What is the definition of love?

yangliangel2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

What is the definition of love?
We are always talking about love .But who knows what is the true love Who can give the definition of love


鼠鼠鼠830403 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Love is life go hand in hand,and never abandon the half of his or hers.Maybe,this is love,this is what I think.
过海飘扬 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率
‘I’代表Listen(倾听),爱就是要无条件无偏见地倾听对方的需求,并且予以协助。 ‘O’代表Oilgate(感恩),爱需要不断地感恩与慰问,付出更多的爱,
hefanwei 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率
In my mind, true love just I care him and he understand me and we can live together with a peaceful or other various life if you can accept. Maybe many don't think so. but, It's my opinion. When both are old, we have chance watch TV and have dinner together...


What's the definition of American Dream in English?
What's the definition of American Dream in English?
The dislussionment of American Dream in Martin Eden
风月乱雨 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
The American Dream is the idea (often associated with the Protestant work ethic) held by many in the United States of America that through hard work,courage and determination one can achieve prosperity..wanna see more,go to the website
what is history?definition of history
wolf219 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
1 the study of past events,particularly in human affairs :medieval European history.
• the past considered as a whole :letters that have changed the course of history.
2 the whole series of past events connected with someone or something :the history of Aegean painting.
• an eventful past :the group has quite a history.
• a past characterized by a particular thing :his family had a history of insanity.
3 a continuous,typically chronological,record of important or public events or of a particular trend or institution :a history of the labor movement.
• a historical play :Shakespeare's comedies,histories,and tragedies.
英文java题Question 3.(a)Write a Java definition for a class Per
Question 3.
Write a Java definition for a class Person defined by
name The name of the person
age The person’s age
height The person’s height (in meters)
(you need to decide what is the type of each attribute).
The class should contain two methods:a constructor (to set up an instance),and
a method greetings which displays the message
“Hello,my name is
,I am
,and I am
meters tall.”
(b) Write a Java application program that instantiates an object in the class Person
and then calls the greetings method.
(c) Define another greetings method which will print the message
“Hello your_name
,my name is name
,I am age
,and I am height meters tall.” (assume that your name is defined as a constant string in the main
(d) Suppose we want to give this person an additional skill.She must be able to
convert a decimal length measure given in centimeters (to be read from the input)
to the imperial equivalent in inches.
use Person and TestPerson (driver class) for the two classes.You only
need to implement all the required methods in the one Person class.Extra
methods will be ignored.
kors 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
class Person {
private String name ;
private int age ;
private int height;
public Person(String name,int age ,int height){
this.name = name ;
this.age = age ;
this.height = height ;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name ;
public void setAge(int age){
this.age = age ;
public void setHeight(int height){
this.height = height ;
public void greetings(){
System.out.println("Hello,my name is"+name+",I am "+age+",and I am "+height+"meters tall.");
public void greetings(String yourname){
System.out.println("Hello,"+yourname+" my name is"+name+",I am "+age+",and I am "+height+"meters tall.");
public class TestPerson{
public static void main(String[] args){
Person p = new Person("张三",18,175);
what's pronunciation?我要的是definition,不是中文解释.回答详细的,
what's pronunciation?我要的是definition,不是中文解释.回答详细的,
忘记第二个问题了,What's pronunciation teaching?可以直接给我链接
daydaydown 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
The way we say and pronunce a word.
1.2 The definition of Multi-media computer assisted language
1.2 The definition of Multi-media computer assisted language teaching and learning
reveh 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
1.2 多媒体计算机的定义协助了语言教学和学问
英语翻译The Definition of “Price” Prices determine how resources
The Definition of “Price”
Prices determine how resources are to be used.They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers.The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services,including labor,professional,transportation,and public-utility services.The interrelationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices.The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad,complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define “price”,many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or,in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.This definition is,of course,valid as far as it goes.For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction,much more than the amount of money involved must be known.Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount,but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged,the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made,the form of money to be used,the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction,guarantees on the product or service,delivery terms,return privileges,and other factors.In other words,both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.
