abstract 和 introduction 哪个用中英写

赵宋贵胄2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

abstract 和 introduction 哪个用中英写
请问abstract 和 introduction 分别写多少词为宜?


金依 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
abstract 是中英写,abstract 和introduction 基本要写200-300词 即可


the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all abou
the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about.4154
旧爱茹梦 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
英语翻译AbstractPurpose – This article seeks to discuss the role
Purpose – This article seeks to discuss the role that line managers take up concerning human
resource management issues among Greek firms and to propose ways for enhancing the synergistic
relationship between human resource (HR) and line managers.
Design/methodology/approach – It presents the trends of line management involvement in Greek
firms,from 1993-2003,based on the CRANET survey.The survey results are enhanced by qualitative
data from focus groups.
Findings – Findings show that during the past ten years there has been an increasing tendency for
collaboration,with the main responsibility increasingly falling on the HR department.Moreover,the
main obstacles to this collaboration are presented.
Research limitations/implications – The main research limitation is the limited data that the
CRANET questionnaire provides on the issue of HR – line management partnership.However,the
focus groups enrich the survey data with qualitative results.Implications for practice derive from the
qualitative results.
Originality/value – The value of this paper is mainly to line managers that are involved in human
resource management activities,since the difficulties that occur from this partnership are discussed.
Keywords Human resource management,Line managers,Partnership,Greece
Paper type Research paper
功夫小子888 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
ivnana39 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
Abstract: in the history of human development, consumer behavior is the foundation of human survival,development, it continued to each person's life, play a very important role in human social life and production. And college students as an important part of the contemporary social consumer groups, and their consumption behavior has strong cross-sectional and prospective, national destiny and future. College students because there is no source of income, but also has the big consumer demand, which is a special consumer groups, consumer attitudes and values and other classes have obvious difference. Therefore, the study of College Students' consumption behavior and influence factors, has the profound significance is very important to the social long-termdevelopment and constructing the harmonious environment.
This paper studied the basic theory of consumer behavior, this article takes the college students of ShandongInstitute of political science and law as the inspection object, based on carding the related literature at home and abroad, design the questionnaire of factors influencing college students consumption level, by visiting survey andopen-ended survey form, on the current college of political science and law of college students consumptionsituation a more comprehensive analysis. To understand the current status of consumer behavior of college students, it draws the conclusion that the main problems existing in the current consumer behavior of college students, from the social, family, school, the students themselves four aspects of consumer behavior of college students the reasons for the problems, finally, based on empirical data, puts forward the main countermeasures for college students to understand the consumption problem. Think there are certain to affect consumer behavior and social atmosphere of college students, should first optimize the consumption of college students of the social environment, which is the premise of guiding college students healthy consumption; but also to change the familyconcept of consumption, consumption structure from the source control of college students, it is to guide the healthy consumption behavior of university students support; at the same time to strengthen the ideological and political work, this is the key to guide university students to consume healthily; finally it points out that college students should strengthen their own learning and self education, establish a good consumption concept, which is the fundamental solution to the problem.
They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract n
They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers - the idea of a oneness,a twoness,a threeness that applies to any class of objects 【and is】 a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table - is itself far from innate.
BS验证码 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
the idea is
英语 ab+ 字根的发音规律请问 ab+ 中a的发音规律是什么?为什么abuse中发,在abstract中又发音
英语 ab+ 字根的发音规律
请问 ab+ 中a的发音规律是什么?为什么abuse中发,在abstract中又发音呢?求教
谷地欧俄 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
你对比两组词(absent,abstract,absolute)和(abuse,abandon ,abolish ,abate ).第一组词都是形容词,第二组词都是动词.而且第一组词ab后面的字母是辅音字母,而第二组后面词ab后面为元音字母a,e,i,o,u.也就是说,在不包括派生词(absorbent ,abolition ,absentee )的情况下,一般形容词(ab后多为辅音字母)的a重读.动词(一般ab后为元音字母)弱读.
尚iiii公仔 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
[ 比较级more abstract 最高级most abstract ]
Abstract—This paper describes the application of the continu
Abstract—This paper describes the application of the continuous Newton’s method to the power flow
Abstract—This paper describes the application of the continuous Newton’s method to the power flow problem.This method basi- cally consists in formulating the power flow problem as a set of autonomous ordinary differential equations.Based on this formal analogy,we propose an entire family of numerically efficient algo- rithms for solving ill-conditioned or badly-initialized power flow cases.The paper also shows that the classical Newton–Raphson’s method and most robust power flow techniques proposed in the literature are particular cases of the proposed formulation.An ex- ample based on a 1254-bus model of the UCTE system is presented and discussed.
圣搞笑 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
抽象简化 这个文章讲述的是一系列牛顿方法 对能量流的应用.这个方法基础上包括一系列的常微分方程 用作公式化能量流问题.基于这种正规的模拟,我们提出一整套有效的算法 来解决这种缺少条件或者原始不足(不知道什么,物理专业现象吧)的能量流问题.这个文章同样显示了经典牛顿理论和最强劲的能量流技术(这项技术在著作中以特殊问题的形式套用公式).一个基于UCTE系统 1254bus的模型 的例子会被叙述并且讨论
The rules for writing an abstract are almost the same to tho
The rules for writing an abstract are almost the same to those for writing the summary for an investgaion report.这句话意思是:摘要的写作规则与调查报告概要的写作规则极为相似.
yt2002 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Abstract:Today's economic map of the world is dominated
Today's economic map of the world is dominated by what are called clusters:critical masses - in
one place - of unusual competitive success in particular fields.Clusters are not unique,however;
they are highly typical - and therein lies a paradox:the enduring competitive advantages in a
global economy lie increasingly in local things- knowledge,relationships,motivation - that
distant rivals cannot match.Untangling the paradox of location in a global economy reveals a
number of key insights about how companies continually create competitive advantage.What
happens inside companies is important,but clusters reveal that the immediate business
environment outside companies plays a vital role as well.This role of locations has been long
overlooked,despite striking evidence that innovation and competitive success in so many fields
are geographically concentrated.
xueying1983 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Confidence is a plant of slow abstract growth.
