Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving

jecken2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

Dear Laura,
I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in today’s world. Well, I’m here to give you ___36___.
I wanted to do something very ___37___ for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He ___38___ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it ___39___ it looked almost new. I was so ___40___ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.
I could ___41___ wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon a wakening, I went to the kitchen to ___42___ the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a ___43___:” To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”
I was so ___44___. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could ___45___ lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one” was my husband’s ___46___.
I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could ___47___ this expensive gift.
Of course, the ___48___ awoke, and my son was thrilled(激动的)with my reaction. Many kisses were ___49___, and I immediately wanted him to ___50___ my gift.
As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not ___51___ what I was expecting. Then I ___52___ that he has sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.
Of course I was the proudest mother ___53___ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.
So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still ___54___ and lives even in the ever-changing world of me, me, me!
I thought you’d love to ___55___ this story.
P.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.
36. A. hope B. advice C. support D. courage
37. A. polite B. similar C. special D. private
38. A. played B. studied C. traveled D. worked
39. A. after B. before C. unless D. until
40. A. sure B. fond C. proud D. confident
41. A. perhaps B. really C. almost D. hardly
42. A. start B. cook C. set D. serve
43. A. note B. notice C. word D. sign
44. A. disturbed B. confused C. astonished D. inspired
45. A. give B. take C. draw D. teach
46. A. reason B. request C. comment D. response
47. A. present B. afford C. find D. order
48. A. neighbor B. building C. home D. house
49. A. exchanged B. experienced C. expected D. exhibited
50. A. tear B. open C. check D. receive
51. A. purely B. basically C. obviously D. exactly
52. A. realized B. remembered C. imagined D. supposed
53. A. only B. still C. ever D. even
54. A. works B. exists C. matters D. counts
55. A. send B. publish C. share D. write


妖精309 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%

36. A。针对Laura对“当今世界是否有无私的真爱”的怀疑态度,作者通过自己的亲身经历来说明无私的真爱是存的。比较4个选项,同时结合下文的内容,只有A最佳。
37. C。下文(51空处)讲,“我”希望看到儿子激动的表情,所以是想给儿子一个特殊的(special)礼物。
38. D。因为要挣钱买摩托车,所以整个夏天都在work。
39. D。此处指儿子在这辆二手摩托车上花费了很长时间,一直到(until)它看上去跟新车一样。
40. C。从搭配上看,四个选项都是对的,即:be sure of对……有把握,be fond of喜欢, be proud of为……而骄傲,be confident of对……有信心(把握)。但根据文章意思可知,作者的儿子是一个优秀而且很懂事的孩子,所以作者应该是对他引以自豪。
41. D。此处指母亲等不及希望儿子早点见到礼物,描述的是母亲的迫切的心情。hardly 意为“几乎不”。
42. A。由于 tea 和 morning goodies 无需cook,故排除B;而set 和 serve 不合语境。start 在此表示“开始准备”。
43. A。note在此指“字条”“便条”。
44. C。没想到儿子会给自己买keyboard,所感到很吃惊。另外,根据下文的I stood there shocked 也可推知答案。
45. B。根据下文说的 Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one 可知,作者还不会弹钢琴,此处用take lessons表示“上课”,也就是学钢琴。
46. D。作者想拥有一架钢琴,而她的丈夫的答复是Learn to play the piano, and I’ll get you one。
47. B。此处指作者想知道儿子是怎样弄到那么钱来买这个礼物的。afford 指“付得起钱”。
48. D。家里人都醒了,也就是整个屋子的人都醒了,这是拟人的写法。
49. A。指家人之间因高兴而互相亲吻。比较:exchange交换,experience经历,expect期待,exhibit展览。
50. B。此处用open 表示打开礼物的包装。
51. D。此处指作者的儿子看到礼物后脸上的表情并不像作者所期待的那样兴奋(因为他把摩托车卖掉了)。exactly意为“确切地”。
52. A。根据作者儿子给她买的贵重礼物以及儿子收到礼物后的表情来看,此时作者意识到儿子是把摩托车给卖掉了。
53. C。ever与最高级连用表示加强语气,ever的意思“一直以来”,又如:It was the best result they’ve ever had. 这是他们历来取得的最好成绩。
54. B。指作者想让 Laura 相信,无私的爱仍然存在(exist)。
55. C。指作者认为Laura 会与自己分享(share)这个故事。


