he described it as a very agreeable situation located within

zzpcx2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

he described it as a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river.
这句话里面的 in the midst of which中这个which是指hills吗?如果是的话是指其中一起hill还是2个hill,which可以指复数形式吗?
还有 in the midst of这里的mindst和middle有什么区别,如果写成in the middle of which可以吗?这2个词区别在哪呢?


bowlonger 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
which指代的是two smal hills, 假如是其中一个,会表述称 in the midst of one of which
which 可以指代复数;
几乎没有区别,midst 更强调正中间


过去分词定语从句如何区分?为什么下面两句相同,A person described as "bad"A person w
A person described as "bad"
A person who is described as "bad"
twer 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
既然是定语从句,那么它必须有相应的先行词和引导词,如上a person是先行词,who是引导词,那他就是定语从句,而另一个却不是这样,他就是过去分词作定语来修饰a person.
当然有时引导词也有可能省略,就是先行词在从句中作宾语时,所以当没有先行词且你看先行词在从句中作宾语时仍然是定语从句,例句中a person在从句中作主语,先行词不能省略.
哪位高手帮我翻译一句话: While the invention has been described with res
哪位高手帮我翻译一句话: While the invention has been described with respect to a limited number of embodiments, those skilled in the art, having the benefit of this disclosure,will appreciate numerous modifications and variations thereform.
北门博爱 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
请帮忙把下列句子翻成中文The public-health initiatives described by the r
The public-health initiatives described by the report would refocus efforts from individual actions to so-called environmental considerations,such as stocking fresh produce in urban grocery stores,making streets safe to walk on,and enlisting the help of industry in manufacturing foods with lower salt content.
tijjtg 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion a
Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation (迷惘) that one experiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations.Many things contribute to it – smells,sounds,flavors,the very feeling of the air one is breathing.Of course,the natives’ unfamiliar language and behavior contribute to it too.People’s responses to culture shock vary greatly,from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal,depression,physical illness,and hostility.A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.
The notion of culture shock calls two useful points to mind.First,most people experience some degree of culture shock when they go to a new country,whether they admit it to themselves and others or not.Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of the traveler’s personal character.
Second,culture shock,like other kinds of “shock”’,is normally transitory.It passes with time.
Academic analysts of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need not be negative.While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusion and disorientation,the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a new culture.If everything in the new place is just like home,no learning will come from being there.
According to academic analysts,_______________.
A.one should not try to look at the negative side of a new culture
B.only unhappy people get confused in a new culture
C.we should be aware of the positive elements of culture shock
D.it is unnecessary to live in a new culture
66kV 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
there are five stories described in the book ,------cover is
there are five stories described in the book ,------cover is red
A of which B which C of them D whose
tianlang625 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
英语翻译The experimental setup used for the etching is described
The experimental setup used for the etching is described in detail elsewhere.The GaN samples were illuminated during the etching by a 350 W Hg arc lamp with a typical intensity of 25 mW/cm2 at 365 nm.The electrolyte consisted of dilute aqueous solutions of KOH with concentrations in the range of 0.002–0.006 M.The solutions were magnetically stirred during the etching.The etch rate of the GaN under these conditions was approximately 25 nm/min.
潘冬子潘 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
在用于刻蚀的实验装备已经在其他地方详细描述.GaN(氮化镓)样品在356nm处有着25 mW/cm2 的典型强度的350瓦的汞弧灯照射下进行刻蚀.电解液是浓度在0.002–0.006M(这应该是摩尔每升吧)之间的稀KOH水溶液.在刻蚀中用磁力搅拌器搅拌溶液.在这个条件下GaN的刻蚀速率大约是25 nm/min.
Antarctica is so mystically described by some people. If onl
Antarctica is so mystically described by some people. If only I _____ there!
[ ]
A. had been
B. have been
C. have gone
D. had gone
kakaanddoudou 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Jack described his father, who _____ a brave boy many y
Jack described his father, who _____ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.