HOPESUCCESS 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
价格决定资源是如何被用的.他们也是方法被哪一个产品和在被有限的补给中的服务在买主之中被分配.这些价格的相互关系组成价格的 " 系统 " .任何特别的产品的价格或服务在哪一个每件事物似乎或多或少仰赖其他每件事物与一个价格的宽广又复杂系统相连.
如果一将要求一群任意挑选的个体定义 " 价格 ",多数会答复,价格是对产品的卖方或者服务被买主支付的许多钱或者,换句话说哪一价格是如一个市场交易所决定的产品的钱价值或服务.这一种定义当然,是有效的当做遥远地当做它去.以价格的完全理解在任何的特别交易中,比被牵涉的钱的数量多许多一定被知道.买主和卖方应该熟悉不只有钱数量,但是由于数量和产品的质量或者服务被交换,时间和地方在哪一个交换将会发生,而且付款将会被赚,钱的形式被用,信用期限和在产品或服务上适用于交易 ,保证的优惠,递送期限,回返特权 ,和其他的因素.换句话说,买主和卖方应该包含被交换的总 " 包裹 " 的所有的因素完全了解因为那开 - 为钱的数量井然有序地哪一他们可能评估给定的价格.
The definition leaves ______ for disagreement.
The definition leaves ______ for disagreement.
A.a small room
B.much room
C.great deal room
D.not so big a room
sjsjsj 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
room做空间解释时为不可数名词,所以A是错的,C应该是a great deal of,D的表诉是错的,所以选B
英语翻译有英语的oral presentation.关于战争的.the definition of war请英语好的朋友
有英语的oral presentation.关于战争的.the definition of war
usher1981 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1.Wars are mainly started by conflict among politicians of different countries, not the military itself. So the war is also seen as a result of extreme means of political and diplomatic.
2.Generally, war involves two or more organized groups. All groups involved have common interests of concern, however they cannot agree on certain aspects of the subject in question. When a settlement or universal agreement cannot be reached after many negotiations, both parties decide to go to war. The war begins with a certain scale of violence, and ends when the opposing parties, whether active or passive, become too weak economically or in weaponry, and consequently lose the battle.
3.War is the most violent and brutal way to resolve conflicts, however it is often the most effective and most efficient solution for conflicts between political or ethnic groups and between nations. The use of violence can also be interpreted as a means of destruction and maintenance of order, collapse and reconstruction.
Definition of Wealth gap (贫富差距的英文定义)
Definition of Wealth gap (贫富差距的英文定义)
拉卡米 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Wealth gap refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income. The term typically refers to inequality among individuals and groups within a society, but can also refer to inequality among nations. Economic Inequality generally refers to equality of outcome, and is related to the idea of equality of opportunity. It is a contested issue whether economic inequality is a positive or negative phenomenon, both on utilitarian and moral grounds.
Wealth gap has existed in a wide range of societies and historical periods; its nature, cause and importance are open to broad debate. A country's economic structure or system (for example, capitalism or socialism), ongoing or past wars, and differences in individuals' abilities to create wealth are all involved in the creation of economic inequality.
There are various Numerical indexes for measuring economic inequality. Inequality is most often measured using the Gini coefficient, but there are also many other methods.
英语翻译if you change the word home on definition to the word se
if you change the word home on definition to the word sea,would the definition fit the word seasick
舞雨风月 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
英语翻译physical|definition|mental|emotion|stress|recover1.A per
1.A person with a healthy mind is( )healthy.
2.Peter was sick,but now he's better.He( )quickly.
3.I always eat when I'm feeling( ).
4.( )support is a kind of help that a friend can give.Examples are giving advice,spending time with someone,or listening.
5.A person who doesn't get colds or flu is probably( )healthy.
6.In this dictionary"reality"is( )as"the state of things as they are,rather than as they are imagined to be.
