
koook2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


GAOJIAYING 共回答了2个问题 | 采纳率


Elizabeth Smith is the newly appointed Human Resources Manager of your company and she is going to visit your office to learn more about your section next Monday.
Please write an email to all staff in your section including the following items:
Who she is.
When she will be in the office.
Ask all staff to welcome her and introduce themselves to her.
华城欣 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率72.7%
Dear all:
Elizabeth Smith was newly appointed as Human Resources Manager of our company.
She will visit our office next Monday.
Please be ready to welcome her and introduce yourselves to her then.
Thanks & best regards
yjwyjw1010 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
英语口语关于朋友的话题并且用两到三句的英语句子回答问题!1.Compare your college friendshi
并且用两到三句的英语句子回答问题!1.Compare your college friendship in middle school and high school.2.Has a friend ever disappointed you,talk about it.3.People often lose contact with their friends when they have a boyfriend or girldfriend .Have this ever happened to you?再具体回答,
sophia索 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
In middle school,it is easier to make a true friend because we are more innocent at that time.When we go to the high school,we will find that ,sometimes,classmates can fight with each other for money,even for a girlfriend.
At times,I got disappointed because my friend told a lie to me.When I knew the truth,I was kind of angery.However,I always try to keep in touch with all my friends.Of course,that is because I do not have a girlfriend.But,if one of my friends lose contact with me because of their boyfriend or girlfriend,I think it is acceptable.
loveinSanya 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
about Pets
a woman with her husband came to a pets shop
Shopkeepers:hello,can i help you?
woman:yes,i am very like a dog,i want to buy a dog,but it must be very quiet..
shopkeepers:ok ,how about this god,It is rich in dogs.
woman:oh..yeah.it's looks like a baby..
woman's husband:oh ,no,this dog so small,we need a big dog..
woman:no,i like ,why you need a big?
man :i need it look our's door!
shopkeepers:ok ,dont worry,how about this?It is the golden retriever, can protect your home.
Boss:excuse me,by the way,Otherwise, his wife bought wealth dogs, Mr. buy golden retriever?how do you think?
man:no,we only need one,we no another time to take care it,and you must know,we all very busy
woman:Do you think we bought two dogs, because you want to make more money?
You are very smart, but we have decided, need to buy one.
boss:sorry,I did not mean it.
shopkeepers:ok Here pay!
蓝白沙 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
1.Is it necessary for a high school student to own a cell phone?GOOD or BAD?
2.How do you think of making friends on the internet?
3.In your opinion,What is the biggest obstacle in studying English for chinese
4.How do you negotiate with your parents when they have different opinions with you on something very important?For example,the study methods,choosing which university to enter.
5.The World Expo is held in Shanghai and received not only appraisal but also criticism.What’s your point view on this exhibition?
6.Now,many families keep one or more pets at home.Pets can bring a lot of pleasure to us,but from time to time they also cause some troubles.What do you think of keeping a pet at home?
7.If you were a coach,what kind of players will you choose to be the team leader?
8.Facing with the flood in the southern China,what do you think should be done for a mayor in one city?
9.If your family members smoke,what will you do to help them get over such a bad habit?
10.What kinds of old customs still exist in your hometown?Do you like them?Why?
11.Nowadays,young girls are fonder of wearing clothes from Japan and Korean,rather than the traditional Chinese clothes.What’s your opinion on this?
12.Who is your favorite poet?Please state your reasons.
13.What should we do to take care of our Mother Earth?
14.Do you prefer to study alone or with other people together?Why?
15.What does friendship means to you?What kind of people do you make friends with?
16.What are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transportation,for example,bus,subway,taxi or private car,etc?
17.Will you offer your seat to an old man even you are very tired?Give me your reason.
18.Would you choose a high-paying job you hate or a low-paying job you love?
19.Do you like SUPER VOICE GIRL?Who is your favorite player?Why?
20.What’s your dream job?And what are you going to do to make it true?
酷不理发 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
如何穿着得体 英语作文150词左右 中间要有三个观点 每个观点要有两到三句解释
heihei847 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
How to be popular
Many people desire to be popular with others but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity?
According to the result of the recently survey,about 45% people consider boosting appearance,well in dress ,keep a good condition in spirit,always smile to the others and be friendly to others are good ways to become popular.However,55% person hold different views.They think cultivating consideration for others ,being a good listener and not speak badly of others are better ways to become popular.
Form my point of views,I think we should think more about others'feeling when we are in a quarrel.Respect others in any time and any places.
If we can do as what state upon,I believe we can achieve the goal which to be popular.
gpqamyl 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗?
You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success.
人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.—— Charles Chaplin卓别林
Elizabeth Smith is the newly appointed Human Resources Manager of your company and she is going to visit your office to learn more about your section next Monday.
Please write an email to all staff in your section including the following items:
Who she is.
When she will be in the office.
Ask all staff to welcome her and introduce themselves to her.一个小时内,直接发在这里,不要下载的
小鱼东游 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Dear Colleagues Ms. Elizabeth Smith, the newly appointed HR manager of our company, will come and visit us on next Monday. We will have a meeting to welcome her from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. You are all invited to the meeting will please prepare as following:Self introductionAbout your tasks and responsibilities.Please be in the meeting on time. Thank you! Best regards XXX