Do you approve or diapprove of giving money to beggars Why o
Do you approve or diapprove of giving money to beggars Why or why Not
ljc39_2000 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
It depends,but right now I never give beggars money,coz all the beggars i met are profesional beggars.they are just lazy.anyway some beggars get rich by begging
麻烦大神帮忙写篇英语作文。以giving children cell phones 为题。150词左右。急,在线等
gg_gg 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Nowadays more and more parents give their kids cellphones, because they find it’s not convenient to connect with their school kids in the big city without an modern tool when there are something important or accidental happened, and some children would ask their parents to buy cellphones to keep in touch with their friends. For this phenomenon, different people have different opinions. As far as I am concerned, parents should not give their little kids cellphones until they are old enough. First and foremost, parents cannot take care of their children all their lifetime, and their children should learn to deal with some significant things by themselves. For example, if children have mobile phones, they may ask their parents for help even just because they can’t get along well with their classmates. Furthermore, children should have their own world, and shouldn’t be monitored by their parents all the time. Then, children should play with friends face to face rather than always stay in mobile communication. For instance, many kids may find it’s go across to talk with others, which is account for there are too much time on virtual networking. In a nutshell, as children need to be more independent and learn to communicate with more friends in real world, I think parents shouldn’t give their adolescents cellphones.
Wugging, or web-use giving, describes the act of giving to c
Wugging, or web-use giving, describes the act of giving to charity at no cost to the user. By using, which is being added to a number of university computers across the UK, students can raise money every time they search, but it won’t cost them a penny.
Research shows that students are extremely passionate about supporting charity — 88% of full time students have used the Internet to give to charity. This figure is high considering this age group is often the least likely to have their own income. 19% of 22 to 24 year olds have short-term debts of more than £5,000. With rising personal debt levels in this age group, due to university tuition fees or personal loans and a lack of long-term savings, traditional methods of donating to charity are often not appealing or possible.
Beth Truman, a 21 year old recent university graduate, has used to donate to her chosen charity, the RSPCA, for two years and has seen the “wugging” grow in popularity with students. “When you’re at university you become more socially aware, but it’s sometimes hard to give to others when you have little money yourself,” says Beth. “Wugging is great for people in this age group as it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity, without costing them a single penny.”
Wugging is perfect for people who want to be more socially aware and supportive but don’t feel they have the means to do so. Students using the web can raise money for causes they care about without costing them anything in terms of time or money, and charities get a valuable source of funding. works like any other search engine, allowing users to search for information, news and images but users can decide which of the UK’s 170,000 charities they would like to support through their clicks. then makes monthly payments to every registered charity. Launched in June 2005, is now the eighth largest search engine and one of the busiest charity websites in the UK.
小题1:According to the passage, “wugging” is actually _______.
A.a student movement B.a charity-related action
C.a school organization D.a website
小题2:In the case of charity, _______.
A.frees students of the financial worries
B.receives much money from students
C.offers valuable information to students
D.praises students for their money-raising
小题3:What does Beth Truman think of the “wugging” movement?
A.It makes popular in the UK.
B.It becomes easy to do charity because of it.
C.It results in students’ more social awareness.
D.It helps students to save money.
小题4:From the passage, we can conclude that _______.
A.most full time students do charity on the Internet every day helps students pay for the college education
C.“wugging” is a win-win idea for both students and charities is the most successful search engine in the UK
popdady 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%

_____ you are in a speech contest or you are giving a talk i
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A.Either B.On condition that C.No matter D.Whether
忘了如何去飞翔 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%