_361 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
翻译一段纳米材料的摘要(1)AbstractNanomaterials and nanotechnology have
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have been hot issues during the recent decades. This thesis deals with the fabrication and engineering of novel nanomaterials with enhanced functionality,
particularly nanocomposites and nanostructured surfaces. The study includes two parts; in the first part, bulk transparent polymer-inorganic nanocomposites were produced by a novel
synthesis method and its UV-absorption has been investigated. In the second part, nanostructured microporous surface layers, of copper, were fabricated by electrodeposition process and its effect on material’s performance for pool boiling has been investigated evaluated.In the first part of the thesis, bulk polymer-inorganic nanocomposites composed of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and zinc compounds were prepared by an in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of zinc complex in PMMA matrix. The immiscibility of heterophases of solid organic and inorganic constituents was resolved by the in situ sol-gel transition polymerization of ZnO nanofillers within PMMA in the presence of dual functional agent, monoethanolamine, which provided strong secondary interfacial interactions for both complexing and crosslinking of constituents. Comprehensive characterization of the polymer-inorganic hybrid materials has been undertaken using a wide range of techniques; XRD, 1H NMR, FT-IR, TGA, DSC, UV-Vis, ED, SEM, TEM and HRTEM. The homogeneous PMMA-ZnO nanocomposites exhibited enhanced UV-sheltering effects in the entire UV range even at very low ZnO content of 0.02 wt%.
大卫87984 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
纳米材料及纳米技术摘要热点问题已经在最近十年.这一论断涉及新型纳米材料制备及工程与功能增强,特别是纳米表面和纳米结构.这项研究包括两部分; 在第一部分,散装透明聚合物生产一种新型无机纳米合成方法及其紫外线吸收已展开调查.在第二部分,纳米微孔表层、铜、电镀工艺制备及其对材料性能的沸腾--曾调查分析评价第一部分论文,大宗聚合物组成的无机纳米聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯)(有机玻璃)、锌化合物编写了原位溶胶凝胶聚合过渡锌基复合有机玻璃.
英语翻译Abstract.The present study considers the relationship be
Abstract.The present study considers the relationship between college mothers’ academic achievement goals (both learning and performance) and the mothers’ attitudes toward their children’s schoolwork as well as the relationship between each of these sets of characteristics in mothers and their elementary-school-age children’s attitudes about learning.Results indicate that a mother’s adoption of learning goals in her college education is positively related to the endorsement of a process/indirect focus with respect to assisting and evaluating her child on academic tasks and is associated with more personal satisfaction with providing homework assistance and greater optimism concerning the benefits of such assistance.Results also suggest that college mothers with more of a learning goal orientation and/or more of a process/indirect focus have children who display a similar concern with learning and a positive attitude about homework.Mothers who adopted more of a person/product focus with respect to their child’s schoolwork had children who were less likely to interpret homework and other school tasks as opportunities to learn.
Jeii 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
The present study considers the relationship between college mothers’ academic achievement goals (both learning and performance) and the mothers’ attitudes toward their children’s schoolwork as well as the relationship between each of these sets of characteristics in mothers and their elementary-school-age children’s attitudes about learning.
Results indicate that a mother’s adoption of learning goals in her college education is positively related to the endorsement of a process/indirect focus with respect to assisting and evaluating her child on academic tasks and is associated with more personal satisfaction with providing homework assistance and greater optimism concerning the benefits of such assistance.
Results also suggest that college mothers with more of a learning goal orientation and/or more of a process/indirect focus have children who display a similar concern with learning and a positive attitude about homework.
Mothers who adopted more of a person/product focus with respect to their child’s schoolwork had children who were less likely to interpret homework and other school tasks as opportunities to learn.
in the abstract可以代替in general吗?前者怎么用?
mu_mu1234 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
in the abstract
in general
4909—the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all
4909—the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about.4164 (达人) 想问:1—is all
4909—the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about.4164 (达人)
1—is all about:
what you love are/is apple.翻译成:你所喜欢的是苹果.
这里的what the experiment is all about:翻译成:实验所...的是all about.
梅影竹痕 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1.all about 有两种解释:
1) 如果后面跟有宾语,意思是:关于...的一切;
2.连接代词 what 等于“先行词+关系代词”,即 that which、the thing that、the word that 等,:相当于汉语的所字结构,即:(所)…那样的事,(所)…那样的言辞,等等
3.关于 what 从句的主谓一致问题
如果 what 从句用作系表结构中的主语,究竟表示单数还是复数需要看用作表语的名词是单数还是复数.如果表语是单数,动词则用单数形式;如果表语是复数.动词则用复数形式.如:
What you love is the apple.
What you love are apples.
4.the abstract is a summary of what the experiment is all about 中
1) what the experiment is all about 是介词 of 的宾语从句,与 of 一起修饰前面的名词 summary,
2) 代词 what 在这个从句中充当后置介词 about 的宾语,因此 all about 指的是“关于...的一切”
3)可以改写为 the abstract is a summary of the things that the experiment is all about,意思是“摘要就是一种实验(试验)所有有关事项的概括”.
kly0123 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Enterprises are the cells of modern society,the main body of the market economy,while accounting for the vast majority of small and medium enterprises is the subject of the most active and dynamic com...
帮我看下这段话有没有什么错误AbstractAnalysis of the population `s space pa
analysis of the population `s space pattern is an important method for researching the characteristics of population ,it includes the actions among the populations and the relation between the population and the environment,it is also the *** which belongs to the ecologic research.therefore,researching for the pattern of population has an great significance of expounding the form and making benefit of the community,besides,the community's stable and successive regulation and the ecologic characteristics and could also be created. this dissertation enumerates samples in distance for single population pattern research by following way.the first research is to choose the space;then to examine the sampling and collect data:in conclude,to give analyze of the data at following steps in base of practice work:first,research the nearby individual distribution in random dispersed population. second ,doing random sample by measuring the distance .third,comparing the targets while getting them.fourth,research the relation of the nearby individuals. the compare and analysis of gathering targets is the key link in this article.accumulation of populations is beneficial to make full use of environmental resources.at the same time,it is useful for resisting disturbance and increasing survival rate of the population ,which is beneficial to survival and development of population.the more important thing is an overall analysis of comprehensive pattern information is very helpful for making correct control strategy and investigating dynamic change process and evolution trend of the population.
key words:single population; population pattern; sample in distance
疾心绝对 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Analysis of the population's space pattern is an important method for researching the characteristics of population.It includes the actions among the populations and the relations between the population and the environment.It is also one of the most popular topics among the ecologic researches.Therefore,researching for the pattern of population has an great significance in expounding the formation and making benefit of the community as well as providing the stability of community,successive regulation and the ecologic characteristics. This dissertation enumerates several samples in distance for single population pattern research by the following way.
