we anticipate the plessure of hearing from you in the near f

789du2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答

we anticipate the plessure of hearing from you in the near future 翻译


作文开头 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
风雨一起走过 共回答了759个问题 | 采纳率
we anticipate the plessure of hearing from you in the near future


英语语法In reading stories we anticipate what is to come _______
In reading stories we anticipate what is to come __________on our memory of what has gone before.
A.based B.basing C.to base D.to be based
陈维刚 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
A 原因有两点一,anticipate:预计,估计是一个及物动词,后接宾语.所以what is to come (要发生什么事)是宾语.整句译作:在读故事的时候,我们预测要发生的事是以我们记忆中以前发生过的是为基础的.根据意思确定,base 这...
Do you anticipate that there will be any real problem in get
Do you anticipate that there will be any real problem in getting support?
dasfasdfsad 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
Do you anticipate there being any real problem in getting support?
The village was so quiet that that they did not anticipate _
The village was so quiet that that they did not anticipate ___ any trouble.A.meeting B.to meet
不是有expect to do吗,还是anticipate后只能加动名词形式?印象中有anticipate to do呀,它和anticipate doing又有什么区别呢?如果一个是未做过一个是已做过也该选B才对啊
JZ_Azheng 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
anticipate interest
anticipate payment
anticipated buying
他是有别于expect 的.
something they did not anticipate when they signed the contr
something they did not anticipate when they signed the contract early this year
向往飞的鱼 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
at large buy in contract out anticipate a variety of focus r
at large buy in contract out anticipate a variety of focus recognze aspect
1.there are__activities in marking.2.the importance of marketing will never be__too high.3.__marketing as a science is the result of the latest academic study.4.there has been a loss of community values in society__.5.the city council__the work on the new road several months ago.
lchshiwo 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
a variety ofanticipated Recognizeaspectcontracted out
yyxx11 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
You can expect us for lunch.
“We should not expect something for nothing—but we all do and call it Hope” (Edgar W.Howe).
“我们不应期待收获而不付出--相反我们应去做并称之为希望” (埃德加· W·何奥).
Anticipate 有时被用作expect 的同义词,但通常它不仅仅是期望这个意思,有时它指提前采取行动,来阻止预料中某事的发生或在一项要求或愿望说出之前使它得到满足:
anticipated the attack and locked the gates;
anticipating her desires.The term can also refer to having a foretaste of something expected before its occurrence:
用这些短语造句~entail doingevade doingpostpone doinganticipate doin
entail doing
evade doing
postpone doing
anticipate doing
can't face doing
contemplate doing
青绿十一 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
1、My job entailed working for 12 hours a day.必须,需要.
2、Don't try to evade paying tax.逃避,规避.
3、The couple decided to postpne having a baby.延期,延迟,推迟.
4、I didn't anticipate making the meal myself!预料,预期.
5、He couldn't face going out alone.无法面对,无法做到,受不了.
6、I've never contemplated leaving my job.想,打算,考虑.
I wish I could anticipate when it's going to rain.句中的when 意思
I wish I could anticipate when it's going to rain.句中的when 意思,是起时间状语吗?为什么?
qqzdc 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
这里when it's going to rain 可以看作是antipate的宾语.
几道MTI英语选择题 In reading stories, we anticipate what is to

In reading stories, we anticipate what is to come_____ on our memory of what has gone before.

A. basing B. based C. to base D. to be based

The negotiation is still going on, the people outside are anxiously waiting for the ____.

A.outcome B.consequence C.end D.corollary

With growth and development, forests_____ agricultural land and urban areas.

A.convert into B.have converted to C.are converted fromD.are being converted to

According to the law of the country, the Parliament will have to be____ before the General Election.

