How to have happy every day

jerry_nb2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

How to have happy every day
How can I make myself happy every day too


阿弥陀佛3167 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
Do good thing's,there is nothing quite like the feeling of knowing that you've done something really nice for someone else,even if that person doesn't know you've done asked "How can I make myself happy every day too " The Answer is "Do somethig nice for someone else".


How to Describe It?
How to Describe It?
Work in groups and rate the following animals and put them in order of priority according to various features which is the most convenient to express.Share the answers with the whole class.
zlx78811 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
求一篇英语短文How to Protect Yoursely in a Fire
380614733 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Come down toa higher floor,room sheet,curtain fabric can come in should tear them in ropes,and joined to the balcony window to escape.When all the passage was cut off,the best shelter is a toilet.Use the clothes to wrap your head,the most important thing is to cover your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling a lot of smoke,then try to make fire fighters know your location and wait for rescue.B:oh yeh.We should judge all horses as individuals.For example,if a fire occurred on the bus,you should quickly get off,if you can not get off successfully,you need to quickly find a safe hammer,and then use it to beat the edge of bus windows,because the center of the glass is also the hardest place,which is not easy to break.
how to "make friends."
how to "make friends."
到底是make friend 还是make friends 还是make a friend .还是怎么地.
zhen0327 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
make friends 交朋友要两个人,所以是复数拉
英语作文how to play +一个乐器
英语作文how to play +一个乐器
怎样弹一个乐器 急用
tianyuliufang 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
how to play piano If you would like to quickly learn to play the piano,one gift to you is very good grasp on the understanding of music,one also is to see your diligence,and much more important than talent,and a minimum guarantee every 4 to 5 hours may piano Even if not guaranteed,must be at least bomb day for each day an hour,well planned only one hour for just bomb various exercises Hua Qu,Yin Wei Etude yes song basis,only the basis of Da labor,it does not bomb song difficult,if over the weekend,then on the distribution of good,open hand exercises,a variety of fingering exercises,practice a variety of Etudes,and finally tune,do not want to bomb the old song,and more practice you etude is a key technology advances.
Do you know how to make fruit salad? 这句用how to 体现的什么语法?
上海云彩 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
I don’t know what to do.我不知道怎么办.
Tell me when to hold the meeting.告诉我什么时候开会.
The question is how to use the machine.问题是如何使用这台机器.
Where to get so much money is a question.到哪里去弄这么多钱是个问题.
英语的有关知识1.90页 John knows how to use a computer 成分分析 how to ..
1.90页 John knows how to use a computer 成分分析 how to .... 不是宾语从句把?2.108页 John studies very hard this semester. 改为否定句 能用 情态动词吗?比如改为John cann't study very hard this semester.
右耳听见 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
John knows how to use a computer 成分分析
John knows 主谓部分
how to use a computer 不定式做宾语 ,这不是宾语从句,因为不定式里没动词,属于非谓语
比如how to do it ,what to do ,when to ,where to 等等
John studies very hard this semester. 改为否定句 能用 情态动词吗?
比如改为John cann't study very hard this semester.
可以的,因为does,do 和情态动词的can ,都属于助动词,如果不去死扣意思的话,用情态动词,语法没错
How to be a ___helper to our teachers
B3516000 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
good、 useful 、prope
英语作文How to keep fit
二一添着五 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
How to keep fit
A healthy body is very important to every one of us.When you are sick,you feel painful all over your body,have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed.When you are healthy,you can eat well,sleep well,sing and jump happily,do all the things you like to enjoy life.
The methods to keep us fit vary.In the morning,you can get up early,go outdoors,breathe the fresh air,and do physical exercises.Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit.If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things,there are still some ways useful for you to keep fit.The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus.You also have to take a routine physical check - up.Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly,and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit.You should always try to make yourself happy.If you feel happy,you can eat well,sleep well,and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition.
Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life.Trying every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.
Link-n-Sync是啥意思原句是how to “Link-n-Sync” sales and marketing t
原句是how to “Link-n-Sync” sales and marketing teams
静静等待 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语作文how to exercise well
英语作文how to exercise well
带有 first second third .等词语
bdn9ie 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Taking exercise is good for our health.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.By taking exercise,we can relax our body and mind.At the same time,we can harden our muscle and have a good figure.If we don't take exercise for a long time,we may easily fall sick.
