once rhere was a rich man in a villag

上课过程2022-10-04 11:39:543条回答

once rhere was a rich man in a villag
,but he never gave相关语法填空练习


lange520dan 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Once there was a rich man in a village,but he never gave anything to those people who were in need.So the villagers agreed that he was the meanest man in the world ,ever.And no one would like to talk to him.
园子lt 共回答了266个问题 | 采纳率
宇之炎 共回答了101个问题 | 采纳率
his fortune to the poors


阅读理解2Passage TwoA traveler was staying in an Egyptian villag
Passage Two
A traveler was staying in an Egyptian village.One day,she held up her camera to take pictures of the children at play.Suddenly the young ones began to shout in protest.
The traveler’s face turned red and she apologized to the head for what she was doing,and told him she had forgotten that people in some places believed a person lost his soul(灵魂)if his picture was taken.She explained to him the operation of a camera for a long time.Several times the head tried to say something,but couldn’t.
When she believed she had put the head’s fear to rest,the traveler then let him speak.With a smile,he said,“The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the lens (镜头)cap!”
True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示,填入括号内):
( ) 1.The children shouted when the traveler was taking pictures of them.
( ) 2.The traveler was not doing well with her camera when she was taking pictures.
( ) 3.The traveler made an apology to the head because the children would lost their souls.
( ) 4.The traveler explained how to use a camera to the lead because she wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing.
( ) 5.When the head smiled,it’s clear that the traveler didn’t know what the children meant.
Passage Three
Dinosaurs (恐龙) lived on earth more than sixty million years ago.This was a long time before people existed(存在).There were millions of dinosaurs,and they lived everywhere.Some were as small as chickens.Others were as big as ten elephants.Some dinosaurs had wings and could fly.
Many dinosaurs were harmless.They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants.Others were harmful.They were fiercer (更凶猛的) than tigers and ate meat,unlike most other dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs all died suddenly.Nobody knows why.We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons (骨架,骨骼),eggs and footprints they left behind.
True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示,填入括号内):
( )1、Dinosaurs lived on earth long before man.
( )2、Sixty million years ago there were millions of dinosaurs on the earth.
( )3、Small dinosaurs were harmless while big dinosaurs were harmful.
( )4、Some dinosaurs looked like sheep and were gentle.
( )5、Dinosaurs disappeared suddenly on the earth for unknown reasons.
( )6、People now know about dinosaurs from the bones,eggs and footprints they left behind.
2p8rkalmwfuldee 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
( T ) 1. The children shouted when the traveler was taking pictures of them.
( T ) 2. The traveler was not doing well with her camera when she was taking pictures.
(F ) 3. The traveler made an apology to the head because the children would lost their souls.
(T ) 4. The traveler explained how to use a camera to the lead because she wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing.
(T ) 5. When the head smiled, it’s clear that the traveler didn’t know what the children meant.
(T )1、Dinosaurs lived on earth long before man.
( T)2、Sixty million years ago there were millions of dinosaurs on the earth.
(F )3、Small dinosaurs were harmless while big dinosaurs were harmful.
(T )4、Some dinosaurs looked like sheep and were gentle.
(T )5、Dinosaurs disappeared suddenly on the earth for unknown reasons.
(T )6、People now know about dinosaurs from the bones, eggs and footprints they left behind.
选出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的选项。 ( ) 1. A. villag
( ) 1. A. village
( ) 2. A. panda
( ) 3. A. bridge
( ) 4. A. picture
B. city
B. car
B. river
B. sky
C. animal
C. rabbit
C. food
C. cloud
n给我好好爱n 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A
The soldier found ------a hero when he retured to his villag
The soldier found ------a hero when he retured to his village and was receid with warm applause.
A.him nothing like B.himself something as
C.him anything like D.himself something of
yanyan7905 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
something of a +职业名词,”有点像“,”在某种意义(或程度)上“
这是一个固定搭配,记住就可以了.没有something as这个搭配.
on monday ,my famil went out for a pencnic in a small villag
on monday ,my famil went out for a pencnic in a small village.什么意思
kyokof 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
打字有误,应该是on monday,my family went out for a picnic in a small village
英语翻译Mr.David retired(退休),he bought a small house in a villag
Mr.David retired(退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea.He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.
But to his great surprise,many tourists(游客)came to see his house in summer holidays,for it was the most interesting building in the village.From morning to night there were tourists outside the house.They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr.David’s garden.This was too much for Mr.David.He decided to drive the visitors away.So he put a notice on the window.The notice said:“If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心),came in and look round.Price(价格):twenty dollars.” Mr.David was sure that the visitors would stop coming,but he was wrong.More and more visitors came and Mr.David had to spend every day showing them around his house.“I came here to retire,not to work as a guide(导游).” he said angrily.In the end,he sold the house and moved away.
fbi56 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%
Once upon a time ,there (live)an old man in the small villag
Once upon a time ,there (live)an old man in the small village.
为梦走vv 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Once upon a time 意思是 很有以前 表示一般过去时 常用在故事开头.故 live 应填其过去时形式 lived
填写介词 teaching high school students in a poor mountain villag
填写介词 teaching high school students in a poor mountain village may not sound ___ fun ___ you
weini704 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
肯定是 teaching high school students in a poor mountain village may not sound like fun to you