[ ]
A. would be
B. would have been
C. must be
D. must have been
雪愿飘逸 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
请问是宾语补足语吗Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,bl
Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sun and burying everything in in its path,including whole villages and towns.
为什么是宾补?把“Pliny described”去掉是不是就用comed blocked out 反正我是不懂为什么要用现在分词啊?
pi2gigu 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
3.在这里现在分词表示句中对象的一种状态,可认为充当定于从句的作用.相当于,which is blocking out...^
英语翻译A wideband amplifier is described which utilizes twodiff
A wideband amplifier is described which utilizes two
different channels for the amplification of the high- and
low-frequency components of the input signal.Due to
the unique feedback configuration,the low-frequency
channel contributes only where the gain of the highfrequency
channel decreases.Therefore,there is no need
for frequency splitting at the input.
Commercially available operational amplifiers,utilizing
either current or voltage feedback,are limited at
moderate gains of for instance ten-fold to an upper
frequency in the range of 100–300 MHz; which results in
transition times of from one to several nanoseconds.
They also have the drawback of possessing high input
currents.If wider frequency ranges and low input
currents are required,the described method for the
construction of a wideband dc-coupled amplifier becomes
appropriate,especially in as much as today
integrated microwave amplifiers with an upper frequency
of several gigahertz are available at low prices
as do transistors with transition frequencies in the
gigahertz range.
柴刀把 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语平行结构介词的省略有一个句子:Corporate culture is described as the perso
有一个句子:Corporate culture is described as the personality of an organization,or as simply "how things are done around here."为什么personality 前的冠词是the 而不是a(这里是整篇文章中第一次出现personality这个词),还有第二个 as为什么不能省略(原题为改错,错的部分就是因为缺少第二个as).
dylw 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
I want to eat and drink的to eat 和to drink是动词不定式,to叫小品词,它可以连续带好几个动词原形.
______is described by Mark Twain as a boy with "a sound hear
______is described by Mark Twain as a boy with "a sound heart and a deformed conscience."
ATom SawyerBHuchleberry FinnCJimDTony请您附上答案及详细原因,
ghping1999 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
B. Huckleberry Finn
这是马克.吐温自己在介绍《Huchleberry Finn》时说的.
The manager then described him what his room look like.如果不对,
The manager then described him what his room look like.如果不对,错哪里?
cp_smile 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
The manager then described to him what his room looked like.
describe to sb:向某人描述……
一定要对The Antebellum Southern economy can best be described as
一定要对The Antebellum Southern economy can best be described as
A)no less weaker than the north
b)diversified and expanding
c)generally prosperous but unreliable
d)creating wealth for most whites
clampcc 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
a )没有少弱于北部
c )概括繁荣,但不可靠
d )创造财富的是白人
He described the town as if he__________ it himself. A.had
He described the town as if he__________ it himself.
A.had seen B.has seen C.saw D.sees
孙兴余 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

as if引导的与过去相反的虚拟。
英语翻译The solar water heater described here is based on a desi
The solar water heater described here is based on a design developed some years ago in Afghanistan.
goushi511go 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译The embodiments disclosed herein have been described in
The embodiments disclosed herein have been described in sufficient detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the principles of the present invention and it is understood that other embodiments may be utilized and that logical chemical,mechanical,and process changes may be made without departing from the spirit or scope of the principles of the present invention.
额滴个神 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
关于英语的定语从句的几道题目1.Such things ____you described are rare now.A
1.Such things ____you described are rare now.
A)as B)who C)that D)which
2.Tom did not take the camera away because it was just the same camera ____he lost last week.
A)which B)that C)whom D)as
3.Michael Phelps,____the feet are bigger than others,won eight gold medals at the Beijing Games.
A)whose B)whom C)of who D)of whom
helen_huihui 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
(1)选A, such as 固定搭配 Such things as (the ones which/that) you described are rare now.