I enjoy several outdoor sports.Swimming in the sea is my favorite.Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty,I prefer to swim in the sea.
Playing badminton is also fun.I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton.Besides,I enjoy jogging in the morning.Sometimes,I jog with my parents in the park.
求150字左右的英语小文章How to Face Failures150字中包含以下要点:(1)每个人都会遇到失败.(2
How to Face Failures
孤独的雨鞋 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Failure is the mother of success.Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals.While others might succumb to failure,they tend to retreat and give in their efforts.Success often provides confidence and satisfaction,nevertheless failure companies with bitter,saddness,and suffering.It seems people have to learn through each experience,as success doesn't always falls from heaven.
I remembered I used to fail on my vocabury test when I was in high school.I had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day.I almost decided to give up English,but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me.In the end of the semester,I found I had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading English.I then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times.Nobody is born as genius for success.Success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures.
Of course,success brings confidence and victory.But,life is not always easy and comfortable.There are more difficulties than eases in the real life.It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead.Therefore,those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.
how to与what to分别什么时候用
how to与what to分别什么时候用
木杉树 共回答了4个问题 | 采纳率50%
How to do it,,经常这样出现,表如何做,,而what to do这样用后面不再加其他词
英语作文How to prevent the flu(符合初二作文水平 60词)
arbby 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
The flu is a kind of common disease.It spreads easily among people.But we needn't be afraid of it.What should we do to prent it?First,we should eat healthy food and do more exercise to build up our bobies.Second,we should keep our rooms clean and often open the windows.Third,we should not go to crowded places.Finally,if we don't feel well,we should go to see a doctor at once.If we do so,we will keep healthy.
求一篇how to stop smoking的英语作文,五句话
今夜太冷不宜私奔 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
HOW TO STOP SMOKING i think smoking is a really bad habit.and if you get used to the habit,you can hardly get rid of it.smoking is harmful to everyone. so we must stop smoking.if you are a smoker,you'll find it hard to stop smoking. but in order to keep healthy,you must stop it. so many people may ask,"how to stop smoking?" in my opinion,there are many ways to prevent you from smoking. first,throw all the cigerettes you have,so when you want to smoke,there are no smoke at hand. sencond,do more exercise to keep fit third,always remember: i must get rid of smoke
英语演讲主题:how to...
英语演讲主题:how to...
小弟后天要准备演讲,题目是how to do sth.演讲长度大概5分钟,主题要突出如何做某样东西,各位大侠有什么好点子尽管扔过来吧·~thanks^^
男人就命苦 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
回答:1.Do you know to ride a bike's tire?
2.Let me tell you...first you have to uncover the outside tire;
3.Pump air into the tire with the helpof water to find out the hole;
4.Get the hole and the match sanded;
5.Put the glue on them(the sanded parts );
6.Wait for 5 minutes;
7.Joined them together;
8.Again with thehelp of water to see if it is still leaky.
9.If you worked well enough.
How to get a high score?
How to get a high score?
The same as title!
ncut 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
study day and night
She taught him how to speak English?中的how to 是什么成分?为什么加to
美丽LIVE 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
how 和 to 不是在一起的,to 是和 speak 组成不定式 “to speak”,how 作为副词去修饰“to speak”
,English 是 to speal 的宾语.
She taught him English.她教他英语
She taught him to speak English.她教他说英语
She taught him how to speak English.她教他如何说英语
主语—— she
谓语—— taught
宾语—— him
宾补——how to speak English (不定式短语) 其中:
to speak——不定式,English——宾语,how ——状语
How to是什么意思?
晶的麦 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
原句:How to
how-to article导文档;引导文章
How-to Guide可以在品酒指南
How much to buy买多少
How Long To多久能
Recently How Not To最近怎么没来
How much to reorder存货再订货流程
How Not to Farm比种田喻
How Wonderful To Know美妙的体会
高二英语书面表达练习(1)大多数人都希望受到别人欢迎,但并非都能做到.请根据下表问卷调查结果,写一篇题为How to b
(1)大多数人都希望受到别人欢迎,但并非都能做到.请根据下表问卷调查结果,写一篇题为How to be popular的英文短文.
