SOS:revise the essay

liviata2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

SOS:revise the essay
How to Make bread in the traditional way
Nowadays,bread has become more and more popular among people.And its price has risen because of its popularity.But,do you know that,you can bake it in your own home?And it is very easy.Let's me show you the steps.
The first step of all is mixing flour.And then knead it into dough in a big bowl.After that,please don't forget to set the dough in front of the fire to"rise".During this time,you can do something else,because it will take several minutes for the dough to rise.When the dough has risen,you can divide it up into four parts.Subsequently,you should put the parts into bread tins.Of course,you can also "prog" the top of the loaves in an interesting pattern with a kitchen fork.Following this step,you shall leave them in front of the fire for a while longer.Finally,put them into the oven for several minutes,you can get the delicious bread.So enjoy your bread.
You can see that,it is not so difficult for us to make bread.Why not make bread by yourself,meanwhile,you can also get a lot of pleasure from the process.


贞齐 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
popular among people-------with people is more english,among in this use is rather ching
midpart steps are well done
last sent bit unnatural


英语大牛帮我把句子改一下题目是Revise the following paragraph by whatever wa
英语大牛帮我把句子改一下题目是Revise the following paragraph by whatever way you think is proper.
We should not rely so heavily onoil,Coal and uranium which are overused.We have a substantial energy resource in the moving waters of ourrivers.Smaller streams add to the total volume of water which the resourcerenews itself.The oil ,coal and uranium which are irreplaceable.The cost ofwater does not increase much over time.So the cost of coal,oil,and Uraniumrise dramatically.
一只鱼21 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
We should not rely so heavily on oil,coal and uranium which are overused.We have a substantial energy resource in the moving water of our rivers.Smaller streams add to the total volume of water which the resource news itself.The oil ,coal and uranium which are irreplaceable.The cost of water does not increase much over time.So the cost of coal,oil,and uranium rise dramatically.
SOS: revise my essay
SOS: revise my essay
My Beloved Father
There is a famous saying that father is daughter's lover in the previous life. Maybe that is why I am my father's daughter in this life. And nothing can express my love for you, my father!
My father is a typical Chinese man. He has brown eyes, big mouse, yellow even a little dark skin because of the heated sun. He has a big nose which has been inherited to me, matching properly with our faces. Of course, I don't think the big nose is ugly, instead, I enjoyed the big nose, because it is our special character, which is unique in the world. And his hair used to be very black and. While, nowadays his black hair has been gradually turning to white with the increasing of age. Now, he has been in his late forties. Besides, I also believe it is not only because of it, but also because of his toilsome unselfishness to the family. And what I like most is his mustache. I can still remember that when I was a kid, he usually rubbed my little face with his bushy but tidy beard, which always made me laugh. How happy it was! He looks so handsome in his casual clothes because he has a proper figure with an average height.
He is also an ordinary person. He has to work hard to earn money to surpport the family. He usually has to worry whether the money can afford to pay the tuition of his children. He is willing th do everything for the family. He always telephone me to tell me to live a good life again and again. He cares about us more than himself. He is not so healthy, while he think it too expensive to consult the doctors. And he just suffers his pain, which always makes me feel heartache. In my eyes, he is a great father like most fathers in the world. And he is my most beloved father who can't be replaced by anyone in the world. Whenever I need his love, he gives me all of his love without hesitation. Whenever I need his help, his tries his best to help me out of trouble. He has devoted all his time to the family.
I love you, father! You are the sunshine shining into my whole life! You always says that, my happiness is your happiness. But your happiness is really my happiness.
