雅思口语话题:Describe a special meal

星_羽2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

雅思口语话题:Describe a special meal


angela198108 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%


请高人帮我指点一下我的雅思作文With the development of market economy, adver
With the development of market economy, advertisements have become a domain feature in television industry. Despite the rich information brought by TV, there still exists strong criticism against TV advertisement. Write an article analyzing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisement.
There is a positive and a negative aspect to everything---included the TV advertisement . Now in today human modern civilization activity especially in market economy advertisements have played a major role .Indeed, too much sufficient information disturbed people life everyday , and these effects as follows.
There is no denying that TV can make life rich and colorful, A large number of advertisement can allow us swift and free access to the world events and other programs. TV advertisements offered the quick and convenience guide to audiences for which goods they need in everywhere . People do not worry about if they should pay any fee for it. Another important thing is advertisement as a instrument of entertainment may create many fresh innovation to us. That is wonderful.
Whereas advertisement has a lot of advantages, it’s demerit can not be forgeted. Firstly, the TV advertisement waste too much time of customs, we have to spent much time in classify the useful information from all various programs. Actually we can avoid that. Next came is TV advertisement always interrupts the paly or sport match abtuptly. How bored you are that moment. In addition, not all the advertisements are honest and useful, some dishonest producers utilize TV advertisement to promote their bad goods.
To sum up. Analyzing in different point of view may get different result. So as a audience viewpoint I hope the number of advertisement should be declined in reasonable area. We can take advantage of it to improve life.
林曦 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率96.3%
1.第1句,included 应该是'including'
3.第3句too much 是太多,sufficient 是足够.too much sufficient information=太多足够信息?中文都不通,英文怎么会通.还有these 是复数,为什么后面会跟affects (单数).
请高人帮帮修改雅思作文!顺便帮忙看看能得多少分! 悬赏20,全部家底! 多谢各位啦!急啊!
请高人帮帮修改雅思作文!顺便帮忙看看能得多少分! 悬赏20,全部家底! 多谢各位啦!急啊!
题目:Tourism is seen as a major i ndustry for many countries. However, it tends to ha-ve a deleterious effect on the environment and should be strictly monitored. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
In this day and age, tourism tends to be a growing lucrative industry the world over and even becomes main source of some governments' revenue. Nonetheless, as it aggravates the environment in local area,some people would argue that tourism should be surpervised strictly in order to preserve our vulnerable environment . Personally, I believe that we ought to enhance our regulation and administration in these areas, but not to stringent to keep tabs on their tourists to scare away them.
These years we are witnessing a deteriorating trend in environment and this is partly due to the tourists poor behaviour. To illustrate, some tourists often litter and do as they please in the tourism area regardless of rules there. Furthermore, a host of local authorities construct basic facilities to meet the ever gowing outside population which beyond the local environmental capacity. Therefore, some tourist attraction spot are damaging and even unable to recover. These are but a few obvious situation that should be change.
However, tourism has the potential to bring about more economic benefits and contribute to the local economy. As majority of some governments wealth lies within tourism itself,it would be not appropriate if we carry out rigid regulations, for the number of tourists will diminish as a result of feeling deprived of freedom. What is required of this situation is proper and reasonable management by authorities. The touism department should co-nsider how to best combine economy with environment thereby minimizing the harm to local areas. Besides, tourists feel obliged to become responsible and rational individuals to conserve our unique local environment.
Overall, economy and environment are able to go hand in hand as long as we effectively deal with the relationship between them .
踏月胡来 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
NOWADAYS (DELETE In this day and age),tourism SEEMS (DELETE tends) to be a growing lucrative industry ACROSS/AROUND the world (DELETE over) and HAS even become (DELETE s) A/THE main source of some governments' revenue.Nonetheless,as it SOMETIMES HAS A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON OUR (DELETE aggravates the) environment (DELETE in local area),some people (DELETE would) argue that THE DEVELOPMENT OF tourism should be KEPT UNDER CLOSE WATCH (DELETE surpervised strictly) in order to preserve our vulnerable environment.Personally,I believe that we SHOULD (DELETE ought to) enhance our SUPERVISION AND regulationS ON THE TOURISM SECTOR (DELETE and administration in these areas),but not THROUGH ANY TOO (DELETE to) stringent MEASURES THAT MIGHT (DELETE to keep tabs on their) SCARE THE tourists (DELETE to scare) away (DELETE them.)
3.建议你不要把作文看成简单的行文凑字数,一定要讲究有思想有观点,逻辑清楚.一定要避免简单的低级错误,吃不准的词汇不要乱用,反而弄巧成拙.句子结构也是一样.比如最后一句你想用TOO...TO结构,但你一是把单词都拼错了,二来TOO..TO表示的是”太...而不能”,你要表达的难道是”监管太严厉而不能吓走游客”么?三是这里后半句与前面半句承接也不对,如果是HAVE REGULATIONS,后面半句可以理解为修饰REGULATIONS的,可你是ENHANCE...,是一个”提高”的行动,后面半句就应该是副词从句(当然简单改成STRINGENTLY也不对).这些都是语感的问题,你看看我给你改的就可能有所领悟了.如果你真的无法驾驭复杂句子,建议你还是多用简单句型,至少不会出错或让考官看不明白啊(人家可不会从中国人思维习惯来理解你)
雅思作文有什么参考书和提升的方法…… 还有复习策略~十天那本书就算了…… 我第一次没过
yy十步有芳草 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%

