”How to be a civilized student”这书面表达怎么写?谢谢!

桃李凌霄斋2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


磨子桥婷婷 共回答了5个问题 | 采纳率


They want to see how civilized she can___.A.experience B.cha
They want to see how civilized she can___.A.experience B.change C.produce D.become 为什么是D不是B
feng516 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
change 是及物动词,后面加名词,change the idea
become是系动词,后面可以加名词,形容词做表语 civilized 是形容词
英语语法:情态动词都可以接系动词形成主谓表结构吗?They want to see how civilized she
英语语法:情态动词都可以接系动词形成主谓表结构吗?They want to see how civilized she can become
是所有都可以 还是只有特定几个可以?若特定,是哪几个?
hhairui 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
... how civilized she can become 是一个标准的主系表结构.其结构是—— 主语:she系动词:can become提前表语:how civilized 1、系表结构最大的特征就是用形容词性的词语作表语.本句中的表语是提前的 civilized,用正常语序表示就是she can become civilized【她可能会变得有修养(或“有品位”)】. 2、系动词主要有下列几种 be动词感知的词:look(看起来),feel(触摸起来),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来)等表示变化的动词:get(逐渐...起来),go(开始变得),become(变成),turn(转变成)保持状态的动词:keep(保持着某种状态),stand(处于某种状态),remain(仍然保持着某种状态)等 3、情态动词是一种表示说话人情感态度语气的特殊动词,它可以用在任何动词前表示说话人的所持的这种态度,系动词也不例外.例如: He may be at home. 他或许在家.【be 是系动词,may 表示说话人的猜测语气】The cake must eat crisp. 这点心吃起来必定嘎巴脆.【eat(用牙齿咬起来)是系动词,must表示说话人的肯定语气】You should get ready to set out. 你应该准备好出发.【get 是系动词,should表示说话人的建议语气】The food can only keep cool. 这种食物只能冷藏(保持冷藏状态).【keep 是系动词,can 表示说话人的看法】
求一篇英语作文九年级 How to be a civilized student
烟花ss21 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
As we all know, our city is creating a civilized city. But on the other hand, how is our environment and how is people’s cultural quality. I am very sad .Because people throw rubbish here and there. And people drive car again sting the rules.
   So we must have perseverance to do what we can do and what we should do to help our city to be more civilizable. For example, we can hold some good activities every month. We can make some speeches to arouse the public’s aware. We should not litter waste things about, and don't draw on the wall. We mustn't spit in public
When we do our best to do it, we can see the blue sky being cleaner, the rival is more beautiful, the traffic is more convenient and our city is more civilizable.
书面表达。(15分) 2012年, 东台被评为 “江苏文明城市 ”(Jiangsu Civilized City)。 你
2012年, 东台被评为 “江苏文明城市 ”(Jiangsu Civilized City)。 你学校的English Club 正在举办以 “文明东台,持续文明”为题的征文活动,请你根据以下的内容提示及要求写一篇应征稿。
提示:◆尊敬师长,明礼诚信 ◆友善待人,乐于助人◆遵守交通,不闯红灯◆保护环境,(写2-3个例子)
参考词汇:respect(v.尊敬), polite, honest, obey(遵守), traffic lights, protect the environment, run a red light /to pass a red light /to disobey traffic lights(闯红灯),spit(吐痰)。
Civilized Dongtai Going on
We are glad that Dongtai is now among the Jiangsu Civilized City. As a student, what shall we do to keep up the good work? First of all, we

In short, if everyone makes contributions, our city will be better and better.
Drakul 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
We are glad that Dongtai is now among the Nanjing civilized City. As a student, what shall we do to keep up the good work? First of all , we should respect our teachers, parents and the old. Also, we ought to be polite and honest. Second, it’s always good to be kind, friendly and helpful to others. Third, we must obey traffic rules and mustn’t cross the road when the traffic lights are red. Last but not the least, it’s important and necessary to help protect the environment.For example, we shoudln’t spit here and there or throw litter carelessly. We’d better not pick flowers or step on the grass.
In short, if everyone makes contributions, our city will be better and better.