(2)选D, the same as 固定搭配
Tom did not take the camera away because it was just the same camera as (the one which/that) he lost last week.
(3)D of whom,某人的,效果同whose
Michael Phelps, the feet (of whom) are bigger than others,won eight gold medals at the Beijing Games. 倒装了
请问一个句子结构问题His memory,too,he described as extensive,but hazy.
His memory,too,he described as extensive,but hazy.So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single data or a line of poetry.第二句可以理解成为 it was so poor in one sense... 这样吗?如果可以的话 应该是个倒装结构 什么情况下可以判断他是倒装结构 什么情况下才需要用倒装结构呢 谢谢啦~
siawase100 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语翻译In [37],a semi-automated system is described where (when
In [37],a semi-automated system is described where (when
fixture points and planes are selected) modular components are
automatically identified and assembled.However,the identifi-
cation of the clamp,locator,and support (CLS) points is not
determined within the system (they are provided as inputs to
the system).In a related paper [38],the focus is on geometric
analysis,which uses analysis of the geometric relationships
between the CLS components and the workpiece,the initial
conditions for fixture assembly are developed automatically.
我是selina0620 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语时态问题Jack described his father,who _______a brave boy many
Jack described his father,who _______a brave boy many years ago,as a strong–willed man
A.would be B.would have been C.must be D.must have been
用must have been表示对过去事情的肯定推测.
为什么must be 不可以 具体讲解下
燃尽 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
句中有时间状语many years ago,应用和过去相关的时态.must be是对现在的肯定推测
you must be a teacher.对现在的肯定推测
you must have been a teacher.对过去的推测,以前是老师,但现在不一定是了
英语翻译第二节Satisfaction of Members.As described in Chapter 17,em
Satisfaction of Members.
As described in Chapter 17,employees have
needs for belongingness and amliation Working in teams can help meet these
needs Participative teams reduce boredom and often increase employees' feel
lng of &gnity and self-worth because the whole person is employed.People who
have a satisfying team environment cope better with stress and enjoy their jobs
Expanded ]ob Knowledge and Skills.
The third major benefit of
using teams is the empowerment of employees to bring greater knowledge
and ability to the task For one thing,multiskdled employees learn all of
the jobs that the team performs.Teams gain the intellectual resources of sev-
eral members who can suggest shortcuts and offer alternative points of ew
for team decisions
Organizational Flexibility.
Traditional organizations are structured so
that each worker does only one specific job.But when employee teams are
used,from 5 to 15 people work next to one another and are able to exchange
jobs.Work can be reorganized and workers reallocated as needed to produce
products and services with.great flexibility The organization is able to be
responsive to rapidly changing customer needs
Potential Costs of Teams
When managers decide whether to use teams,they must assess certain costs
or liabilities associated with teamwork.When teams do not work very well,
the major reasons usually are power realignment,free riding,coordination
costs,or legal hassles.
Power Realignment.
When companies fo~shop workers into teams,
Ihe major losers are low- and middle-level managers.These managers are
reluctant to give up power.Indeed,when teams are successful,fewer super-
visors are needed This is especially true for self-directed teams,because
workers take over supervisory responsibibly The adjustmem is difficult for
managers who fear the loss of status or even their job and who have to learn
new,people-oriented skigs to survive?
Free Riding.
The term free rider refers to a team member who attains
benefit from team membership but does not do a proportionate share of the
work5s Free riding sometimes is called social loafing,because members do
not exert equal effort In large teams,some people are likely to work less
For example,research found that the pull exerted on a rope was greater hy
individuals working alone than hy individuals in a group.Similarl~people
who were asked to clap and make noise made more noise on a per person
basis when working alone or in small groups than they did in a large group)~
The problem ol free riding has been experienced by people who have par-
ticipated in student project groups Some students put more effort inlo the
group project than others,and often it seems that no members work as hard
for the group as they do for their individual grades.
lty205 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
满意的成员.第17章所述,雇员需要归属和amliation工作团队可以帮助满足这些需要参与的团队减少解闷,而且往往增加雇员感觉液化天然气的& gnity和自我价值,因为整个人就业.人有一个令人满意的团队环境中更好地应付压力...
