求就why do younge people protest more than old people?这个题目做一个论

ibmsoft1232022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

求就why do younge people protest more than old people?这个题目做一个论述回答


意外的桃花 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Because today's young people in China are very different from the previous generations.
They want to stand up for what they believe in.
greygirl2005 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
because young people are more active than the elder,they can have a lot of time and chances to
create the things that they want,so when they feel confused about something,they will show it,that perhaps means they are more confident of themselves


选词填空被选词:who,whom,whose,which,that1.The young lady ( ) younge
1.The young lady ( ) younger brother has made great progress in an advanced teacher.
2.She was very patient towards the children ,( )her husband seldom was.
3.Speaking of trips,did I ever tell you about the experience ( ) I had?
4.Teachers ( )classes are interesting have many students.
lanseziwen 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
When older honeybees take on tasks usually handled by younge
When older honeybees take on tasks usually handled by younger bees, aging of their brains is effectively changed, a new study finds. The discovery suggests that in humans, social involvement ought to be considered
in addition to drugs as a way to treat age-related dementia(痴呆).
“We knew from previous research that when bees stay in the nest and take care of larvae—the bee babies---they remain mentally able as long as we observe them,” explained Gro Amdam, who led the research at Arizona State University. “However, after a period of nursing, bees fly out gathering food and begin aging very quickly.”
“After just two weeks, foraging(觅食的)bees have worn wings, hairless bodies, and more importantly, lose the brain function—-basically measured as the ability to learn new things,” Amdam said in a statement.
Amdam and his colleagues wanted to find out what would happen if they “asked” the foraging bees to take care of larval babies again. To find out, they removed younger nurse bees from a nest, leaving the older foraging bees to face a choice: forage or care for the larvae. Some of the older returned to searching for food, and others switched to caring for the nest and larvae. After ten days, about fifty percent of the older bees that had chosen to care for the nest and larvae had “greatly improved their ability to learn new things.”
The researchers also discovered changes in the proteins in the brains of the bees whose learning ability had improved. One of the proteins that changed, called Prx6, is also found in humans and is known to help protect against dementia.
“Maybe social involvement is something we can do today to help our brains stay younger,” Amdam says. “Since the proteins being researched in people are the same proteins bees have, these proteins may be able to respond to specific social experiences.”
Other studies have shown several non-drug methods can help improve brainpower in older people, including going for walks and taking music lessons.
The findings, announced this week, are detailed in the journal Experimental Gerontology.
小题1:What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to? (No more than 5 words)
小题2:When do the brains of older bees age very fast? (No more than 9 words)
小题3:What is Amdam’s suggestion for old people to prevent dementia? (No more than 6 words)
小题4:What is the best title for the text? (No more than 6 words)
矛盾结合 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率92.6%
小题1:Amdam and his colleagues
小题2:When they go out to search for food
小题3:Taking part in social activities./Social involvement.
小题4:Social involvement can improve brainpower.

