Hydroforming of double

菲_芸2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


青天白日 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
应该是 双坯成形


这句英语语法对么?Sara has strong willing,forming the habit of studin
Sara has strong willing,forming the habit of studing rathen than playing.这样用对么?有没有更地道的说法?
没大洋 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Sara has a strong willing to form the habit of studying more rather than playing.这样可能更好一点吧,但我总觉得habit of后面的内容如果可以转换一下的话会比较好,毕竟,这个不是一个habit.而且你原句里的forming是作为一个什么语?这个用法貌似不太合适吧.
colony forming unit-fibroblast(CFU-F)的名词解释是什么
三了木 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
[colony-forming unit fibroblast; colony-forming unit fibroblastoid; fibroblast colony-forming cells; fibroblast colony-forming units] This term refers to a population of adherent cells from the bone marrow grown in culture (see also:colony formation assay,BMC).These bone marrow stromal cells and are non-phagocytic,have an appearance resembling that of fibroblasts (Friedenstein et al,1970,1974; Xu et al,1983
二次成型用英语怎么说是 secondary forming 还是 twice forming?请热心网友速速解答,
chg512 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
第一个 secondary forming
英语翻译10 Other products of the acid-forming reaction are carbo
10 Other products of the acid-forming reaction are carbon dioxide and new bacterial cells.
11 The acid-forming steps can proceed over a broad range of environmental conditions,such as pH and temperature .
12 The third and final step in the series of anaerobic digestion reactions is the formation of methane and carbon dioxide.
rlyy_2002 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
10 酸性反应的其他产物是CO2(二氧化碳)和新的细菌细胞.
11 酸性反应可以在相当广泛的环境条件下发生,如:酸碱度和温度.
12 细菌的无氧呼吸的第三步和最后一步是生成甲烷和CO2.
有关英语的问题请翻译这些句子,We must advocate the forming of workshop comm
We must advocate the forming of workshop committees.
His spoken English is on a level with me
The movie is based on an actual event which happened five years ago.
sherry_22 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1 我们应该倡导组织车间委员会.
2 他的英语口语和我的 同一个水平
英语翻译Experimental invertigation on forming defects in flat su
Experimental invertigation on forming defects in flat surface-convex edge hemming:roll,recoil and warp.
Forming defects,roll and warp,in hemming of mild steel sheets with flat surface-convex edge geometry are experimentally investigated.The objectives in this study wre to develop fundamental knowledge of the effects of process parameters on the final hem quality (defects including roll-in/out,recoil and warp without wrinkling and hem-out)and to develop improved process and tool design rules for flanging and hemming based on experimental findings.The experiments were designed using half a fractional factorial array with four 2-level factors replicated three times.All main effects were determined as well as non-alias 2-level interactions.Tesults of the experiments were summarized for the use of process and die designers.
Experimental investigation and theoretical analysis of roll forming of electrical resistance welded pipes.
Roll forming is a general term used to describe a large class of continuous manufacturing processes where a long strip of sheet metal is deformed into products with desired geometry by passing through a series of rotating rolls arranged in tandem.Electrical resistance welded (ERW) pipe can be manufactured by roll forming.Based on the updated-Lagrange method in deformation mechanics,an elastic-plastic large deformation spline finite strio method is developed to analyze roll-forming ERW pipe.The longitudinal strains,the opening values,and the springback of the skelp are obtained.Simulated results are compared with the results obtained.They agree well with each other.
Experimental and numerical investigation of grid sheet bending behavior in four-roll bending.
Gird sheet is a sandwich material consisting of two metal face sheets and a core of woven wire mesh that are joined by welding.It has been designed to act as an actively cooled heat shield,e.g.for steam turbine casings.For this purpse,cylindrical parts have to be produced from initially flat gird sheet.This paper focuses on four-roll bending of gird sheet.It is shown that springback and the number of failed spot welds after forming can be reduced by stress relief annealing and appropriate forming conditions.A finite element model of roll bending of grid sheet is presented,which has sht up to predict springback and spot weld failure.