zhrtjol 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
previous life可以直接prelife;
heated sun---sun不是被heated的,而是能heating别物的,所以heating sun才对;
is ugly,instead------,应该;
our special character---characteristic trait;
You always says .he think it .----number
the following is the most serious:
very black and.While,nowadays his black hai
I went to bed too late last night,I_____(revise)for the exam
I went to bed too late last night,I_____(revise)for the exam and forgot the night
冬天快要过去了 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
was revising在复习
youair 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率84%
vt.& vi.
As times alter,men's affections change.
vt.& vi.
改良; 修改,修订
The thief has amended.
They are revising a dictionary.
vt.& vi.
The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.
下面的题怎么排?revise/want to/so/I am/higher marks/going to/every e
下面的题怎么排?revise/want to/so/I am/higher marks/going to/every evening/get/I/ma lessons/./
hebenight 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
i want to get higher marks, so i am going to revise ma lessons every evening.
xtxuhao 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
modify verb (-ies,-ied) [with obj.]make partial or minor changes to (something),typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme 修改,更改;改变 she may be prepared to modify her views.她或许...
第一题的要求是:Revise these sentence to state their meaning in fewe
第一题的要求是:Revise these sentence to state their meaning in fewer words.Avoid passive voice,needless repetition,and wordy phrases and clauses
1Some people believe in capital punishment,while other people are against it;there are many opinions on this subject.
2The subjects that are considered most important by students are those that have beenshown to be useful to them after graduation.
3A campus really was attended by more than a thousand students.Five students were arrested by campus police for disorderly conduct,while several others are charged by campus administrators with organizing a public meeting without being issued a permit to do so.
4Trouble is caused when people disobey rules that have been established for the safety of all.
5It is expected that the new schedule will be announced by the bus company within the next few days.
季末的moon 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1 There are many opinions on the subject that some people believe in capital punishment,while others against it.2 The subjects considered most important are those have shown useful to students after t...
Revise 1Revise the following sentences to eliminate mixed of
Revise 1
Revise the following sentences to eliminate mixed of awkward constructions.
To look at rolling hills of white snow or snow-capped evergreens is far more beautiful than the brown slush on city streets.
After four weeks at sea,my wife was happy to see me back.
Lost in the mail,Thomas never received the letter.
Once out of the practice room,the drum beats no longer gave him a headache.
The little time we have together we try to use it wisely.
零nn 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
那这道题怎么填The students usually do___(revise) before an exam.
那这道题怎么填The students usually do___(revise) before an exam.
The students usually do___(revise) before an exam.
gadking 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率96.7%
evise 是 复习功课的意思.动词 revise 前面 又 加了一个 助动词 do (在此 do 是助动词),表示强调.举例:爸爸:Did you study last night?(你昨晚学习了吗?)孩子:Yes,I did study(是的,我学习了)在这里,study 前面加一个 did 表示 强调 学习了.
英语翻译Ms.Helen,revise su nueva propuesta puede ajustar un poco
Ms.Helen,revise su nueva propuesta puede ajustar un poco el precio FOB.el pago seria de banco a banco,una transferencia bancaria favor enviarme el Numero de su cuenta y nombre del banco,de todo el pedido que he hecho si no tienen en stock favor indicarme para reducir en algun modelo espero su respuesta
Edmundo Robles
uu进城了 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率73.9%
1.revise su nueva propuesta puede ajustar un poco el precio FOB.
2.el pago seria de banco a banco,una transferencia bancaria favor enviarme el Numero de su cuenta y nombre del banco,
付款方式是通过银行对银行转账,请将您银行户名和账号发给我. todo el pedido que he hecho si no tienen en stock favor indicarme para reducir en algun modelo
4.espero su respuesta 敬候您的回复.
dayangshu 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率89.3%
1 alter改变:例句