翻译一下Santa Fe is best described as a holiday centre
tq01o3n 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the min
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the mind. 怎么翻译,句子成分如何分析? 谢...
what philosopher Ann has described as the commons of the mind. 怎么翻译,句子成分如何分析? 谢大神了。
阿力100 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
翻译 Ann将哪位哲学家描述为可以与之分享思想的人?
主语 Ann
谓语 has described
宾语 what philosopher
宾补 as the commons of the mind
计算机概论作业1、Using the machine language described in Appendix C,
1、Using the machine language described in Appendix C,write program to perform 2+3 and stores the program in the following memory cells:
Address Cells
A0 20
A1 02
2、Summarize the difference of the following concepts:
(1) a program
(2) a process
(3) a routine
3、The problem about the towers of Hanoi:
(1) 3 pegs:A,B,C;
(2) N rings are stacked in order of descending diameter from bottom to top on peg A
(3) Write a algorithm in pseudocode:to move all rings from A to C,but move only one ring at a time,and a smaller ring must be placed on top of a bigger one.
Also reference problem 40 on page 246.
4、Write two different algorithms to reverse an array a[m],and Compare the difference of :
nTime required
nSpace required
Cynney 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
Address Cells
A0 20
A1 02
A2 21
A3 03
A4 53
A5 01
A6 C0
A7 00
A program is a static set of directions.
A progress is a dynamic activity whose properties change as time progresses.
A routine can perform fundamental input/output activities such as receiving information from the keyboard,displaying messages on the computer screen,and reading data from mass storage.
procedure Hanoi
//3 pegs:A,B,C;
//N rings are stacked in order of descending diameter from bottom to top on peg A
if(the ring=1)
then(put the ring from A to C)
(move the n-1 ring from a to c to b ; move the n=1 ring from b to a to c)
EAn Australian 3-year-old was described as a hero after savi

An Australian 3-year-old was described as a hero after saving his mum from an almost certain death by calling emergency services right after she collapsed(because of an epileptic attack (癫痫发作).
Aiden McDonald amazed the doctors who arrived at Jeanine McDonald’s house 10 minutes after Aiden called 000. The boy was very calm and spoke to the doctors as his mother got into an unconscious state.
Sasha Lewis took the strange call and sent out an ambulance immediately. Aiden answered questions during the 19-minute call that made it clear it was a serious matter.
Lewis said: “He sounded worried and was telling me things like ‘Mummy is not awake’, so I got an idea that it was a fairly serious matter.”
This is part of the “conversation” they had:
“Can I talk to Mummy please?”
“Mummy’s not well.”
“How old are you, sweetheart?”
“I got a clock.”
“Can I talk to Mummy?”
“I can’t get my Mummy.”
“Where is she?”
“On the floor. Mummy’s had a fit (昏厥).”
“Do you live in Kallangur?”
“We’ve got milk in the fridge and, um, (pause) I can’t find the ambulance (crying), Mummy, Mum ... Mum ... Mum ...”
Mrs McDonald, who was making a cup of tea when she collapsed, was taken to hospital and allowed to leave the same night. “After hearing what he did I thought, no, that can’t be right,” Jeanine McDonald said. “But I’m so proud.”
