Economist里的一句话A more valid concern is that the GMAT is too n

欣112022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

A more valid concern is that the GMAT is too narrow in its focus on specific written and mathematical skills,and therefore robs classrooms of a student mix that would produce the best educational experience.后半句的robs classrooms of a student mix不太理解?


杜泓伯 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
GMAT is too narrow in its focus on specific written and mathematical skills 因此,它夺去了(robs)让课堂里有不同水准的学生(written写作,math数学 这两个不好,但别的方面好的学生)的机会


In the future,I want to be an economist.
In the future,I want to be an economist.
tdjdyq 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率80%
globalization is brining the whole world together,to economy,that not only gaves us more opportunites but also more risks.It requires professonal study,research and solution to catch the opportunites and defend ourself from risks.
Dear Economist,My newly-wedded wife and I are deeply in love
Dear Economist,
My newly-wedded wife and I are deeply in love. There is, however, one issue that threatens the happiness of our marriage. I absolutely insist on shopping at Walmart. My wife, meanwhile, would rather avoid Walmart at all costs.
  I have recently tried to convince her that not only does Walmart offer the lowest prices known to man, but that the chain is also a force for good―lower prices mean better standards of living for all consumers, increased global trade means a tighter-knit(紧密团结的) international community, and efficient operations translate into higher productivity growth for the economy. My wife complains about poor labour policies, the “fact” that Walmart squeezes suppliers, and that it puts local shops out of business.
  Who is right? Will our marriage survive?
   Brian Gee
Dear Brian,
I have to agree with you about Walmart. Jason Furman, then an economist at New York University, now an adviser to President Obama, famously argued in 2005 that Walmart was unwittingly (不知不觉地) a progressive success story. The chain’s prices don’t much affect me (I prefer Whole Foods) but Furman estimated that they benefited low-and-middle-income Americans to the sum of around $250 billion a year.
  Walmart does not pay much, so it may depress wages. Then again, it may increase wages by offering jobs to the otherwise-unemployed. Either way, the benefits of low prices to Walmart shoppers far outweigh any seemingly reasonable costs to Walmart employees. And while it is true that Walmart employees tend to be poor, the same is true of Walmart shoppers.
  Armed with this information you can face your wife with confidence. You are sure to win the conversation. The divorce is likely to be more argued.
68. What concerns Brian Gee so much that he wrote the letter?
A. His wife refuses to shop at Walmart.
B. They are faced with a divorce.
C. They can’t afford the costs of shopping at Walmart.
D. They are in conflict about shopping at Walmart.
69. Brian Gee’s wife tends to hold the opinion that _________.
A. it is wrong for Walmart to depress its employees’ wages
B. consumers’ lives have improved thanks to Walmart
C. Walmart’s business operation increases productivity in economy
D. Walmart’s business increases global trade
70. What can be inferred from the reply letter?
A. Some employees accept the low pay to keep the job.
B. Walmart appeals to only poor consumers and poor employees.
C. Employees suffer from Walmart’s low prices more than consumers.
D. Jason Furman, a New York University economist, spoke highly of Walmart.
wmtczx 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
68-70 DAA

