what qualities a good boss?

youyou_87312022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

what qualities a good boss?


8049wlw 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率100%
Eight Little Secrets of Being a Good Boss
Here are eight little secrets that every new leader needs to know.
1.You're not really their friend anymore
In fact, most workers said their greatest hesitation about becoming the boss would be supervising their friends and the resulting change in the water cooler culture.
"This is uncomfortable because suddenly, the boss can't ignore a teammate's weaknesses or poor performance, and harder still, many bosses are responsible for employees' pay," Concelman says. The new manager has to hold his or her former peers accountable - and treat the whole team equally, friend or not.
2.It's not your jokes they're laughing at
Your team actually compares you to prime-time boss caricatures such as "You're Fired" real estate mogul Donald Trump, domestic diva Martha Stewart or "Lost's" reluctant leader Jack Shepherd, according to the most recent Badbossology survey.
These famous bosses poke fun at the most extreme examples and serve as fodder for workplace gossip. New bosses need to be effective from day one to prevent being 'Dilberted,' according to Concelman.
"Once you've been tagged as the pointy-haired boss, it takes a lot of time and effort to recover respect," he says.
3.Your suspicions are right - employees are wasting time
But it's because they're complaining about you! Nearly one third of all employees spend at least 20 hours a month lamenting about the boss, which adds up to a lot of negative energy.
"This is the kryptonite that sucks away a manager's power, and it can't be ignored," Concelman says.
It is best addressed head-on after identifying if it is truly a leadership issue or the rantings of problem employees. "Experienced managers know that poor performers often complain the most. Still, it raises real concerns from other team members about the skills and behaviours of the boss," he adds.
4.Employees will accept change - if they're consulted first
The majority of workers responded that the most important thing a new boss can do is ask them what they think should be different. If change creates stress, a new boss can foster a fear of the unknown in employees.
"Giving them some input helps them gain control and feel less apprehensive about the change," Concelman says.
5.It's not about you looking good now
In fact, 60 percent of employees said the most respectable quality in a boss was their ability to help them succeed.
"Effective leaders relinquish the spotlight and put others there instead," Concelman says. "It is a stressful transition, going from being judged on your own accomplishments to those of your team, and leaders have to help employees shine by putting their success ahead of his or her own."
6.Your team doesn't share your goals
A great disconnect between a boss and his/her team is in their priorities. According to DDI's 2005 Leadership Forecast research, bosses put the bottom line on the top of their priority list, while employees in the DDI/Badbossology survey rank it as the least of their worries.
"A leader has to connect everyone's priorities and help individuals understand their contribution to organizational goals," Concelman explains. "At the same time, they have to listen to what is important to employees as well."
7.Not feeling up to the task? You're not alone
More than one in five workers surveyed said their greatest hesitation about becoming the boss was being perceived as incompetent, and nearly 25 percent said they would feel unprepared for the responsibility.
Why such hesitation to jump in? "There is a lot more at risk once you're in a leadership position," Concelman says.
8.Don't worry about having employees who don't like you - they'll just leave
There is no honeymoon period for new bosses - workers won't stick around once they realize they have a bad boss, with nearly half finding the door within six months.
Ten percent said they would quit immediately and 36 percent said they would give it three to six months.
"People vote with their feet, and if employees don't feel valued by the new boss, they'll quickly find someplace that will appreciate them," Concelman says.
"While some of this turnover is the result of increased accountability or personality clashes, a bad boss is a leading cause."
Some bosses deserve praise. But too many others don't. If you've got a story about a boss - good or bad - let us know and we'll publish them here.