The first research is to choose the space,examine the samplings and collect the data.In short,it analyzes the data in the following steps based on the practice work:
1.investigate the nearby individual distribution in random dispersed population.
2.randomly take samples by measuring the distance.
3.comparing the targets while getting them.
4.figure out the relation among the nearby individuals.
The comparision and analysis of gathering targets is the key link in this article.Accumulation of populations is beneficial to make full use of environmental resources.At the same time,it dramatically decreases the disturbance while increasing survival rate of the population ,which is beneficial to survival and development of population.Furthermore,the overall analysis of comprehensive pattern information establishes a correct control strategy and investigating dynamic change process and evolution trend of the population.
翻译下Abstract thinking abstract picture led me,and I think I f
翻译下Abstract thinking abstract picture led me,and I think I fall into the trap,love really make
我不要变海带 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
某某总 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语翻译Abstract:Based on the hydraulic bending control system,t
Abstract:Based on the hydraulic bending control system,the electrohydraulic servo pressure control simulation model is built.Taking into account of the inadequacy of P-type immune feedback controller,an improved fuzzy immune
PID controller is put forward.Drawing on immune feedback principle of biological immune system,the P-type immune feedback controller is connected with conventional PID controller in series and then in parallel with design fuzzy
immune PID controller.The controller parameters can be adjusted on line by the rules of immune feedback controller
and fuzzy controller.In order to gain the optimal parameters of the controller,the parameters of the controller are
off-line optimized by the best multiple optimal model PSO algorithm.The simulation results indicate that the method
has characteristics of small overshoot,short adjusting time and strong anti-interference ability and robustness.The
quality of the strip shape can be further improved
xdgg1203 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
摘要:基于液压弯辊控制系统,建立了电液伺服压力控制系统的仿真模型.考虑到对P型免疫反馈控制器的不足,改进的模糊免疫PID控制器的提出.借鉴生物免疫反馈原理,P型免疫反馈控制器与常规PID控制器串联后并联fuzzyimmune PID控制器设计.控制器的参数可以在线调整免疫反馈控制器的模糊控制规则.为了获得最优的控制参数,以最佳的多模型粒子群算法优化控制器参数对线.仿真结果表明,超调小的方法特点,调整时间短、抗干扰能力强和鲁棒性.的板形质量得到进一步提高
晴薛 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
如何理解 abstract 不能有抽象构造函数和抽象静态方法.请用列子说明
诸葛青林 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
下列哪一种叙述是正确的()A. abstract修饰符可修饰字段、方法和类B.抽象方法的body部分必须用一对大括号{
A. abstract修饰符可修饰字段、方法和类
B.抽象方法的body部分必须用一对大括号{ }包住
刺青海_cc 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
He read through the papers and made a(n)__ of their content.A.abridgement B.summary C.abstract D.outline 但是我查了好多字典都找不到summary和abstract在作为“摘要”意思上的不同.希望你们能够告诉我.
苏小悠 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
summary是写论文之类比较多用的,好像你写了一篇论文,一开始要有一个executive summary,是很详细的一个记录.
旅游业是随着人们生活水平不断提高、精神和物质需求不断进步而相应 发展 的产业.近年来***开放的***和高速发展的 经济 为***旅游业的发展创造了良好条件
,***旅游业得到了迅猛的发展,并由此产生了可观的经济效益.与此同时,***旅游业资源破坏、旅游区环境质量下降的 也日益突出.为使旅游业持续、健康
、协调发展,文章主要 分析 了旅游环境问题产生的原因和旅游环境保护的对策,旨在为***旅游业发展的管理、决策提供服务.
晓红123 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Abstract: Illustrate the importance of conservation of environment in tourism industry, by analyzing the necessity and measures of conservation of environment.
Keywords: Tourism industry; Tourism environmental quality; Tourism environmental conservation
Tourism industry is an industry which progresses as people's living standard constantly rises and our physical and psychological demand continuously advances. Recently, Reform and Opening-up Policy and rapidly developing economics have provided a fine condition for the progress of tourism industry in China. Our tourism industry has developed fast and thus produced remarkable economic benifits. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the problems of destruction of tourism resources and decline in tourism environmental quality have been more and more apparent. To secure a sustainable, healthy and balanced development prospect for tourism industry, this article mainly analyzes the causes of tourism environmental problems and the measures of tourism environmental protection, and aims to provide any possible help to management and decision making in the development of tourism industry in our country.
2.Analysis of tourism industry in our country.
英语翻译Abstract:The properties of the passive film formed on 22
Abstract:The properties of the passive film formed on 2205 stainless stee1 in acetic acid at high temperature that contained chloride
ions were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS),X—ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),and electrochemical polarization
meas~ements.AAS results show that toolybdenum is enriched on the surface as the passive film is dissolved.This enrichment
decreases the corrosion resistance because it hinders chloride adsorption and Fe ion dissolution.and acts as a local pH buffer because
n consumes protons.The dissolution ratio ofFe/Cr is approximately 10 during the active dissolution ofthe passive film.XPS results
indk:ate that when the potential is in the passivation region,Cr comprises about 50% of the mc协1 cations in the near-surface region
of the passive fiIm and is the main metal constituent in this region.W hen the polarization potential is much greater than the transpas.
sivation potentia1.the Mo content accounts for approximately 45% of the meta1 cations in the near.surface region;Fe and Ni have no
obvious influence on the formation,dissolution,or puncture of the passive film.
Key words:acetic acid;corrosion;electrochemical behavior;stainless steel;passive film
ajksaks2 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
对改性的基础上形成的被动电影在醋酸stee1 2205不锈钢含有高温效果
结果表明,ements.AAS 尺寸有丰富的表面的被动电影是i浓缩
英语翻译AbstractNanosized and highly reactive magnesium niobate
Nanosized and highly reactive magnesium niobate (MgNb2O6) powders were successfully synthesized by a new wet-chemical method by means of the dissolution of Nb2O5 2 5H2O and in a solution of oxalic acid followed by the addition of stoichiometric amounts of magnesium carbonate.The Nb–Mg–oxalic acid solution was evaporated resulting in a dry and amorphous powder that was calcined in the temperature range from 200 to 900 8C for 2 h.The crystallization process from the amorphous state to the crystallineMgNb2O6 was followed by thermal analysis.The calcined powders characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy,X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their morphology examined by high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM).Pure MgNb2O6,free from the second phases and obtained at 800 8C was confirmed by a combinedanalysis using XRD and FT-Raman.The average diameter of the particles was calculated from the HR-SEM image as 70 nm approximately.This technique allows a better mixing of the constituent elements and thus a better reactivity of the mixture to obtain pre-reaction products withhigh purity at lower temperatures and reducing cost.It can offer a great advantage in the PMN-PT formation with respect to the solid-statesynthesis.