我曾经问过我们世纪雅思的外教老师, 外国人看文章最注重的是什么, 他告诉我说是文章的framework. 即一篇文章好不好, 首先看的不是他的句型, 词汇, 或是论点等. 而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过, 结尾.我们可以多用用连接词, 例如:first of all, morever, secondly, lastly等,另外可以多分自然段, 给考官一目了然的感觉.还有我们可以多看看国外的文章, 看看他们的写作模式, 我当初写文章的时候, 用的就是我看到一篇国外文章的模式,我觉得可以套用, 我最后介绍给大家.
如果一篇文章, 从头到尾, 永远用的只有一种句型, 那么这篇文章一定拿不到高分,我们可以适当的改换一下句型, 我给大家一定建议,希望给大家有点帮助.
3、基本句型包括 Ⅰ.主谓句;Ⅱ. There be;Ⅲ. 主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ. 被动语态(我看到一张帖字说, 不要用被动, 我不这样认为, 国外的文章, 用被动的也比比皆是.)
4、复杂句型 包括 Ⅰ. 并列句;Ⅱ. 从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)
说实话做到这点真的很难, 首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误.我自认做不到这点,所以我用的词汇有时候会重复.当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争 fierce competition等
大家不要小看这点, 我认为对于写作基础不是很好的考生来说, 这点是最重要的.一篇文章如果让你从头到尾都在讲道理, 你有这么多话要说吗?而且有时候还不一定说的清楚.那么这时候你就用例子来表明你的观点.我认识一个朋友, 可以说她的英语基础很差, 但她的文章也拿了6分, 我问她怎么写的, 她告诉我说就是拼命的举例子.就这点我也曾问过外教老师, 他曾是IELTS的考官, 他说考官欢迎考生多举例子.
1)、写文章最关键的就是审题千万不要出错误, 不然就前功尽弃了.
Cultivate independence
Develop a strong sense of responsibility
Enhance social awareness
Build up one’s confidence and offer one’s a sense of achievement—realize ones value and capacity
Widen one’s horizon and sharp one’s character
这些句子比较常用, 而且在口语考试中也可以派上用处.最后给大家介绍一种写作模式,我觉得很不错:
With unprecedented advances in medical technology, a debate has developed over whether or not a person on life support has the right to die. On one side of the debate are those who say that. On the other side is the view that. In my mind, I completely agree/disagree the later .
There is no denying that .has many positive effects. To begin with,.Secondly, . Finally, .
However, every coin has its two sides. .is no exception. Many opponents say that .
To conclude, .
雅思大作文跑题 有必要复议么题目: Some people think that the most important
雅思大作文跑题 有必要复议么
题目: some people think that the most important things in life are free. they cannot be bought. do you agree or disagree?
听力口语都是5.5 阅读6 这个写作4.5
只要写作有5就够了 求大家帮我出个主意这样复议成功几率大么?
我考的是g类 不是a类
feng1823 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
这种情况 不如重新考试 复议分数提高概率极低
如果题目要求只是 Discuss ,还要写自己观点吗
mr_lafeng 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
改雅思作文,Is schooling more important than parenting?In the cont
Is schooling more important than parenting?
In the contemporary society,education,to a great extent,decides one’s entire life.As we all know,there are all two approaches,from which everyone of us receive education,namely parenting and schooling.While this becomes a subject of hot debate --- does schooling have more influence on an individual’s well-being than parenting?
It makes no sense to say that parenting is of less importance in comparison to schooling.It may be true that students will not acquire any knowledge from books at home.But certainly they will learn something such as courtesy or distinguishing from right and wrong,which is not covered in school materials.In fact,children being in their impressionable age tend to change their minds with surroundings,and the significance of home schooling thereby appears to be conspicuous,for instance,educating children to keep away from obscene or potentially damaging prints.
Admittedly,school is the palace where students can acquire specialized knowledge and skills,and these knowledge and skills serving one’s job make his or her more competitive in the workplace.Nevertheless,the truth is that there are numerous illiterate people who are still capable of making good living without knowing any expertise.Their survival is by no means fortunate,but is underpinned by their courtesy,discriminating between right and wrong,etc.--- partially attributed to parenting.
In conclusion,I believe that the importance of parenting outweighs that of schooling.Therefore,I suggest that parents should spend more time with their children in attempting to teach them the value system shared by the whole society.
小伢xin 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
雅思 小作文 开头时态的问题The two column graphs compare respectively why
雅思 小作文 开头时态的问题
The two column graphs compare respectively why students of different age groups decide to study and how much support they receive in their employers.
decide要用decided么?还有receive 要用had received么?
胡言乱语的侃爷 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
题目或下面的图 没有说明是过去的现在的还是未来的吗?
李少飞 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
May I ask what does it mean in this paragraph?to achieve the overall 6 in Ielts or 6 for each component?
剑5,test1 writing task 1
The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elder aged 65 will reach his peak in 2040.
According to the table,the proportion of people who are 65 year-old has a slightly decrease in USA since 1940 to 1960,while other two countries both have a gentle increase.The number of the old has no change in America between 1960 and 1980,on the contrary,in Japan an in Sweden,there happened a slowly rise in each country.The American elder are countinually become more and more since 21 century and they will be the most in 2040 among 3 countries.
However,the proportion of the population aged 65 in Sweden finally surpass that of Japan from approximately 1998 until now and will be continued to 2040 by fluctuating in his own pattern.The size of the population in Japan leveled off and is smaller than that of Sweden,but it will still climb in the future.
Overall,the number of the American aged is the least one at the beginning of 1940 and will be the most one in 2040.
54664 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
The line graph shows that how many people (前边改成The line graph shows the numbers of people) who are at their (their去掉) 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three count...
求高手该雅思作文,谢谢WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes o
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
Cultural diversity,one of outcomes of global travel , have great influences on individuals and countries in contemporary today. Whether the influences benefit human or not ignite public debate. Visitors ,personally, keep their own customs and behavior hold more water, even though following local residents may involve several merits.

It is beyong question that learning local customs can bring immense convenience to visitors . The could comprehend a word or an action coming from local persons clearly. As a result, they could do what they want more simple and can not mislead local behavior . Further more ,according to a report , enormous collisions occur due to different national customs . A vegetarian ,for example, cannot stand out that individual who eat meat confront him.

Despite the fact that following local behavior is more convenient ,countries also should need different cultures . National customs play a crucial role in a nation and always represent a nuclear spirit of nation . The vanishing of national customs the process of disappear of a nation. Moreover, muti-nation is tremendous benefical to a country. American , for instance , is just like a “melt pot ”.It comprise a great number of nations and the communication among nations can create a sea of new ideas and customs. The whole of them consist of a new culture------American culture which is a powerful and permanent culture.