伴你走一程 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1 mentally 一个有着健康思想的人,我们就说他是头脑健全的
2 recovers 皮特病了,但现在他好多了,他康复的很快
3 stressful 压力大的时候,我总是喜欢吃东西
4 Emotional 情感上的帮助,是朋友给予的.例如提供建议,与某人呆在一起,或者倾听
5 physically 一个人如果不感冒,也不会感染病毒,那么他可能身体很健康
6 defined 在字典里,"真实”这个词语被这样定义:事物本来的状态,而不是它们被想象出来的样子
英语翻译The definition is,of course,valid as far as it goes.
氧氧猫 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英语翻译What is the definition of drawing in accounting?Which si
What is the definition of drawing in accounting?Which side does it go(credit or debit?) I just brwse a website where they said drawing included salaries and dividends,but I still got a salaries column on the balance sheet.Then what must I do?
youyu521 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
drawing is the business owner taking money out of bank straight for his own use.
drawing is called withdrawal sometimes and it normally appears on P&L report after net profit. it brings down the net profit figure to the amount of retained profit.
say a company has 12k net profit and the owner has taken 2k at some stage, so the retained profit would be 10k which will then go to balance sheet under owner's equity.
normally owners' wages go under salary expense too but it depends on the company structure, they may go under withdrawal too sometimes if it's a sole trader or partnership because they can take whatever they want as salary and it's in nature a WITHDRAWAL instead of a regular salary.
hopefully that helps.
what is your definition of a good society?
what is your definition of a good society?
BRAN_lili 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
a good society is a free,democratic and scientific one,that people can get what they need and the most important is that all the people can get well along with each other.
definition of culture
definition of culture
文化的定义 英文的 要长点的几句话像一小段(至少有5句话) 论文用的
smhysmhy 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge,experience,beliefs,values,attitudes,meanings,hierarchies,religion,notions of time,roles,spatial relations,concepts of the universe,and material ob...
由英语释义推出英语单词有没有什么在线网站可以有定义查出原词的比如说,有一条definition是 to express
比如说,有一条definition是 to express briefly 现在我想知道它是那个词的definition该怎么办
xclking 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
What is newsthe definition of news
盈盈秋光 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
unix 翻译The Open Group holds the definition of what a UNIX sy
unix 翻译
The Open Group holds the definition of what a UNIX system is and its associated trademark in trust for the industry.

In 1994 Novell (who had acquired the UNIX systems business of AT&T/USL) decided to get out of that business. Rather than sell the business as a single entity, Novell transferred the rights to the UNIX trademark and the specification (that subsequently became the Single UNIX Specification) to The Open Group (at the time X/Open Company). Subsequently, it sold the source code and the product implementation (UNIXWARE) to SCO. The Open Group also owns the trademark UNIXWARE, transferred to them from SCO more recently.
Today, the definition of UNIX ® takes the form of the worldwide Single UNIX Specification integrating X/Open Company's XPG4, IEEE's POSIX Standards and ISO C. Through continual evolution, the Single UNIX Specification is the defacto and dejure standard definition for the UNIX system application programming interfaces. As the owner of the UNIX trademark, The Open Group has separated the UNIX trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus allowing multiple implementations. Since the introduction of the Single UNIX Specification, there has been a single, open, consensus specification that defines the requirements for a conformant UNIX system.
There is also a mark, or brand, that is used to identify those products that have been certified as conforming to the Single UNIX Specification, initially UNIX 93, followed subsequently by UNIX 95, UNIX 98 and now UNIX 03.
The Open Group is committed to working with the community to further the development of standards conformant systems by evolving and maintaining the Single UNIX Specification and participation in other related standards efforts. Recent examples of this are making the standard freely available on the web, permitting reuse of the standard in open source documentation projects , providing test tools ,developing the POSIX and LSB certification programs.
From this page you can read about the history of the UNIX system over the past 30 years or more. You can learn about the Single UNIX Specification, and read or download online versions of the specification. You can also get involved in the ongoing development and maintenance of the Single UNIX Specification, by joining the Austin Group whose approach to specification development is "write once, adopt everywhere", The Open Group's Base Working Group or get involved in the UNIX Certification program.
gh1010111 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
The Open Group holds the definition of what a UNIX system is and its associated trademark in trust for the industry.