It has aroused the interest of a growing number of economist
It has aroused the interest of a growing number of economists.最好详细点.
ch112200 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
arouse vt.激起引起
growing number 增长的数字,即越来越多
economist n.经济学家
Economists define money(or,equivalently,the money supply)as
Economists define money(or,equivalently,the money supply)as anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or services or in the____of debts.
A.payment B.paying C.repayment D.return
yangsm706800 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
dpveo 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
It's a theory to which many economists subscribe.在这儿which的作用
It's a theory to which many economists subscribe.在这儿which的作用是什么?他后面应该加动词做主语从句啊,可是这儿不是,这是怎么回事啊?which还有其他用法?
共回答了个问题 | 采纳率
economics economize economist economic economy economical ec
economics economize economist economic economy economical economically 如何高效记忆
ssheroy963 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
On the back of slowing economic growth,economists are predic
On the back of slowing economic growth,economists are predicting price
pressures will continue to ease.
On the back of sth.
诺易斯 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
请问这句话如何理解?However much the economist trumpeted his prescienc
However much the economist trumpeted his prescience, his accurate
prediction of a major downturn was not as uncanny as he led the
public to believe; for years he had been prophesying fiscal doom.
比如这句话“He is as strong as a horse. ”,我之前的处理就是“他很壮,就像一匹很壮的马”,就是把as...as中间的词分别带入到两个事物中去理解.可是这句话(类似的难句)却好像不能这么处理?
jiucaihua1998 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
as---as 理解为:和----一样
但not so-----as 是:-----不如-----
his accurate prediction of a major downturn was not as uncanny as he led the
public to believe
这句his accurate prediction of a major downturn和he led the public to believe相比较,所以是:
英语翻译by Thomas Sowell,EconomistThe first lesson of economics
by Thomas Sowell,Economist
The first lesson of economics isscarcity.There is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all who do wantit.(paragraph1)
However,the first lesson of politics isto disregard the first lesson of economics.When politicians discover a group who is vocal about the lack ofsomething they want,the “solution” will be to give them more.Where does“more” come from?—politicians who rob Peter to pay Paul.(2)
After a while,of course,wediscover that Peter doesn’t have enough.Bursting with compassion,politicians rush to the rescue.Needless tosay,they do not admit that robbing Peter to pay Paul will be a dumb idea inthe first place.On the contrary,they now rob Tom,Dick,and Harry to helpPeter.(3)
The latest chapter in this long-runningsaga is that politicians have now suddenly discovered that college studentsgraduate heavy in debt.To politiciansit follows,as the night follows the day,that the government may come to therescue with the taxpayer’s money.(4)
How big is this crushing burden ofcollege students’ debt that they hear so much about from politicians and mediadeep thinkers?For those students whograduate from public colleges owing money,the debt averages a little under$7,000.For those who graduate fromprivate colleges,the average debt is a little under $9,000.(5)
Buying a very modestly priced autoinvolves more debt than that.And a carloan has to be paid off faster than the ten years that college graduates get torepay his/her student loans.Moreover,students will keep buying cars several years,while one college education lastsa lifetime.(6)
College graduates,of course,earnhigher incomes than other people.Why,then,should we panic in the thought that they have to repay loans,for theeducation giving them their opportunities?Even graduates with relatively modest incomes pay fewer than 10 percentof there annual salary on the first loan the first year—with decliningpercentages in future years,as their pay increased.(7)
xx火石 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
由托马斯·索维尔,经济学家经济学的第一课.从未有足够的东西来完全满足所有谁做 (1款),但是,政治的第一课ISTO无视经济学的第一课.当政客们发现了一批他们想要的是谁的声音对缺乏的“解决方案”,将给予他们更多.在哪里“更”从何而来?谁抢拆东墙补西墙. (2)过了一段时间,当然,r彼得没有足够的.同情爆破,政治家驰援.不用tosay,他们不承认,拆了东墙补西墙将在矿井放在首位一个愚蠢的想法.相反,他们现在抢汤姆,迪克和哈利. (3)在这个长期最新章节是政客们现在突然发现,大学生在毕业债务沉重.要如下,如夜如下当天,政府可能会以用纳税人的钱. (4)这是沉重负担学生的债务,他们听到了这么多的政治家和思想家p有多大?对于这些学生来自公立大学下7000美元由于资金,债务平均一点.对于那些谁毕业学院,平均债务是在9000美元一点. (5)购买一比价格非常谦虚更多的债务.和carloan,必须还清比十年快,大学毕业生获得t他/她的助学贷款.此外,学生将继续购买汽车的几年里,当一个大专以上学历lastsa寿命. (6)大学毕业生,当然,收入比其他人.那么,为什么我们要在思想上,他们有偿还贷款惊慌,因为给他们机会?即使是大学毕业生相对微薄的收入支付少于10 %有年薪的第一笔贷款的第一年,在未来的几年,因为他们的薪酬增加. (7)
oppozx 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
宾语从句和同位语从句的区别先看一个句子,There is disagreement among economists a
先看一个句子,There is disagreement among economists about what money is and how it can be measured.书上说这个句子是宾语从句.又有另外一个句子,There is no doubt that the water in the river has been seriously polluted.书上说这句是同位语从句.我感觉他们两句很象,偏偏又都是there be结构,很不好判断.
jiangyanjun 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
News came that Bush was criticized by his assistant.
News came 已经独立成句,而后面是补充说明News的
I wanted to tell you that Bush was criticized by his assistant.
I wanted to tell you sth.tell要求双宾语,所以缺一个宾语呀,that ...就充当宾语
英语翻译it's theory to which economists subscribe,
ping198206 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
which引导定语从句,to跟 subscribe搭配,subscribe to 同意,赞同
it's theory to which economists subscribe,这是经济学家赞同的理论.
It's a theory to which many economists subscribe.这儿which是主语从
It's a theory to which many economists subscribe.这儿which是主语从句还是定语从句?如果改成"it is a theory which many economists subscribe to."which可以引导定语从句,不换成that?
rayshp 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
kllmy1123 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英语The visiting economist is speaking tonight,but Dr.Johnson
英语The visiting economist is speaking tonight,but Dr.Johnson doesn't seem to think much of him.
se110120 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
But other economists say the mathematics is not that simple.
But other economists say the mathematics is not that simple.这句话有语法错误吗.that 放在哪里?
hxz7068 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
.这句话没有语法错误.that 这里是副词=so 修饰形容词 simple
原句引导宾从的that省略了 与后面的 作副词的that无关
The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic (
The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic ( ) for Europe .
A.outlook B.lookout C.foresight D.project
布鱼 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
outlook是前景 见解的意思
The economist claimed that the crisis and the suffering ____
The economist claimed that the crisis and the suffering ______caused had a great influence on the whole world. B.which C.what D.they
我是阿香 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%