Overall, local customs and behavior could have positive impacts to visitors who intent to live in it. Whereas , countries should involve different cultures and keep their culture diversity.
1。manifest merits为什么可以代替involve merits,是不是什么固定搭配。
2。“National culture“plays” a crucial role in a nation and always “represents” “the” nuclear spirit of “the” nation”中为什么加the(加the是一个困扰我多年的问题)
除了爱情 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Cultural diversity,one of outcomes of global “traveling” ,“has” great influences on individuals and countries in contemporary “society”.“The question that” whether the influences benefit “humans” or not “ignites” public “debates”.Visitors ,personally,keep their own customs and behavior hold more water(这句不大明白,私以为是从旅游者自身来说,他们认为自身的风俗习惯更好,hold water是习惯搭配,大概不可以加个more吧,而且意思有点牵强.要不这样说,”Visitors,personally,hold the idea that their own customs and behaviors are somewhat superior than the local ones”),even though following local residents may involve(用manifest) several merits.
It is “beyond” question that learning local customs can bring immense convenience to visitors .“They” could comprehend(respresent?) a word or an action coming from local persons clearly.As a result,they(换主语的时候要指出,这里是visitors吧) “can” do what they want more “simply” and “will” not “lead to misunderstandings”.Further more ,according to a report ,enormous collisions occur due to different national(用cultural) customs .A vegetarian ,for example,cannot stand out that individual who eat meat confront him.
(stand out是显著,凸显的意思,这里改成 A vegetarian,for example,cannot bear a non-vegetarian challenge his values in front of him)
Despite the fact that following local “behaviors” is more convenient ,countries “still” need different cultures .National customs(这里还是用 culture) “plays” a crucial role in a nation and always “represents” “the” nuclear spirit of “the” nation .The vanishing of national “culture” “indicates” the “disappearance” of a nation.Moreover,muti-nation(multi-culturalization 文化多元化) is “tremendously” benefical to a country.“America”(最好用US) ,for instance ,is just like a “melting pot ”.It “comprises” a great number of “races” and the communications among “races” can create a sea of (a sea of 有点Chinglish) new ideas and customs.Altogether,they “compose” a new culture------American culture which is a powerful and permanent (用unique会不会好点) culture.
Overall,"learning" local customs and "behaviors" "may" have positive impacts "on" visitors who "intend" to live in "the area".Whereas,countries should "absorb" different cultures and "maintain" their "cultural" diversity.
zhanghuning 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
看你基础怎么样了,如果基础一般的话,一个月写作应该是这样的:把每种类型的小作文都写一遍,把每种小作文的模版方法都熟练掌握,大作文的宏观类型有10种,每种背一个关键段,《十天》里有,每种都案模板写一边,在考试过程中只要是同类型的就套用(包括,格式 句型 甚至内容),这种方法一个月是可以做到的,在雅思作文考试中,如果考官一看就是模版的话,在没有大错误的情况下,一般会是5~5.5,肯定不会上6,错多的花5一下,不过5的可能较大.口语没办法,要靠自己.考试要注意策略,如果目标只是过的话,听力 阅读是重点,争取这两科上5.5~6.这两个是最好提分的,其次是作文 一定要保证在5以上,就算你口语再差考4.着样听力5.5 阅读5.5 写作5 口语4.着样的话雅思就先保证过了,我就是这样 重点在听力和阅读上,写作第二,口语最后.不过想考告的话还是需要扎实的基础和坚持不懈的努力的.祝你雅思顺公里吧!
求改雅思作文Part one这月就考试了 紧张紧张 顺便给个评分 给点意见吧 虽然是part one 但是因为题目只是一
求改雅思作文Part one
这月就考试了 紧张紧张 顺便给个评分 给点意见吧
虽然是part one 但是因为题目只是一个条形图 主要是帮忙看一下语法和词语的使用 还有就是句型的变换
The bar graph illustrates the number of people who received high education in China from 1990 to 2004.The percentage of people possessing higher education level increased dramatically by around 63% during this period.
As can be seen from the bar graph,the proportion of higher educated people was only 5% in 1990.And then,there was a slight increase in the following four years ,with the figure recorded reached about 11% in 1994 .After that,a significant rise between 1994 and 1998 showed up,during which period the percentage increased considerably by approximately 5% per year followed by a dramatic increase between 2000 and 2002,from 45% to 65%.Finally,the percentage reached a peak of approximately 68% in 2004,giving people in China more accesses to the higher education.
In summury,it is obvious and noteworthy that in the 14 years from 1990 to 2004,some positive development in higher education in China did happen
自己看见有个地方错了 第六行 reached 改为reaching 还有倒数第五行 因为粘贴的原因有点混乱 原文是 per year.And then ,there was a dramatic`···
fixmm 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
The bar graph illustrates the number of people who received high education in China from 1990 to 2004. The percentage of people possessing higher education level increased dramatically by (approximately) 63% during this period.
As (it is demonstrated in)the bar graph,the proportion of higher educated people was only 5% in 1990. (soon after), there was a slight increase in the following four years, with the figure recorded reaching about 11% in 1994. (subsequently) a significant rise between 1994 and 1998 (is represented), during (the)period (which) the percentage increased considerably by approximately 5% per year(,) followed by a dramatic increase (from 45% to 65%) between 2000 and 2002. the percentage (ultimately) reached a peak of approximately 68% in 2004 (which indicates the higher accessibility of higher education in china).
(through the gradual increasing percentage of higher education over 14 years as illustrated in the bar graph), it is obvious and noteworthy (that various) positive developments (of higher education from 1990 to 2004 in china have accommodated people with increased availability to higher education. )
句子结构太死板, AND THEN, . AFTER THAT . FINALLY. 句子的应用应该更灵活.结尾还需要加强!
用词还需专业一下. 如and then, after that etc都是比较随意的用法,不建议采用.
建议词汇demonstrated, illustrated, portrayed, represented, which indicates, implies, steady increase, consequently, as a result.
帮忙批改雅思作文Topic:Some people believe that teenagers should lear
Topic:Some people believe that teenagers should learn all school subjects,while others claim that students should focus on the subjects that they are best at or that they are interested in.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In many places of the world,it is common these days for students to learn all the subjects at school.While,some people think it is not essential for them to do that,they can choose the part of subjects which they are interested in or good at.
These people believe that let students select what courses they want to learn by themselves is very beneficial.Students will becoming more positive in learning and give full play to their energy because of it.In addition,it is also the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives in the future,which is not likely to those students who do not know what they to do after blindly study all the courses.What's more,it provide a chance for these students who are not excellent enough in all courses yet have a good command of one,to show their striking talent.
However,they are probably wrong.Teenagers should learn every subject in their school.Many of these teenager's though are not very mature,they select it because they like it at that time,while after a few months late,they begin to feel the subject is not as interesting as their thought,then they will soon get tried of studying,which is the last thing people would want.Furthermore,if teenagers do not learn all subjects,how do they make out what subjects they are best at or care about?If they choose major in science,how do they express it clearly with lack of language training?
So overall,my view is that teenagers may try to learn all school subjects in their study career instead of selecting to learn.It will enable them to broaden their horizons,and find a real suitable position for themselves.