Circumstances alter cases.
Circumstances alter women.
To alter an offer
To amend as follow
To amend L/C
To amend a credit.
revise or renew one's assessment.
Bob asked me to revise my plan.
Adjectives modify nouns.
To modify by umlaut.
Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives.
英语翻译Part 1 please revise the following sentences so as to ma
Part 1 please revise the following sentences so as to make them formal and acceptable in business situation.
1.The letter I am writing is about your order for computers.
2.If you don’t improve your service,we will cancel the contract.
3.Come and repair the machine we bought from you last week.
4.We want to have your payment soon.
5.We can’t refund your payment.
6.We can reduce the price for large orders.
7.We strongly ask that you refund at least 10percent of our money.
8.We are extremely sorry that we can not accept the price.
9.I must tell you that you have delayed the payment by two months.
10.I will be very glad if you could pay us before the end of the month.
11.I am not sure if you could come to the worksite on Tuesday morning.
12.I received your letter which informs me of the latest prices of your computers
13.In this letter I’m complaining about your services.
14.We delivered the goods to you three months ago.
The cover of the machine is cracked.Please send us a replacement
candao_why 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
上班时间 手工打的
【紧急求助】Revise the following sentences.
【紧急求助】Revise the following sentences.
对此题型比较生疏,请问Revise the following sentences这类型的题目该如何着手最好,如何按照题目的要求修改得恰到好处?一并请详细给介绍一下.如下我摘抄一些该类型题目,劳驾认真帮忙修改一下,我想仔细再将题目例句及修改后的句子对比揣摩一下.谢谢
Revise the following sentences.
1、The old man returning home after 8 years' absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there.
2、Hurring to the conference room, no one there.
3、Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists.
4、Looking out of the window,the grassland streches as far as the eye can reach.
5、A man is judged not only by what he says but also what he deeds.
1. In the year 1840 the Opium War broke out.——>In the year of 1840, the Opium War broke out.
2.10. He did not tell the truth with an honest attitude. ——>He did not tell the truth honestly.
王代生 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率100%
1、The old man returned home after 8 years' absence but found that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there.时态不对
2、Hurring to the conference room,but no one there.缺主语,主语不一致
3、Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists.不知道
4、Out of the window,the grassland streches as far as the eye can reach.主语不一致
5、A man is judged not only by what he says but also what he does.名词改动词
(Have you got enough time left) to revise my work beafore i
(Have you got enough time left) to revise my work beafore i send it in?
我的姑奶奶 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率76.5%
have you got enough time left = do you have enough time left 可以,这里不是过去完成时,是现在时,也不是完成时,have got不是完成,就等于do you have你是否有
liuqi0202 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
go over,review,revise之间意思的异同
lblxylxy 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
go over:表示对sth 进行仔细检查;也可当复习来讲
review:表示对sth的回顾,(可以是一种大体上的回顾,比较粗略的回顾);也可以当复习来讲,但程度比 go over 来说要轻一些
revise:表示对sth 的修订、修改,重在一个"改"上,和上面两个词有一定程度的区别
英语翻译Ms.Helen,revise su nueva propuesta puede ajustar un poco
Ms.Helen,revise su nueva propuesta puede ajustar un poco el precio FOB.el pago seria de banco a banco,una transferencia bancaria favor enviarme el Numero de su cuenta y nombre del banco,de todo el pedido que he hecho si no tienen en stock favor indicarme para reducir en algun modelo espero su respuesta
Edmundo Robles
northxy 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
求高手解决英语问答!Exercise IPlease identify the problems and revise
exercise i
please identify the problems and revise following thesis statements
1. living in an apartment for the first time can teach you many things.
2. the library is a good place for students seeking academic help.

