role play 对话剧本situation1:student A:you are the sales manager

赤深蓝2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

role play 对话剧本
student A:
you are the sales manager of Guangdong Buyun shoe store.In recent years,Americans stared to wear"buxie",which is really or Chinese cloth shoe.Your shoes have become very popular in the U.S.and Canada.You have many orders from abroad so that your shoes sell out very fast.Now you have only 1,000 pairs of shoes in stock.For the new orders,the buyers have to wait for 3 months before they get the ordered goods.Now you are receiving a shoe agent from the U.S.
syudent B:
You are a shoe agent in the U.S.Now you are in China.You are meeting the sales manager of Guangdong Buyun Shoe Store.You want to place an order for 20,000 pairs of cloth shoes because you think there is a good market for them in the want the delivery made within two months.
situation 2:
student A:
You deal in air-conditioners.Now a customer order 15 air-conditioners for hisher offices.The total price is 75,000 RMB.The customer wants a discount.You proceed to offer and counteroffer.After negotiation,you finally agree to make 7% off the original price.You two make the deal.
student B:
You are a manager of a foreign company.You have placed an order for 15 air-conditioners in a large store.The total price is 75,000 RMB,but you want a 12% discount.You proceed to offer and counteroffer.Finally,you agree with the salesperson and accept a discount of 7%.
situation 3
student A:
You are talking with a Japanese merchant about the time of shipment.You can't make the delivery of goods as he asked you bacause of the bad weather.The best you can do is to deliver half of the goods at the end of March,the remaining in next two months.
student B:
You are talking with the sales manager of a Chinese company about the time of shipment.You want to make the shipment in March.The reason is that you want to place the goods on the market in time.
situation 4
student A:
You represent Guangzhou Native Produce Imp.&Exp.Corp.You are talking about the packing with a wholesaler from America.You think bags are good.You put forward some reasons to persuade him.
studeng B:
You are merchant from America.You have placed an order with a Chinese company.It's total of $8,000 worth of apples.You want the goods packed in cartons.You put forward your worries.And you are finally persuaded by your counterpart.
但每个人的对话要求在7 8句左右


无际11 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
student A:
Hello,I am the sales manager of Guangdong Buyun shoe store.I think you are a shoe agent in the U.S.Nice to meet you.
student B:
Yes,I am a shoe agent in the U.S.Nice to meet you,too.I know in recent years,Americans stared to wear"buxie",which is really or Chinese cloth shoe.Your shoes have become very popular in the U.S.and Canada.This is my major purpose to this meeting.I want to place an order for 20,000 pairs of cloth shoes.
student A:
I am sorry about this.Now I have only 1,000 pairs of shoes in stock.How about you wait for 3 months.
student B:
I only can wait for 2 mouths.
situation 2:
Student A:
What can I do for you?
student B:
I am a manager of a foreign company.I have placed an order for 15 air-conditioners.How much?
student A:
The total price is 75,000 RMB.
Student B:
I want a a 12% discount.How about that?
Student A:
I only could make 7% off the original price.This is the highest discount.
Student B:
I agree this discount.
situation 3
student A:
Sorry about that I couldn't make the delivery of goods.Because the weather is very bad these day.The best I could do is to deliver half of the goods at the end of March.It will be remaining in next two months.
student B:
I want to make the shipment in March.Because I want to place the goods on the market in time.
situation 4
student A:
I am represent Guangzhou Native Produce Imp.&Exp.Corp.I think bags are good.Also the quality are the best.
student B:
I want to order that about total of $8,000 worth of apples.And I want the goods packed in cartons.


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服务员:A 顾客:B/C/D
B:Would you like to have supper with me?
C:I'd like to,let's go!
D:Me too!
B:Great!let's go together!
A:Welcome!What would you like to eat?
B:Some bread and some milk,please.
C:en.a cup of tea.
A:Do you want to have some chicken?
D:Sure!I want to have some chicken and some beaf!
A:Anthing else?
A:Sure,please wait for a moment.
B:how much is it?
B:Here you are.
A:Have a good time ,bye!
B:Thank you!
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AWhere are you going this weekend?
BI’m going to Hainan.
AOh really? It’ll be nice and warm there. Have you been there before?
BYes, actually it’s my second visit. I was there last October.
AI see. What’s it like there?
BWell, the life style is much more relaxed than here in the city. And the seafood is tastier!
AWell, have a great time!
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[例句]Let 's role play .I say :" you look beautiful today !"
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A:You are a British student studying at a Chinese university.You are tried of the food you eat every day in the school canteen.You invite your Chinese classmate to come over to teach you cooking.
B:You are not good at cooking,either.You explain that most of your time is spent on study and other school activities.But you know how to prepare typical Chinese jiaozi.You show your British classmate how to do it.(or you have your own prize course in mind)
jstzszk 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
A: Hi, B, How've you been?
B: Fine, you?
A: Fine, just that I don't eat very well these days. I'm really tired of the food they served in our schook dinning hall.
B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, then, why don't you go out and eat in those small restaurants?
A: Yeah, the restaurants are not bad, but it's a little expensive. So I was thinking that maybe I should learn how to cook chinese dishes at home.
B: Hm, that's a good idea!
A: Yeah, so, do you know how to cook? I'd like to learn cooking from you!
B: Well, to be honest, I'm not good at cooking, you know, I spend most of my time on study and some school activities.
A: Oh, what a pity!
B: But, I know how to make Dumplins (jiaozi). If you think it's cool, I'd like to teach you.
A: Really, that's very nice of you.
B: It's my pleasure. OK, let's see what we need! Hm, flour, smashed meat, some vegetable, I think that's pretty much!
A: Yeah, so, we can begin?
B: Yeah, first, mix the flour with some water, and then make the cover into hand-sized round pieces.
A: OK, that's not a easy job.
B: Then, put some meat and sliced vegetable in the middle of he cover. Fold it, press the edge. See, that's it.
A: Cool!
B: Last step is to put them into boiled water and wait for about ten minutes!
A: Hm, it's interesting.
B: Yeah, but a little time-consuming.
A: Yeah, I think I can do that in weekends. Thank you so much!
B: You are welcome!
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nick:wow congratulation!i'm not a fun of running though
emma:i love running,what sport do you like then?
nick:i like soccer and badminton.
tom:i like soccer too,but i absolutely hate badminton!
emma:how can you hate badminton?it's so much fun,and it involves a lot of exercises!
cathy:yeh,i have to agree with emma.
nick:and it also involves a lot of team effort.
tom:fine,i will try to like badminton from now on.
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role play the interview
( 没有上下文的话不能确定interview的意思,可能是访谈,可能是面试.我就当是面试吧.)
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