Open Group掌握UNIX系统的的定义,以及其相关的产业商标.
In 1994 Novell (who had acquired the UNIX systems business of AT&T/USL) decided to get out of that business. Rather than sell the business as a single entity, Novell transferred the rights to the UNIX trademark and the specification (that subsequently became the Single UNIX Specification) to The Open Group (at the time X/Open Company). Subsequently, it sold the source code and the product implementation (UNIXWARE) to SCO. The Open Group also owns the trademark UNIXWARE, transferred to them from SCO more recently.
1994年,Novell公司(其已经获得AT&T/USL的UNIX的系统交易)决定退出这项交易.Novell转让UNIX的商标和标准(后来成为单一的UNIX标准)给Open Group(当时的X/Open Company),这胜于出售为一个单一实体.随后,其出售源代码和产品发行(UNIXWARE)给SCO.Open Group同样拥有刚从SCO转让而来的UNIXWARE商标.
Today, the definition of takes the form of the worldwide Single UNIX Specification integrating X/Open Company's XPG4, IEEE's POSIX Standards and ISO C. Through continual evolution, the Single UNIX Specification is the defacto and dejure standard definition for the UNIX system application programming interfaces. As the owner of the UNIX trademark, The Open Group has separated the UNIX trademark from any actual code stream itself, thus allowing multiple implementations. Since the introduction of the Single UNIX Specification, there has been a single, open, consensus specification that defines the requirements for a conformant UNIX system.
今天, UNIX ® 的定义采取从X/Open公司的XPG4、IEEE的POSIX标准和ISO C结合的全球单一UNIX标准.经过持续不断的发展,单一UNIX标准在事实上和(Dejure?)上已经是UNIX系统应用编程界面的标准定义.作为UNIX商标的拥有者,Open Group已经从任何其本源的现行编码中分离出UNIX商标,因此允许多种产品发行.自单一UNIX标准的传入,其已经是一个单一的,开放的,大众认同的标准,其详细定义了一个UNIX的系统构架的必要条件.
There is also a mark, or brand, that is used to identify those products that have been certified as conforming to the Single UNIX Specification, initially UNIX 93, followed subsequently by UNIX 95, UNIX 98 and now UNIX 03.
其同样是一个商标或品牌,其被用来定义那些已经被鉴定为符合单一UNIX标准的产品,最早的UNIX 93,后来的UNIX 95、UNIX 98和现在的UNIX 03.
The Open Group is committed to working with the community to further the development of standards conformant systems by evolving and maintaining the Single UNIX Specification and participation in other related standards efforts. Recent examples of this are making the standard freely available on the web, permitting reuse of the standard in open source documentation projects , providing test tools ,developing the POSIX and LSB certification programs.
Open Group承担与社会合作促进的单一UNIX标准系统构架标准的发展, 其正在发展和维护中.并共同分享相关的标准成就.就最近的例子,已经将其标准免费公布与网上,允许使用于开源项目,提供测试工具,开发POSIX和LSB标准的程序.
From this page you can read about the history of the UNIX system over the past 30 years or more. You can learn about the Single UNIX Specification, and read or download online versions of the specification. You can also get involved in the ongoing development and maintenance of the Single UNIX Specification, by joining the Austin Group whose approach to specification development is "write once, adopt everywhere", The Open Group's Base Working Group or get involved in the UNIX Certification program.
从这里你可以读到UNIX系统过去30多年的历史.你可以学习单一UNIX标准,阅读和下载线上版的标准.你也可以得到正在发展和维护的单一UNIX标准.由于Austin Group的加入,其标准发展的方法是 “Write once, adopt everywhere(一次写下,无论何处都可采用)”.Open Group的Base Working Group或者涉及UNIX的标准程序.