exercise ii
complete the thesis statements by adding possible subtopics. .
1. our *** should double the existing fines for first-offense drunk drivers. such a move would_______________________________________________________________________
2. apartment living is preferable to dorm living because_________________________________
3. not everyone can become an astronaut. to qualify, a person must have____________________
hudiefeifei2006 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
Exercise I
1. Living in an apartment for the first time can teaches you many things.
2. The library is a good place for students to seek academic help.

Exercise II
1.reduce car accident can enjoy more private space
3.a strong heart and extraordinary courage

七天一醉 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
很放心 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
shy 反义词:bold 大胆的,陡峭的
sense同义词:feeling 感觉、知觉
moods同义词:attitude 态度 temper 脾气、性情
otherwise同义词:elsewise 另外、否则 or else 否则、要不然 if not 不然的话
solve名词形式: solution 解答 solvability 可解性,溶解度 solvate溶剂 solvation 溶化作用
英语 alter ,adjust ,change,revise的区别?
liuli221 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
alter v.改变
adjust vt.调整,调节,校准,使适合
change n.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币
revise vt.修订,校订,修正,修改
英语翻译Please revise the drawing base on my feedback below asap
Please revise the drawing base on my feedback below asap,tks!
- Attached is module dimension,pls adjust label size base on it
- Week/Year code is not correct,please refer to attached definition
- Please follow the barcode format I sent you
stars520 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
本本累了 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
eview 和 revise 并不是同义词.
review 某个文件并不会改动它
Anyone help me revise a paragraph of my" WHY essay"?
Anyone help me revise a paragraph of my" WHY essay"?
Pls leave your id below.thx a lot!
草野 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
how to leave my id?
i would like to help you since I've been tortured by why essays...
“温习”revise 的名词形式是什么?
xjie18316 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率100%
贤哥 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and __
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and __________ new policies according to WTO requirements.
A.forming form be forming D.have formed
慵懒的小资 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%