72. In Australia, people will call 000 when t hey _____.
A. are diagnosed with a serious illness
B. are looking for a job
C. need emergency help in the event of health problem
D. need to find someone to take care of their children
73. Why did Sasha Lewis talk with Aiden on the phone so long?
A. She tried to comfort Aiden and calm him down.
B. She tried to get as much information as possible.
C. Aiden was too slow in speaking on the phone.
D. Aiden was too nervous to describe what was happening.
74. Jeanine McDonald received medical help about _____ after she suddenly became unconscious.
A. 10 minutesB. 20 minutes C. 30 minutesD. one hour
75. The most useful lesson that parents learn from the story is that _____.
A. it’s important to teach children to respond properly in serious situations
B. it’s important to teach children to use the phone
C. they should build a parent-child relationship based on love and trust
D. they should believe that children have the abilities to solve their own problems
船长l 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
72---75 CBCA

He described where they had landed and told how they were mo
He described where they had landed and told how they were moving across the USA
为什么前面是过去完成时,而后面是过去进行时they were moving across
zhc66619 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
had landed 是相对谓语described 来说的,由于先于described 发生,过去的过去,所以是过去完成时
were moving 侧重陈述过去的某一特定时候的情景,状态,所以用过去进行时

英语翻译the material in the British archives has been described
the material in the British archives has been described in the note on sources.Most of it is housed at the public record office in London,although certain committee papers are kept at the Historical Section of the Cabinet Office.
LIUCINDY0 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率75%
英语翻译while we described oathways to eliminate both,you might
while we described oathways to eliminate both,you might not be able to eliminate that use and there are remaining water uses that can also employ efficient fixtures.if you were unable to get water-free toilets and urinals,you still have options for water efficiency.toilets and urinas are rated with the term gallons per flush.tpday youcan get dual flush(),low-flow(),or ultra low-flow toilets.urinals have just as many varieties.the standard is 1.0 GPF,but you can get a 0.5GPF,or even a 0.125GPF
燕子一一 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
而我们介绍的oathways消除两者,你可能也无法消除所做的使用和有剩余,因此水的用途也可以采用高效的灯具.如果你无法得到无水马桶和小便池,你仍然有提高用水效率的选择.厕所和urinas被评为每冲洗术语加仑.tpday你可以获得双重的flush(),低流量(),或超低流动厕所.小便池有同样多的品种.这个标准是1.0 GPF,但你可以得到一个0.5GPF,甚至是0.125GPF
the new experiments,such as these described for the first ti
the new experiments,such as these described for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis,suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non REM sleep
果果燕 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译BA university graduate described as a "respectable and i
A university graduate described as a "respectable and intelligent" woman is seeking professional help after being convicted of (证明有……罪)shoplifting for the second time in six months.
Ana Luz,recently studying for her PhD,has been told she could end up behind bars unless she can control the desire to steal from shops.
Luz,who lives with her partner in Fitzwilliam Road,Cambridge,admitted stealing clothes worth £9.95 from John Lewis in Oxford Stree,London,on March 9.
Phillip Lemoyne,prosecuting(起诉)said Luz selected some clothes from a display and took them to the ladies' toilet in the store .When she came out again she was wearing one of the skirts she had selected ,having taken off the anti-theft security alarms(防盗警报装置).
She was stopped and caught after leaving the store without paying ,Mr Lemoyne said.
He added that she was upset on her arrest and apologized for her actions.
Luz,28,was said to have been convicted of shoplifting by Cambridge judges last October ,but Morag Duff,defending,said she had never been in trouble with the police before that .
"She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn't really have any explanation why she did this ," Miss Duff said ."She didn't intend to steal when she went into the store .She is at a loss to explain it .She is otherwise a very respectable and intelligent young lady .She went to her doctor and asked for advice because she wants to know if there is anything in particular that caused her to do this."
Judge David Azan fined Luz £ 50,and warned :"You've got a criminal record .If you carry on like this ,you will end up in prison ,which will ruin your bright future you may have."
Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her native Spain ,went on to a famous university in Berlin ,Germany for her master's degree and is now studying for a PhD at Cambridge University ,UK.
lassmuth 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率69.2%
Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in spac
Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth's
它虫 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
英语翻译6、 Which of the following can be described as direct fin
6、 Which of the following can be described as direct finance?
A) A corporation issues new shares of stock.
B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.
C) A pension fund manager buys a short-term corporate security in the secondary market.
D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.