考查连词。whether…or…不管…还是…;either…or…或者…或者… no matter后面应加疑问词,故排除。on condition that只要,条件是,不符合语境。
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快使用双截棍 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in C
Cuold you tell us some other customs in giving presents in China or in other different countries?
ghrtgh 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
The following is a general list of the rules and customs that are followed when giving gifts in China.
1:Offer gifts that are best used by everyone in a family,if that happens to be the group you are presenting the gift to.Simple and inexpensive gifts are the best,as highly expensive gifts may be awkward and refused.Things like pen sets,a small product of food (grains,rice,etc),or similar,non-personal items are fine.
2:Wrap the gift in wrapping paper.Take your time and do a neat job of it.Don't leave the gift in a shopping bag.The gift should be wrapped in a color that is appropriate for the occasion.For example,a normal,happy occasion would require 'red' paper,a funeral would require black and white,and a wedding is best with gold and silver.
3:Expect the gift to be refused two or three times before accepted.This is customary,as it shows that the receiver is not being greedy.You,the giver,should offer it again after each refusal until the person accepts.If,for some reason that person continues to refuse it several times,then stop offering,as they really do not want it,and may not be in a position to accept it.
The following are the common customs for gift-giving in South Korea.
1:Do not offer an expensive gift to someone unless they are financially able to give you a gift of equal value.Gifts are always reciprocated,so be careful over what you choose,and when in doubt,pick something in expensive.
2:If you are invited to a home,a gift similar to what hostesses are given in the US are common.Flowers or a fruit basket are good,safe choices.
3:All gifts should be wrapped neatly,and appear as if care was put into the presentation.The colors red and yellow are royal colors,and are a good option to use.Do not,however,wrap gifts in green,black,or white paper,and do not sign the card in red ink.When you do receive a gift,in the off chance that they wish for you to open it in their presence,do not tear the wrapping paper.
4:In Korea,similar to Japan,the number four (4) is considered unlucky,so no gifts containing four items,or coming in two pairs should be offered.On the other hand,the number 7 is considered lucky.
5:Offer the gift using both hands,and likewise receive any gifts using both hands.
6:The gift will not be opened in your presence,and you likewise should open your own gift in private.This is to 'save face' in case the gift ends up being offensive or embarrassing.
7:Do not present a gift to someone in front of a group.Offer the gift in private
I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same tal
I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I ____ to half a dozen other groups.
A.was giving giving C.had given D.have given
yuyuqingqing 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

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你想问啥= =我先给你翻译了前半句
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qfeng0701 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
our custom表语
to greet people by giving them flowers真正的主语
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ciee 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
应该是receiving a gift吧 还有 空在哪呢?
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南海孤月 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
parents,who have given us life,brought us up and provided us money and education,have significance in our heart.父母在我们心中很重要,他们给予我们生命,养育我们,并且给我们钱让我们接受教育.
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In a nutshell,loving someone is about giving,not receiving
candacee 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
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左边V 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率88%
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cn88 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
give rise to 是“造成,导致,产生”
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The mineral matter acts as a catalyst for coal hydrogenation, mainly owing to its pyrite
content, which has two effects: one as heterogeneous catalyst, the other giving rise to H,S which in turn
can act as a homogeneous catalyst.
木伊诺 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
H S是硫化氢或者某种氢硫物吧
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求您了uu我吧 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
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以 Giving advice on how to learnlanguages well 为题写作(英文)不少于70字
莎伯瑞娜 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
As we know,English/Chinese/Japanese/... is one of the most important subjects in middle school.Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. A saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." When we learn English, Exercise is a necessary part ,we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well. Learning English requires action. You may know all the learning tips, but if you don't start doing things, you will achieve nothing. Here are some examples of things you will have to do.First of all, Read a book in English for an hour every day, analyzing the grammar in sentences and looking up words in an English dictionary .secondly, Listen to an audio book or other recording in English, stopping it frequently, trying to understand what is being said, and trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation . Thirdly, try to form a reciting habit. Well-written paragraphs are worth reciting. By memorizing them, you will find that writing English articles is not so difficult. Last but not least, you should always use a dictionary with both Chinese and English explanations.
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Now the girl is quite to her mother.Thank you for giving me so help.
我想知道选什么,为什么要那样选,我英语比较不好请写详细点这是选项;/ B.a help;many C.a help;much; much
空 在quite后和so后面
lcwen 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
1. quite a help ,意思为“得力助手”
2.楼上的说的对, 是在考察 so many 与 so much 的区别 那么如何区分 就在于后面跟的单词是可数名词还是不可数名词 显然, help 是不可数, 为此 用 so much help 而不用many
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one would get K point for giving a right answer for No.K question?
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The school's music group will be giving a big show tomorrow
The school's music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two___on the weekend.
A.more B.other C.else D.another
为什么 不选B b也可以做代词阿、
yechen1981 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
因为other的用法是one…the other,不能单独使用.
hens ( )eggs,giving birth to life,so an egg is a symbol of n
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Ben has not the least ______of giving up his research. [
Ben has not the least ______of giving up his research.