总被dd 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
第一,在首段未表明观点.只是说some people think...却没有说 I think
第二,文章结构不太对.他要求你discuss both views and give your opinion.
PS:从你的文章中看出,你的基础应该还不错,像普通的高中生.也许有些还写不出这样的 ...可能你是还没有找到写这种英语标准化考试应试作文的精髓.建议你多看点别人写的,或者是买几本书看看.你们考雅思的应该还是有基本参考书的吧,多看看那上面的文章.体会他们的结构.相信你一定可以达到6分的.
还是白衣 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
xoki 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
狗祝青 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
从雅思考试“题型多样” 这一特征来看如何读题.不同的题型有着不一样的解题思路和技巧.就雅思听力考试两大主流题型填空题和选择题而言,前者在读题时,首先需要考生注意其字数的限制,如NO MORE THAN …… WORDS.或者一些具有提示作用的INSTRUCTIONS,例如write down three subjects that also use a Brail code.斜体部分都是对答案的捕捉具有一定的提示作用的.而选择题则需明确提问的对象和内容,通常我们把题目中的专有名词和数字作为第一时间快速定位词,若没有这两项则寻找提问的对象.
雅思考试听力审题步骤的把握如何直接决定了个人听题时候的负担轻重.为了能在听题过程中能“有的放矢”在快速浏览了题目要求后,可利用剩余的时间对答案进行预测.例如:见到more than,increased by,reduced by…… 那么这里我们预测此处为数字考点;再如the kiwi has poor sight but a good…… 根据题目意思,KIWI视力较弱,那么视力不好的动物什么感观会比较好呢?自己可以根据常识来进行判断.这样一来,不仅可缩小信息范围,还可提高正确率.当然这样的解题思路是需要大家平时不断的练习和摸索的.
在听题过程中重点要把握试题的节奏,并注意对同近义词,上下义词和含义转述进行联想和拓展来帮助自己定位答案.很多考生会觉得雅思听力看答案本身都很简单,为什么自己做题时就听不到,源头就在于定位受阻.比如题目:long-term …… 我们在听的时候定位不到这个一模一样的词,而是类似prolonged,chronic(主要在医疗场景)等词.
还有要注意信息的重复和更正.很多时候前面说了一个答案,后面又马上有更正,所以一定留意but,however这些表示转折的连接词,或者有时候先说一种方案,然后马上又说probably it is better to...那么答案又变成后面这个了.”除了转折,象表示因果的because,so,表示强调的particularly,especially等词都是容易跟考点的.而象although,in spite of 等虽然意思的词和词组则是需要排除的干扰信息.
听录音的时候就要仔细听是不是有s的,比如balconies,vegetables等等.其实在雅思听力中,这个S只有我们听不到的时候,没有他读不到的时候,关键是看大家有没有在平时的练习过程中不断领悟,把握其规律.还有就是看看前后搭配,比如…… are affected by Britain’s pollution;.…… relies heavily on nuclear power.很明显,前一句主语部分是复数,而后一句是单数.
数字考点出现时候需要检查这一数字前后是否有信息的遗漏,前面的比如$,£等货币符号不能漏; 加在数字考点后的主要是其他的一些比如长度,质量,容积等单位.
一般来说大写的就是以专有名词为主,如地名、人名、学科、职位名称等等,当然有一些特定的词和词组的出现也要注意答案是否需大写,例如named,called,entitled,known as 等的出现.另外,象一些给定信息较多的题型,例如表格题,则通过对横纵双向进行观察,看是否需要大写,包括单词的时态,使答案格式保持一致.
leoyao1 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
1 同意不同意类型的
2 问题解决办法的
3 你说的 讨论题型
4 还有优 缺点
5 复合题 [类似优缺点和问题解决办法的结合]
as it displays on the flow chart,...作雅思小作文开头可以吗
as it displays on the flow chart,...作雅思小作文开头可以吗
喃喃乖 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
雅思作文 求批改!求评分!It is generally believed that some people are b
雅思作文 求批改!求评分!
It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents,for instance for sport or music,and others are not.However,it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Whether people who are born with certain talents can be success or any one can be,which raises considerable concerns among many people.Views regarding this phenomenon vary greatly from person to person.In my opinion,the people born with certain talents triumph over people are not.
Admittedly ,the opinion that any one through education can do things more professional in one area ,which can hold water to some extent .Advocates point out that if the society gives them sufficient education and time during their studying age ,they will got high scores in the future .Education plays a pivotal role in everyone’s life and future education could bring more opportunities when people finding jobs.For example,the table tennis golden owner ,Li Xiaoxia,in this Olympic Games,won in the end,though she have not had talents when she was a child .Only if she has enough education to study and enough time to practice .She might be a good sport player.
Another army of people hold the different opinion that some people are born with certain talents,such as the gift for sport or music.They can do better than others .First and foremost,the point is that they got the gift since they were infants,so they would show the talents not more than one thing.If parents found their children had gifts on music,how were they do in the next stage?Probably,the will provide more teaching methods to their children.And then children can absorb abundant knowledge from their courses.In addition,talent person could find courses easier than the others.Thus,they will have time to study deeply and broadly.When a person’s primary education is easy to get and then he can choose elementary knowledge.
In my opinion,talented person can gain more achievements than the others.They can use their gifts,pulsing the efforts they take and sufficient practices in their lives.
跳着奔跑 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率78.3%
1Admittedly , the opinion (that any one through education can do things more professional in one area , which can hold water to some extent )这句话不完整,没有谓语,括号部分为从句.
2Advocates point out that if the society gives them sufficient education and time during their studying age , they will got high scores in the future . 这句话可以改的更紧凑一些,Advocators claim that if certain level of education was made available, students would achieve higher score. 这句话强调的重点是如果学生能够接受一定程度的教育,他们的成绩会更好,the society, in future,这些不是句子强调的重点,为了避免文章的冗余,我把它省略了,我在if这里还用了一个虚拟语气,表假设
3 Education plays a pivotal role in everyone’s life and future education could bring more opportunities when people finding jobs.这句话2个问题,1是句子的冗余,2是没有把句子中的逻辑关系表达出来.我改成 Education plays a pivotal role in everyone's life as it contribute to significantly to job hunting. 我在这里用一个as表示因果关系,英语和中文不同,中文句子之间的逻辑连接很多时候是一种自然衔接,而英文则需要用各种连接词来体现句子或者词组之间的逻辑关系.
4Only if she has enough education to study and enough time to practice . She might be a good sport player (only 引导的条件句是要倒装的,格式是only by doing can sb/sth do...)所以我改成 Only by maintaining enough study and practice activities can she become an excellent athlete.
5Another army of people hold the different opinion that some people are born with certain talents, such as the gift for sport or music. They can do better than others紧凑其间,这2句可以合并成一句,Others may challenge that natural tallent in sport and music may contriute to outstanding achievement in these areas.
6First and foremost, the point is that they got the gift since they were infants, so they would show the talents not more than one thing. If parents found their children had gifts on music, how were they do in the next stage? 议论文强调客观,所以尽量不要用疑问句,还有first and foremost, the point ist that 这段东西还是省略了吧,这只是一个承上启下的连接词啊,我改成First, their natural gift can be perceived when they are very young attracting the investment of more training resources which contribute to their future success.
Pie chart
the pie chart compares popularity of the various leisure activities of European adults in 1985 and 1995 .
a glance at the proportion of leisure activities of European adults in 1985,It clearly reveals the most popular leisure activity is watching TV.Which account for 32 percent of total pie chart.the second popular activity is talking with friend,which account for 21 of the proportion.The following popular activities are eating out ,talking with family and other,which are 23 percent and 18 percent and 6 percent respectively.
By stark contrast,The proportion of leisure activities of European aults in 1995 is quite different from 1985.Watching TV is still the most popular activity in 1995,but It declined to 30% from 32%.Interestingly,Playing computer was suddenly occur bettween 1985 and 1995 also directly replace talking with friends that was second popular,Also playing computer account for 27 percent of the proportion.the talking with friends was increased to 26% in 1995.however,eating out and talking with family was declined rapidly from 23% to 8% and from 18% to 7% respectively.
北地南飞雁 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%