以“raising pets in a civilized manner”为题的英语作文
以“raising pets in a civilized manner”为题的英语作文
温馨喜讯 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root
among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve
the memory.这句话前部分可以这样翻译吗:在文明人中曾经以为……“ it前面不用加什么连接吗?  这句话中的by是什么意思?为什么用by?可以用其它词代替吗?这里是“有魔法”的意思,能用have吗?    could前面也不要连接词的么?  不懂啊~~~~
sanping2005 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
by some magical power 介词短语,意思是 “通过某种魔力),作方式状语.by "通过.”
又如:He earns his living by writing (他通过写作谋生) by不能用其他词代替
that ginger root by some magical power could improve这是一个主语从句,从句中ginger root是主语,could improve 是谓语.the memory 是宾语.
我们把这个主语从句改为宾语从句:Among civilized people ,some people thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory.
英语 IT is not being civilized这是什么用法啊?being civilized相当于形容词吗?求
英语 IT is not being civilized这是什么用法啊?being civilized相当于形容词吗?求教!
爱的心碎 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
It is civilized.它被变得文明 【一般现在时态被动语态】
It is being civilized.它正在被变的文明 【现在进行时态被动语态
It is not being civilized.它还没有被变的文明.【现在进行时态被动语态的否定式】
英语翻译It is our duty to make our city more civilized,as middle
It is our duty to make our city more civilized,as middle school students,what should we do?
First of all ,we should be polite to people,including old people ,our parents and teachers.And all of us must be honest and helpful in our daily life.We should also help those people in need.
Second,it’s important and necessary to protect our natural environment.For example,we shouldn’t spit here or there.We’d better not pick flowers or step on the grass.We should be kind to animals and plant more trees.
Third,we must follow traffic rules and mustn’t cross the streets when the traffic lights are red.
Finally,We should save food.Now wasting food is a serious problem.We had better finish out meals.
In short,Ningbo is our hometown.Let’s try our best to make a better city and a better life
小桥流水2004 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
求一篇英语作文.to be civilized tourists
求一篇英语作文.to be civilized tourists
提示:1:现状,不文明游客行为 2:分析原因 .3:提倡、措施看法.
iamyingchao 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
To Be Civilized Tourists
At present,with the improvement of people's living standard,more and more people go out to travel.However,while tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery,they alse destroy it.There are so many uncivilized behaviors,such as spitting,littering,and scribbling on walls and so on.
Whether these behaviors are intentional or not,they had a harmful influence on our cities,even on our country.For one thing,visitors would not be willing to come to the spot again owing to others' uncivil deeds,which is a strike to the development of the local tourism.For another,some uncivil phenomena directly lead to the damage to scenic spots that are of great value.
To sum up,uncivilized behaviors have influenced a lot on the images of our cities and our country.Therefore,we need to take some actions to stop those uncivilized behaviors.The cities where we are living are our homes so that everybody should shoulder the responsibility to be civilized.
The more civilized man has become,—— he is limited by the di
The more civilized man has become,—— he is limited by the disadvantage of his environment.
A the less
B and the less
kdpmkoh 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
固定用法,the more,the...
番茄不走寻常路啊 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
civilization burial confused/confusing confusion vary
majority destruction fascinate persuade creat
英语翻译Every group has a culture,however uncivilized it may see
Every group has a culture,however uncivilized it may seem to us.To the professional
anthropologist,there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another,just as to the
professional linguist,there is no intrinsic hierarchy among languages.
xx21飞翔 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
among civilized people it was once thought that……
among civilized people it was once thought that……
was once thought是一般过去时的被动语态?
馨晴9898 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
among civilized people是介宾短语,做句子状语.
was once thought可以翻作“曾被认作是”,it是形式主语,that以及后面的从句才是真正的主语,英语里面经常会为了避免头重脚轻而这样倒装
acting in a civilized way中的act为什么要用现在进行时呢?
acting in a civilized way中的act为什么要用现在进行时呢?
完整的句子是:This is what manners are about:acting in a civilized way to avoid misunderstanding,friction,and conflict.
le_wawa 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
_______were a highly civilized people long before the Europe
_______were a highly civilized people long before the Europeans were.
A.The Egyptians B.The egyptian C.Egyptians D.Egyptian
青旅之蓝天 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
加the表示强调;同时题目里也给了暗示:the Europeans .
the country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for
the country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for a thousand years or more with little
接着上面的___from the outside world.
为什么选A 不选B
贴心知己 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
differences between the civilized society and the uncivilize
differences between the civilized society and the uncivilized society
xx摆渡 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
spelling is different
近几年,扬州变化很大,成功创建了全国文明城市(National Civilized City)。假如你叫李磊,作为中学生
近几年,扬州变化很大,成功创建了全国文明城市(national civilized city)。假如你叫李磊,作为中学生的你一方面因为扬州可喜的变化感到自豪,另一方面也看到了作为一个全国文明城市还需要进一步改进的地方。在此,你向谢市长写一封信反映这些情况并提出你的一些建议。
1. 人***活很大改善;
2. 出行越来越方便;
3. ……
1. 学校附近的道路拥挤
2.. 部分市民不排队上车
3. ……
…… (至少三点)
dear mayor xie,
i really hope that you can read my letter. yangzhou has built herself into a national civilized city. as a citizen of yangzhou, i feel proud of it. to make yangzhou a better city, i want to do something for it.
i’m amazed that great changes have taken place in our city in the past few years._____ ____

