Informal Dialogue 各路英语高手请进

菱角突突2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Informal Dialogue 各路英语高手请进
A:I'm gonna try and get there early to grab a seat near the front.You wanna come with?
B:Depends.What time?
A:Say,quarter 'til?
B:No can do.I'm locked up with lab stuff until 7:30 pm and then I was gonna hit up subway with Steve to get some grub before the concert.
B:No worries.I'll see if I can snag you a seat anyway.Is Steve in?
A:I don't think so.That's not his scene.
quarter 'til
locked up with
lab stuff
hit up
Is in
not his scene


苇杭敬上 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
A:I'm going to try and get there early to catch a seat near the you want to come with me?我想尽早去霸个前一点的位子,你要和我一起来吗?
B:It depends.What time are you going?说不准.你什么时候去?
A:Let me see.How about a quarter to (8)?嗯...7点45分怎么样?
B:I am unavailable because I have things to do in the lab until 7:30 then I will go to the subway with Steve so we can get some food before the concert.不行,我7点半前要待在实验室里干活,然后要赶在音乐会之前和Steve坐地铁去买食物.
A:No worries.I'll see if I can get you a seat anyway.Is Steve interested?别担心,我看看能不能帮你留个位子.Steve喜欢这个吗?
B:I don't think so.That's not his interest.不,他对这个没兴趣.
Depends:(It) depends.:According to the situation,it's hard to say yes or no.
quarter 'til:a quarter to/until
lock up with:be busy with some assignments that can not be avoided
lab stuff:lab things,lab jobs
hit up:go to
Is in?:Is home?((But here "in" short for "interested",it means "Is Steve interested?"))
not his scene:not his interest.


Informal Dialogue
Informal Dialogue
A:Hey,how was your date with Pat?
B:Well,the jury's still out.I thought it went well but she hasn't called me back yet for round 2.I'm not holding my breath but we'll see.
jury's still out
round 2
hold my breath
注意注意,那两人不是在离婚诉讼啦,是刚开始恋爱的- -||||||||||||||
购物成癖 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
The jury is (still) out是个美式表达,意思是"未有定论"不一定和陪审团有什么关系.the jury is still out 按照英美等国的审判程序,被告是否有罪要由陪审团(jury)来裁定.当庭审结束后,陪审员离席,进入陪审室考虑被告...