雅思大作文 求指正Nowadays,distance-learning programs are such common
雅思大作文 求指正
Nowadays,distance-learning programs are such common thing for us (the study material by past,by interest),but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as these by attending college or university in person.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Distance-learning is pervasive and persuasive for its efficiency and low cost,while in most counties,face to face taught by teachers is still the main trend of study.Should we alter the means of learning and replace the tele-education of the classroom?From most people,the answer is definitely no and so do I.
To begin with,even though with the advent of distance learning,more students can study at home and their schedules become flexible due to they can book the class they need,teachers can provide us with something special which cannot be obtained by distance-learning.From my experience,the matters I learn from my teacher are not only knowledge,but also about how to be a useful social member,how to confront with troubles,how to cheer up even when you fail for thousands of times.All the thing above can only be learned from the experience we get along with our teacher.Moreover,we are also influenced gradually by teachers.Socrates generated the novel philosophy thinking from his teacher,Pluto.King Alexander learned the way to manage a country from Aristotle.All the celebrities have a teacher who can enlighten their mind and become their guider,partner.In this sense,teachers are more than an individual who imparts knowledge.
From another side,tele-education can only work on the computer.For students,sitting a long-time in front of the computer and watching the screen preoccupationally may cause physical hazards,such as eyestrain,wrist and neck pain.Moreover,studying alone,without the company of peers,the child has lost a golden chance to enhance their social skill and they may be hard to be sociable,extroverted and generous in adulthood.
What I want to say is that distance-learning and schooling should never be contradictory to each other,they can work mutually.Distance-learning is a complementary path to promote students' academic performance,whereas schooling is the predominate way of studying.
hmhxl 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率80%
Good writing, structure!