# 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.
Keywords:MgNb2O6; Columbite; Magnesium niobate; Low temperature synthesis; FT-Raman
NNDYE 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
Nanosized and highly reactive magnesium niobate (MgNb2O6) powders were successfully synthesized by a new wet-chemical method by means of the dissolution of Nb2O5 5H2O and in a solution of oxalic acid followed by the addition of stoichiometric amounts of magnesium carbonate.
The Nb–Mg–oxalic acid solution was evaporated resulting in a dry and amorphous powder that was calcined in the temperature range from 200 to 900 8C for 2 h.
The crystallization process from the amorphous state to the crystallineMgNb2O6 was followed by thermal analysis.
The calcined powders characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy,X-ray diffraction (XRD) and their morphology examined by high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM).
Pure MgNb2O6,free from the second phases and obtained at 800 8C was confirmed by a combinedanalysis using XRD and FT-Raman.
The average diameter of the particles was calculated from the HR-SEM image as 70 nm approximately.
This technique allows a better mixing of the constituent elements and thus a better reactivity of the mixture to obtain pre-reaction products withhigh purity at lower temperatures and reducing cost.
It can offer a great advantage in the PMN-PT formation with respect to the solid-statesynthesis.
# 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.
出版社有限公司,Techna 2006年号S.r.l组.
All rights reserved.
Keywords:MgNb2O6; Columbite; Magnesium niobate; Low temperature synthesis; FT-Raman
英语翻译Abstract:In the teaching of English language,Duty Report
Abstract:In the teaching of English language,Duty Reports play an important role,by providing excellent ground for students who wish to practice speaking English,to experience English culture,and communicate within an overall English framework.Having enjoyed a great and long-standing popularity,both among teachers and students alike,this activity,nevertheless,has exhibited signs indicative of certain deficiencies.Therefore,it has become necessary to update and improve it,as to give it new vitality,prolong and perpetuate its exience.
最好在最前面再帮我用英语写一段开场白(例如:今天我给大家介绍一下duty report)
hhh933 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
英文(加上开场白的):Today I tell you about the duty report.Abstract:In the teaching of English language,Duty Reports play an important role,by providing excellent ground for students who wish to practice speaking English,to experience English culture,and communicate within an overall English framework.Having enjoyed a great and long-standing popularity,both among teachers and students alike,this activity,nevertheless,has exhibited signs indicative of certain deficiencies.Therefore,it has become necessary to update and improve it,as to give it new vitality,prolong and perpetuate its exience.
xuningjj 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
英语翻译Abstract—This paper shows the potential system benefits
Abstract—This paper shows the potential system benefits of
simple tracking solar system using a stepper motor and light sensor.
This method is increasing power collection efficiency by developing
a device that tracks the sun to keep the panel at a right angle to its rays.A solar tracking system is designed,implemented and
experimentally tested.The design details and the experimental results
are shown.
丽妮 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
小册子005 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语翻译AbstractBased on a stochastic approach,drainage in a lay
Based on a stochastic approach,drainage in a layered soil profile with macropores waspredicted using a one-dimensional numerical flow model.Soil hydraulic functions,0(~) andK(~b),were obtained from laboratory measurements on undisturbed 100 cm 3 soil cores.The coreswere collected in 60 different locations for each of three soil horizons along a 31 m transect on asandy loam soil.The effect of a stochastic description of 0(~b) and K(~b) on predicted fluxes andwater content profiles was evaluated with the aid of Monte-Carlo simulations.Initially simulationswere carried out with the actual field data.Alternatively,500 sets of the multi-normal parametervector P = {0 s,a,n,K s} were generated and used in a Monte-Carlo simulation approach.Inaddition,deterministic calculations were carried out using (1) arithmetic mean values of untransformedhydraulic parameters,(2) arithmetic mean values obtained after backtransformation ofGaussian distributed parameters,and (3) alternatively using a set of mean bimodal retention andconductivity curves.Predictions obtained with the two stochastic methods and the deterministiccases are compared with measured cumulative outflow and moisture content profiles from fifteen1m long undisturbed soil columns collected along the same transect.All simulations based onunimodal hydraulic functions underestimated the mean observed drainage.If actual field data areused,the mean outflow is 74% of the mean measured cumulative outflow,compared to 70% forthe Monte-Carlo simulation.The range mean -I- two standard deviations of the simulated outflowfor both methods is considerably smaller compared to the measured range of variation.Deterministicpredictions of the total drainage amounted to 83,83,and 127% of the observed drainage forthe cases 1,2,and 3,respectively.Observed outflow curves displaying macropore flow could not be predicted with the unimodal Richards' flow equation.The results indicate that the field-scale unsaturated flow behaviour in soils with macropores cannot be accurately predicted assuming aunimodal retention characteristic.This is true for both the mean drainage but even more so for the extremes.The use of bimodal hydraulic functions considerably increased the total drainage,resulting in an overprediction of the mean measured drainage.Predicted soil water contents in the 1 m deep soil profile are mostly higher than the measurements.Contrary to the drainage,the range of variation of the predicted water contents is always larger than the measured variability,except for the surface values.
荏箐 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.
这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.
‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various restrictions in cognitive process where ‘V+N’ structure is regarded as verb-object relationship and attributive-head relationship.This article analyzes various factors that affect understanding of ‘V+N’ structure and examines preceding studies and verifies whether the conclusions of the studies correspond to authentic language usage through corpus analysis.In addition,the causes that similar nouns have different ways of understanding ‘V+N’ structure are studied.
