In every cultivated language there are two great classes of

yace2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which ,taken togher ,make up the whole vocabulary.
taken togher :take 如何译?


思念的藤蔓 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
taken together吧...
不要逐字逐句翻译 关键意思要到位就行


哈佛大学图书馆励志名言:I leave uncultivated today,was precisely yesterd
哈佛大学图书馆励志名言:I leave uncultivated today,was precisely yesterday which person of the body implored.中文翻译是“我所荒废的今日正是昨日陨身之人所祈求的明日.”可我不懂啊,为什么yesterday不放在句尾?放在句子中间是不是就成了yesterday充当先行词的从句了?那么来说翻译就应该是“我所荒废的今日正是陨身之人所祈求的昨日.我相信原译不会错,可就是不懂为什么要是这样的顺序,yesterday放句尾可以吗?…本人是个小P高中生,才疏学浅,笑纳.
clx3 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
yesterday是后面的which从句的先行词.去掉杂七杂八的成分,就是today was yesterday,yesterday是你这句话的宾语,所以放在句尾就出现语法错误了
SAT语法 Watermelons have been cultivated for more t
SAT语法 Watermelons have been cultivated for more t
Watermelons have been cultivated for more than 4000 years, and whereby thumping them to test for ripeness has an equally long history.
D. thumping them as a way
E. and thumping them
泉净月明ICE 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率70.8%
Watermelons have been cultivated for more than 4000 years, (and whereby thumping them) to test for ripeness has an equally long history.
D. thumping them as a way
E. and thumping them
英语改错题41.Native to South America and cultivated there for tho
41.Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years,the
[A] [B]
peanut is said to have introduced to North America by early explorers.
[C] [D]
42.Originally canoes were made by the hollowing out of logs and used were
[A] [B] [C]
for combat as well as transport.
海边听浪 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years,
peanuts are said to have been introduced to North America by early explorers.
Originally canoes were made by hollowing out logs and used for combat and transport.
cultivated it,and him
wuyouzi521 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译 In every cultivated language there are two great classe
 In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words which,taken together,comprise the whole vocabulary.First,there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation,which we learn ,that is to say,from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates,and which we should know and use evern if we could not read or write.They concern the common things of life,and are the stock in trade of all who use the language.Such words may be called“popular”,since they belong to the people at large and are not the exclusive share of a limited class.On the other hand,our language comprises a multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.Their meanings are known to every educated person,but there is little necessity to use them at home or in the market-place.Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates,but from books that we read,lectures that we attend ,or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual exten of everyday life.Such words are called“learned”,and the distinction between them and the“popular”words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.
cz260 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
任何文明的语言均包括两大类词语,所有的词汇都是由这两类词语共同组成的.首先,有些词语是我们从日常会话中所学到的,也就是说,我们从家人和熟悉的伙伴那里学到的;对于这些词语,即使我们不会读或者不会写,我们也知道如何使用它们. 它们涉及生活中的一般性事情,是所有使用这种语言的人惯用的语言材料.这样的词语可以被称为“流行词语”,它们是属于人民大众的,而不是专属于某个特定的阶级的.另一方面,我们的语言中还包含着大量普通谈话中相对较少使用的词语.所有受过教育的人都知道它们的含义,但是很少有必要在家中或市场上使用它们.
At least 10 million hectares of cultivated(耕作)land in China
At least 10 million hectares of cultivated(耕作)land in China are polluted, which makes a grave threat to the country’s food safety, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Friday.
The polluted land,which is mostly in economically developed areas,accounts for one-tenth of the country’s total arable(可耕种的)land,according to an incomplete survey by the State Environmental Protection Administration,China’s top environment watchdog.
Pollution on cultivated land threatens the environment,food safety and the sustainable development of agriculture,the administration said.
Because of continual,too much use of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and agricultural plastic sheeting, as well as irrigation using polluted water, a large amount of contaminants(污染物)remain in the cultivated land.
The contaminants affect the soil’s ecological structure and function,leading to decreased soil productivity, lower crop yield(产量),and lower quality of agricultural products-
It also leads to worse water quality in rural areas.
Less than 9 per cent of drinkable water passed checks for bacteria in243 rural water supply stations across the county.
Another survey, which took samples of drinking water and groundwater an 69 small towns。 in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province of North,China, showed that more than half of the water contains too much nitrate(硝酸盐),which may cause diabetes(糖尿病)and damage the kidney.
The administration estimated at least 1 90 million farmers are drinking water that contains harmful substances.
Many villagers drink unfiltered water taken from shallow water wells or water cellars, which are reported to have poor sanitary conditions·
小题1:The author writes the passage to .
A.1et the readers examine their mistakes
B.present the readers a new idea
C.come up with a solution to ending farmland pollution
D.inform the readers of the importance of fighting farmland pollution
小题2:The underlined word “grave” in Paragraph 1 probably means
A.serious B.certain C.big D.terrible
小题3:Pollution on cultivated land leads to the following outcomes EXCEPT .
A.a threat to China’s food safety
B.worse water quality in rural areas
C.a variety of diseases
D.the sustainable development of agriculture
saixinyi 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