Development of an applied roll forming pass design expert system based on the shape element idea.
A new design idea,based on the “shape element”,is introduced to develop a roll forming pass design expert system.Shape elements recognizing knowledge base,bend angle distribution knowledge base,rolls arranging knowledge base and related reasoning enginer are constructed in the system by using object-oriented method.Pass flower and rolls design can be automatically done.Some examples show that this expert system is practical and effective.
海盗888 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
在实验芹菜在平板成形缺陷surface-convex可调式折边力:滚,与偏差. 经、滚涂、成形缺陷,钢板bh340的温和可调式折边用扁平的surface-convex通过试验研究了几何.本研究的目的在wre发展的影响基本知识生产过程工艺参数...
this is called forming a car pool
摩托浪子 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
forming the part of sth that is most necessary and from whic
forming the part of sth that is most necessary and from which other things develop 分析下这个短语
梦成真 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
the part of sth是先行词
1.根据首字母填空:As for students,forming a godd study h_______ is v
1.根据首字母填空:As for students,forming a godd study h_______ is very important.
2.选择:He learned many English words, but when he came to the U.S,he could______ talk to others.
A.hardly B.nearly C.almost D.ever
度是0944 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
1.答案是 Habit
2.答案是 hardly
这个题目,从中间是 but 可以看出,是个转折句,前半句说“他学了很多英语单词”然后转折,“但是,当他去到美国,他【很难】与当地人说话”,hardly符合句子意思,其他三个选项都不符合
sat改错题一道Many communities in my state are forming neighborhoo
Many communities in my state are forming neighborhood watch (programs,for it will deter criminals)
清水如楼 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
括号里的"it"有明显的指代不清嫌疑,“it”是指代“ forming neighborhood watch programs”,而不是“neighborhood watch program”,但事实上应该是后者.
再给你举一个例子,在Official Guide的P839的第26题也是同样的指代不清错误.
翻译Kao said she cautions against forming any genera
翻译Kao said she cautions against forming any genera
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies, noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained.我知道整体意思,不知道第二句是怎么翻译出来的,求句子结构分析,那个nothinh that 什么意思?
红狼刀客 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率62.5%
不是 nothinh that ,是 noting that
note = 注意,指出
Kao 说,她告诫不要从仅仅任何一个研究形成概括,并指出 (noting that) ,学生的更多的背景特征(即情况)需要(进一步)研究和解释。
英语翻译Kao said she cautions against forming any generalization
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies,noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained.
autume621 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
翻译:A mob was forming in the street.
成熟男人36 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
getting rid of bad habit is ________ forming a good one
getting rid of bad habit is ________ forming a good one
A:an effort much as B:much an effort as C:as an effort much as D:as much an effort as
gzlhzy 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
听力 1. What is the main purpose of forming Left-Handers Inter
1. What is the main purpose of forming Left-Handers International?
A. To study the job preferences.
B. To start the study of hand preference.
C. To tell the society that they are normal.
2. At what age do children begin to develop hand preference?
A. 6 years old.
B. 3 years old.
C. 2 years old.
3. What jobs are the left-handers particularly good at?
A. Jobs requiring patience.
B. Jobs requiring confidence.
C. Jobs requiring a good sense of space.
lili482163 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1-3 CAC
一个英译中句子In the end forming our own destiny is what ambition i
In the end forming our own destiny is what ambition is about.
在空中望弥撒 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
英语翻译Glass forming ability relates to the ease by which melts
Glass forming ability relates to the ease by which melts can
be cooled to from glasses with the avoidance of crystal formation
muge0817 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
英语翻译In sheet metal,drawing is a process of forming flat shee
In sheet metal,drawing is a process of forming flat sheet meal into hollow shapes by means of a punch that causes the metal to flow into the die cavity.If the depth is one or more times the diameter ,the process is called deep drawing .The forming of shallow shapes is sometimes referred to as stamping ,but the distinction is not elear since stamping is also used to describe cutting flat figures or patterns.