The full text is divided into seven chapters.ChapterⅠ begins with the purposes of this article,the method of this study,and preceding studies.ChapterⅡ analyzes prosodic features of ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅢ studies correlation between valence theory and ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅣ describes the roles and the restrictions of verbs in ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅤ describes the roles and the restrictions of nouns in ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅥ focuses on the reasons why ‘V+Power’ structure is particularly regarded as attributive-head relationship and studies correlation between ‘V+N’ collocation and N verb attribution.ChapterⅦ integrates all the studies and presents the conclusion on the factors affecting ‘V+N’ structure understanding.
zhbcsl 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
epresentative of; Chinese;the understanding;the causes in which similar nouns have different ways of understanding ‘V+N’ structure ;
,and the introduction of preceding studies;conclusions;on the factors that affects(建议用从句)
一路gg 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
This paper in the entire Japanese enterprise culture background, to the research results of the predecessors based on Japanese enterprise culture, analysis and research. For the Japanese enterprise culture characteristic of speaking, this paper summarized and analyzed the characteristics of some Japanese culture. Including: and the soul to soul with and han life-time employment system and only, in sequence, and the Japanese work overtime culture, etc. Then, in order to facilitate undertake Japanese enterprise culture of thorough research, this paper the selection of Japanese enterprise culture is one of the representative of the "culture" everything, including the three content: everything culture, the definition of culture; everything Second, cultural production methods; everything Three, the improvement of cultural activities; everything Study these Japanese enterprise culture characteristic of I think for our society so is unique and education significance have inspired.
Abstract 一般简写成什么?
Abstract 一般简写成什么?
wuyan223 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
直接写成abs就可以,编程语言中,对于大家熟知的词汇,一般简写三个字母 ,例如 Abstract 见写成abs就可以 ,Message 见写成msg就可以,大家一看就明白的,
同问 A flower is beautiful.but beauty itself is abstract.itsel
同问 A flower is beautiful.but beauty itself is abstract.itself为什么在beauty后面
zyngdbwh 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
They themselves know the importance of union.
旅游业是随着人们生活水平不断提高、精神和物质需求不断进步而相应 发展 的产业.近年来***开放的***和高速发展的 经济 为***旅游业的发展创造了良好条件
,***旅游业得到了迅猛的发展,并由此产生了可观的经济效益.与此同时,***旅游业资源破坏、旅游区环境质量下降的 问题 也日益突出.为使旅游业持续、健康
、协调发展,文章主要 分析 了旅游环境问题产生的原因和旅游环境保护的对策,旨在为***旅游业发展的管理、决策提供服务.
败家小妮子 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
Abstract: Illustrate the importance of conservation of environment in tourism industry, by analyzing the necessity and measures of conservation of environment. Keywords: Tourism industry; Tourism envi...
求文献翻译 ABSTRACT This paper discusses the urban waterfront in
求文献翻译 ABSTRACT This paper discusses the urban waterfront in Newcastle-upon-Tyne as a case stud
左手左脚 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
英文语法校正翻译的不好,Abstract "Personnel management system software d
"Personnel management system software design" on Microsoft Visual Foxpro6.0 development of the personnel files outlining the overall management software,the overall framework,design ideology and principles,system components,system structure,basic features,the main technical systems,system the design and realization of the generation and application debugging,and other systems software and the production of all the work done and a vision for the future.
Papers focus on system design and implementation of methods and procedures,from project management applications for the establishment of the design of the user interface from the design to even the main program for executable file; they have conducted more detailed description.Finally,the paper provides a list of procedures and the work of running the operating system software flow chart.
QS小爱 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
"Personnel management system software design" in Microsoft Visual Foxpro6.0 helps to develop personnel file outlining, for it is the overall management software, it also helps to achieve the overall framework, design ideology and principles, system components, system structure, basic features, the main technical systems, system the design and realization of the generation and application debugging, and other system software and the production of all the work done and an outlook for the future.
Papers focus on system design and implementation of methods and procedures, from project management applications for the establishment of the design of the user interface from the design to even the main program for the executable file; they have conducted more detailed description. Finally, the paper provides a list of procedures and the work of running the operating system software flow chart.
英语翻译ABSTRACTThe importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is
generally recognized.However,two major causes of failure
to establish successful supply chain (SC) are
underestimated.One is that SC coordination is poorly made
with current facilitates.The other one is that high-level
strategy alignment is seldom considered.In this paper,an
integrated framework of Supply Chain Management
System (SCMS) is constructed to solve these two problems.
Supported by the latest Internet technology,SCMS
connects the information sharing and exchange among SC
members with SC coordination and strategic management.
This integrated system can 1)provide better
communications among SC members,2)solve operational
conflicts in SC and facilitate better cooperation and
3)balance the strategies of SC members.This kind of
management system can provide a satisfying and long-term
solution to SCM.
Global competition is forcing enterprises to reorient their
business strategies from conventional,independent
operations toward integrated,strategic partnerships.This is
what we called Supply Chain (SC),a network of facilities
and distribution options that performs the function of
procurement of materials,transformation of these materials
into intermediate and finished products,and distribution of
these finished products to customers [3].At the same time,
a new management field,Supply Chain Management
(SCM),has received great attention from business
community.SCM is the management of materials and
information flows both in and between facilities across SC
[7].SCM deals with the expanding of value chain from
within a corporation to a set of related entities.This would
greatly improve the competitiveness of SC members.
笙杰1 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
供应链管理 (供应链管理) 的重要性是
建立成功的供应链 (SC) 是
低估.一是 SC 协调贫穷地被做
系统 (供应链管理) 被构造解决这些二个问题.
在 SC 之中连接数据分享而且交换
有着 SC 协调和策略的管理的成员.
这个整合的系统罐子 1)提供得更好
在 SC 成员之中的沟通,2)解决操作的
在 SC 的冲突而且促进较好的合作和
3)平衡 SC 成员的策略.这种
我们所称的供应链 (SC),一个设备的网络
对客户 [3] 的这些完成的产品.同时,
数据流动两者的在和在横跨 SC 的设备之间
非常改善 SC 成员的竞争力.
英语翻译Abstract" The aestheticization of daily life" is a uniqu
" The aestheticization of daily life" is a unique cultural landscape of consumptive society formed by the combination of aesthetic and consumer,is an quite notable cultural phenomenon in the last few years and also is a kind of aesthetic phenomenon.This paper states the definition of the aestheticization of daily life in three aspects after the analysis and study of the its concept and theoretical background,analyses its causes from economy aspects and society aspects,concludes its features,explains the basic performance as well as the situation in daily life,meanwhile illustrates its current situation in our country.This paper studies the problem of the aestheticization of daily life in the application of the dynamic dialectical perspective and with some critical reflection.In current society,the positive side of the aestheticization of daily life exists,but some certain problems exist too.We need to open mind to know it,relax our mind to study it,apply more diverse methods to continually explore the practical history and theoretical history of the aestheticization of daily life,gradually perfect the problem structure,then make the research of the aestheticization of daily life becomes a meaningful new topic in literature and art aesthetics.