How to be popular
Many people desire to be popular with others but not everyone can achieve this goal.What is the secret to popularity?
星期天不要见面 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
How to be popular
Many people desire to be popular with others but not everyone can achieve this goal.What is the secret to popularity?
45% people believe that improving one's appearance,wearing gracefully,and keeping a good state of mind are of vital importance.In the meanwhile,someone who always smiles and treats others friendly can also enhance his or her popularity.
On the other hand,55% people consider that one can make himself(herself) more popular by showing every consideration to others,being a fine audience,and not discussing unpleasant words behind people.
In my opinion,all the main points mentioned above are essential.If one pays attention to the apprearance,simultaneously,takes good care of others with heart and soul,moreover,keeps an eye on his(her) words and deeds,he or she must be the "super star" among people.
英语作文《how to keep safe on the way》
回忆末班车 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率80%
How to Keep Safe on the Way
In our communities now, we often walk, bike, or drive to school. But how can we keep ourselves safe? If we walk, the cars and the street gangs might cause us some...
英语翻译1.如何成为一个优秀人人?(How to.)翻译下..2.我想让自己变的优秀/更加的优秀呵呵。打错字了。.是 如
1.如何成为一个优秀人人?(How to.)
呵呵。打错字了。.是 如何成为一个优秀的人。..
痴情不rr 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
How to become an excellent person?
I want to be more excellent~
如何将你的#QR二维码#做得更漂亮?HOW TO:Make Your QR Codes More Beautiful
心如絮 共回答了31个问题 | 采纳率93.5%
The magical barcodes that can be scanned by a smartphone to launch an offline-to-online experience are often criticized for their black and white checkerbox appearance.Those who doubt that QR codeswill go mainstream are quick to point out that the look of QR codes will deter marketers and advertisers from using them.Fortunately,QR codes are malleable and can be redesigned in truly extraordinary ways,while still maintaining their scanability.The truth is,QR codes no longer have to be checkerbox in appearance.We’ve entered a new phase of “designer codes” that can be integrated into marketing campaigns in an attractive way that isn’t an eyesore.QR codes have so much potential from a design perspective,so let’s take a look at a few tricks and techniques you should keep in mind when designing a code to enhance your brand and appeal to your audience.1.Add a Color Palette 添加颜色,使你的二维码颜色丰富The easiest way to add branding power to your code is to add color to it.Your QR code does not have to be standard black and white in order to be scanned.You can embed multiple colors and apply a color gradient without affecting scanability.The only rule of thumb is that the code color should generally be dark and placed against a light-colored background.Make sure the contrast is sufficient,or the code will be difficult to scan.A“reversed out” code,where the background is dark and the boxes are light colored,is generally not recommended.Only a small handful of QR code readers can treat such codes as a film negative and properly interpret the data.2.Soften Hard Edges with Round Corners 将二维码的边缘圆润化One of the QR code’s greatest aesthetic flaws is its numerous hard edges.You can dramatically lessen the severity of this look by strategically rounding some corners.It is not necessary to round all of the corners,but softening up the edges will definitely make the code appear more friendly and approachable.3.Incorporate Dimensionality for 3D Impact 添加Logo及三维效果One high impact way to brand your QR code is to obstruct some of the boxes with imagery,such as a logo.By placing an image in front of the code,you imbue the code with a sense of depth.An ordinary barcode suddenly becomes a form of artwork,and you can really make a statement with the way you melt boxes together or choose to obstruct aspects of the code.Fun ideas include adding a logo to the center of the code,but you could also add interesting elements to the corners or the sides for an even less standard look.Adding images or characters between the boxes is another playful way to dress the code with personality and style.4.Use QR Codes With 30% Error Correction 提高QR码的纠错率 If you decide to add in a logo to create a 3D feel for your QR code,you need to decide which part of the coding to obstruct with your logo.The key to creating these eye-popping designer codes is to take advantage of the fact that up to 30% of a QR code’s data can be missing or obstructed,and still be scanned.QR codes can be generated with 0%,10%,20% or 30% error correction rates built in.Building in the 30% error correction rate adds more noise (extra boxes) within the code,but those extra boxes within the code can then be removed to make way for a logo or other interesting imagery.If you use a QR code with 0% error correction,the code will look more streamlined,but opportunities to brand the code by adding in a logo are very limited.Removing or obstructing a single box within a 0% error QR code could render it unscannable.5.Apply a Trial-and-Error Process 测试、试验、纠错阶段 Technically,it is possible to mathematically compute which boxes in a QR code are the buffers that can be removed,but such computations are generally unnecessary.By applying a simple process of trial-and-error,anyone can begin applying their design techniques to a code and then test for scannability.Be sure to test your code’s scannability with multiple QR readers,ideally three or four.Some readers may be able to overcome some stylistic elements of your designer code,whereas others will not.Deploying your code without testing for scannability is designer malpractice and can cause serious heartache with clients.It is true that even with reasonable precautions,designer codes may still be difficult to scan,so you must always weigh the costs of scanning difficulty against the benefits of designing a code that is eye-catching.If a designer code takes more than a few seconds to scan,it probably needs to be redesigned.6.Conclusion 结论
有篇文章是写"how to" books的,谁有?