i hope my letter is of some help to improve yangzhou and make it a better city in the future.
yours sincerely,
li lei
evaluna 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Dear Mayor Xie,
I really hope that you can read my letter. Yangzhou has built herself into a national civilized city. As a citizen of Yangzhou, I feel proud of it. To make Yangzhou a better city, I want to do something for it.
I’m amazed that great changes have taken place in our city in the past few years. People’s lives have improved greatly. It is much easier to get into or out of the city because railway station, airport and BRT have been in use. What’s more , the city is becoming cleaner and tidier and looks very beautiful.
However, there are lots of things that we need to improve. The streets near schools are always crowded and some people don’t wait in line when they get on the bus. Besides, there will be more and more old people who need caring for.
I think we can try to do something to make them better. In my opinion, firstly, we should encourage students to ride to school instead of going to school by car. Secondly, people should be educated to be a good citizen and some volunteers are needed to keep order at the bus stop. Thirdly, more homes for the elderly need to be built in the next few years.
I hope my letter is of some help to improve Yangzhou and make it a better city in the future.

this was more a question of civilized behavior than good man
this was more a question of civilized behavior than good manners.
his was ____19____ a question of civilized behavior than good manners
canyerhero 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
more than就有与其说.不如.之意 more than得用法
 A.“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如:Modern science is more than a large amount of information
 B.“More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:
I have known David for more than 20 years.
C.“More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:I assure you I am more than glad to help you.
D.在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如: The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real
E.“More than”或“More...than...”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如:That's more than I can do.
F.“No more...than...”表示“不……;不如……”如:I can no more do that than anyone else.
在数量上进行比较时,no more than = only,意为“仅仅,只有”;not more than=at most,意为“至少,不超过”在程度上进行比较时,no more than有“两者都不”之意,表示说话者主观上嫌其少(差、不足、不好)等;not more than含有“不及、不多于”之意.只反映实际情况,无任何语气.
more than 结构后跟名词表示“不只是”;“不仅仅”等.more than 用来修饰形容词、分词和动词,表示所修饰的词份量不重或含义不够,而加以说明,译成汉语可为“非常”,相当于“very”或“much”.more A than B 结构.用来比较两种说法的正确程度,即前一种说法(A项)比后一种说法(B项)要正确一些,表示“与其……不如……”.在这个句型里,more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等
Good news!Hangzhou _____ a National Civilized City on Tuesda
Good news!Hangzhou _____ a National Civilized City on Tuesday!
A.named.B.was named.C.has named.D.has been named.
scylhjm 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
How to be a civilized student 80词左右,不要太复杂,要写保护环境,
How to be a civilized student 80词左右,不要太复杂,要写保护环境,
How to be a civilized student
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
How to be a civilized student
How to be a civilized student
沧海小小小蝴蝶 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率25%
  It isn’t hard to grow up into a responsible member of society.       I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, which drove off quickly. A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation. Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest hospital. Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did.       As a member of the society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.
with the uncivilized behaviors being the focus of the societ
with the uncivilized behaviors being the focus of the society.这句话语法有错吗?
意思是不文明行为已被***关注如果有错请帮我修改一下 最好在在原句基础上变动不大!
爱的点点滴滴 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
the uncivilized behaviors have been the focus of the society.
the society has focused on the uncivilized behaviors.
以raising pets in a civilized manner为题的英语作文
lqwei675 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Raising pets in a civilized manner
Now more and more pets are raised by people.But do remember raising pets in a civilized manner.Most people do well.They bring a bag when go for a wlk with pet.If the pet shit they remember to take off the shit and theow into dustbin.And careful tigen the pet not to hurt other people.These are all goog manners to raising pets in civilized manner.We should be a civilized people with civilized way in life.
英语翻译Civilized unit
raindida 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
civilized company
To be a civilized students
To be a civilized students
初二英语满分作文 十分钟内回答送20分 明天的考题 一句复合句 一句连接句 55~70字
枯苇HW 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
To be a civilized students,there are a lot of rules we have to follow,such as (1) be polite (2) respect our teachers and classmates
(3) be willing to help others in need (4) protect our school envirnoment (5) study hard and (6)save water and electricity.If we stict to the above rules,we can be a civilised student.
形容词后可以加动词吗?RT.Civilized ues the internet.这句话对吗?意为文明上网.小弟英语不才
Civilized ues the internet.这句话对吗?意为文明上网.
Yolandallen 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率100%
civilized use of the internet 才合乎语法
use这里是名词,civilized 是形容词