Keywords:the aestheticization of daily life,Feather Stone,post-modernization,popularization,cultural phenomenon
璘哿 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
这文章明显是发表过的,下面的keyword是发表文库专用的关键词.发表过的文章写得都很专业,比如本文,虽然看起来读得绕口,但是发表过得文章专业术语多,要多读几遍才能读顺.我即使在美国读本科 读这类文章还是很吃力.
英语翻译摘要 目的:探讨保留自主呼吸的快通道静脉全身麻醉在乳腺良性肿瘤切除术中的应用.Abstract Objectiv
摘要 目的:探讨保留自主呼吸的快通道静脉全身麻醉在乳腺良性肿瘤切除术中的应用.Abstract Objective:In order to explore the effect of retaining autonomous breathing fast-track of intravenous general anesthesia for breast benign tumor resection.方法:选择乳腺良性肿瘤切除患者60例,随机分为两组.Method:Choose 60 patients with a benign tumor of the breast had been removed,were randomly assigned to two groups.组A:使用1%盐酸利多卡因沿乳腺后间隙进行局部浸润麻醉.Group A:Apply one percent lidocaine hydrochloride to local infiltration anesthesia along the retromammary space.组B:静脉缓慢推注0.3mg/kg氯胺酮,1mg/kg利多卡因,0.2μg/kg舒芬太尼,然后将氯胺酮、丙泊酚按照体积比1:10进行混合,按照丙泊酚6~8 mg/(kg • h)的速度泵注.Group B:0.3mg/kg ketamine,1mg/kg lidocaine and 0.2μg/kg sufentanil was administered intravenously .The 1:10 volume ratio between ketamine and propofol would be mixed .,followed by an infusion ata rate of 8mg/ (kg· h) .结果:A组患者的T1 、T2 、T3 时SBP、DBP、HR 较T0时有明显的升高,与T0相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).Result:The patients in the group A that SBP,DBP and HR at T2 ,T1 and T3 than T0 has significantly increased,and the difference was statistically significant compared with T0(P<0.05).T1 、T2 、T3时的SBP、DBP、HR组内相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Comparison of SBP,DBP and HR showed no statistical significance among T1,T2 and T3 moments(P>0.05).B组T1时SpO2有所下降,与T0 、T2 、T3相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),T0、T1 、T2 、T3的SBP、DBP、HR平稳.Comparison of T0 ,T2 and T3 showed statistical significance(P<0.05)when SpO2 was decreased in group B at T1 .And SBP,DBP and HR was stable at T1 ,T2 and T3.A组患者的麻醉镇痛效果较差,患者的满意度低,与B组相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)Compared with group B that difference has statistics significance when the patients' narcotic analgesic effect is poor and satisfaction is low in the group A .(P<0.05)结论:舒芬太尼,丙泊酚联和亚麻醉剂量的氯胺酮在保留自主呼吸的快通道静脉全身麻醉在乳腺良性肿瘤切除术具有术中镇静镇痛完善,对循环和呼吸影响轻微,在术后镇痛方面具有良好的效果.关键词 舒芬太尼;丙泊酚;氯胺酮;快通道麻醉Key word :Sufentanil ;Propofol ; Ketamine ; Fast-track anesthesia
cinano2000 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
摘要 目的:探讨保留自主呼吸的快通道静脉全身麻醉在乳腺良性肿瘤切除术中的应用.
Abstract Objective:Discussion about the application of fast-track intravenous general anesthesia which retains autonomous breathing for breast benign tumor resection operation.
Method:60 patients with breast benign tumors removed,were chosen and randomly assigned to two groups.
Group A:Apply one percent lidocaine hydrochloride to local infiltration anesthesia along the retromammary space.
组B:静脉缓慢推注0.3mg/kg氯胺酮,1mg/kg利多卡因,0.2μg/kg舒芬太尼,然后将氯胺酮、丙泊酚按照体积比1:10进行混合,按照丙泊酚6~8 mg/(kg • h)的速度泵注.
Group B:0.3mg/kg ketamine,1mg/kg lidocaine and 0.2μg/kg sufentanil was administered intravenously .The 1:10 volume ratio between ketamine and propofol would be mixed,and pumped into veins by an infusion ata rate of 8mg/ (kg· h) .
结果:A组患者的T1 、T2 、T3 时SBP、DBP、HR 较T0时有明显的升高,与T0相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).
Result:The patients in the group A whose SBP,DBP and HR level at T2 ,T1 and T3 has significantly increased compared with T0.The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).
T1 、T2 、T3时的SBP、DBP、HR组内相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).
Comparison of SBP,DBP and HR level showed no statistical significance among T1,T2 and T3 moments(P>0.05).
B组T1时SpO2有所下降,与T0 、T2 、T3相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),T0、T1 、T2 、T3的SBP、DBP、HR平稳.
Comparison the SpO2 level of T1 with that of T0 ,T2 and T3 showed statistical significance(P<0.05).The SpO2 level was decreased in group B at T1,whereas SBP,DBP and HR level was stable at T1 ,T2 and T3.
Group A patients have a relative poor anesthetic effect along with low satisfaction rate.This has statistic significance compared with group B (P
英语翻译以下是我上一个问题的英语翻译部分:ABSTRACTThe fuzzy distance is fuzzy set
The fuzzy distance is fuzzy set theory important constituent,From fuzzy set theory development,The fuzzy set distance is always attracting the multitudinous attention,The people continue to use in the real number theory the method,Measures the fuzzy set with a non-negative real number the distance,also is insinuates through the suitable transformation it to the real axis in.In order to cause this definition way to hasten reasonably,the people embark from the different angle,Proposed many different definition ways,If the Liu Chinese proposed” based on is away from the measure fuzzy number sorting”.Du Wenji,Xie Wei letter about” fuzzy set distance one measure method and in rule interpolation application” research.Bi Shu winsome about” fuzzy number operation nature and fuzzy number distance and limit” research.Proposed for this people the fuzzy set fuzzy distance concept,considered measures the fuzzy set with the fuzzy set the distance.If Zhang Guangquan proposed “Fuzzy number Fuzzy is away from and the Fuzzy limit”.Liu Huilin,Feng you huge mythical bird about “one kind of new fuzzy number distance definition”.Present paper mainly through to fuzzy mathematics concept,theorem as well as correlation nature research,thus discusses one kind of new fuzzy distance.Contains following content specifically:
One,in the summary fuzzy mathematics historical development progress,through to foundation fuzzy mathematics and so on the fuzzy set and fuzzy relationship research,is one kind of new fuzzy distance research builds the foundation.This article embarks from the fuzzy set truncation collection,establishes the fuzzy set using the fuzzy set theorem of dissociation the fuzzy distance.