混沌村三毛 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
“How to” BooksBooks which give instructions on how to do things are popular in the United States today.Thousands of these “how to” books are available.In fact,there are about for thousand books wi...
Write a composition on the topic “How to Spend the Weekend?”
Write a composition on the topic “How to Spend the Weekend?” Your composition should use the following sentences as the topic sentence of each paragraph and you are required to write least 100 words
The topic sentences are:
A.Now people have five workdays every week in China.
B.People may do many things at the two-day weekend.
C.For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?
游走赤道的鱼 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Now people have five workdays every week in china,from Monday to Friday.In the past,we all know there are six work-days in china,maybe most countries in the world.With the rapid development of science and technology,especially the invention of computers and the establishment of internet all over the world.All these things changed people's lives,they set people free from all kinds of burdensome work.So,five workdays is plenteous to people
to finish their work.
Five workdays every week,it means people may do many things at two-day weekend,you have two days to rest,to have fun,to handle your private business.If you are worn out,two days are enough to you to come back physical strength;if you want to go out for fun,two days are also ample for you to have a jaunt.
For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?Everyone must have their own answers.But something we all should know well,as college students,the most important thing for all of us is study.So,do not always think we should relax as soon as the weekend is coming,the first thing we should do is review what we've learned in this week,and preview the courses we'll take next week.If you do like that,you would enjoy your weekend.
求英语作文以“How to spend the weekend"为题写一篇100字左右的英语作文.The topic s
以“how to spend the weekend"为题写一篇100字左右的英语作文.
the topic sentences are :
1 now people have five workdays every week in china.
2 people may do many things at the two-day weekend.
3 for us coollege students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?
落夜客风 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
How to spend the weekend
Now people have five workdays every week in China,they must work so the socialty will run well,and ,the students can learn much knowledge,all the agenda will open to the a word, we must have some thing to do during the workdays.but,our body need to relax,and enjoy our spare that we can have energy during the workdays.we can do some excercise,such as play football,basketball,go swimming or yuga.if you want you can sleep and get up late in the morning,you can wath tv at night,or see a film.of course,you can visit to your friend ,lovers or parents.
For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?i think we can do something that we cannot do during the study time.we can go shoping,we can be a vollinteer to help the people who needs help an in truble. you can have some work to do that can earn some money ,especially for the poor family's students .i think ,you can do much more things that value to do.
英语作文How to keep safe?
rgrewadsfg 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
How to keep safe
As is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in...
He said that he (teach)himself how to
He said that he (teach)himself how to
He said that he (teach)himself how to ride bikes yeard ago.
xukexing 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
想找一篇be a man的文章 我们期末考试的作文是以if这篇文章为题写读后感言,就是从中得到的感受,从而写how to
想找一篇be a man的文章 我们期末考试的作文是以if这篇文章为题写读后感言,就是从中得到的感受,从而写how to be a man的,我想问问有没有人可以给我提供下关于be a man的作文,谢了
晨风晓 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
How to be a gentleman? What qualities are necessary to become a gentleman?