请教英语单词和短语意思be unaccustomedto,revirse,definition,vocational
反方向的爱 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
be unaccustomed to 不习惯
revirse 还是reverse (n背面 相反 v 颠倒 adj 相反的)
definition 定义 清晰度
vocational 职业的
definition of globalization
definition of globalization
pukuai 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
Roberson's definition of globalization runs as follows:
"Globalization as a concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole….both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the global whole."
Anthropology was by definition impossible是什么语法结构?这个介词让我很糊涂
2ca3 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
y definition 作为impossible的定语
what is the definition of modernism
gulysses 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
英语翻译Match each vocabulary word on the left with definition o
match each vocabulary word on the left with definition on right
( )1.streamers a.positive,supportive words
( )2.custodian b.turn a switch on or off
( )3.encouragement c.breathe deeply and heavliy
( )4.deserved d.*** decorations made form paper
( )5.glanced e.looked quickly
( )6.sigh f.person who takes care of a building
( )7.flicked g.was worthy of
6_402 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
1.streamers 水流纹(因显影搅动不正常而产生的不平均显影结果);飘带;燕尾服(streamer的复数形式),在本题中意为“飘带”.
2.custodian 管理人;监护人,本题中意为管理人
3.encouragement 鼓励(名词)
4.deserved 应得的
5.glanced 瞥一眼(动词)
6.sigh 叹息(可作名词,也可作动词)
7.flicked vt.轻弹;忽然摇动;轻轻拂去
11.Giving the following definition:
11.Giving the following definition:
public class Upton{
publicstatic void main(String argv[]){
public void amethod(int i){}
After //Here,which statement is legal:
a) publicint amethod(int z){ return 99; }
b) publicint amethod(int i,int j){return 99;}
c) voidamethod(long l){ return 99}
d) privateint anothermethod(){}
w11322 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
英语翻译1/Our definition of product is object,campaign or perfor
1/Our definition of product is object,campaign or performance —— all with a defined audience.But we will always be open to what a product can be.
2/I guess that makes me a failure as a designer in my ownestimation.
3/i dont't see the use of biting the hand that feeds or helps you.
4/That said,I tend to have themes that run through mydesigns for periods of time.
if1123 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率79.2%
1.对于产品的定义是客观,运动,表象,即都是一个所定义他的人自己所感知的.但我们总被一个产品能够做成的所打开.2.我猜是我失败的就是作为一个什么的设计师3.我没有看出这个用处.4.那就是说,我以在一段时间RUN THROUGH...
This can help you find the definition that matches the coute
This can help you find the definition that matches the coutext of the word in the text. 分析句子成分。
集格 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率
英语翻译The definition also exclude the majority of teachers,des
the definition also exclude the majority of teachers,despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.
哪位能通俗易懂的讲讲whereby 在这里的用法和意义啊
k4smile 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
whereby 是副词,英语解释是 by which; because of which 汉语意思是凭此,借以,由于
The definition also exclude the majority of teachers,despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method by which many intellectuals earn their living.

What is the popular definition of culture?Where does culture
What is the popular definition of culture?Where does culture come from?国际市场营销英文论述题
梨树想海棠 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
Popular culture -the opposite of high cultural art forms. popular culture includes many forms of cultural communication including newspapers, television, advertising, comics, pop music, radio, cheap novels, movies, jazz, etc.
英语翻译This paper focuses on market definition and market power
This paper focuses on market definition and market power analysis.Our purpose
is to demonstrate the inadequacies of the traditional structural indicia that have
been used by economists and others to define markets and assess market power in high technology industries and to suggest alternative approaches that are more
appropriate for these industries.We do not consider conduct/behavioral issues,
except peripherally.We utilize examples from antitrust litigation and agency
review that occurred in three industries to illustrate the shortcomings of traditional
不要一句句翻 是一段
fpzzg 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
What is the definition of academic writing?
What is the definition of academic writing?
lilingfuyi 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Writing academicly means using active,third person,and present tense when writing a piece.Academic writings usually are essays,commentaries,and maybe lab journals.
what is your definition of a friend
lkxmb 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
薇雨滴滴 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
definition 是指某种事物的定义、规定
会计英语 1.Early definition of accounting tended on the traditio
会计英语 1.Early definition of accounting tended on the traditional______functions of the account
2.The simplest form of the account is known as____________________.