Nowadays, distance-learning programs are such common thing for us (the study material by past, by interest), but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as these by attending college or university in person.Nowadays, distance-learning programs have become common ways of learning. However, some people are still doubt about them and argue that
remote learning courses can never achieve better effect than attending college or
university to get lectures face to face.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (This is not necessary as you are not making presentation to raise listeners' attention)delete this sentence.
Distance-learning is pervasive and persuasive for its efficiency and low cost, while in most counties, face to face taught by teachers is still the main trend of study.Although distance-learning is pervasive and persuasive for its low
cost , face to face taught by teachers is still
the main forms of learning in many countries.
Should we alter the means of learning and replace the tele-education of the classroom? From most people, the answer is definitely no and so do I.Should we alter the means of learning and replace the tele-education with classroom lecture? For most people, the answer is definitely no, and for me the same.(are you sure you are in favour of tele-education? read the following paragraphes)

To begin with, even though with the advent of distance learning, more students can study at home and their schedules become flexible due to they can book the class they need, teachers can provide us with something special which cannot be obtained by distance-learning.(Are you sure you come back to talk about the disadvantages of tele-education?)
Although more
students can stay at home to learn their courses through reading on-line teaching material and their schedules can be very flexible, sometime there are certain drawbacks as teachers can provide us with
something special that cannot be obtained by distance-learning.

From my experience, the matters I learn from my teacher are not only knowledge, but also about how to be a useful social member, how to confront with troubles, how to cheer up even when you fail for thousands of times. Based on my experience, I believe what I learn from my teacher are not only
pure scientific knowledge, but also the knowledge about how to grow up to become a person can contribute to our society, how to face dificulties, problems and failures, and how to cheer up even when you fail for thousands
of times.

All the thing above can only be learned from the experience we get along with our teacher.All the above mentioned can be better learned by attending face to face lecture because you have more chance to learn by observing teachers' work, the ways and attitude they deal with others.
Moreover, we are also influenced gradually by teachers.
Socrates generated the novel philosophy thinking from his teacher, Pluto.
Socrates got the novel philosophy thinking based on his learning from his teacher, Pluto.

King Alexander learned the way to manage a country from Aristotle.