请问The economist believes that it is very important to balanc
请问The economist believes that it is very important to balance
The economist believes that it is very important to balance production and demand in every new field on a global ____,and keep the price of energy stable.
A degree B extent C scale D amount
li**gzi 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
选择 C scale
2、各项与介词的搭配如下: a global degree.在全球范围内/大规模地——介词与原题不符 a global extent 达到世界规模程度地上/在全球范围内——介词与原题不符
C.on a global scale 在世界规模上/在全球范围内——与原题相符 the amount 总数上达到——意思上与原题不符.
【考研英语】The Economist’s commodity price index is broadly uncha
【考研英语】The Economist’s commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago.
如题,句中 broadly是什么意思?
showhigh 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率82.1%
broadly 的意思是:总的来说,大体上.
英语试题很简单的.Ⅰ.Cloze Test.Economists believe that job earnings i
Ⅰ.Cloze Test.
Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation.They
acknowledge that people place varying emphasis__1__income,but point
out that workers tend to move from one occupation to another __2__changes
in salaries.In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that "proper information
regarding wages if sufficiently__3__upon people,will lead to correct choice of
occupation and correct __4__of people in an occupation ,provided barriers to
occupations have been removed."This means that the supply and demand of
workers have__5__to do with wages,__6__in turn influence people to choose
certain careers.However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed__
7__career choices can be __8__by economics alone .There is little question__
9__economic factors have some influence on choice of an occupation.But to
picture them as the major or most important reason__10__against the soundest
of folk wisdom:"Man does not live by bread alone." B.on C.into D.for
2.A.despite B.other than C.through D.because of impress be impressed C.impress D.impressed
4.A.number B.amount D.quantity
5.A.many B.much C.lot D.nohing B.that C.which D.where
7.A.before B.after C.until D.when
8.A.expected B.explained C.expressed
9.A.that B.which D.when go B.going C.goes D.go