3.The simplest and most flexible type of the journal is ________________.
4. In some industries, it is common to give discounts for early payment called________________________.
5. The double-entry system is based on _________________.
五云山客 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1、1、早期的传统的会计职能被界定为核算与监督.Early definition of accounting tended on the traditionalCheck and supervisefunctions of the account
2The simplest form of the account is known as the "T" account,because it resembles the letter "T".最简单的帐户形式被称为T型帐,因为他的形状好象字母T.
4、In some industries,it is common to give discounts for early payment called trade discount在某些行业,一般会给提前付款折扣叫商业折扣
3、The simplest and most flexible type of the journal is Card Book最简单和最灵活的分类账是卡片账
5、The double-entry system is based on the principle of duality 复式记账法是基于对称原理
The definition of price(名词加the 和 加复数的用法)
The definition of price(名词加the 和 加复数的用法)
Prices determine how recources are to be used.They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among the buyers.The price system of the united states is a complex system composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services including labor,professional,transportation,public-utility services.the interrelationships of all those prices make up the “system”of prices.The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad,complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
以上是从俞敏洪的《英语现代文背诵篇章>中的片断.有关product 和service 有不同的三种用法,1)+the ,2)+the + s 3) 光+S ,
另外包括PRICE 也有多种用法,
名词啥时加 the ,啥时加s .我有点晕...
等到雨过天晴 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
1,product 和service 加the 的用法应该看句子而定,就跟其它的词前加the 是同一道理.
2,THE +复数 则是表是某一种类了~
price 可以做动词也可以名次啊~
+S 也是价钱的意思,动词的话一般很少用到+S的的时候,+EDD的时候比较多~
xzzcn0011 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
the definition of Morphemes and examplesof it.
含砚 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
Morphemes could be divided into two parts:free morphemes (including lexical morphemes and fuctional morphemes)and boundmoephmes(including derivational morphems and inflectioanl morphemes).Morphology is the study of the internal structure,forms and classes of words,as a branch of linguistics.For instance,we could take some words part to serval components,and has its independent meaning,such as chairman can be analyse into chair and man; townhall into town and hall; then disappointment into dis,appoint,and ment.
英语翻译Maturity Grid:Definition of Defects Gravity and Evolutio
Maturity Grid:Definition of Defects Gravity and Evolution
7.2.1 Coverage.
All measurement and test during trial run should be counted.For the critical issue in the process,should be counted if no effective solution.
7.2.2 The maturity grids models are based on the following consideration:
 Gravity of defects are basically split in four ranges
S –Major defects relevant to approvals
The product is not fulfilling the approval requirements whatever they are (radio,EMC,safety...) or the mandatory standard.
A - Major defects.
Every customer,having this defect,will send back the product or the product cannot be produced.
B –Less critical defects.
Critical customers,having this defect,will send back the product or the production of the product is difficult.The other customers will not send back the product but will be disappointed (alter the brand image.
C –Minor defects.
The product can be produced or sold with minor difficulties.These defects alter the brand image.
 Evolution of defects solving are basically split in four ranges
4 –Cause unknown.
The defect is either not reproducible or the exact cause is not known.Nevertheless,it could happen that the solution has been found without knowing exactly the cause.
3 –Solution unknown
The solution is either not known or not demonstrated with enough evidence (by calculation,by evidence or by hand-made model).
2 - Solution not validated.
The solution has been demonstrated but not validated (tested or accepted) by a validation entity (Validation,Development Quality,Production).
1 - Solution not introduced in production.
Due to procurement lead-time for example.
晓风残月LHZ 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
7.2.2 成熟格栅模型基于下列考虑:
缺陷的重力基本上被在4 范围内劈开
S -较大的缺陷与赞成相关
A - 主要的缺陷.
B -不那么关键的缺陷.