All the celebrities have a teacher who can enlighten their mind and become their guider, partner.
All the celebrities have a teacher who can enlighten their mind and become their personal tutors.In this sense, teachers are more than an individual who imparts knowledge.In this sense, a teacher is more than a person who imparts knowledge.
From another side, tele-education can only work on the computer.
On the other hand, with tele-education you can only work on the computer.
For students, sitting a long-time in front of the computer and watching the screen preoccupationally may cause physical hazards, such as eyestrain, wrist and neck pain. For students, sitting a long-time in front of computer and watching
the screen preoccupationally may cause physical problem, such as
eyestrain, wrist and neck pain. (they are not harzards yet)

Moreover, studying alone, without the company of peers, the child has lost a golden chance to enhance their social skill and they may be hard to be sociable,extroverted and generous in adulthood. Moreover, studying alone with no companion of peers, children may lose a golden chance to enhance their social skills and become uneasy
to be sociable, extroverted and generous in adulthood.
What I want to say is that distance-learning and schooling should never be contradictory to each other, they can work mutually. (the two forms of learning can only coexist, they cannot work mutually as they don't have lives)
My opinion is that distance-learning can be a good way of learning but classroom learning should never be totally replaced.

Distance-learning is a complementary path to promote students' academic performance, whereas schooling is the predominate way of studying.
Distance-learning is a complementary way to enhance students'
academic performance, whereas schooling is still the irreplaceable education form at the moment, especially for young pupils.
他是个很严肃的白人老头 语速很快 我是因为紧张 所以全程一直在笑
part1时没什么 但有几个问题他追问了why 估计是我答得太简单了 期间有个问题我没听清 说了句excuse me.
part2是disturb a book which someone recommend u 因为昨晚我就准备了这个topic 所以大概知道怎么说 但答案也是自己想的 说的有些结巴 他表现的挺不耐烦吧 一直在侧着坐并且揉脸 等我说完了他也不知道.可能还差点时间我就说完了 然后他就问我了你还看过其它的书吗?我说没有 最近只读了它 他就笑了笑开始part3
p3我觉得答得比之前好 因为他问的问题我也准备过 他也开始和我聊了 而且越说越high 每次我说完他都会笑一下
结束时 他特高兴的笑还说thank you very much,byebye.
我看了下全程是大概8分钟的样子.会不会太快了 但我觉得p1&3他问了好多问题.
到part3时 他问了很多关于读书的问题 什么在***大家怎么选择书/是否只有老年人有时间看书/纸质书是否会被淘汰之类的.然后看他的肢体语言(哈哈哈..)就是从p2的侧身坐捂着嘴 变成了面对我坐着..感觉到了p3他的态度好了很多..
余x音 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
6分以上吧.part 1被问why只是老外想要看看你还有没有别的什么可以描述的.part 2可能你说的比较格式化而且说得时间不够所以他会在你说完等一段时间才问你问题之类的.part 3是part 2的延续,有互动说明老外对你的回答还是挺满意的.结束时基本上所有考官都是这个反映.所以最少也应该是6分.再往上就看考官心情了.
我在谁家 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
第二部分直接联系第三部分,是评分重点.考官给你一张话题卡,一张纸,一支笔.然后让你准备1分钟. 这是可以写的.写下一些关键词帮助自述.当1分钟到了.考官要求开始,同时计时.这是你要keep talking and keep talking,停顿过长或频繁会扣掉流利的分数.一般是2分钟上限.建议1分半即可.太短会扣分.时间到了会示意停,中间不会打断你. 我还没说完就到时间了.可总感觉没到时间.内容不够.
虚心求赐教 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率70%
各位大神,我想问一下,我是12月7日考的雅思,总分6.5 听力8 阅读6.5 作文口语5.5
各位大神,我想问一下,我是12月7日考的雅思,总分6.5 听力8 阅读6.5 作文口语5.5
各位大神,我想问一下,我是12月7日考的雅思,总分6.5 听力8 阅读6.5 作文口语5.5 我想申请复议,大家觉得有机会成功吗?
mthread 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
W狼牙月Z 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
急求雅思water pollution 和 land pollution的大作文 3Q
急求雅思water pollution 和 land pollution的大作文 3Q
要求 water(land) pollution都包括哪三种___,___and___.要求一定是3种 每一种一句introduction.然后是facts/examples.water pollution和land pollution都要写 一定要按照雅思的写法
青青30 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
Firstly ,air pollution,which has a bad effect on the environment,comes from factories,power stations and cars.Lots of factories take pollution to world .for example,In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal.Over 2,500 animals were killed that night,Hundreds of thousands of animals were injured.Many of them injured lost their sight.Next,Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage.They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground as rain.Nevertheless this “chemical rain” gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in lakes.In Germany,over 50% of the country's trees had been damaged by the year 1986.Last,Cars are a convenient transportation,but they also cause serious problems.All the time,they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere.These gases,in turn,cause disease and even death.Therefore,it is urgent that the problems be solved.
ypascal 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%


