.He would go into debt 则纯粹表示将来的一种不确定的结果. will do和would do区别在于前者可能性较大且发生在现在,后者可能性较小且有可能发生在过去,是过去将来时.
虚拟语气中had done与would have done,did与would do 的用法有何区别
maomao8866 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
当主句与if条件句中的动作都发生在过去时,主句谓语动词就要使用had done形式,if条件句中谓语动词则要使用would have done形式 .e.g.If I had worked hard,I would have passed all the exams.
当主句以及if条件句中的动作都发生在现在时,主句的谓语动词必须使用did(be动词用were),if条件句动词须使用would do形式.e.g.
If he came on time for the meeting,I would treat you to a rich meal.
If I were you,I would go with him.
当主句和if条件句的动作都发生在将来时,主句动词可以使用did,should do 或were to do形式,if条件句中动词须使用would do形式.
e.g.If you kept/should / keep were to keep your promise,you would earn more than trust.
一般过去时中would do 和used to的区别?
舢舨0908 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
would 是will 的过去式形式,同时它也被认为是情态动词的一种,
used to do sth 意思是过去常常做某事
英语翻译Why am I such a person would do,I really do not want to
Why am I such a person would do,I really do not want to go on like this,I really want to find a place so quiet since the pregnant,because I do not want this life to go on,give me a corner,let me burst out crying!Give me a corner of the release of their own,and I take away from this dull world,to a place where no one worried about live,away from all the world!
hey I really miss you now started to rain outside the window Dry eyes are crying mood do not know exactly where you are now I really miss you a lot of emotional expression,not the most appropriate words to say I should where to start I want to say where to start you thinking like me you do not have in the past if you do not hurt but I would not have or want to love you if you where I am if not,what a pity Anyway,all too late anyway,no hey I really want to own you do not know exactly where you are whether you like me thinking of you.
南海001 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
would do的用法详解,would do与should do的用法区别?
老卒 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
have用于第一第二人称(i ,you),has用语第三人称he/she
was/were是is/are的过去时.放主语后面 做谓语
should/would 后跟动词原形 should是应该是意思.语法should have done(done意思是动词过去分词)意思是本应该做什么,实际是却没做,WOULD ,一般用法,WOULD LIKE TO do sth,意思是更愿意做某事
do和does是一般现在时的助动词, did是一般过去时的助动词,does
eg,How do you know the answer?
How does she know the answer?
Where did he go yesterday?
should do 常用在一些建议类词后引导的句子
i suggest that you should give my 悬赏分:20
而 would do 用在 表示与现在情况不相符情况下的一种假设用句
关于虚拟语气,什么情况下用should do?什么情况下用would do?
reii8ytryt 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
对现在/将来的事虚拟时,should/would do都对,没有语法区别,只是意思不同.一个“应该”,一个“会”,根据句意所要表达具体选择.
英语中的虚拟语气 Sb did/were 之后用什么时态再+would do
bfghfrjgr 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
I would wear more casually if I were you.若果我是我,我会穿的更随意一些.
If you didn‘t go to the party,you would be sorry.如果你不去晚会,你会后悔的.