C -较小缺陷.
缺陷的演化解决基本上被在4 范围内劈开
4 -引起未知.
缺陷或者不可再生或者精确的原因没被知道. 虽然如此,这个解决办法已经被发现而没有确切知道原因,这能发生.
3 -未知解决办法既没不知道与否与足够的证据(以计算,以证据或者以手工制成模式)一起证明的解决办法.
2 - 解决办法不验证.
1 - 解决办法不在生产过程中介绍.
give a definition的中文意思
六的无 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译是不是give it a definition ( )it那个介词到底是什么·······
活腻了 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
95% correct!
1.Some animals'hibernation like bears,____the definition sug
1.Some animals'hibernation like bears,____the definition suggests to us ,is a real sleep in winter.
A.which B.as C.like D.that
As the definition suggests to us ,some animals'hibernation like bears is a real sleep in winter.如果这样的话,怎么看才知道该还原成这样?
2.It rained continously for seven days,completely_____our holiday.
老实说有completely就用ruined 无则用ruining.为什么用了 completely就表示并列句了呢,completely又不是连词
选择爱谁 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
用as时的确多用在句首,但是在这里as应译为“正如”,当你不能确定是用which 还是as 时可以从意思上下手,如果翻译这个意思的话,只能用as而不能用which了.
_______ on the new definition of a planet in August 2006,Plu
_______ on the new definition of a planet in August 2006,Pluto is no longer a planet.A.To be bas
liguangming 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
Pluto is no longer a planet.
有个词组,be base on
based on the new definition of a planet in August 2006
又因为to be based不定式表示目的,这里并没有这个意思.也不对.
赌坊009号 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译That is called pointer-definition operation.Also,there i
That is called pointer-definition operation.Also,there is the operation that does the opposite — to any type of X,which is a pointer,you can add an ampersand — that will result in a type &X,to which refers X.That is called a dereference operation.
方白牙 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率80%
这就是所谓的指针定义操作.此外,还有的操作是相反的-任何X,这是一个指针,你可以添加一个符号类型- 这将导致一个类型及X,是指以被称为X上取值操作
帮我分析这句话we may include in our definition of tourism people wh
we may include in our definition of tourism people who are participating in a convention.
telnets 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率80%
整句话的意思大概是 我们可以把那些参加了会议的人包括在旅游人口里面.
give me the definition of "cross cultural management"
give me the definition of "cross cultural management"
refer to
取得大大 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
Cross-cultural management refer to, in global operations , the subsidiary take an inclusive approach to the culture of the host country , overcome any conflicts in cross-cultural conditions ,according to which to create a enterprise's unique culture, thus form an effective management process.
The definition Carpe diem.Carpe diem的出处是贺拉斯的一首颂诗.这首诗的原文是什么?
00721277 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
贺拉斯在《颂歌·卷一·十一》(OdesI XI)中写道:
就买来他的诗集《odesl xi》查找一下吧,
其实现在人们讨论carpe diem,
英语翻译definition of accounting:accounting is a system that rec
definition of accounting:accounting is a system that records the action of business and from which reports can be prepare on the performance of the business.
294029446 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
There is no__exact definition of__word happiness.Happy peopl
There is no__exact definition of__word happiness.Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons
第一个空an ,第二个空a
rainman0723 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率68.4%
There is not an exact definition of the word happiness.
There is no exact definition of the word happiness.
an 是因为后面的单词是 exact,开始音是元音.
the 是特指一个词.
ps 楼主,第二个一定要用the 因为后面跟了 happiness,这里的word 特指happiness这个词……
The definition of Carpe diem
黑黑的vv 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace that has become an aphorism.It is popularly translated as "seize the day".Carpe literally means "to pick,pluck,pluck off,cull,crop,gather",but Ovid used the word in the sense of,"To enjoy,seize,use,make use of".
Carpe diem本来是一首拉丁诗里面的短语,现在已经变成格言了,英文翻译为“seize the day”(抓住今天),也就是及时行乐的意思.
