英语翻译A Preliminary Study on the English Translation of Chines

月桂女神2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

A Preliminary Study on the English Translation of Chinese Idioms
[Abstract]As we all know,some Chinese idioms are very different from English idioms in their constitutions and the figurative usages.Howto comprehend and translate those idioms is a troublesome problem for most children.This paper will help you to make a successful transla-tion.This paper falls into three parts.The first part,gives a brief introduction about the features of idioms.The second part gives a detailedintroduction about how to retain those character in translation and the methods of translating idioms.And finally,it sums up several problemswhich we should pay attention to in translating idioms.
  [Keywords]Integrality Stability Faithful Smooth Translation1.Introduction“…Translation consists in reproducingin the receptor language the clos-est nature equivalent of the source language,first in terms of meaning andsecondly in terms of style…”———Eugene A.Nida,From“Translation theoryand practice”“Translation,essentially,is the faithful representation,in one language,of what is written or said in another language.”———钟孔述,《英汉翻译手册》Chinese idiom is a shining pearl of the Chinese language and culture.Itis the intellectual achievements of Chinese people.It not only has a great fea-ture in language,but also has a wealth of knowledge and a great talent in con-tent.The study of idioms takes a position of prestige in the process of learningChinese language.It is helpful to understand the traditional beliefs,the cus-toms,the view of value and the world outlook of China.
  The most important characters of Chinese idioms are its integrity,vivid-ness and a plenty of expressive force.If it used in a proper manner,it willmake the translation more precise and smooth,and will be helpful to increaseinspiration of translating.Regardless of the characteristics of Chinese,we willtranslate some non-descript sentences.Therefore,how to conquer these prob-lems and translate Chinese idioms vividly and imaginatively and not lose theiroriginal colour?This paper will give you the answer.


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