Mild-mannered and cultivated
Mild-mannered and cultivated
这 看不懂
你睇钨见我9 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
英语翻译I have never cultivated a mustache,though I’m sure one w
I have never cultivated a mustache,though I’m sure one would enhance my distinguished looks and cause women to giggle as I passed along the boulevard.The reason is I can’t risk it,because even a little mustache is a dangerous thing.It invites compliments.If a lady came up to me,for example,and said,“You have the most charming mustache,” I wouldn’t know how to respond.I might be thrown into such a panic that I’d blurt out,”I like yours,too.”
x05It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is much harder to respond to than an insult.Here is an area of small talk where most of use act awkwardly.Someone utters a pleasing,praise remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate.
x05I can’t even accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isn’t really mine.I live on a hill overlooking a wide valley.Visitors exclaim:”My!What a terrific view you have here!” There it lies out there,the whole valley.I didn’t do it.It doesn’t belong to me.Yet I respond with a sickly smile,“Oh,it isn’t much – just a lot of old real estate.”
x05The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said,“Well ,we like it.” This is a response that should be used with caution.To say of a thing,” Well,we like it.” is to imply that a lot of other people think it disgusting.Not long ago I was in a group where a geophysicist form Australia was talking eloquently about the wonders of the universe.“This earth we live on,” he said,“this great,vibrant,spinning earth,is a collection of incredible marvels.” There was a long pause,and then,carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark,a woman said,“Well,we like it.”
x05I think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation.“What a stunning gown!” your friend says.”Oh,this old rag!” you respond.The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view.You have no right to feel ashamed or angry over praise directed at your gown – unless it happens that you stitched it up yourself.You would be better off if you’d just say something like,“I had to fist-fight another woman in Macy’s basement to get possession of it.” Or better yet,“My husband picked it out for me.”
x05I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise.He employs a sort of unreasonable realism.One evening I overheard a woman say to him,“What powerful shoulders you have!” Without blinking an eye,he answered,“Three-fourths water.My body is three-fourths water,therefore my shoulders are three-fourths water and anything that’s three-fourths water couldn’t actually be very powerful.” The well-intentioned woman went away with a furrowed brow and whispering to herself.I don’t think this fellow is on the right track.
空灵天使 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
The total cultivated area is 13000 areas,_ 10000 areas are
The total cultivated area is 13000 areas,_ 10000 areas are
The total cultivated area is 13000 areas,____ 10000 areas are irrigated fields.
A.which B.of which that D.of that
吃茄子的超人 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
B.of which
英语句子语法理解The total cultivated area is 13000 mu,of which 10000
The total cultivated area is 13000 mu,of which 10000 mu are irrigated fields.
我的问题是关于of which,如何去理解这样的语法结构?
爱恨一人 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
which,指代的是前面那个主句里面的宾语,13000mu,of 表示从属,13000mu中的10000mu
如果把这个句子拆分成两个句子就是,The total cultivated area is 13000 mu.10000 mu of them are irrigated fields.
英语翻译She had cultivated a persona on the job,one that was the
She had cultivated a persona on the job,one that was there to give offenders an equal voice in the legal system,without letting clients get under her skin.
spuser 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
get under her skin.困扰,生气··
The students get under Mary's skin by talking about her freckles.