
CloneDiablo2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答


三中难民 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率100%
Beijing Wangfujing Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant
Quanjude 就是汉语拼音
Roast Duck是烤鸭
康平县小娟 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率
Quanjude Peking Roast Duck-Since1864
曾经的我爱过你 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
就是“QUANJUDE”如果说全聚德烤鸭就是“Quanjude Roast Duck”


颓然盛开 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
I went to Beijing this summer holiday.It's very beautiful.The Imperial Palace and the Great Wall are .spectacular.And the Beijing
Quanjude Roast Duck is also delicious.I like Beijing very much.I hope to go to the university of Beijing and visit Beijing again.
宝 马1年前1
小魔女琪琪 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
全聚德的创始人杨全仁开了全聚德烤鸭小铺后,请当时的一位叫钱子龙的秀才题写匾额.这一匾额几经风雨,跨了几个朝代,一挂就是130多年.可是不知您是否注意到:全聚德牌匾上的“德”字少了一横.这是为什么?请大家猜猜. 有人猜:当时杨老板把钱子龙请来,两人对饮开怀,杨全仁得知钱子龙书法写得非常好,于是马上拿出纸墨笔砚,请钱秀才题个字.由于钱秀才多喝了两杯,精神有些恍惚,一不留心,“德”字忘写了一横. 还有人说:当时,杨全仁创业时,一共雇了13个伙计,加上自己一共14个人.为了让大家安心干活,同心协力,所以让钱秀才少写一横,表示大家心上不能横一把刀.听到这儿,也许您会反问:那加上一横,不是更表示一心一意呢? 这些当然都是猜测和传说.真正的原因是什么呢?原来早在一千多年前,“德”就像多音字一样,它是多写字,有两种写法,可以有一横,也可以没有横.这一点,我们可以从唐宋元明清书法名家的墨迹中得到印证.比如,现立于北京国子监孔庙的清朝康熙皇帝御书《大学碑》中的“德”字就没有一横;又比如生活在与全聚德创立同期的清代画家郑板桥本人书写的“德”字,有的带一横,有的不带一横.这说明,在过去“德”字的两种写法都是正确的. 为了保持全聚德牌匾的历史原貌,所以牌匾上的“德”字一直少一横
lxyfsx 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
Quanjude was founded in 1864, the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi three years, has been 151 years of history, Quanjude Roast Duck selected Beijing duck roasted in the fire as the raw material, the way of hanging furnace and its products, bright color, crisp outside and tender inside.
wo99033 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
The art of roasting ducks evolved from techniques used to prepare sucking pigs.For more than a century,specialized chefs have developed the idea that the skin of the duck should be so soft and crisp that it melts in the mouth.In applying the traditional method of preparation,the chefs at Quanjude pay particular attention to the quality of the duck,the auxiliary ingredients and the type of wood burned in the oven.Special farms supply plump Beijing ducks weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms each.The two famous Beijing condiment shops,Liubiju and Tianyuan,supply the dark tangy bean sauce spread on the pancakes.The fragrant sesame oil and refined sugar are also specially selected.Finally,only the wood of fruit trees such as date,peach and pear are used in the roasting process to give the meat its unique fragrance.
The preparation of the dish requires a series of complicated steps,which include inflating the unbroken skin like a balloon so that it roasts just right.Quanjude employs chefs who specialize in these techniques,while other chefs prepare the non-duck dishes.Whereas in the past the restaurant's staff numbered no more than 40,it has at present grown to over 1,000.Among them are chefs and managers with records of 40 or 50 years of faithful service.
The slicing of the meat from the carcass of the duck is an art in itself.A skilled chef is able to cut between 100 and 120 slices in four or five minutes,each slice with an equal portion of both skin and meat.Inventiveness is another quality cultivated at Quanjude.One seasoned chef has mastered more than 80 dishes made from the duck's innards,head,wings and webs.A selection of these dishes,whether hot,cold,boiled,fried,stewed or pickled,will be the makings of an all-duck banquet.
The history of the roast duck can be traced back to as early as the Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368) when it was listed among the imperial dishes in the Complete Recipes for Dishes and Beverages,written in 1330 by Hu Sihui,an inspector of the imperial kitchen.Details regarding the cooking process were also described in this early cookbook.
In the early 15th century,when the Ming Dynasty capital was shifted from Nanjing to Beijing,roast duck remained one of the famous dishes on imperial court menus.According to the local history,the earliest roast duck restaurant in Beijing was the old Bianyifang Restaurant,which opened during the Jiajing reign (1522-1566).Distinct from the method in which the duck is hung from a hook in the ceiling of the oven and roasted over and roasted over burning wood,the Old Bianyifang Restaurant roasted its ducks with radiant heat.The walls of the oven were first heated with sorghum stalks whereupon the duck was placed inside and cooked by the heat given off by the walls.A duck roasted in this manner is crisp to the touch and golden brown in appearance; its flesh is both tender and tasty.
During the Qianlong period (1736-1796),roast duck was a favorite delicacy of the upper classes.According to Recipes from the Suiyuan Garden,the famous cookbook written by the poet and gourmet Yuan Mei,"Roast duck is prepared by revolving a young duckling on a spit in an oven.The chefs of Inspector Feng's family excel in preparing this dish." Other scholars,after dining on roast duck,were inspired to poetry.In one collection of old Beijing rhymes (Duan Zhuzhici) one of the poems reads:"Fill your plates with roast duck and suckling pig." Another contemporary annotation reads:"When an official gives a banquet he will choose dishes to please each of his guests.For example,Bianyifang' s roast duck".