
阿笑2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


沙丘夕阳线 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
名称:玉米须 类别:利水渗湿药 别名:玉麦须、玉蜀黍蕊 药用部位:花柱 药材性状:本品常集结成疏松团簇,花柱线形或须状,完整者长至30cm,直径约0.5mm,淡绿色、黄绿色至棕红色,有光泽,略透明,柱头2裂,叉开.质柔软.气无,味淡. 产地:分布于全国各地 采收加工:秋季收获玉米时采收.晒干或烘干. 性味归经:平;甘、淡;归膀胱、肝、胆经 功能主治:利尿消肿,利湿退黄.主治水肿,小便淋沥,黄疸,胆囊炎,胆结石,高血压病,糖尿病,乳汁不通. 用法用量:内服:煎汤,15~30g(大剂量60~90g);或烧存性研末.外用:适量,烧烟吸入.


ll版活动ll 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
译文:Take the corn must as raw material, uses the machinery smashing law to have to prepare the corn is about 5mm the length, uses the hot water immersion to raise the method preparation corn which precipitates with the ethyl alcohol to have the polysaccharide.In this process, the corn must the polysaccharide extraction rate take the time, the material fluid which the appraisal target, uses the single factor and the orthogonal testing method optimization extraction condition, in the inspection extraction process soaks which proposes the temperature, soaks raises compares as well as the ethyl alcohol volume compares to the polysaccharide extraction rate influence.The result indicated, when the water bath temperature for 90℃, the water bath time is 90min, the material fluid compared to is 1:25, the ethyl alcohol volume compared to is 3.5:1, the corn must the polysaccharide extraction rate most be superior is 0.608%.Studied the trichloroacetic acid solution concentration along with it to have the polysaccharide to eliminate the protein effect to the corn the influence, with the single factor experimental technique determination best technological conditions, had the polysaccharide to eliminate the OD280 value as the corn the protein effect the appraisal target, the result is, the density was 3% trichloroacetic acid solution must the polysaccharide eliminate the protein to the corn the effect to be best, this time OD280 was 0.107.Then inspected the corn to have the polysaccharide to the backwoods coli, the bud spore bacillus, the mold, the saccharomycetes and staphylococcus albus's bacteriostasis function, finally indicated, the corn must the polysaccharide to the backwoods coli, the staphylococcus albus, the bud spore bacillus have the remarkable bacteriostasis effect, was ordinary to mold's bacteriostasis effect, was not remarkable to saccharomycetes' bacteriostasis effect.
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