Huafu Middle School in Futian District recently conducted a series of activities for a Gentlemen’s Festival, with the aim of cultivating* traditional values in students.
These involved benevolence* and etiquette* and instilling* the qualities of courage and great discipline.
“Be a true man” was the slogan* for the festival.
Students discussed who were real gentlemen at heart. Some believed that a gentleman should be cultured* and well-behaved. Some regarded a gentleman as having strong willpower*, citing Stephen Hawking who was disabled, but never gave up his exploration in the field of science.
Li Xiaowan, principal of the school, said students would have a better understanding of gentlemen through discussing a variety of topics including benevolence, striving for success, moral integrity*, honesty and etiquette.
Huafu Middle School has also conducted a Ladies’ Festival.
Li said the idea of conducting a Gentlemen’s Festival stemmed from a small incident.
A Senior One student was injured once when he was playing football. Realizing he was bleeding, Li helped him up. But the boy said with smile: “That’s not a big deal. A man without scars cannot be a true man.”
“His words inspired me,” said Li. “When schools and parents care so much about students’ exam marks, it is also important for them to cultivate moral virtue.”
According to a teacher surnamed Li from the school, there were some advantages in cultivating students’ consciousness* of being a gentleman, leading many students to pay attention to their appearance and their behavior.
(Cai Yingbo)
cultivate v. 培养
benevolence n. 仁爱
etiquette n. 礼节
instill v. 灌输
slogan n. 口号
cultured adj. 有教养的
willpower n. 毅力
integrity n. 正直
consciousness n. 意识
Recommended books for boys
The school has a list of must-read books for boys.
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" - helping boys become witty
"A Dream of Red Mansions" - helping boys learn to admire female beauty, abilities and insight
"The Count of Monte Cristo"- a book about gentlemen?ˉs ability, wisdom and grace
"The Old Man and the Sea"-a helping boys learn how to keep graceful and calm under heavy pressure
"Return of the Condor Heroes" and "The Legend of the Swordsman"- boys should read Chinese kung-fu novels.
求帮忙写篇英文作文,考试试卷标题 How to spend the weekend?要求带下面的句子1Now peopl
标题 How to spend the weekend?
要求带下面的句子1Now people have five workdays every week in China.
2People may do many things at the two-day weekend.
3For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?
云想丽裳 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
How to spend the weekend
Now people have five workdays every week in China,they must work so the socialty will run well,and ,the students can learn much knowledge,all the agenda will open to the a word, we must have some thing to do during the workdays.but,our body need to relax,and enjoy our spare that we can have energy during the workdays.we can do some excercise,such as play football,basketball,go swimming or yuga.if you want you can sleep and get up late in the morning,you can wath tv at night,or see a film.of course,you can visit to your friend ,lovers or parents.
For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?i think we can do something that we cannot do during the study time.we can go shoping,we can be a vollinteer to help the people who needs help an in truble. you can have some work to do that can earn some money ,especially for the poor family's students .i think ,you can do much more things that value to do
帮忙写一篇How to develop high EQ的英语作文 要求如下
帮忙写一篇How to develop high EQ的英语作文 要求如下
Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to develop high EQ in three paragraphs.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.
1.What’s EQ and the importance of EQ
2.Some suggestions for developing high EQ
桃林中凄清的孤魂 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
Margot’s first degree at the University of Sydney was a Bachelor of Education.She moved to Darwin where she headed up Darwin Family Centers.This organization provided child care and family support for the families across the top end of Australia.It was while studying for her MBA that she started working as a business consultant,at the youthful age of 24.
Margot works with some of the world’s top companies at executive level,helping organizations in times of crisis,such as after mergers and takeovers.She mentors numerous leading international business figures and conducts workshops and conferences.
英文作文How to keep fit?
英文作文How to keep fit?
CZ蓝 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
How to keep healthy?
Everyone wants to keep healthy.But how do you keep healthy?If you want to keep healthy,you should eat more vegetables and fruit,because they are good for your body.If you want to keep healthy,you should go to bed early and get up early,too.If you want to keep healthy,you also should do more exercise,is very important.If you can do it,I think you can keep healthy.
how to 后面的动词是用原形还是根据时态而变化?
银色ZIPPO 共回答了99个问题 | 采纳率35.4%
英语作文 How to spend the weekend?