天堂守護者 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
我是weiwei 共回答了27个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
第二段先说S1的特点,靠近Main Road和Railway,因为是郊区可以提供大量的停车点(注意右边说的S2是没有停靠点的),所以方便外面得顾客驾车来买东西
灵琳 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
首先审题,文章要你写建 tourist facilities 前后的对比,你写的没见有什么明显的对比.
其次首段,最经典要和题目同义替换的你没有,还是用 show...要用 indicate 或者 demonstrate
loyaltysipu 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
雅思英语作文:我的家乡 1000个词,
雅思英语作文:我的家乡 1000个词,
weichaozong 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
已发到你的邮箱去了,大约800 至900词,希望会没有问题,若是满意的话,请不要忘了采纳和加悬赏哦? 祝你学业进步!
法客大魔王 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
请问the tone 雅思5分评语全语是:may present a purpose for the letter th
请问the tone
雅思5分评语全语是:may present a purpose for the letter that is unclear at times; the tone may be variable and sometimes inappropriate
其它的我都明白,就是这个the tone不知道说的是什么.
gggg评论员 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
帮我看看这篇雅思小作文,剑5 Test2 Task 1Illustrated are two column graphs
剑5 Test2 Task 1
Illustrated are two column graphs,showing the two reasons for learning among students of five age groups (under 26-over 49) and the support situation by employers.
It shows a moderately decline of students which study for career with age.There are 80% students (under 26 yr olds) that learning for career which is approximately four times than the students over 49 yr olds.However,with the increase of age,the trends of students that study for interest describe a colossal rise,from a paltry 10% (under 26) to a tremendous 70% (over 49).Coincidently,in the age group 40-49,both of the two reasons are account for 40% of total.
When it refers to the proportion of employer support,it drops from the acme at hefty 62% in the group (under 26) to the rock bottom at a meagre 32% (30-39),which is ahead of a bounce.
Most important of all,if the two charts are considered as a total,readers may find that the high percentage of students (for career) in the age group (under 26) is entwined with strong employer support.
粉红色的榴莲糖 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
剑5 Test2任务1
两列图说明,显示了两个理由五学生中学习年龄(在26-over 49)和支持的环境下,雇主.
它显示了一个中等下降为工作学习的学生,在年龄上.有80%的学生(在26年岁之间的职业,学习是大概四倍以上49年岁学生们.然而,随着年龄的增长,发展趋势的研究兴趣的学生把描述一种巨大的上涨,从微薄的10%(在26)的70%(49).巧合的,在年龄33 - 41,两个两个原因是占40%的总数.
当它是指雇主的比例支持,均下降62%的股价在组(26)下到磐石为数不多的底时(32%),这是1:6 7,1:23,1:前反弹.
雅思作文求修改There is a table illustrating the new cars sold in us
There is a table illustrating the new cars sold in usa in 2000 to 2005 that from four different counties.by and large the total quantity illustrated a mild decrease over this figure of sold cars.in particular,usa has the largest figure of new cars sold in 2000,but japanese cars sold surpassed american cars in 2005 while german had a stabilization in the sales.the number of sold what came from usa at 4.2 million while there has a dramatic descend took place was seen in the figure at 2.6 million,during the years 2000 to 2005 a significant rise trowing light in the number of japanese cars sold at 2.2 million to 3.4 million.whereas a slightly increase in german cars from 0.2 million in 2000 to 0.3 million in 2005.then sales of south korea cars remained unchanged at 1.1 million.
懒懒女人 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
in usa in 2000 to 2005:in usa from 2000 to 2005the number of sold :the number of salesat 2.2 million to 3.4 million:from 2.2 million to 3.4 millionPS:各句衔接不够紧密
雅思阅读中 句子填空 如果空在句首,单词用大写么?
geqfculove 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
雅思 阅读 简答题首字母大小写问题
雅思 阅读 简答题首字母大小写问题
举例Q22:“Which of the sense is described here as being involved in mating”
leafbaby 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
懒洋洋的羽毛 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
你好,雅思听力不算快,而且话题很贴近生活,场景无非就是学校图书馆银行中介医院与机场等等,可以说实用性非常的高,能猜测答案的程度也很高,最好是有一本场景对话的书,我当时就是准备了一本专门讲这些场景对话的书来看着玩,又可以练口语又练了听力,看多了之后你一看到题目就知道场景,然后马上回忆场景所对应的对话,锁定关键词,就很容易把填空题变成选择题,选择题就可以缩小范围,有些人说要边听边走这些,其实我觉得效果不好,听力一定要很集中精神的听,把它转换成休息时就拿出场景书看看 效果会好很多.
写作: 保6分很容易,只要意思表达清楚,无很多的语法很拼写错误,再套2句模版里的话拿6分应该没问题,要上7分就非常困难了...那要下很大功夫,对于作文不好的同学,可以参考下模版,但是千万不要背别人的,可以找身边英语比较好的帮自己写一个简单的,然后要坚持3个原则,1:中心句一定要放在段落开头,点明主题 2:学会单词替换,例如文章中就不要出现 a lot of而换substantial之类的 3:从句不要太多太长,倒装和虚拟语气一个就好.
do u think sleep is an important way to relax 这是一个雅思口语的问题,我应
do u think sleep is an important way to relax 这是一个雅思口语的问题,我应该怎么回答?20S 以内的答
describe a day which you spent away from your work and study to relax?(where you spent your free time,with whom why you think it was the relaxing time?)
娴娴乐 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
of course,anything bothered me would disappear after my waking up.
sleeping can also relax my mind to help me having a smooth emotion.
风流怪子 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
雅思G类小作文书信,如果不知道对方男女是不是就写Dear sir/madam?落款sincerely后面必须写自己名字么
雅思G类小作文书信,如果不知道对方男女是不是就写Dear sir/madam?落款sincerely后面必须写自己名字么?
爱上玉米猫咪 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
照说应该这样,我不知道你说的具体情形啊,如果是写给某个officer,building manager啥的,也可以写dear building manager,Dear xxx officer.比较正式的落款就是yours sincerely,或者sincerely yours,如果相对熟悉就可以写Regards,Cheers,Yours之类的,最后是自己的名字.
求解一道雅思语法难题16.Just watch carefully now.I’ll show you one of t
16.Just watch carefully now.I’ll show you one of the most remarkable photographs _____.
A.having ever been taken B.had ever been taken C.ever taken D.ever being taken
wagnaichun 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
这是典型的动词过去分词做后置定语,用来修饰前面的remarkable photographs .D项如果是(that)was ever taken 就可以.而本题根本就没又要表达完成时态的意思,并不是强调过去的动作对现在造成某种影响,所以AB项不能选.
雅思语法问题-介词(1)请帮助我分析以下问题,我的答案错在哪里.(大写的单词是正确答案)1.Maybe we could
1.Maybe we could draw up a table and look at examples of each medium IN TURN.
A.in turn B.in exchange C.in progress D.in advance
2.You can call me BY my english name,kevin.
My answer:in/with
3.Cut staff BY 25%
4.110 deaths PER thousand live births
5.an important health intervention IN its own right
6.Over the last century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased BEYOND our widest expectations
7.For Australia,water is a precious resource and its wise management is FOR the greatest importance
8.Other factors must be at work and researchers have turned TO the brain for clues.
9.I know it BY heart.It's an easy one.
10.The essay we have to write is the one ON how children learn THROUGH the media.
11.What sort of programs do you go FOR?
florachun019 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
第一个句子意思是:也许我们可以起草一个图标,然后“轮流/一次”看看那些样本.in turn这里就是轮流的意思.
第四个,PER的意思,更准确,每一千个出生里,有多少多少……口语里,用every也不是不可以,不过应该把per换成in every就好了.
八,“研究员开始转向向大脑寻求线索”.turn to 转变于……而turn in则跟这个句子没什么联系.
第九,查下字典,可以得出by heart是凭记忆牢记的意思.in heart你是想说记在心里吧?其实这个句子的意思大概是“我已牢记在心,这不难.”
十一题,go for是追寻,探求,获取的意思.句意是,你在找什么样的程序?go on就是表示继续的意思了……
ateshelley 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
雅思小作文求点评剑6 test3The two diagrams show the life cycle of the
The two diagrams show the life cycle of the silkworm and the
processes to produce silk cloth.
In general,the whole lifespan of the
silkworm can approximately separate into 4 conservative periods.Originating as
egg,after around 10 days of growth,the silkworm turns to the silkworm which
feed on mulberry food.In almost 4-6 weeks,the lava will begin to construct the
silk thread where it will experience the total mutuality to become moth who
delivers the eggs again.
In the process when the mutuality operates,the
complex of larva and silk thread can be defined as the cocoon,which is the raw
material of production of silk cloth.To produce silk cloth,people generally
formulate with 5 sequent stages.At the beginning,the proper cocoon should be
selected.Then,in order to unwind the cocoon more effectively,it has to be
boiled in the fresh water for a fewer minutes.In the end,the unwounded twist
(almost 300-900m per cocoon) and weaves will combine together,putting into the
dye to produce the brand new silk cloth.
pesl1 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
雅思大作文,第一次写题目Popular events like the football World CLub and
题目Popular events like the football World CLub and other international sportsting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way
International sporting events like the football World Cup are popular all over the world.There is an opinion those are necessary for relaxing international tensions and guiding Patriotic emotions in a correct way.
I agree with this opinion.I think popular events are good for physical as well as mental.For example,the WorldCup,an international big event,cnveys optimistic spirits.The football players who never give up,cooperate and try their best to win.The referee is a symbol of justice.The competiton not only is intense,but also fulls of sincerity.You can find the friendship among teammates,and moved.Cheer for your favourite.It seems that popular events release your pure emotions.You can do what you want,like,yell,jump,laugh,clap,losing rational behaviours.After that,you would be relaxed.The reason why there are international tensions are nervous emotions.Once the emotions are released,so do the tensions.
Sometimes patriotic emotions are dangerous.But in a grand event,people would in favor of their favourite regardless nations.So we can say popular events release patriotic emotions in a safe way.Popular events can arouse the universal human emotions.Those emotions are naive and pure,not fixing profits.Celebrating the popular events can promote international trade and cultural exchange.There is a popular sologan in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games “One world,One dream”,which present the events’aim and affect .
So I have to say popular events have a dramatically effect on people all over the world..And those events indeed easing international tensions and are helpful for the world peace.
焚蝶欲坠 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
第一段 建议两种都说了 some people believe,the others hold the differnet opinion...,然后说 你自己支持哪种
第二段 解释自己的观点.主题没有逻辑,建议用firstly sencondly...nevertheless,等等这些转折词,来划分清意思.另外,你的论点没有论据支撑,建议举个例子 在那届上有个啥事儿能很好的说明世界杯促进了世界和平.
第三段 有点短,把主题内容的大概意思再次概括一遍,最后强调一下.
最后,文中有些词有些口语化,比如 I think ,so,可以换成 i believe that,as a result,等等
雅思大作文,帮我看看能打几分,As time goes on,technology becomes an essenti
As time goes on,technology becomes an essential part in human’s daily life.Airplane is one of the necessary tool for travel,study and visit families.However,there are another group of public is not comply with it,they believe environment is more important and airplane wastes resources and damages our living places.
On one hand,increasly amount of students are going to overseas to improve their learning and development.Firstly,plane is the only resource to help them go on aboard.Which is faster,safer and easier.In addition,there are many people’s family members immigrate to overseas,so visit them by air would be the only choice.For example,it only takes 11 hours from China to New Zealand.Therefore,students can also go back to their country whenever they prefer.
On the other hand,a long journey costs thousands of petrol,which means earth mother has to provid lots of resources to satisfy human.It is not only give more burdens to the ecology,but also the exhaust gas would occurs environmental problem to the sky,such as acid rain.It is the revenge from nature.
Therefore,we may can modify this phenomeno by decrease the chance of using airplane to travel,or even invent some different kind of environmentally friendly fuel for the plane.It is not only helped environment,but also benefit our next generations.
In the conclusion,plane is our compulsory tool for the business and study,but still we can not just care only for money and convince,look forward to the further benefit would be more important.
还魂草0927 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
As time goes on,technology becomes an essential part in human’s【改成our或者people‘s吧人类什么的..有点奇怪】 daily life.Airplane is one of the necessary tool【加s哦亲】 for travel【ing】,study【ing】 and visit【ing】 families.However,there are【is】 another group of public【that】 is【is换成does】 not comply with it,【要么句号要么分号】they believe 【that the】environment is more important and airplane wastes resources and damages our living places.【不知道你要表达什么诶】
On one hand,increasly【没这词吧是想说增长迅速的吗】 amount of students are going to【to去掉】 overseas to improve their learning 【skills】and development【改成develop themselves】.Firstly,plane is the only resource to help them go on【去掉on】 aboard.【逗号which带的是分句不用另起】 Which is faster,safer and easier.In addition,there are many people’s【不要people’s了吧多余】 family members immigrate【immigrating】 to【去掉to】 overseas,so visit【ing】 them by air would be the only choice.For example,it only takes 11【写出来eleven像这种很短的数字不要用阿拉伯字数字代替】 hours from China to New Zealand.【可变成分号然后接therefore,】Therefore,students can also go back to their country whenever they prefer.
On the other hand,a long journey costs thousands of 【thousands of liters of要有个单位吧】petrol,which means earth mother【mother earth这里直接the earth好了地球母亲..感觉不太符合整篇文章的氛围..】 has to provid lots of resources to satisfy human.It is not only give【giving】 more burdens to the ecology,but also the exhaust gas would occurs【cause】 environmental problem【s】 to【in】 the sky,such as acid rain.It is the revenge from nature.
Therefore,we may can【may和can选一个..】 modify this phenomeno【这次用这里不合适吧..一般指那种科学现象什么的】 by decrease【decreasing】 the chance of using airplane【s】 to travel,or even invent some different kind【s】 of environmentally【environmental】 friendly fuel for the plane.It is【does】 not only helped【help the】 environment,but also benefit our next generations【不要s】.
In the conclusion,plane is our compulsory tool for the【不要the】 business and study,but still we【we still】 can not【cannot】 just care only【just和only重复了】 for money and convince【convince?convenience【分号】look【ing】 forward to the further benefit would be more important.
句子之间的练习我也没有帮你改 有些句子之间的联系不大或者说缺少承接
你倒是背了点单词啊 但是语法还是要注意啊
总之- -有问题再说吧..努力吧少年