Two,to the fuzzy set distance research,this article from the result expressed the form embarks the fuzzy set distance divides into the fuzzy set the solid distance and the fuzzy set fuzzy distance,and separately briefed these two kind of distance research condition.Embarks in this foundation from the fuzzy set and the classical collection relations,the application fuzzy set truncation collection as well as the theorem of dissociation,proposed one kind of new fuzzy set fuzzy distance definition,and has the partial ordering relations triangle fuzzy number fuzzy distance using this definition research.
Key words:Fuzzy set truncation collection,theorem of dissociation,fuzzy relationship.
missubb 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
摘要模糊距离是模糊集理论的重要组成部分,由模糊集理论的发展,模糊集合距离始终是吸引了众多的关注,人民继续使用,在实数理论的方法,措施上的模糊集与非负实数的距离,也是影射通过适当改造它的实轴条件,以造成这一定义方式 催生合理,人们开始从不同的角度,提出了许多不同的定义方式,如果刘中提出的"基于远离衡量模糊数排序" .杜文吉谢维信谢维信中的"模糊集距离一测方法,在规则内插中的应用"研究.毕庶倩的"模糊数的运算性质及模糊数的距离与极限"的研究.提出这个人的模糊集模糊距离概念,考虑采取措施,将模糊集与模糊集的distance.if张广泉拟议中的"模糊数的模糊距离 而模糊极限" .刘慧琳,冯友庞大神话鸟"的一种新的模糊数的距离定义" .本文主要通过模糊数学概念,定理以及相关性质的研究,因此,探讨一种新的模糊distance.contains以下具体内容:一,在简要模糊数学理论的历史发展进程,通过基金会,以模糊数学等方面的模糊集和模糊关系研究 是一种新的模糊距离的研究建立了地基走上文章从模糊集截断收集,确立了模糊集用模糊集定理离的模糊距离.二,模糊集合距离的研究,这篇文章从结果表达形式展开的模糊集距离分为模糊集固 距离和模糊集模糊距离,并分别介绍了这两种距离condition.embarks研究,在此基础上由模糊集与经典 收集的关系,应用模糊集截断收集以及定理离 提出了一种新的模糊集的模糊距离定义,并有偏序关系的三角模糊数的模糊距离采用这一定义的研究.关键词:模糊集截断收集,定理分解,模糊关系.
我有一篇英语短文不会翻译 这是毕业论文的摘要 Abstract:Sons and Lovers is an autobi
我有一篇英语短文不会翻译 这是毕业论文的摘要 Abstract:Sons and Lovers is an autobiographical novel
一缕凡尘 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语翻译ABSTRACTPurpose:The present paper describes a knowledge-
Purpose:The present paper describes a knowledge-based system (KBS) developed for selection of progressive die components to automate the design process of progressive dies in stamping industries.Design/methodology/approach:The production rule based KBS approach of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been utilized for constructing the proposed system.The system has been structured into seven KBS modules.Modules are user interactive and designed to be loaded in to the prompt area of AutoCAD.Findings:The output of system modules includes the type and proper dimensions of progressive die components namely die block,die gages (front spacer and back gage),stripper,punches,punch plate,back plate,die-set and fasteners.The system has been designed in such a way that the expert advices imparted by its modules are automatically stored in different output data files.These data files can be further utilized for automatic modeling of die components and die assembly.Research limitations/implications:Although the system is limited to the design of progressive dies only,yet it can be extended further for the design of other types of dies also.Practical implications:The proposed system is ready for use in sheet metal industries for quick selection of progressive die components.The system can be implemented on a PC having AutoCAD software and therefore its low cost of implementation makes it affordable by small and medium sized stamping industries.Originality/value:The proposed system is capable of accomplishing the time-consuming task of selection of progressive die components in a very short time period.Keywords:Automation engineering processes; Knowledge-based system; Progressive die components
拉吉他的老大 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
设计/方法:基于生产规则的人工智能(AI) 已经被用于系统方案架构中.整个系统分为7个KBS 模块.这些模块能够实现与用户的互动,并能够加载到即时 AutoCAD中.
结论:系统模块输出端包括顺序冲模组件的类型和适合尺寸,即模块、模块计量器(front spacer and back gage),脱模机、冲压机、冲压盘、 背板、模架和紧固件等.这样设计系统可以使模块传送的优质信息自动存储在不同的输出端数据文件中.这些数据文件还可以用于模具组件和模具装配的自动建模.
英语翻译AbstractPrevious studies have indicated that an effectiv
Previous studies have indicated that an effective control technique for heavy metal emissions from incinerators is to use solid sorbents to capture metals by physical deposition and chemical adsorption.However,the adsorbed heavy metals on the retired sorbents could possibly cause secondary pollution if they are inadequately treated.The main objective of this study is to increase the stability of four heavy metals (Cu,Pb,Cr and Cd) on retired sorbents by heat treatment.The stability was based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) tests.The parameters evaluated included:(1) different temperatures (900,1100 and 1300°C); and (2) various heating times (20,40 and 60 min).The results indicated that most of the leaching rates decreased with increasing temperature for the four toxic heavy metals.The heat treatment time did not regularly influence the stability of heavy metals,and affected it slightly when the temperature was controlled at 1300°C.
GNMP 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
tract这个单词有拉的意思?我看到“abstract”这个单词,可以这样记:abs+tract,说abs是away f
我看到“abstract”这个单词,可以这样记:abs+tract,说abs是away from的意思,而tract是draw的意思,就是“拉;拖”的意思,但是我到哪都查不到tract有“拉;拖”的意思呀?就说有“束;大片土地,地带;小册子”的意思,这是怎么回事?到哪能查到tract有“拉;拖”的意思?
liutao618 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
1、-tract 一词源自拉丁语,原意为 a drawing out (from its being an uninterrupted solo)(从一首未打断的独唱)中取出的一段,形成表示“一段、一束、一片”的引语词汇,逐步衍生为现在的“束;大片土地,地带;小册子”.由于原拉丁语含有“拖,拉,吸引”之意,后来就发展为带有表示这一意思的词根,如:

attract 吸引 —— 前缀 at- 表示“接近”,
distract 使分心,打扰 —— 前缀 dis- 表示“分开/分离”
abstract 摘要 —— 前缀 abs- 表示“脱离/离开”
intractable 难处理的 —— 前缀 in- 表示“否定/与...相反”,后缀 -able 表示“能够的”

如果想查到 tract 含有“拉/拖”意思的出处,有些词典在该词条后附有语源,不妨可以找找看.