In deep-drawing ,also called cup or radial drawing ,a parallel-walled cup is crated from a flat blank .The blank may be circular ,rect-angular,or of a more complex outline.The blank is drawn down into the die cavity by action of the punch .Deformation is restricted to the flange and draw radius .No deformation occurs under the bottom of the punch .As the pnch forms the cup ,the amount of material in the flange decreases.
In drawing,the limit of deformation is reached when the load required to defom the flange becomes greater than the load-carrying of the cup wall.The failure site will be in the unworked area near the bottom of the cup wall .The hold-down pressure on top of the blank must be sufficient to keep the material fron wrinkling as it goes into the die ,The deformation limit(limiting drawing ratio or LDR)is the maxiunm blank diameter heat can be drawn into a cup without failure.The percentage of reduction can be calculated as follows:
Where D=blank diameter
d=punch diameter
The calculation is usually made with the cup-wall inside diameter,which would also bethe draw-pnch diameter.A drawing ratio or percentage reduction of 48%is considered excellent on the first draw .Succeeding draws must be reduced.That is the percentage reduction that can be expected under falvorable conditions without annealing ,for a second draw would be about 30% and about 20% for a third draw.
Eacce 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
What is a stereotype? And how can we avoid forming stereotyp
What is a stereotype? And how can we avoid forming stereotypes?这是题目,求一篇作文,不要捣乱,很重要,很急
浪子1 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
thread forming
shoulditmatter 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
thread forming screw
varistor-forming怎么 翻译
雾里看花8888 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
varistor 这个单词是变阻器的意思
所以应该是 变阻器型号 或者是变阻器结构
5.( ) is the word forming process by which a new word is for
5.( ) is the word forming process by which a new word is formed by adding rather than subtracting elements.For example,“beg” is formed by cutting –ar from the noun “beggar”.
6.( ) begins with the coming of Frisians,Angles and Saxons into England (roughly 450) to 1066,the time of the Norman Conquest.
A:The Old English Period
B:The Middle English Period
C:The Early Modern English Period
D:The Late Modern English Period
还有一条河 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
A 转换;B 裁剪、剪辑;C 逆序造词,倒反构词(英语中的一种构词法:把一个现存的词的真正后缀或貌似后缀的部分脱落而形成该词的另一种词 类,即文中所提到的);D 首字母组合词,首字母缩略词
请解释此句语法结构This is called forming a car pool.Men also form car
This is called forming a car pool.Men also form car pools,with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.
和drive为什么用ing 形式
caoxicao 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
This(指示代词作主语) is(系动词) called(被动语态,表语) forming a car pool.Men also form car pools,with后面是状语,其中three or four men 是taking turns的逻辑主语(因此此处不是一个完整的句子,只是一个非谓语动词作状语);driving to the place 则是take的宾语,take turns doing sth;the place where they all work是定语从句,the place是先行词,where是关系副词,指代in the place,在从句中作状语
英语翻译Forming electronic tray 在google里面搜索 一个产品也搜捕出来,难道是主准确吗?
lxlonger 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
Forming electronic tray
英语主谓一致问题.There are a variety of ways of forming healthy habi
There are a variety of ways of forming healthy habits.这里是用there are 还是there is .为什么?
bigcircle 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
There are 判断is 还是are 根据后面名词的单复,显然ways才是名词,为复数形式,用are,还有问题可以继续问哦,我尽量解答~
lets face it fellows the last days of text forming things ar
lets face it fellows the last days of text forming things are here求大神这句话的意思.
心灵彩虹5 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
sat改错题一道Many communities in my state are forming neighborhoo
Many communities in my state are forming neighborhood watch (programs,for it will deter criminals)
sxpic 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
括号里的"it"有明显的指代不清嫌疑,“it”是指代“ forming neighborhood watch programs”,而不是“neighborhood watch program”,但事实上应该是后者.
再给你举一个例子,在Official Guide的P839的第26题也是同样的指代不清错误.
英语翻译Kao said she cautions against forming any generalization
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies,noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained.
小虫519 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率68.4%