之所以选不定式,是因为它是与前面的不定式to revise its existing regulations并列,一起用作动词promise的宾语。
椰岛之子 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
maliwei 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
改良; 修改, 修订
The thief has amended.
修订, 修改They are revising a dictionary.
modifyvt. & vi.工业革命改变了整个英国社会的结构
hua112929 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
eview可以作为名词,revies 是动词
revise vt.修订,修改
vt.& vi.复习
review [ri'vju:]
n.回顾; 检查; 检讨; 重新考虑;评论性刊物,评论;检阅
vt.& vi.写…的评论文章
she was revise for the test 有错吗
gzzyq1234 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率78.6%
evising 主动
Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical dev
Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.
1.David’s beloved grandfather passed away last week.
2.He looked at me with a sad look.
3.Sorry,my pocket can’t afford such a pair of shoes.
4.I never believe until then that any meal could defeat me,but on that day I met my Waterloo.
5.Her hostility melted.
6.She is lovely,kind-hearted and has a quick mind.
7.I was knocked down by a motorcycle,but it was not serious.
8.He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.
9.To chew carefully and eating slowly are necessary for good digestion.
10.On the train I met with a girl from my hometown and who just graduated from Tianjin University with MA degree.
11.My heart is like a singing bird.
12.She is as cool as a cucumber..
13.They were short of hands at harvest time.
14.The bad news was a dagger into her heart.
15.They stormed the speaker with questions.
16.He looked at me with a bitter look
17.You want your pound of flesh?
18.He doesn’t have an idea of his own.He just parrots what other people say.
19.His grandfather passed away recently.
20.Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.
zhangxu66557479 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and __
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and ______ new policies according to WTO requirements.
A. forming
B. to form
C. to be forming
D. have formed
eworldunfair 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
sat英语语法问题The refusal of the management to revise (their) pol
The refusal of the management to revise (their) policy on family leave caused an uproar among emplyees.
-西门小庆 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
its ====of the people in the management --------------
Shortly after he finished his homework,he went on ()(revise)
Shortly after he finished his homework,he went on ()(revise)for the test 动词填空
saiyankakarotta 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
go on doing sth 继续做某事
Tom wasn't revise his lessons last night?哪里有错
1234xiaofeng 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
回答:将句中wasn’t的改成didn’t,句子就对了.全句句意为:汤姆昨晚没有复习功课.句中的revise是行为动词,行为动词要借助于助动词的各种形式来构成否定句和疑问句.提问中的句子里用了wasn’t,而wasn’t 是对be动词的过去时进行否定的,所以错了.又如:Tom was here just now.(改为否定句)→ Tom wasn’t here just nowTom came here just now.(改为否定句)→ Tom didn’t come here just now.欢迎提问,
Revise the paragraph to improve sentence style by varying se
Revise the paragraph to improve sentence style by varying sentence beginnings,correcting nonparallel structures,and revising stringy or wordy sentences.
When other children were collecting insects and shells,I was looking at leaves and flowers,and whenever my brother and I went fishing,I spent more then a majority of the time studying the vegetation on the riverbanks.
cqren 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
I was looking at leaves and flowers while other children were collecting insects and shells.Whenever my brother and I went fishing,I spent most of the time studying the plants on the riverbanks.
These sentences may be better.
Revise the following sentences.Try to make them more effecti
Revise the following sentences.Try to make them more effective.(30%)英语改错 求正解
1.To swim in a pool is not as much fun as swimming in a river.
2.Leonardo da Vince was known both as an inventor and painting pictures.
3.The foreman shouted at both of us,Peter and I,before we had a chance to explain.
4.In the book it tells us about a spring when no birds sang.
5.Rachel Carson was a woman who pioneered in ecological studies.
6.Ralph Nader has throughout our country become a well-known name.
7.Partly through his efforts safety devices were installed in cars such as seat belts.
8.On arriving at the river,the current was frightening.
9.At the age of 6 months,her father taught her to swim.
10.My father is a history teacher,so I take it as my major.
gdjodanchen 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率85.2%
To swim →Swimming
句子结构不平衡:主语为不定式To swim,与它相比较的却是动名词swimming.
因此把To swim改成 Swimming.
2.both as an inventor and painting pictures.→
both as an inventor and a painter
或:both as an inventor and for painting pictures.
句子结构不平衡:an inventor指人,而painting pictures表示行为动作,

3.Peter and I→Peter and me
Peter and I是宾语both of us 的同位语,应该用宾格.