2、前缀 abs- 与 ab-的意思相同,都表示“偏离、脱离或离开”只不过前者缀于字母 c, t 前,如:
abscond 潜逃,逃亡
abstract 摘要
abnormal 反常的,变态的
abduct 诱拐, 绑架

英语翻译Abstract:Development of a firm's core competencies is id
Development of a firm's core competencies is identified as the key for global leadership and competitiveness in the 1990s.NEC,Honda,and Canon are used as exemplars of firms that conceive of themselves in terms of core competencies.Core competencies are the organization's collective learning and ability to coordinate and integrate multiple production skills and technology streams; they are also about the organization of work and delivery of value in services and manufacturing.A firm must conceive of itself as a portfolios of competencies,instead of a portfolio of strategic business units (SBUs).The latter limit the ability of firms to exploit their technological capabilities; they are often dependent on external resources.The real source of advantage lies in management's ability to consolidate corporate-wide technologies and production skills into competencies,which will allow individual businesses to adapt to emerging opportunities.Cultivating core competencies does not mean outspending rivals on R&D,sharing costs among SBUs,or the price/performance of end products.Three tests identify such competencies:(1) they provide potential access to a wide variety of markets; (2) they significantly contribute to the customer benefits of the end-product; and (3) they should be difficult for competitors to imitate.Cultivating core competencies also means benefiting from alliances and establishing competencies that are evolving in existing businesses.The tangible links between core competencies and end products are core products,which embody one or more core competencies.Companies must maximize their world manufacturing share in core products.Global leadership is won by core competence,core products,and end products; global brands are built by proliferating products out of core competencies.Firms must avoid the tyranny of the SBU,the costs of which are (1) under investment in developing core competencies and core products,(2) imprisoned resources,and (3) bounded innovation.Top management must add value to a firm by developing strategic architecture,which will avoid fragmenting core competencies,establish objectives for competence building,make resource allocation priorities transparent and consistent,ensure competencies are corporate resources,reward competence carriers (personnel who embody core competencies),and focus strategy at the corporate level.A firm must be conceived of as a hierarchy of core competences,core products,and market-focused business units.Obsession with competence building will mark the global winners of the 1990s.(TNM)
Keywords:Growth strategies,Firm strategies,Organizational objectives,Core competencies,Organizational learning,Organizational structures,Alliance formation,Firm growth,Strategic planning
这是C.K.Prahalad和Gary Hamel写的《The Core Competence of the Corporation》的一段,我可以相应提高分值的哈~
ruanlidan 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
一个企业的核心能力发展被确定为全球的领导和在90年代竞争力的关键.NEC公司,本田,佳能被用作范例的公司认为自己的设想的核心竞争力方面.核心能力是组织集体学习和能力,协调和整合多种生产技能和技术流,它们是对工作和价值传递的服务业和制造业组织也.一个企业必须设想本身的能力的一个投资组合,而不是一个战略业务单位(SBU的)组合.后者限制了公司能够利用其技术能力,他们往往对外部资源的依赖 对优势的真正根源在于管理的能力,合并为能力,整个公司的技术和生产技能,让个别企业去适应新的机会.培养核心竞争力并不意味着开支比竞争对手的研发,交流各SBU的,还是价格成本/最终产品的性能.培养核心竞争力,同时也意味着得益于同盟,建立能力,这些都是在现有的业务发展.与核心竞争力和终端产品的有形联系是,核心产品,体现了一个或多个核心竞争力.公司必须最大限度地提高核心产品的世界制造业的份额.全球领导地位赢得了核心竞争力,核心产品和最终产品;的全球品牌是由内扩散的核心竞争力的产品上.企业必须避免的战略性业务,其费用暴政是:(1)根据发展的核心能力和核心产品的投资,(2)被监禁的资源,(3)范围内的创新.高层管理人员必须增加价值的一家公司通过发展战略的架构,以避免碎片的核心竞争力,建立能力建设的目标,使资源分配的优先次序透明和一致,确保竞争力是企业的资源,奖励权限运营商(人事体现谁的核心竞争力) ,并在企业层面的重点战略.甲公司必须理解为一种核心能力,核心产品层次,市场为导向的业务部门.强迫症与能力建设将标志着20世纪90年代的全球赢家.(分期) (TNM)
帮忙检查语法 坐等!AbstractThis paper explores four articles that rel
帮忙检查语法 坐等!
This paper explores four articles that relate to female participation in sports and the gender stereotype of female.The articles,however,have the common topic about “gender” but in different area.Duncan,Jensen,and Messner (1993),agree that the media lacks coverage of female’s sports on TV,radio and magazines.Since male have much better interest in sports than female,the media would like to target on male’s sports on TV.Other articles focus on gender bias of female in sports,people in the past thought that women can not do anything better than man.This paper explains what the gender bias of female in sports are,and in order to cheer them up to participate in sports.
candywjr 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
第三行的 area 用不用加s?
第四行的 TV,radio and magazines 这几个词的介词搭配不是都能用 on,而且是不是单复数要保持一致?建议用复数.
Since male have much better interest in sports than female这句话个人觉得很别扭.
英文程度好的大哥大姐帮帮小弟!帮小弟翻译一下以下文字吧.Abstract - This paper presents o
Abstract - This paper presents object models and service models such as an I/O object,a control object,a broadcasting service and an event service for a distributed control system(DCS).And three types of distributed control systems based on CORBA,DCOM,and Tspace,are designed and implemented using the suggested object models and service models.They are applied to the Ball and Beam position control system and their response times are measured.It is known from these measurements that the CORBA-based DCS has shorter response time than both DCOM-based one and Tspace-based one.This paper suggests two advanced modules of broadcasting service and event service to reduce communication delays without modification of ORB structure.
这个是老师让翻译的东西,不知道讲的是什么东西。谢谢1楼的兄弟,我再研究下看看!文章题目是Design and performance analysis of middleware-based distributed control systems
ss15917221722 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%