我爱6 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
英语语法he has often described to me how he picked up a masterpi
he has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere $50 .这句话是不是describe to sb sth=describe sth to sb的用法?to me 是什么成分?还有哪些词也可以这样用的?
雾峰春色 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
楼主的理解是正确的.本句的核心就是describe to sb sth=describe sth to sb.how引导的从句作describe的宾语,to me作状语.
lend sth to sb = lend to sb sth
promise sth to sb = promise to sb to sth
一个关于英文语法的问题~From the information described in the chart,...我
From the information described in the chart,...
我想问的是,为什么这里用descirbed,它既不是过去时,也不是形容词吧,那为什么不用which is descirbed呢 这个可以吗?请告诉我简要的理由
sinna007 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
He soon described John's room to him中的described为什么要加用过去式
ziqingcheng 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Variously described as 35 to 50 feet long,it seemed to h
Variously described as 35 to 50 feet long,it seemed to have a narrow 20-foot-long neck.The California Academy of Sciences Museum studied the creature's skull and concluded that it was an extremely rare type of beaked whale--a whale so rare that it has only a Latin name,Berardius bairdi.Dr.Bernard Heuvelmans doubts whether any zoologist in the world would have been able to identify the carcass,since few,if any,have ever seen the animal alive.
橐驼 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
在各种描述中,它大约身长35到50英尺,其中狭长的的脖子就占了20英尺.加利福尼亚科学博物馆研究院通过研究它的颅骨得出结论:这是一种极其罕见的突吻鲸.这种鲸鱼太稀有了以致它只有一个拉丁文的名字:Berardius bairdi.因为几乎没有人见过这种活着的动物,Bernard Heuvelmans博士甚至怀疑世界上是否有动物学家能够鉴别出它的尸体,如果它的尸体真的存在的话.
SAT 一道词汇题,Although she often described reason as the noblest
SAT 一道词汇题,
Although she often described reason as the noblest_____,author Ayn Rand never implied that she rejected ____.
A enigma...logic
B faculty...emotion
C good...rationality
D honor...semantics
lixiaohuishuxue 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
整句话的意思是:虽然她把说理作为最高贵的__,但是作者Ayn Rand从来没有暗示过她反对__.
英语翻译Implementation of the protocol described herein is encou
Implementation of the protocol described herein is encouraged in exploratory implementations,but production systems are advised to carefully consider whether it is appropriate to deploy implementations of this protocol before it advances to a status of Draft.
xwengg1120 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
前一分句主干为Implementation...is encouraged;Implementation of the protocol described作主语(Implementation为中心语),is encouraged为谓语部分,in exploratory implementations为状语,后置,修饰谓语
后一分句为(嵌合状语从句的)宾语从句(二重从句),由whether引导;主句production systems are advised to...consider,主production systems、谓语部分are advised to...consider;whether后接宾语从句,it is appropriate to...为主系表结构,it即形式主语,真正主语为 to deploy implementations of this protocol (before it advances to a status of Draft,时间状语从句、后置,修饰限定whether后、before前整个部分);还原为正常语序,即to deploy implementations of this protocol (before) is appropriate,因显冗长,故后置、且以it代居其位,以示句式平衡.
英语翻译EXAMPLE 6Using the procedure described in Example S,the
Using the procedure described in Example S,the reaction mixture of Example 4 is reacted in the tubular reactor of Example 5.The baffles are adjusted so that the portion of the reaction mixture adjacent the wall of the tube,which is maintained at 80℃,is reacted to 12% conversion at the point where the reaction mixture is inverted.
Final conversion is achieved in 8 hours,and comparuble results are achieved.
It will be understood that various changes and modifications can be made in the details of formulation,procedure and use without departing from the spirit of the invention,especially as defined in the following claims.