[ ]

A. intention
B. attempt
C. aim
D. desire
yanhuixf 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率100%
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Thanks a lot for giving so many books( for to) my daughter如何选择
dandanmaimai 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
选to,give sth to sb.
英语翻译He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to d
He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.本人感激不尽.
小芃 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
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His teacher is giving a lesson at present对giving a lesson画线提问
源千岁 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
What is his teacher doing at present
英语翻译Giving is quite more important than receiving那里有问题?
邹纯的 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
To give is (much) more important than to receive.
we get up lots of money by ______ the show.A.give C
we get up lots of money by ______ the show.A.give give
从不哦那就算了大 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
注:by 是介词,后面的动词要用ING形式
Jerry did not regret giving the comment b
Jerry did not regret giving the comment b
Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ( ) he could have expressed it differently.
青荇1 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
I was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk
I was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk I_____to half a dozen other groups.
A.was giving giving C.had given D.have given
How to choose,translate and why?Thanks.
阿米扬 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
C.had given
was giving 是这句话的谓语,时态为过去式,the same talk I_____to half a dozen other groups.这显然是对上一句中talk所作的解释和说明,是发生在I was giving a talk to a large group of people
英语翻译I want to give giving all my love to youI'll give giving
I want to give giving all my love to you
I'll give giving all my love to you
giving my whole life to you
yfg3 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
People show their love for their mothers by giving cards(请翻译
People show their love for their mothers by giving cards(请翻译这句话.注:不要用网上的软件翻译)
fqxo 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Wugging, or web use giving, describes the act of giving to c
Wugging, or web use giving, describes the act of giving to charity at no cost to the user. By using, which is being added to a number of university computers across the UK, students can raise money every time they search, but it won’t cost them a penny.
Research shows that students are extremely passionate about supporting charity — 88% of full time students have used the Internet to give to charity. This age group is often the least likely to have their own income. 19% of 22 to 24 year olds have short-term debts of more than £5,000. With rising personal debt levels in this age group, due to university tuition fees or personal loans and a lack of long-term savings, traditional methods of donating to charity are often not appealing (有感染力的) or possible.
Beth Truman, a 21 year old recent university graduate, has used to donate to her chosen charity, the RSPCA, for two years and has seen the “wugging” movement grow in popularity with students. “When you’re at university you become more socially aware, but it’s sometimes hard to give to others when you have little money yourself,” says Beth. “Wugging is great for people in this age group as it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity, without costing them a single penny.”
Wugging is perfect for people who want to be more socially aware and supportive but don’t feel they have the means to do so. Students using the web can raise money for causes they care about without costing them anything in terms of time or money, and charities get a valuable source of funding. works like any other search engine, allowing users to search for information, news and images but users can decide which of the UK’s 170,000 charities they would like to support through their clicks. then makes monthly payments to every registered charity. Launched in June 2005, is now the eighth largest search engine and one of the busiest charity websites in the UK.
小题1:According to the passage, “wugging” is actually ______.
A.a website
B.a charity-related action
C.a school organization
D.a student movement
小题2:In the case of charity, ______.
A.frees students of the financial worries
B.receives much money from students
C.offers valuable information to students
D.praises students for their money-raising
小题3: What does Beth Truman think of the “wugging” movement?
A.It makes popular in the UK.
B.It becomes easy to do charity because of it.
C.It results in students’ more social awareness.
D.It helps students to save money.
小题4:From the passage, we can conclude that ______.
A.most full time students do charity on the Internet every day helps students pay for the college education
C.“wugging” is a win-win idea for both students and charities is the most successful search engine in the UK
小题5:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.“Wugging”, a new popular term on the Internet.
B.British people show strong interest in charity.
C.More Britain charities benefit from the Internet.
D.Students raise money for charity by “wugging”.
鱼之鹰 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%