英语阅读,快速!~~An Australian teenager aiming to become the younge
An Australian teenager aiming to become the youngest solo (单独的) round-the-world sailor crashed into a 63,000-ton ship.
Jessica Watson,16,was on a 10-day test journey when she hit the ship off the coast of Queensland.The accident damaged the mast (桅杆) and one side of her boat.But Watson said that the crash would not stop her attempt to become the youngest person to sail non-stop around the world,solo and unassisted.
“The whole incident gives me confidence-now,I can actually handle this,”she said.“It
was a pretty scary incident.It could have happened to anyone...I was unlucky I suppose,but I learned a lot from it.”
Australian transport safety officials are looking into the incident,which occurred though Watson had made radio contact with the ship.“All things considered,the boat did come up well,”she said.“The big thing for me is that I came through the whole thing feeling confident...It was a pretty scary incident.”
Watson,who has been sailing since she was 8,hopes to surpass (超过) fellow Australian Jesse Martin,who completed the journey at the age of 18 in 1999.Briton Mike Perham,17,last month made an unsuccessful try for Martin’s record,but he had problems with his boat and was forced to pull into port three times.He crossed the finish line after 156 days at sea and became the youngest person to sail solo around the world with assistance.Last month,a Dutch court ruled 13-year-old Laura Dekkers could not go on a solo round-the-world voyage and placed her in the care of social services.
1.When did Jessica damage her boat according to the passage?
A.In the middle of her solo round-the-world sailing attempt.
B.At the end of her solo round-the-world sailing attempt.
C.Right after her solo round-the-world sailing attempt began.
D.During a 10-day test sail.
2.After the incident Jessica decided to________.
A.put off her solo round-the-world journey
B.continue to try to make her dream come true
C.finish her journey with the help of an assistant
D.return to school to continue her study
3.What did Jessica think of the incident?
A.It was not scary at all.
B.She was lucky to survive from it.
C.She learned a lot and gained confidence.
D.It wouldn’t happen again.
4.Who is so far the youngest person to have sailed around the world,solo and unassisted?
A.Jesse Martin.  B.Mike Perham.
C.Jessica Watson. D.Laura Dekkers.
luowusong 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
john is twelve years old ,and his sister ,mary is two younge
john is twelve years old ,and his sister ,mary is two younger than him.one day their monther asked them to clean the house .beceause they did a good job,their mother bought a delicious cake and said to john, "john, cut this cake into twopieces,and give one piece to your sister .don't forget that you must do it like a good brother." "like a good brother?" john asked,"how does a good brother do it?""he always gives the bigger piece to the other person,"answered monther."oh,i see."said john .he thought about this for a short time ,and then took the cake to his sister and said to her ,"please cut the cake into two pieces, mary, and be a good sister."求翻译
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
The 16-year-old girl Jessica Watson is said to be the younge
The 16-year-old girl Jessica Watson is said to be the youngest person to sail non-stop alone around the world. But her record has been questioned because someone thought that she has not sailed far enough. She will also not be recognized by the World Speed Sailing Record Council, as it was too dangerous for someone under 18 years old.
Ms Watson sailed into Sydney port on Saturday, seven months after leaving on a hard voyage. Family, friends and Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have gathered to greet her. Thousands of well-wishers waited at the port and watched from boats as Ms Watson sailed her pink, 10m boat over the finishing line. Many more Australians watched the event broadcast live on television. Watson said she was just an “ordinary girl who believed in her dream”.
Ms Watson left Sydney on 18 October, despite that some people disagreed her plan. Watson traveled northeast through the South Pacific and across the equator (赤道), south to Cape Horn at the tip of South America, across the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa, through the Indian Ocean and around southern Australia. The route took her through some of the world’s most changeful waters, and she battled through huge storms and suffered seven accidents of her boat.
People around the world have followed Ms Watson’s adventures on her blog, which she has daily updated (更新). On her blog, she wrote down beautiful sunrise over seas, the excitement of meeting a blue whale and the bright, terrible sight of a shooting star flying across the night sky above her boat. Ms Watson has reportedly sold her story to a news company for $700,000. She is planning to write a book on her experience.
小题1: Which of the following oceans didn’t Ms Watson cross through in her voyage?
A.The Pacific Ocean B.The Atlantic Ocean
C.The Indian Ocean D.The Arctic Ocean.
小题2:Ms Watson’s voyage will NOT be considered an official world record mainly because ____.
A.no one can prove that her route was dangerous enough
B.she hasn’t applied for the record
C.girls are not allowed to take part in the dangerous sports
D.teenagers re not encouraged to take such a dangerous adventure
小题3: We can make a conclusion from this passage that Watson ____.
A.would make another voyage for money
B.made the world round voyage for money
C.had no way to communicate with others during the voyage.
D.is so confident and brave that she could overcome troubles on her own
小题4:All the following can be inferred from this passage EXCEPT that ____.
A.her book about her voyage is a best seller
B.people in Australia had much interest in her voyage
C.she spent more than 200 days alone at sea
D.people have different attitudes towards her voyage
riyygyitx 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%

小题1:细节题:从第一段的最后一句话:She will also not be recognized by the World Speed Sailing Record Council, as it was too dangerous for someone under 18 years old. 可知这个活动对年轻人来说太危险。选D。
小题1:推理题:从第三段的句子:Ms Watson left Sydney on 18 October, despite that some people disagreed her plan.可知她很自信,勇敢。选D
小题1:从第一段得知D项不正确,第二段得知B项正确,从这句话Ms Watson sailed into Sydney port on Saturday, seven months after leaving on a hard voyage. Family, 可知C项正确,所以选A
剑桥英语问题Jack is twice as old as Bill,who is eight years younge
Jack is twice as old as Bill,who is eight years younger than Ben,who is four years younger than Ted,who is half as old again as Jack.How old are they?
谢谢一楼的朋友 但是书中给了四个身高不同的男孩 让你分别确定谁是谁 年龄多大 我原本想的也和你想的差不多 可按书上要求 是不应该有同龄的啊
一楼xjn0722这位朋友的答案不对 请楼下不要再给出一样的答案了
xjn0722:是问年龄 但不应该有同龄的 懵
who is half as old again as Jack这里的as old again as
爱情呢喃 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
jack的年龄是bill的两倍 Bill比ben年轻八岁 ben 比ted年轻四岁 jack是ted年纪的一半
设Bill的年纪为X 就能算出来了
昨天没仔细看 把没有同龄 看成了没有年龄~很是羞愧~
Ted,who is half as old again as Jack 字面的理解就是Ted年纪的一半刚好和Jack的年纪相等 我就是这么理解的
This is Vettel's second F1 championship.He became the younge
This is Vettel's second F1 championship.He became the youngest world champion last year素神马意思啊
oriental-horizon 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
3QZrd 英语周末作业1.It’ very kind of you to take care of my younge
3QZrd 英语周末作业
1.It’ very kind of you to take care of my younger sister______ I was away.
A.while B.and C.that D.for
2.What ______ while Linda was on the telephone?
A.was happened B.was happening C.happened D.happens
3.I followed it _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______(看看它往哪里去).
4.What did you do at ten o’clock last Sunday morning.(改错)
A.What B.did you do C.o’clock D.last Sunday morning
5.They left school when the rain stopped yesterday afternoon.(同义句)
They ______ leave school ______ the rain stopped yesterday afternoon.
6.He is too young to go to school.(同义句)
He _____ ______ ______ to go to school.
7.Chinese _____________ Koreans __________(把……当作)brothers and sisters.
8.She did not think about to look outside.(改错)
A.She B.did not C.think about D to look
9.We shouted at him,but he didn’t hear.(改错)
A.shouted B.at C.didn’t D.hear
king_strong 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
to see which direction it went.
did while
isn't old enough
treat as