We claim:
1.In a continuous process for preparing improved plastic compositions wherein 99 to 50 parts by weight of an alkenyl aromatic monomer and an acrylic monomer having the formula wherein R is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and C1 to C5 alkyl and X is selected from the group consisting of:
wherein R' is C1 to C9 alkyl in which the weight ratio between the alkenyl aromatic monomer and the acrylic monomer is within the range of 0.2 to 5,and 1 to 50 parts by weight of an elastomeric interpolymer of ethylene,at least one straight chain alpha-monoolefin containing 3 to 16 carbon atoms and a compound selected from the group consisting of aliphatic and cycloaliphatic polyenes are reacted in an inert organic solvent in the presence of a free radical catalyst,the improvement comprising continuously reacting a reaction mixture of said monomers and said interpolymer in the presence of l5 to 75% by weight of a seed mixture comprising a mixture of said monomers and said interpolymer which has been reacted to 5 to 30% conversion based on said monomers.
7星聚 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
其中R'是C1到烷基随着c9,其中芳香之间烯单体和丙烯酸单体重量比为0.2范围为5,1至50的乙烯弹性互聚物重量部分,至少有一个直链α- monoolefin含3至16个碳原子和从脂肪族和脂环多烯组成的小组选定的化合物是一种惰性有机的自由基催化剂存在溶剂,改善包括反应混合物的反应不断单体及反应说说了,腰至75%存在互聚物由种子混合组成的混合物的重量,并表示说,互聚物单体已作出反应,5至30%转换的基础上说,单体.
as is described in the picture中为什么要加is
tt在ee 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
英语翻译sometimes described as the brain of computers,the cpu is
sometimes described as the brain of computers,the cpu is a microprocessor chip a single piece of silicon containing millions of tiny electrical component
依冰紫凝 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
这个句子chip 后面应该加上一个of才对.
英语翻译Lack of fulfilment of conditions described in the Guide
Lack of fulfilment of conditions described in the Guide for Certification Process may render this certificate invalid
adms 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
英语翻译Kinetics of metal uptake can be generally described by a
Kinetics of metal uptake can be generally described by a bi-phasic pattern.The first phase involved a rapid sorption onto the surface ligands and has been described as the biosorptive process.Surface sorption may also include complexation with algal extracellular organic compounds,which are highly dependent on the algal physiological states as a.ected by various environmental conditions such as temperature,salinity,nutrient,and
light.Following the binding to the transport ligand,metals can either be dissociated back into the medium or be transported across the membrane and transferred to ligands.This study generally observed a linear pattern of metal uptake between 0.5 and 5 h of exposure,indicating that the metals may have been internalized during these periods.Assuming that the y-intercept of the linear regression between DCF and time of exposure represented the initial metal uptake,Zn would have the highest absorption potential compared with the other two metals.
丢丢卡丢丢 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英翻中 一句话 "Narrative has been described as a universally used
英翻中 一句话
"Narrative has been described as a universally used means for ordering experience."
就是在解释"Narrative"的意思 还是看不太懂.
桂的天空 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
Such things you described in the report seldom happen now. A
Such things you described in the report seldom happen now. A.as B.who C.that D.which
Such things ___ you described in the report seldom happen now.
A.as x05x05x05B.who x05x05x05C.thatx05 x05x05x05 D.which
lovelyzs 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
英语翻译the EUT described above has been tested by us with the l
the EUT described above has been tested by us with the listed standards and found in compliance with the LVD Directive 2006/95/EC-Council Directive Amending Directives.lt The certificate applies to the tested sample above mentioned only and shall not imply anassessment of the whole producton.lt is only valid in connection with the:TB-LVD108284
jion45443413 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
英语翻译the electronic product described above has been develope
the electronic product described above has been developed for original equipment manufacturers and is thus subject to the End of Vehicle life Laow in the version dated 21.6.02
zszpzsz 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
The experiment cannot be described as ___ failure; it’s ___
The experiment cannot be described as ___ failure; it’s ___ experience that will lead to our future success. A. a; an B,a. 不填;C 不填,an D.不填不填;
爱上风中云 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率96.7%
这里的failure 指成功的实验,可数
experience 作经验讲也是可数名词