The book tells about a spring when no birds sang.

5.was a woman who为累赘多余的词,应去掉,改成:
Rachel Carson pioneered in ecological studies.

6.句子成分错位,throughout our country放错了位置.应改成:
Ralph Nader has become a well-known name throughout our country.

7.句子成分错位,such as seat belts 放错了位置.应改成:
Partly through his efforts safety devices such as seat belts were installed in cars .

On arriving at the river,we were frightened by the current .
或:When we arrived at the river , the current was frightening.

9.介词短语的逻辑主语错误:让人误以为是"her father"在6岁的时候",因此应改成:
When she was at the age of 6 months,her father taught her to swim.→history
it指代不清楚,因此应改为history .
用所给的短语的适当形式填空(每个短语只能用一次):revise for,have a picnic,look forwa
用所给的短语的适当形式填空(每个短语只能用一次):revise for,have a picnic,look forward to,
do some sightseeing,stay in bed,play table tennis,listen to,walk up,do one's homework,get from
1.It takes me half an hour _______
2.We should _______our test carefully
3.If you are ill,you'd better _______this afternoon
4.Is Lucy looking forward to _______the Great Wall?
5.I often _______with my friends after school
6.All of us _______the coming holidays
7.Dalian is a beautiful city.Would you like _______this afternoon?
8.How do you _______New York _______Beijing?
9.Are you going _______in the open air tonight
10.Students should _______teachers carefully in class
luanqi1996 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1to do my homework 做家庭作业花了我半个小时或是我花了半个小时做家庭作业.
句型It takes somebody some time to do something.做某事花费某人多长时间,it是形式主语,不定式词组to do something是真正的主语.
2revise for我们应该认真复习迎考或是为考试而复习. should是情态动词,后面的动词用原形3stay in bed如果你生病了,今天下午你最好呆在床上. had better是情态动词,后面的动词用原形.
4walking up露西期待爬上长城吗? to是介词,其后的动词要用ing形式.
5play table tennis我经常在放学后和我的朋友们打乒乓球.
6look forward to/are looking forward to 我们所有人都期待即将到来的假期.
7to do some sightseeing大连是个漂亮的城市,今天下午你想参观一下吗? like后的动词有两种形式,一种是like to do something接动词不定式,表示事情还没做,一种是like doing something接动词的ing形式,表示事情经常做.
8get from ...to从……到达…… 你是怎样从纽约到北京的? get to是“到达”的意思
9to have a picnic今晚你到野外去野餐吗?in the open air 在野外,go to do something去做某事
10listen to上课的时候学生应该认真听老师的话.listen to somebody听某人的话,should用法第二小题有出现过,是“应该”的意思.
英语!T-T!Revise the following sentences.Try to make them conci
Revise the following sentences.Try to make them concise.
1.In the year 1840 the Opium War broke out.
2.There are more books in their library than in our library.
3.He returned back home after he graduated from college.
4.We planned to meet just before sunrise very early in the morning.
5.The cause of the flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.
6.He was asked to repeat the sentence again.
7.I play badminton equally as well as my brother.
8.It seemed to his friends that his attitude was of a puzzling nature.
9.These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.
10.He did not tell the truth with an honest attitude.
11.There are a number of students who want to join the drama club.
12.He was kind enough to let me share the same umbrella with him.
13.Zhao was the person who was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.
14.At the present time I am taking the course of World History and in addition a course in geography too.
15.The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes or so and than disappeared and could no longer be seen.
16.What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.
17.I would like you to consider the question of whether or not you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.
18.Owing to the fact that he had missed many lectures,he was aware that it would be possible for him to fail the exam.
19.You must first work out an outline for your paper,and then after you have done that,you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.
20.In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing,a thing that occurs every day.
21.He is not only a good pianist,but also a good singer as well.
22.This pretty actress keeps apeearing in TV serials repeatedly.
23.As a rule,students are usually not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.
24.According to the speaker,it is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production and he has no doubt about it.
25.One reason why people are well informed in this countryi s becuase of the fact that there are many newspapers which can easily be bought or subscribed to.
26.Statistics show that in the decade from 1980 to 1990 enrollments at this school doubled:in 1990 there were twice as many students as in 1980.
27.There are so many inexperienced unskilled workers without training in a particular job that production of the factory has been affected.
28.There are about 50 patients or so in this ward,among whom many are being given acupuncture treatment.
29.His name is called James Williams.
30.Whatever he does,he works seriously with great care,and does his best so as to do it well.
越夜暗舞 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
1.In the year of 1840,the Opium War broke out.
2.There are more books in their library than there are in our library.这题不确定是不是“there are”但肯定是有词在in our library前面的.这里比较的是两个图书馆的书不是两个图书馆.
3.He returned home after he graduated from college.
return 和back语意重复了,所以去掉back
4.We planned to meet just before sunrise,very early in the morning.这个中文叫什么从句不记得了.逗号后面very early in the morning 是对before sunrise 的补充说明.
5.The cause of the flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.
两种改法,要不把cause去掉,变成“The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.”,或者把due to 去掉“The cause of the flood was the heavy rain in late spring.”.因为cause 本身就有原因的意思,后面用due to就重复了.
6.He was asked to repeat the sentence.
这个也是重复,repeat 和again重复了.
7.I play badminton equally as well as my brother.
句子想说的是我打羽毛球打得和哥哥一样好,比较的是打羽毛球这个事,而不是我和哥哥比较.所以应该改成:I play badminton as well as my brother does.后面要根据谓语动词的形式,加助动词,例如这里加了“dose”.
其次,是equally与as well as重复了.
8.It seemed to his friends that his attitude was of a puzzling nature.
9.These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste.
10.He did not tell the truth honestly.
11.There are a number of students who want to join the drama club.
12.He was kind enough to let me share the same umbrella with him.
share 和same重复了,去掉same.
13.Zhao was the person who was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.
14.At the present time I am taking the course of World History and in addition a course in geography too.
in addition=too,去掉一个.
15.The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes or so and than disappeared and could no longer be seen.
or so=about,去掉一个;than 是不是打错了?是then吧.
16.What I am trying to say is that in my opinion he has not done his work very well and it needs improving.
17.I would like you to consider the question of whether or not you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China.
有wheter后面就不用or not,wheter本身就有是否的意思.在平时说话里,wheter or not是ok的,可是在非常严格要求英语里,就不行.
18.Owing to the fact that he had missed many lectures,he was aware that it would be possible for him to fail the exam.
19.You must first work out an outline for your paper,and then after you have done that,you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view.
20.In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing,a thing that occurs every day.
招财喵 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
1 The law is being revised,and will be soon awarded.
2 I found the article when I was browsing some old magzines
3 The opening of the Qingzang railway has connected an old and holy city with morden civilization.
4 No one will believe that he could be connected with what happened on Saturday.
modify 与 revise 的区别是什么?
苍0狼 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率80%
modify 以为不完美而修正
revise 因为错误而改正,
The meaning of following sentences is not clear.Revise the s
The meaning of following sentences is not clear.Revise the sentences so that they are unambiguous and precise:

The riskness of these bonds alone does not determine their selling prices.
The FASB has not officially written a pronouncement on the handling of requisition costs.
xxr9118 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
第二句应该是written不对.那fasb应该是published或者issued a pronouncement..
英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下西班牙语为中文,cesar buenas tardes te encargo que revise
cesar buenas tardes te encargo que revises el pedido con kat ya que creo que se equibocaron te estoy renviando la orden final
ellos estan contemplando 12 de zorb -01 y 4 zorb -04 y deben de ser 10 y 5 respectivamente ademas que me quiere cobrar 100 dlls mas
y no estoy deacuerdo por que eso no me lo dijo antes de recibir el pago comentale que si este es el ultimo pedido que quiere recibir.
liangwei10 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Cesar 下午好!我委托你和Kat 重新检查一下订单.我觉得他们有些地方搞错了,所以现在将最终的订单重新给你发一份.
他们注明了12 de zorb -01 和 4 zorb -04 (我不知道这是什么,应该是跟订单内容有关的吧)但这里应该分别是10和5(10 de zorb -01 和 5 zorb -04 )
另外,他想再收取我100 dlls,这点我不同意,因为付款前他并没有跟我说过这件事.
200分!!英语专业高手进 Revise the following sentences with the given
200分!!英语专业高手进 Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.
Revise the following sentences with the given rhetorical devices.
1. David’s beloved grandfather passed away last week.
2. He looked at me with a sad look.
3. Sorry, my pocket can’t afford such a pair of shoes.
4. I never believe until then that any meal could defeat me, but on that day I met my Waterloo.
5. Her hostility melted.
6. She is lovely, kind-hearted and has a quick mind.
7. I was knocked down by a motorcycle, but it was not serious.
8. He is a man of wide experience and who is also very popular with the farmers.
9. To chew carefully and eating slowly are necessary for good digestion.
10. On the train I met with a girl from my hometown and who just graduated from Tianjin University with MA degree.
11. My heart is like a singing bird.
12. She is as cool as a cucumber..
13. They were short of hands at harvest time.
14. The bad news was a dagger into her heart.
15. They stormed the speaker with questions.
16. He looked at me with a bitter look
17. You want your pound of flesh?
18. He doesn’t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.
19. His grandfather passed away recently.
20. Her happiness vanished like the morning dew.
不是让你们翻译 是让你们做题
小狗闻花香 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
I'd rather stay at home and to revise.为什么这句话去掉and是错的?
johnwoo1919 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
and 和 to 在此句中不能同时使用.意即有两个正确的改法:
1. I'd rather stay at home to revise.
2. I'd rather stay at home and revise.
"britishpretty“ 的解释“去掉and 才正确”,正确!“是(表示)目的”,正确!“to revise 表达为什么您可呆在家里”不对,实际表示“为什么要呆在家里”,即目的,而非“为什么可呆在家里”.
在第二句中,stay at home and revise 是并列的两个动词,作谓语.
"Q戚奇" 说得对:“有and是并列关系而没有就是目的关系”
I'd rather stay at home to watch TV.
I'd rather stay at home and watch TV. (口语中比第一句更常见.)
“表达的意思不一样 看你这句话是放在哪里 并且想表达什么意思
I'd rather stay at home and to revise . 想表达的是我想待在家里并且我还想校订(什么东西).
I'd rather stay at home to revise .想表达的意思可以是强调我想待在家里这个特定的地方来做校订这件事.也可以表示我是为了想校订些什么东西才会宁愿待在家里的.”
revise 是英国英语“复习”,美国人用 "review".另:英国人说:stay at home,美国人说 stay home.
英语翻译if you don't revise for 24 hours:如果你不复习达24小时revise:vt.这里
if you don't revise for 24 hours:如果你不复习达24小时
lufei289 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
if 的虚拟用法
拟语气在as if/as though、even if/even though等引导的表语从句或状语从句中,
如:He did it as if he were an expert.
Even if she were here,she could not solve the problem
连接词 conj.
He will come if you invite him.
If I were you,I would never do that.
We'll go even if it rains.
I wonder if she is ill.
If I feel any doubt,I inquire.
名词 n.
There are too many ifs in his offer.
缩写词 abbr.
1.=information feedback 信息回馈
3.=intermediate frequency 中频
缩写词 abbr.
1.=intermediate frequency 中频
If you don't go there,I won't,either.如果你不去,我也不去.
He asked if I could help him他问我是否帮下他.
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and __
China has promised to revise its existing regulations and ___ new policies according to WTO requirements.
A.forming form be forming D.have formed
ye13zi 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%

考查不定式作宾语.要看出来有一个平行结构,也就是to form和to revise都是promise的宾语要清楚。需要牢牢记住下面的动词跟不定式作宾语:begin(开始) start (开始) decide(决定) hope(希望) wish(但愿) learn(学习)like(喜欢) love(喜爱) want(想要) try(尝试)ask(询问) plan(计划) manage(成功做) forget(忘记) hate(憎恨) mean(打算) need(需要) prefer(宁愿) remember(记得)