The Dog of Pompeii译文 现代大学英语精读2

wutyno12022-10-04 11:39:542条回答


梨初 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
圣西罗之龙 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率
建议你买本相应的辅导书,一般都学Text A,很少涉及Text B的。


庞培城中的一段,求翻译such was pompeii on its last day .and so it is to
such was pompeii on its last day .and so it is today ,now that the volcanic ash has been cleared away.A good imagination is all you need to restore it to activity
鱼十九 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译关于pompeii的一篇文章Centuries passed… Pompeii was forgotten.Th
Centuries passed… Pompeii was forgotten.Then,seventeen hundred years later,it was discovered again.Beneath the protecting shroud of ash,the city lay intact.Everything was as it had been the day Vesuvius erupted.There were still loaves of bread in the ovens of the bakeries.In the wine shops,the wine jars were in place,and on one counter could be seen a stain where a customer had thrown down his glass and fled.
loyo1974 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They
Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for-its stadium and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii’s people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2000 years.
Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22,000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano. Mount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe, But they were not.
In August of AD 79 , Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii . When the eruption ended , Pompeii was hurried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.
For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861,an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD79 , There were streets and fountains, houses and shops, There was a stadium with 20,000 seats , Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue color in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine, They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in the bakery .In one bakery there were 81 round , flat loaves of bread –a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today . Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye-makeup.
小题1:Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?
A.To find the volcano
B.To shop and eat there
C.To watch sports and plays
D.To see how Pompeians lived
小题2:Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?
A.Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.
B.The city was buried alive and remained untouched.
C.Scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.
D.Nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.
小题3:What do we know about the Pompeians who lived 2000 years ago?
A.They lived more or less the same as Italians now do .
B.They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.
C.They enjoyed a lazy life with drinking and eating.
D.They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD79.
帝花之修 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%

小题1:D 细节题。根据文章的第一段内容可知游客来到庞贝古城是为了看过去的庞贝人是任何生活的,因为庞贝城被火山灰掩埋而保持了原有的一切风貌,故D正确。
小题2:B 推理题。根据文章第三段最后两行Pompeii was hurried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.以及第三段开始内容可知庞贝城被火山灰掩埋,几个世纪以来都没有被破坏,保持了原貌,故B正确。
小题3:A 推理题。根据文章最后一段内容可知古代的庞贝人的生活习惯和现代人几乎一样,如In one bakery there were 81 round , flat loaves of bread –a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today .故A正确。
Loulan,__as China's Pompeii,attracts tens of thousands of to
Loulan,__as China's Pompeii,attracts tens of thousands of tourists__ __the world every year
Loulan,which is known as China's Pompeii,attracts tens of thousands of tourists around the world every year.
4583031 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
known all over
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
The tourists do not,however,see Pompeii's people.
The tourists do not,however,see Pompeii's people.
1.游客不这麼做,然而去看看 Pompeii的人们
2.然而游客不去看看 Pompeii的人们.
panzh07 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语句子结构 成分分析 Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii as
英语句子结构 成分分析
Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii as it was 2,000 years ago.How amazing!The city was forgotten for many years until 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it.People started to dig in the area for reasure,which caused much damage.
areshu 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
saw 是谓语
the ancient Roman city of Pompeii 是宾语 后面 可以看做定语从句
其中as是关系代词 引导定从 并作从句中的表语
it是从句中的主语 was是从句中的系动词 2,000 years ago是从句中的状语.
How amazing!是省略的感叹句
The city 是主语
was forgotten是谓语
for many years 是状语
until 18th century 是状语 when a farmer found some stone with writing on it可以看做定语 .
People是主语started 是谓语 to dig in the area for reasure是宾语,
which caused much damage是非限制性定语从句
In a way, Pompeii is like a time capsule ____ a frozen momen
In a way, Pompeii is like a time capsule ____ a frozen moment in history.
A.protecting B.preserving C.preventing D.protesting
人aa爱的露小缝 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%

31 1.5 分 保存 40.You should read about Pompeii before you go t
31 1.5 分 保存
40.You should read about Pompeii before you go there.
1.Obligation 2.Advice
32 1 分 保存
IV.Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.(15%,1 point each)
41.I________ with the dolphins in Florida last year.
33 1 分 保存
42.At the end of the holiday,we________ to Vancouver,Canada.
34 1 分 保存
43.I________ at the seals when they served dinner.
B.was looking
C.were looking
35 1 分 保存
44.One day while he was climbing a mountain,he________ to think about his life and future.
B.was beginning
36 1 分 保存
45.The camel________ be the primary way for desert people to move from place to place.
A.uses to
C.used to
37 1 分 保存
46.He ate sandwiches________ he made himself.
B.that that
38 1 分 保存
47.He said that the park was beautiful________ the train ride was too long.
39 1 分 保存
4 48.The weather damages the buildings,________ it takes a long time for this to happen.
A.even if
40 1 分 保存
49.The story is about a snake________ pride almost ruined him.
fyxz 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
B.was looking
C.used to
A.even if
Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They
Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for ― its stadium (露天大型运动场) and theatres, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii’s people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2000 years. Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano . Mount Vesuvius had not erupted for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not.
In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead.
For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash. Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79. There were streets and fountains(喷泉), houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread ― a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today. Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women liked to wear eye makeup.
Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One-fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii.
小题1:Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year?
A.To visit the volcano B.To shop and eat there
C.To watch sports and plays D.To watch how Pompeiians lived
小题2:Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?
A.The city nearby offered all kinds of fun.
B.The area produced the finest wine in Italy.
C.Few people expected the volcano to erupt again.
D.The mountain was beautiful and covered with grass.
小题3:Why did the city uncovered look almost the same as it had looked in AD 79?
A.Because Ginseppe and his men dug it slowly and carefully.
B.Because the city was buried alive and remained untouched.
C.Because scientists successfully rebuilt the city with everyday objects.
D.Because nobody had lived in the city ever since the volcano erupted.
小题4:What do we know about the Pompeiians who lived 2000 years ago?
A.They lived more or less the same as Italians now do.
B.They liked women wearing all kinds of makeup.
C.They enjoyed a good life with drinking and eating.
D.They went back to Pompeii after the eruption in AD 79.
anna君 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%

英语选择题,求助~Ancient Pompeii, destroyed in A.D. 79 ----an erupti
Ancient Pompeii, destroyed in A.D. 79 ----an eruption of Vesuvius, lay buried ---- rock and ash until the 18th century. A) by / underC) with / below
花开淡墨痕8 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
with表伴随情况.不过这一空把an eruption of Vesuvius视为伴随情况也可以.所以,仅就这一空来看,填with和by都讲得通.
第二空:若表示一物被另一物所覆盖,则通常用 under.如:
She crept in beside him under the bedclothes.她钻进被窝躺在他身旁.
急求北师大版高中英语选修六Unit16Lesson1课文Pompeii:The city that became a t
急求北师大版高中英语选修六Unit16Lesson1课文Pompeii:The city that became a time capsule翻译!
s喷火女郎s 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%


然而,超过1,600年之后,一些科学家找到了丢失的城镇一直埋没于灰中.用l 748他们找到了一个令人敬畏的历史遗址.他们已经开始挖掘庞培古城.