()reaching the village,we were warmly welcomed by the villag
()reaching the village,we were warmly welcomed by the villagers
可是这里又是We arrived (at) a village at 8:00
求说明下 弄不懂感激啊!
金哨裁判 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
这里的On reaching the village 是指到达村子以后,不是配合reach用的,而arrive at是固定搭配,reach本身就带有arrive at的意思,不需要接任何的介词.不过感觉上,(Upon) reaching the village会更加恰当(当我们们抵达村子后,就立即受到村子里的人热情的欢迎).
帮忙解析十道英语选择,31.The enemy troop suddenly took the small villag
31.The enemy troop suddenly took the small village by surprise _____ a rainy morning.
  A.on B.at C.in D.during
  32.This is the school _____ they visited last year and is the one _____ my father once worked
 A.that; where B.where; that C.where; where D.that; that
  33.The college entrance examination is coming,the students are _____ it.
  A.preparing B.prepared for C.prepared D.preparing for
  34.The task was very hard,so _____ were needed.
 A.ten more men B.ten men more C.more ten men D.men more ten
  35.He wanted to read more,so he asked his friend if there was _____ to read.
  A.something easy enough B.something enough easy
  C.enough easy something D.easy enough something
  36.The room is very large and only little room _____ by the new piano.
  A.are taken up B.takes up C.is taken up D.is taking up
  37.What _____ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you!
  A.waste B.wastes C.a waste of D.a waste for
  38._____ your help,we have _____.
  A.Thanks to,finished B.Thanks to,ended C.Thanks for,finished D.Thanks for,completed
  39.When and where to build the new factory _____ yet.
  A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided
  40.It is necessary ___ me ___my studies before a new term.
  A.for,to make a plan for B.of,making a plan for
  C.for,to make a plan of D.of,making a plan of
31--35 AADAA 36-40 CCAAA答案
肥肘子 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
33.正在进行时,所以选择用ing形式,为什么做准备是prepare for something
35.靠语感,easy enough 修饰something
38.固定用法:thank you for your help 或者thanks to your help
40.固定短语:it is necessary for sb. to do sth,为新学期制定计划应该用介词fo
高三英语几道选择题1.A group of tourists reached a remote small villag
1.A group of tourists reached a remote small village,at the west end of which( ),and expected to meet a countryman.
A stood an old temple B standing an old temple 这两个有什么区别?
2.---()a second time,will the man have one more try?
---I'm sure he will.
A Turn down B If turning down C He was turned down D If turned down
kfking 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
DIf(the man were) turned down
英语作文 I like this villag
ruanlifeng 共回答了519个问题 | 采纳率71.7%
I like my village. Do you know why? Let me tell you. In my village, there are many clean rivers. There are many fish there. They are active and cute. The air is fresh. There are no tall buildings in my village. I can run on the grass. I can fly kites, too.   Do you want to know the four seasons in my village?   In spring, the weather is warm. In summer, the weather is very hot. I can eat ice-cream. It’s sweet. And I can swim in the lake. In fall, I can go hiking and pick apples. They are tasty. In winter, it’s very cold. But it doesn’t snow! What a pity!   I like my village very much. It’s so pretty. Do you like my village?
英语试题请给出解题详情.Not until all the fish in the river died_(villag
英语试题请给出解题详情.Not until all the fish in the river died_(villagers realize)how serious the pollution was.
xx游侠1 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
这位网友,这题空里应当填 did villagers realize
这是一个倒装句,正常语序是 villagers didn't realize how serious the pollution was until al the fish in the river died.
What isn't easy _____(介)teaching English in very poor villag
What isn't easy _____(介)teaching English in very poor villages
coco609 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
一个英语问题she的反身代词little的比较级改写句子:The old man lived in the villag
The old man lived in the village.(改为反意疑问句)
I write to mother once a month.(对once a month提问)
The children are enjoying themselves in the park.(改为同义句)
yq1314157 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
The old man lived in the village.(改为反意疑问句)
------The old man lived in the village,didn't him?
I write to mother once a month.(对once a month提问)
-------How often do you write to mother?
The children are enjoying themselves in the park.(改为同义句)
-------The children are having a good time in the park.
急求高人来做英语题,要求全对! 1.The p___ of that small villag
急求高人来做英语题,要求全对! 1.The p___ of that small villag
1.The p___ of that small village is 2,000.
2.Please open your mouth w___,and say“Ah...”
3.Beijing is the c___ of China.
4.Mary lives next to our huose.She is our n___.
5.This book doesn't b___ to me.I think it'sLi Ming's.
gagajzps 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率81.8%
英语翻译短文如下:I have some good friends who live in Hilltop Villag
I have some good friends who live in Hilltop Village.I like to go there to play with them.We like to play in the park,which is called Central Park.Ken Road goes along one side of the park,and Green Street goes along anther side of the park.Green Street jions Ken R oad.On the corner of the Ken Road and Green Street is Sally’s house.Helen lives next to Sally.Across the street from Sally and Helen is Jenny’s house.She lives next to Mary.Across the street from Mary’s house is a small hotel called the Golden Dragon.It’s on the corner of Green Street and Ken Road,next to the hospital.
我爱蓓蓓 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
I have some good friends who live in Hilltop Village.I like to go there to play with them.We like to play in the park,which is called Central Park.Ken Road goes along one side of the park,and Green Street goes along anther side of the park.Green Street jions Ken R oad.On the corner of the Ken Road and Green Street is Sally’s house.Helen lives next to Sally.Across the street from Sally and Helen is Jenny’s house.She lives next to Mary.Across the street from Mary’s house is a small hotel called the Golden Dragon.It’s on the corner of Green Street and Ken Road,next to the hospital.
The farmers are planting trees on the hill near their villag
The farmers are planting trees on the hill near their village.They want to _______the environment.
A.protect B.improve C.recycle D.set up
为什么不能为A,或 save?
yichen518 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
因为improve是改善的意思,protect是保护意思,recycle是资源回收,set up是成立.从本题可以知道农夫种植树木是想要让当地的环境变得更好,所以选B