A. decomposed B. distributed C.dissolved D. disintegrated

stvpb 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.B based 首先谓语是anticipate,预测,整句的意思是在读故事的时候,我们预测 接下来发生的情节是以我们记忆中已经发生的内容为基础的,短语be based on sth,排除A和C,这个短语在做非谓语的时候,没有to be based这种用法,基本直接第一眼就可以排除D了,所以选B.
2.A outcome,单词的意思:outcome结果,中性词;consequence后果,中性词、偏消极;end结束、结尾;corollary推论,整句的意思是协商讨论仍然在进行,外面的人们焦急的等待着 ---结果,选A.
3.D are being converted to,convert A to/into B,把A转化成B,整句意思应该是随着社会的发展进步,森林正在被转化成农业用地和城市用地,森林是被转化的,所以排除A和B,而C是convert from,意思不对,所以选D,are being converted to,现在进行时的被动语态,强调正在进行,正在被转化,
4.D disintegrated,单词意思:decompose 分解腐烂,distribute 贡献,dissolved 溶解,disintegrated 分解解体.整句的意思应该是,根据国家发,在大选之前,国会将被解体.
Students anticipate the decline in "the resale value of a te
Students anticipate the decline in "the resale value of a textbook that is up for revision"什么意思
yzqpro 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
学生们希望降低 修订好的课本转卖价
英语翻译whereas,the parties hereto anticipate that the company m
whereas,the parties hereto anticipate that the company may disclose to 123 certain trade secrets of the company and the names of certain key personnel affiliated with the company in connection with a possible investment in the company by one or more affiliates of 123
This agreement and the restrictions and limitations contained herein shall expire on the earlier of(a) the first anniversary of the date first written,and (b)the closing of an equity financing by the company in which any of the partnerships is an investor.
小北转角遇见怪 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
没有上下文,不好掌握用词.大概意思是:反之,组织(the parties没有上下文这个确实不好乱翻)希望公司能向123透露一些公司的商业秘密,以及透露1个或者多个123旗下的某些有潜在投资可能的相关业务公司的人员的名字.
we don't think it is wise not to anticipate his report
we don't think it is wise not to anticipate his report
池塘里的虫虫 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
anticipate and hope有什么区别呀?
漂在树叶上的蚂蚁 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
hope: 指希望得到积极、有利的结果,所期待的可能实现,也可能不会实现. anticipate: 指对未来的期望,一般是对好事的期待.
求解几道英语选词填空题available anticipate have...ready a matter of in
available anticipate have...ready a matter of in particular present prepare for
1.will you help me___the ***?
2.the hotel is full now,so there are no rooms ___.
3.we have been aware that it's___life and death.
4.they have already____everything____for the trip.
5.we didn't____that she would fail the exam.
6.the small town has ___a beautiful appearance.
7.they didn't talk anything ___at the meeting.
八罗姐几盖嗨 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
1.prepare for
3.a matter of
7.in particula
MARK_粽 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
只有这两个 Anticipate vt 预期;预料;期待,预先做...;预支
  Participate vi 参与,参加
I wish I could anticipate when it's going to rain.句中的when 意思
I wish I could anticipate when it's going to rain.句中的when 意思,起什么作用?
maplezheng 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
I wish I could anticipate when it's going to rain.
When 可以理解为 什么时候
英语翻译1.A long-range plan is necessary in order to anticipate
1.A long-range plan is necessary in order to anticipate any future needs or opportunities that require action to be taken either now or in the near future.
2.Management accounting deals principally with the gathering of data from both internal and external sources and analysing,interpreting and communicating the resulting informating within the organisation to aid management processes.请问deal在句中是什么意思?
3.Short-run problem decisions.typically,unforeseen"one-off" special decisions of a non-recurring nature,where the costs and benefits are all obtained within a relatively short period.What price should be quoted in the tender for a contract?请问in the tender
4.Performanceevaluation entails setting targets.recording actual performance and comparing this to target performance.this sounds straightforward enough,doesn't it?The identification of appropriate performance measures to affect the appropriate behavioural response is often diffcult,however ,and costing systems are often unable to provide the target and actual information.For example,if dividional managementare appraised usinga profit figure which includes non-controllable costs at division leverl and approtined group costs and the costing system is unable to provide a figure for controllable profit,a negative motivational impact is likely.We consider these iddues more fully throughout the text
kpunker 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1长远规划是为了预测未来任何需要或机会,需要采取行动 无论现在或将来.
in the tender在招标
anticipate to get together with each other get boh behind ea
anticipate to get together with each other get boh behind each is mind 急,帮下忙
tik__u 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
A:at larger B:buy in C:contract out D:anticipate E:a variety
A:at larger B:buy in C:contract out D:anticipate E:a variety of F:focus G:recognize H:aspect
there are__activities in marking..the importance of marketing will never be__too high..__marketing as a science is the result of the latest academic study..there has been a loss of community values in society__..the city council__the work on the new road several months ago.
tt99tt99 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率72.2%
Like many other high school seniors, I eagerly anticipate li

Like many other high school seniors, I eagerly anticipate life after graduation. In less than three months, my belongings will be packed up and shipped to the other side of the country.
I had never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would attend college in Ithaca, New York. I had had my heart set on a university in California and of majoring in English.
Nearly all of my friends are staying in state, and I remember thinking to myself, when one friend said she would be going to college in Virginia: Why would someone ever choose to move away from California?
But by a twist of fate, I received a letter from Ithaca College, inviting me to apply for a program in communications. On a while, I decided to apply. What were the chances that I would be selected as a finalist? If I hadn’t applied, I would have always regretted not trying. Yet secretly, I hoped that I wouldn’t be chosen.
But, as things turned out, I was offered one of the scholarships. I also received admission letters from the other colleges I had applied to, all of which were California schools.
As I began to weigh my options, I wrote out a pro/con (利弊) list for each of my schools. I began to realize that my reasons for wanting to go to certain schools in California were based on considerations of comfort. It would be so reassuring to be close to my family and my home.
Then I began to think about the expensive tuitions (学费) and class shortages in the California public school system. These issues were not likely to greatly improve in the next four years. Slowly, I came to the conclusion that Ithaca was the ideal choice for me – culturally, academically and financially.
Fear of the unknown should not be a reason for shying away from opportunities. It might be difficult to adapt to my new situation, but I am confident I have made the right decision.
64. What is the point of the article?
A. To introduce the advantages of studying at Ithaca College.
B. To tell readers what matters when applying to a college.
C. To share the author’s experience of choosing a college.
D. To compare the differences between Ithaca College and California schools.
65. The author decided to go to Ithaca College because ______.
A. she wasn’t accepted by any of her dream schools in California
B. she has a great interest in Ithaca College’s communications program
C. she was offered a scholarship by Ithaca College but not by colleges in California
D. she thinks that teaching and classes are better at Ithaca College than at California schools
66. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The author had never thought of going to college in New York.
B. The author is independent and likes adventure.
C. The author believes it will be easy to adapt to college life.
D. The author applied to Ithaca College because Ithaca College is much cheaper than California schools.
67. Judging from the article, what has the author learned from her experience?
A. That she must make good use of her time in college.
B. Not to let fear put her off something she wants.
C. That nothing we want in life can be achieved without effort.
D. Not to take any risks.
6个耳洞 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%

赌坊30 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
anticipate:[ æn'tisipeit ]
v.预期,期待;占.之先,抢.之先;提前使用 词义更广
foresee:[ fɔ:'si:]