8august 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
things that people usually do in the weekend
-students get their homework done
-you go out with friend/family
-outdoor activities
-a trip to somewhere
保持身体健康很重要.请以How to keep fit?为题写一篇作文
保持身体健康很重要.请以How to keep fit?为题写一篇作文
航空星星 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Today,as the development of our economy,more and more people pay attention to heath .Then the problem is "how to keep fit".
In fact,Health offten has much to do with what we eat and how we digest .So to be the first place ,we should have a good diet as experts suggest.Then ,try to do some exercise to give our body a proper digest .Finally,sitting too long is bad to our health.
After you got a cold ,you would be likely to understand that money isn't so important as health,that is ,keepping fit .As the old saying goes,money can't buy your life ,the richest man can't live a comfortable life when he is in badest condition.
To keep fit,let's take proper diet and do more exercise together!
急求英语作文How to keep pets?50字初中七年级
gchkcghw 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
We all know that pets are good friends of human beings and closer to human beings,They are cute and they give us happiness,but how to keep pets wellis a problem,we musy take care of them,and we feed them everyday,when they are ill,we take them to the pet hospital,sometimes we clean them,so we we can keep pets very well.
八十词左右的英语作文,题目how to eat healthing
路人352 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
I like to have a healthy diet food. It is useful for me to eat healthy food. It offers me a lot of energy.We need to healthy food rather than junk food or fast food. Hamburgers and french fries are the common examples of junk food. Although they taste delicious, they don't have enough nutrients but they have the large amount of carbohydrate and fats. They will make your weight unbalanced. Bread, rice, or vegetables, are the common examples of the healthy food. They have a large amount of nutrients which provide you energy, and away from diseases.
in one senseIn one sense these "how to "sites represent a pa
in one sense
In one sense these "how to "sites represent a part of the growing world of online learning.
growing world是什么
12271934 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
就某种意义来说 这些“how to”sites 代表着网上在线学习的发展的一部分
“how to”sites 根据语境吧 我猜测是 带有“how to”的网点 可能是有关学习的网站吧
英语课堂上,老师要求学生就”与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论,请根据你所在的小组讨论结果,以”How to get on w
英语课堂上,老师要求学生就”与人相处”的话题展开小组讨论,请根据你所在的小组讨论结果,以”How to get on well with others”为题,写一篇英语短文
湿人mm 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
In our daily life,we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore,it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people.To get well along with others and win their friendships,we must observe strictly the following words.
To begin with,we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean.Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run.After all,honesty is the best policy.Second,we have to be humble enough.If we are proud in public,we can hardly win other's respect,not to mention "friendship" Finally,we must not be selfish.We should learn how to show concern for others.
As long as we abide by what is mentioned above,we will find it easy to get along well with others.
求英语作文How to keepfit
tnniao 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
let me tell you.
everybody. hope have a good body because health is very important for us,if you have a good body,you can do anything and have a good mood,such as do sport ,go travel study ,go an...
你如何使自己安全的英文句子初一下册第五单元的评价手册HOW to__________ _______________ _
HOW to__________ _______________ ________________?
dada52520 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
How to make yourself safe?
英语翻译1 Idol Worship2 How to Reduce Study Pressure3 How to Pla
1 Idol Worship
2 How to Reduce Study Pressure
3 How to Plan the Coming Summer Vacation
4 Anxiety before Exam
5 Advertisement
6 White Pollution
未知代ll 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
英语作文 How to spend the weekend?
英语作文 How to spend the weekend?
A.Now people have five workdays every week in China.
B.People may do many things at the two-day weekend.
C.For us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?
wanghu518 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
Now people have five workdays every week in China.After busy the weekdays,people usually do many things at the two-day weekend for fun. But for us college students,what is the best way to spend the weekend?We have our dreams ,So we must try our best to follow them,though on weekends. studies should be our happy homes. We can solve many problems that we aren't able to finish them there. And we not only learn how to study alone,but also get to experience study's happiness. Besides that, we can study with our friends. we can discuss the problems ,and even argue. "No you are wrong,it should be that...""Wommm... You are right" Hehe,For your friendship and knowledge ,you're hurrying to learn in this way now! 累人!