Detective Maria 作文

ndjamenas2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


hongzhu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
Today is Saturday. Look! What’s Maria doing? Oh…“This is Detective Arnold. Anyone who can’t find something can call me, I’m a detective, a detective that you can…”Ring! “…trust.”“Hello…”“Mom, dad, I want to be a detective!”“You can have a detective kit, but a real detective is way too hard.”“OK, is that all?”“You also need a partner.”“OK, I will find Morton to be with me.”“And I will go to the John’s Toy Shop.”Then Maria went off to find Morton.She knocked on the door. “Morton, you’ve got a minute? I’m Maria.”Morton opened the door. “What’s up, Maria. I want to be a detective’s partner.”“Oh, do you want to be my partner. My mother is getting a detective’s suit for you and a suit for me.”“OK, no problem.”“Come on, let’s go to my house and wait for our kits.”“OK, but I’ll have to ask my mom first.”After five minutes.“I can go. Come on!” Morton said, and pulled Maria a little bit of hard. But Maria stayed at the place where she was standing like a truck. Not moving at all.“Whoa, you better do not pull me to hard Morton! Or I’m going to fall!”“Quick. Or we are going to miss our little detective practice!”“Oh, rats. If I know it earlier, I will not tell him. Even though he’s being detective and I’m being partner. It will still be better.”“Come on, M.J. Let’s go to your house with a whoosh and flee!”“Not again,” mumbled Maria.Morton led Maria as fast as a falling star down the street to Maria’s house. The wind was a little big. The wind whooshed and made Maria’s dress like a little boat. Maria felt if she was floating in the air and flying through the very quiet street.Maria felt a little bit of strange. Morton’s running so fast. It’s like flying. Maria begins to wonder if he was actually the Flying Friendly in her story book, or was he actually the Good-Never-Forgot in the Superheroes book?Morton pulled Maria home. They go into Maria’s house and sit on the sofa and watch their favourite program: Detective Arnold.“Detective Arnold had solved eight mysteries today. And you better call quick if you still have an mystery, there are only two ones left!”“Do you have any things that are lost but it can leave some tracks? I mean, things that are maybe able to found? No, how do it say in one word?…” Morton asked Maria.“I think you mean clue. Well, I don’t. What about you?”“Well, I think so. My little kitten Kits lost three months ago. And I’m keep missing her so much. Oh, my little Kits, if you still are here. I will take as good care of you as your father!” said Morton.Ding! Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!“I think it’s time for our little practise,” said Maria.“And the time to put on our clothes,” said Morton.“Yes, but you must pass a little test. Then you can play real detectives,” said Kate.“OK. We’ll go outside. And you can do it.”“And I’ll hide something,” said Kate.After some minutes. Kate finally opened the door.“Finally, you have come. Can you help me find my two little pink hairclips? I can’t find them anywhere.”Maria and Morton find and find. After some minutes, they found it.“Being a detective was hard work,” said Maria.“I want to be a detective when I’m older,” said Morton.“It’s really hard work,” said Maria.“And if you don’t do very well, it might make the people upset,” said Morton.“OK then,” Kate said with a smile. “But who is ready for some delicious coconut pie?”“I am!” said Maria and Morton together. And they smiled at each other. And they quickly ate their delicious pies up.Maria said happily, “I will never, ever forget this happy day with Morton.”Morton smiled, “Me, too. I will write a diary about it.”Then, Maria and Morton gave each other a big, big smile. But Maria wonders quietly: What’s Morton’s nickname?
