Are these ugly ducking swimming in the pond?改成单数句

lyh8510072022-10-04 11:39:544条回答


这里有一个故事 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Is this an ugly duck swimming in the pond?
ugly ['ʌɡli] 元音发音开头所以要用an.
fxyd 共回答了1397个问题 | 采纳率
Is this ugly duckling swimming in the pond?
寒泉农夫 共回答了38个问题 | 采纳率
are these ——is it
真情义 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
Is this an ugly duck swimming in the pond?


How many _(ducking) are there?用括号所给的单词的适当形式填空
天的乐趣 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率76%
winter was coming. the ugly ducking was
winter was coming. the ugly ducking was
frozen on the lake
f21a2142r1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
A duck can swim,and ______aducking.
A duck can swim,and ______aducking. is can does
菲非菲 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
求the ugly ducking的英文原文
求the ugly ducking的英文原文
求 外语教学与研究出版社出版的萤火虫世界经典童话绘本双语系列the ugly ducking的英文原文
外语教学与研究出版社 出版的
萤火虫世界经典童话绘本 双语系列
五色石001 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
  The ugly ducking
  There was a little lake.A Mother Duck sits on her eggs.
  Father Duck:Not yet?
  Mother Duck:Look,Father!One,two,thee!Our babies.
  Father Duck:How cute they are!Look,one more.
  Mother Duck:One more left!It's bigger.
  The ext day.The egg still didn't hatch.
  Ugly Duckling:Hi!
  Ducklings:He's ugly!
  Father Duck:Who are you?
  Mother Duck:He's our baby.
  Mother Duck:Let's go walking!Left,right,Lift,right.
  Ducklings:Quack,quack,quack.Walk like us.
  UD:I can't.
  Mother Duck:Let's go swimming.Come on,come on.
  He jumps into the water.They jumps into the water.
  Mother Duck:Very good!Let's go.Let's get out.Let's meet out friends.
  Aunts:How cute they are!Eat!Eat!Who is that?
  Mother Duck:He's bigger,but he can swim.He can swim well.
  They eat.He Can't eat.Poor ugly duckling.
  Ducklings:You' re ugly.You're an ugly duckling.
  Mother Duck:Be nice!
  UD:Nobody loves me!I'm leaving.Good-bye,Mother.
  He goes to sleep.The geese come.
  Geese:Who are you?You are an ugly duckling.Well,we are leaving.Good-bye!
  UD:Nobody loves me!
  He is sad and lonely.A farm.
  Old lady:What' s the matter?Eat.Eat!
  A cat and a hen.
  Hen:Can you lay an egg?
  UD:No,I can' t.
  Cat:Can you catch mice?
  UD:No,I can' t.But I can swim.
  Hen and Cat:Who cares?Get out!
  It is tall.An owl!
  Owl:Where are you going?
  Owl:Who are you?
  UD:Oh,what beautiful birds!
  It is Winter.It is very cold.
  UD:I'm cold!
  Kids:A duck,a duck.
  UD:What!Nobody loves me.
  It is spring.
  UD:I can fly.He can fly.
  Swans:What are you doing?
  UD:Oh,I,m sorry.Good-bye.
  Swans:No,Look!at yourself.
  You are one of us.You are a swan!
  UD:I'm a swan.
  Yes,the ugly duckling was a beautiful swan.
求the ugly ducking的英文原文
求the ugly ducking的英文原文
dbves 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率100%
One lovely summer in the country,Mother Duck sat on her nest.She had been waiting for her eggs to hatch for a long time.Finally one egg began to crack.And then another.From each shell came a tiny golden creature crying,”Peep!Peep!” Soon all the eggs were hatched,except one.
At last the largest egg hatched.A young bird peeked out,crying “Peep!Peep!”like the others.But this ducking was gray and quite larger,and very ugly.
Mother Duck stared at her new baby.”You are not like my other ducklings,”she said,”I wonder if you are really my turkey,and not a duckling at all?”
She took her ducklings to the riverbank to practice their swimming.Mother Duck watched her largest baby,because it is well known that turkeys cannot swim.
All the ducklings jumped fearlessly into the river,Even the ugly duckling swam gracefully.thought Mother Duck:” He is not a turkey at all.”
Mother Ducj brought her family to live on the nearby farm,but the ugly duckling was very unhappy there.All the other ducks picked on him,calling him names and stealing his food.Even the chickens laughed at the ugly duckling,and one turkey pecked at him in a most vicious way.The poor duckling decided he must run away.” There is no home for an ugly duckling,“he said miserably.He closed his eyes and waddled away.
Through the winter he almost starved and nearly froze.Then,one day the warm spring came,The duckling tested his wings and found that they were strong.He dlew,landing by chance in a beautiful garden with a very clear pond.And in the pond were three beautiful white swans.
The duckling swam toward the beautiful swans,though he knew they would laugh and tell him to go away.”I’d just like to see them,if only for a moment,“thought the ugly duckling.
But the swans did not laugh or tell him go away.The swans stroked his neck and welcomed him.The duckling happened to glance down at the watermwhere he saw his own reflection.He was no longer a gray,ugly bird.He had grown up to be a beautiful white swan!
shi is 16 years old and ugly ducking has grown into a swam
aomaiga 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
she is 16 years old and ugiy ducking has grown into a sawn
sgd662009 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
ugiy 拼写错误 应为ugly
16岁的她终于由丑小鸭长成了白天鹅 简而言之 女大十八变 越变越好看
The ugly ducking翻译
The ugly ducking翻译
开头第一句是:In a sunny spot in the country stood an old monsion.
The ugly duckling and other fairy tales版的英文丑小鸭
雾满楼 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
在一个阳光明媚现场在该国站在一个老monsion .
Ben is telling us a story.The story is about an ugly ducking
Ben is telling us a story.The story is about an ugly ducking.(合并一句)
flytosky29914 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率75%
Ben is telling us a story about an ugly duckling.
ugly ducking has growing into a swan什么意思
caoyangsheng 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