小题1:从第一段中可知,“wugging”是指通过“web use”针对“charity”的“giving”,因此B项理解最准确。
小题3:从第三段中“it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity”可知B项正确。
the speaker is giving a rather ---------speech,as i can judg
the speaker is giving a rather ---------speech,as i can judge from the ------look of the listeners.
佩沁 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
"Say Something" Say something,I'm giving up on you.I'll be t
"Say Something" Say something,I'm giving up on you.I'll be the one,if you want me to.Anywhere,I would've followed you.Say something,I'm giving up on you.And I am feeling so small.It was over my head I know nothing at all.And I will stumble and fall.I'm still learning to love Just starting to crawl.Say something,I'm giving up on you.I’m sorry that I couldn’tget to you Anywhere,I would've followed you.Say something,I'm giving up on you.And I will swallow my pride.You're the one that I love And I'm saying goodbye.Say something,I'm giving up on you.And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.And anywhere,I would have followed you.Oh-oh-oh-oh say something,I'm giving up on you.Oh---- Say something,I'm giving up on you.Say something...
天齐ケ幽梦 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
"Say Something"
Say something,I'm givingup on you.
能否说些什么,我快要放弃你了 .
I'll be the one,if you want me to.
Anywhere,I would've followed you.
Say something,I'm giving up on you.
And I am feeling so small.
It was over my head
I know nothing at all.
And I will stumble and fall.
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl.
Say something,I'm giving up on you.
能否说些什么,我快要放弃你了 .
I’m sorry that I couldn’tget to you
Anywhere,I would've followed you.
Say something,I'm giving up on you.
And I will swallow my pride.
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye.
英语翻译I'm giving the whole thing up to you.(这句话是一位母亲对上帝说的,祈求上帝
I'm giving the whole thing up to you.
i_am_yy 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
This sentence is a mother said to god, pray god changed his son?
Giving a gift is not always easy
aden007 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
Giving a gift is not always easy,because there are a lot of thing we have to consider.For example,we have to know what kind of gift we are supposed to buy,and how much money we can aford.
Cindy,Jerry and Mary are giving their opinions about a good
Cindy,Jerry and Mary are giving their opinions about a good friend
Cindy ,Jerry and Mary are giving their opinions about a good friend.
  Cindy: I think a good friend should be honest(诚实的). That’s more important than any other thing . If a friend isn’t honest, he may lose his friends’ trust(信任).
  Jerry: I think a good friend has to be generous. Here “generous” doesn’t mean he has to give his friends his money or his clothes. It means he should share(分享) his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way.
  Mary: In my opinion, a good friend should understand(理解) his friends. When there’s something wrong between him and his friends, he must put himself in his friends’ places and think more for his friends.
  ( )48.What does the underlined sentence(划线句子) mean?
  A. It’s more important to be honest.
  B. To be honest is as important as other things.
  C. To be honest is not very important.
  D. To be honest isn’t as important as other things.
  ( )49.Jerry would like to make friends who_________.
  A. give him money B. know him very well
  C. share his ideas and feelings D. give him some clothes
  ( )50. Mary thinks friends should_________.
  A. visit each other often B. go to more places to play
  C. understand each other D. help each other do more things
  ( )51. Which of the following is True?
  A. They are talking about what they think a good friend should be.
  B. They are talking about money.
  C. They are talking about clothes.
  D.They are talking about trust.
[要说出为什么选这个答案,把文中的线索写在答案后= =拜托...
241508291 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率105%
49.C 理由 It means he should share(分享) his ideas and feelings with his friends.
50..C.理由 In my opinion,a good friend should understand(理解) his friends
51.A 理由 Cindy ,Jerry and Mary are giving their opinions about a good friend
英语作文:Giving a help hand as a volunteer
英语作文:Giving a help hand as a volunteer
第一段:2008年北京奥运会简介 (格言;口号;场馆……)
第二段:就是说:虽然我们不可以当志愿者 但是我们可以从小事做起 从家中坐起 也是为奥运作贡献吗~……
应为比较着急用 所以希望能在7号之前给我~
fffee99 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."
The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 2008 host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC session as president.The attraction of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population,as well as huge economic potential,won the IOC's heart.
Beijing defeated four other bidding cities,including Toronto and Paris,to secure the country's first-ever Olympics.Osaka was the first city to go out,and it only took one more round for Beijing to win the Olympic race.
The announcement,read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch,was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow,and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games.
"Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71-year-old South Korean."The result wasn't a surprise to me."
With the motto "New Beijing,Great Olympics",Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics",a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".
The 3,000-year-old city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new,vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms.
Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities.A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it.The IOC's own surveys found support even higher.The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S.dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure.There are plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world.
一个英语句子中的省略Today,our master thatchers will begin giving this
Today,our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof,able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years.
able to 前省略了什么》?
金涛2006 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
sturdy thatched roof
he is giving some cartoons___ben as a birthday present.填for还
he is giving some cartoons___ben as a birthday present.填for还是to
belindakwok 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
to give sth to sb 把.给某人
People in China celebrate it"by giving presents".(对引号部分提问)
pantyhose17 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
What do people in China celebrate it?
英语的小问题?1.the professor ( )his thoughts before giving his lec
1.the professor ( )his thoughts before giving his lecture, so that he could make himself understood well.
A.organized B.recognized C.realized D.advertised
2.that salesman ( )me to buy his MP4, but it does not work well now.
A.advised B.persuaded C.preferred D.expected major ( )of this area is that the public transport is not convenient.
A.shorcoming B.disadvantage C.advantage D.feature
4.after he graduated ( )university, the man went to canada and found a job there B.of C.from D.on
5.when they knew there was a panda in he zoo,the cildren could ( )wait to see it.
A.almost B.nearly C.hard D.hardly
6.jane ,i hear you ( )to china .have you got everyting right?
A.have traveled C.are traveling D.would travel aunt ( )CHINA ,but my uncle decided toget her back.
A.came to B.arrived in C.went to D.dreamed of
8.( )to put his young daughter.
A.when C.where D.why
我叫瘦马 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
1.the professor ( )his thoughts before giving his lecture, so that he could make himself understood well.
2.that salesman ( )me to buy his MP4, but it does not work well now.
B.persuaded major ( )of this area is that the public transport is not convenient.
4.after he graduated ( )university, the man went to canada and found a job there
5.when they knew there was a panda in he zoo,the cildren could ( )wait to see it.
6.jane ,i hear you ( )to china .have you got everyting right?
C.are traveling aunt ( )CHINA ,but my uncle decided to get her back.
C.went to
8.( )to put his young daughter.
Keep still when the doctor is giving you a check-up.中still的词
Keep still when the doctor is giving you a check-up.中still的词性和句子成分
蓝雾中的爱 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
still 是形容词“ 不动的”“静止的”作表语.Keep 是系动词.
giving is receiving 英语作文
大同一哥 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
Giving is Receiving
Everybody wants to receive something from other people.A gift on birthday,a smile when you are nervous,or a hand when you are in trouble.These receivings make us feel warm and happy.But I think giving is also a very happy and enjoyable process.Giving is also receiving.
Giving a gift to my mother,a gift,a flower,or just a sentence" mom,i love you",That will make her very happy ,and i also have same feeling.That is a communication of emotion.Giving a hand to those people who need help is also very happy thing.A direction to who is lost,or a help to an old grandpa,or just a courage to those who are upset.This is also a process of receiving.So in the process of our life,we should learn to how to give.Actually,if you are a person who like to give and help,then you will be also a person who often receive something from others.You will receive some unexpected things,such as help,prize,flowers,love and so on.In fact,those receivings is the reward of givings.
几道句型装换题①i insisted on his not giving up that job.i insisted
①i insisted on his not giving up that job.
i insisted that he ------ ------- up that job
② since middle school,we've had a dream that one day we will take a great bike trip.
since middle school,we've------- ---------taking a great bike trip one day.
③they ofen help us with the housework.
it ---------they---------ofen help us with the housework
④to our surprise,we learned that half of the Mekong River is in China
We------ --------to learn that half of the Mekong River is in China
⑤the italian football team played well enough to enter the final in the last World Cup
the italian football team played-----------well-------------it enter thefinal in the last World Cup
askayuyu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.not give insist that sb/sth (should) (not) do sth2.dreamed/dreamt of 梦想着做某事3.were;that 强调句型.不能用定居从句,不然代词用it不好,只有在不知道别人是谁,比如有人敲门,或者是性别不明,比如婴儿,采用it...
we carry out the experiment that giving money to students 要不
we carry out the experiment that giving money to students 要不要加that,
怎么把experiment和giving money to students连接起来
vvjacky 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
that 引导的是从句,可是原句缺少谓语,语法上有瑕疵.
we carry out the experiment of giving money to students
关于这句英文的结构The only thing 【whites are giving up because of aff
The only thing 【whites are giving up because of affirmative action 】is unfair advantage something that was necessary in the first place.
其中【】是定语从句,修饰 only thing,对吧?
点燃记忆 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%