A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries
is the way in which names are.Americans have__1__concern for "rank",especially
socially.Most Americans do not want to be treated in any especially respectful way
__2__of their age or social rank;it makes them feel uncomfortable,Many Americans
even find the__3__"Mr.","miss",or"miss"too formal.People of all ages may prefer to
be called by their first names."__4__call me Mrs.Smith,just call me Sally."Using only
first names usually indicates friendliness and acceptable to be more formal.Just__6
__and say that after a while you will use first names but you are accustomed to__7
__more formal when you first meet someone.
Very often,introductions are made using both first and last names:"Mary Smith.this
is John Jones."In this situation ,you are free to decide__8__to call the lady "Mary"or
"Miss Smith."Sometimes both of you will begin a conversation using first names__9_
_.You have a choice;if you don't want to use first names so quichly,no one will think
it impolite if you continue__10__to your own custom.
1.A.little B.a little C.much D.a lot
2.A.regardless B.capable C.because D.instead
3.A.names B.terms C.positions D.signs
4.A.Do B.Don't C.May D.Please
5.A.Therefore B.Espccially C.Generally D.However
6.A.shout B.speak D.laugh
7.A.have B.having D.being
8.A.whether B.what D.when
9.A.again B.instead C.finally D.immediately
10.A.conversation B.introducing C.according D.referring
jenny13688 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Many firms—The Economist included—automatically append t
Many firms—The Economist included—automatically append these sorts of disclaimers to every message sent from their e-mail servers,no matter how brief and trivial the message itself might be.无论电邮的信息是多么简短和琐碎,大部分企业(包括《经济学人》)都会自动在电邮服务器中的所有邮件中附加各式各样的免责声明.
水月忧郁 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
Many firms:主语
append ……to 谓语动词(双宾语及物动词,与动词 give的用法一样,如:I gave a gift to him.)
these sorts of disclaimers 动词append 的直接宾语
every message 介词to的宾语;动词append的间接宾语.
sent from their e-mail servers:过去分词短语作定语,修饰:message
no matter how brief and trivial the message itself might be:
习惯用法no matter how引导的名词性从句(为了加强语气倒装了的),正常语序是:no matter how the message itself might be brief and trivial
进一步说明:every message,可以看做是every message的同位语.
Although not an economist himself,Dr.Smith has long been a s
although not an economist himself,dr.smith has long been a severe critic
of the ***'___ policies
a.economical b.economic c.economy d.economics
白亭散人 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
B是 “ 与经济“有关”的”
求翻译,要准确点的,谢谢.Forty years ago, Swedish economist and politici
Forty years ago, Swedish economist and politician Staffan Linder gave us The Harried Leisure Class, a study of the relationship between money and time.
The Harried Leisure Class never became as famous as the Thorstein Veblen classic its tide was derived from. But its depiction of life as time becomes scarcer than money describes our 21st century wodd uncannily well. Two dilemmas that the accounting profession currently faces could be taken directly from its pages.
It was Linder who explained the paradox of "rational irradonality": the rational decision maker of economic theory requires time and money to gather and analyze the information necessary to make a rational decision. But the dme and money required to obtain and analyze this informadon may be more valuable than the benefit of an informed decision. If it is, then our rational decision maker is better off making an uninformed decision than wasdng scarce dme bothering to learn the marginal costs and utility that classical economic theory would have him/her base his/her decision on.
不要轮回 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率100%
40年前,瑞典经济学家、政治家Staffan Linder 给我们上了《匆忙的闲暇》(貌似应该hurrid吧.)这一课,这是一个关于金钱和时间的关系的课题.
这一课永远不会像Thorstein Veblen一样著名.(好吧.我不认识.也许是发表The Hurried Leisure的地方.这句语法我觉得有点毛病.没翻译.)但是它对于生活中时间比金钱更珍贵的论述异常精彩的表现了我们21世纪的生活.(wodd?神马东西.)会计学中现在普遍面对的进退两难的境地将会被去除.
work在这里怎样用?After a hard work of five years,the two economist
After a hard work of five years,the two economists came up with a new theory about financial crisis.work在这里是不可数,可这里前面却有a 这是为什么?
永远为你而展颜 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
ss深圳101 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
这个是语感问题,经济学人的文章大多比较专业,不知道楼主是不是经济专业的,不是的话本身对于理解就会存在一定问题,而且native speaker的表述方式本来就与我们所学的有些不同.反正还是只能多读.
英语翻译求解, If the Wealth of Nations was Smith the economist des
英语翻译求解, If the Wealth of Nations was Smith the economist describing the workings
If the Wealth of Nations was Smith the economist describing the workings of the market,Moral Sentiments is Smith the social psychologist describing how humans actually employ that market.
Wealth of Nations 国富论 Moral Sentiments 道德情操论 这句的语法结构式什么?谢谢
tina_zxl 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
前面用was,因为有if,是一种假设,整个的句子 用连词就是:
如果说 《国富论》是斯密作为经济学家阐述市场运行规律的(著作的)话,那么,《道德情操论》 就是斯密作为社会心理学家阐述人们如何实际运作那个市场(的著作).
Moral Sentiments,(wrote by) Smith (as) the social psychologist,is (a Work which) describes how humans actually employ that market Smith the social psychologist .
问一句英语新闻Listen to a top economist in the Obama administration
Listen to a top economist in the Obama administration describe Paul A.Volcker,the former Federal Reserve chairman who endorsed Mr.Obama early in his election campaign and who stood by his side during the financial crisis.
listen to sb do (describe) sth?为什么不是
listen to sb doing (describing) sth?
我的热情烧开了水 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
listen to sb do sth