what are some important qualities of a good supervisor?用英语回答
what are some important qualities of a good supervisor?用英语回答,大概80字左右,我有急用
qun528 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
A good supervisor should be ,first of all,confident,because only being confident,can he supervise others,and lead the whole company.Secondly,he should be intelligent,so that he can use knowledge to apply to his management and business,a decent diploma is necessary.Last but not the least,excellent interpersonal skills are required to be a good supervisor,which is especially true in today’s society.字数够了吧~我个人意见,仅供参考!
英语翻译2 The qualities that boys and girls consider important i
2 The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same ,regardless of the basis of these friendships
汪建香 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
英语翻译Now,Mrs.Schmidt,it's time for us to discuss qualities ne
Now,Mrs.Schmidt,it's time for us to discuss qualities needed in our personnel,since we're going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school should be representative in character.Have you thought of which traits we should be looking for?I'd like to hear your suggestions.Yes,according to psychological research,generally speaking,the traits most necessary for interpersonal success are honesty,dependability,tolerance,cooperativeness,and perseverance,and in the professional world particularly,vision,competency,fair-mindedness,and punctuality are important.Those are good qualities that we would want in every employee.Now,perhaps we should discuss virtues needed in a director.What do you want to tell me in this respect?Some of my acquaintances have accumulated quite a lot of experience in the international business that enables them to make valuable suggestions.So I have talked to them for this matter.Oh have you?What did they say?According to them,a desirable director is humble,diplomatic,and flexible but well-educated and experienced.He should also be concerned,and even generous.Absolutely!Now,would you address character description for the Commercial and Industrial Arts staff?You used to operate a vocational school,so your experience must have given you many ideas.In addition to those general assets,our school should seek practical leaders who are skillful and diligent.The best ones are also creative but modest,clever but humble.There are a number of other positions to consider.We have done good work so far.We can discuss the remaining items after lunch.
dimenkwork 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
What are the qualities you look for in a manager是什么意思
What are the qualities you look for in a manager是什么意思
cry2006 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
英文改错 一共10处错误what qualities does a great man have?Take mandel
英文改错 一共10处错误
what qualities does a great man have?Take mandela for example.he fought for the black people and had sentenced to prison for almost 30 years.he never gave up a rich life as a lawyer but offered guidance to the poor black people on their legai problem.In robben island prison with which no one could escape,Mandela began a school for those who had few learning.since they were better educated,many of whom got a job in an office after being set freely.In1994 ANC founding by Mandela came to power .It was reward for hie lasting and selfless struggle all through his life.
海口大润发 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
What qualities does a great man have?Take Mandela for example.He fought for the black people and WAS sentenced to IMprisonMENT for almost 30 years.He never gave up a rich life as a lawyer but offered guidance to the poor black people on their legai problem.In Robben Island prison FROM which no one could escape,Mandela began a school for those who had LITTLE learning.Since they were better educated,many of THEM HAVE got a job in an office after being set freely.In1994 ANC foundED by Mandela came to power .It was A reward for hiS lasting and selfless struggle all through his life.
1.This crop has similar qualities to the previous one,____bo
1.This crop has similar qualities to the previous one,____both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.
A being B been C to be D having been
2.The tree,the branches _____are almost bare,is a very old one.
A whose B in which C of which D which
3.The house was very quiet,____as it was on the side of a mountain.
A isolated B isolating C being isolated D having been isolated
4.I have heard both teachers and students ___well of him.
A to speak B spoken C to have spoken D speak
5.Nobody but Helen and Gal _____working in the lab yesterday.
A are B is C were D was
cj-hua 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
第四题:感官动词后面一般用doing 或动词原形,比如see,hear,watch等
第五题:主语是nobody ,不是helen and gal
what kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?怎么回答这问题,1
what kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?怎么回答这问题,100字以内
哪里 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
在挑选你中意的伴侣上你最注重哪五样品质?人体美排在你的清单里排在第几? 依自己的水平翻译,供你参考
What qualities do you think English teachers are expected to
What qualities do you think English teachers are expected to possess ?
边城魅影 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率100%
Can you think of a few qualities of a good doctor?不需要太长,几句话.
Can you think of a few qualities of a good doctor?不需要太长,几句话...
Can you think of a few qualities of a good doctor?不需要太长,几句话即可.
你丫8不想活了 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
patience responsibility love sympathy kindness and supurb skill
句子成分怎么划分的?The same qualities that make people good house gue
The same qualities that make people good house guests make them good hosipital patients.
puxia82 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
主语:The same qualities that make people good house guests
注意这是双宾语,后面good hosipital patients是宾补.就是make sb sth,让某人变成某物.
再细分主语,The same qualities 就是主语,后面的that make people good house guests 是修饰主语的定语从句,合起来就是“...样的原因”
英语翻译The qualities of leadership are almost constant the worl
The qualities of leadership are almost constant the world over.尤其是world over怎么译
雪恋111 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
What are the important qualities for being a good teacher?Ma
What are the important qualities for being a good teacher?Make a dialogue based on the questions
nichole1010 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
the most important quality is professional knowledge including English grammatical konwledge, discourse knowleage, and the four skills of English.
The second one is teaching methods which should vary according to different students in various styles.
The third one is that a teacher must have a excellent personality, such as : patient, responsible, kind-hearted, open-minded, helpful, considerate and optimistic.
What qualities do you think one should possess to survive to
What qualities do you think one should possess to survive tough time?
HWSPES 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语回答:When one has encountered a tough time,the most important quality he / she should possess is the spirit of 'never say die' that perseverance is what he / she needs!
几个英语小问题1.which one of the following three qualities do you t
1.which one of the following three qualities do you think is the most important and why?
2.Is music art or is it just entertainment?what is your view makes a piece of music good or enjoyable to listen to?
3.poverty is a global problem.What do you think causes poverty?how can you help eliminate the problem of poverty?
4.what is life like for an unmarried mother? do you think her life is easier or more difficult and why do you think so? do you think this is right?
xiaoyaolee33 共回答了8个问题 | 采纳率75%
2Just entertainment,enjoyable to listen to.
3Inflatable,more laborage.
4I don't know what do youmean
6. What does winning mean to you? And what qualities does a
6. What does winning mean to you? And what qualities does a person need in order to be a winner?英语回答哦,要五六分钟左右能说完的。。。
天天想ww 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
Success means to me happiness and joy. Is yourachievement marked navigation.请采纳!
What are the qualities of a good guide 每一点一句~
4052333 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
he must be enthusiastic.
he should be a good leader
he must know a lot
he must be courageous
he could deal with things resonably
1.The qualities of my home town,______ on me as a boy,had a
1.The qualities of my home town,______ on me as a boy,had a profound effect on the philosophy that directed my career.
A.impressed B.impressing
2.These goods are sold at reduced prices,_______
A.the defects pointed out to the customs
B.the defects being pointed out to the customs
穿鱼的女子 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
1The qualities of my home town had a profound effect on the philosophy that directed my career.已是具备主谓的完整句子.
2These goods are sold at reduced prices.同是具备主谓的完整句子.
impressing =which impressed(whic是从属连词)选b
defects 与point是被动关系,因此选a
解释下这句话Strong,positive qualities that people could pick up on
解释下这句话Strong,positive qualities that people could pick up on from across a room.
前半句懂,就是后边那一堆介词,on from across a room...如何解
l remember once...imagining what my life would be like,what l'd be like.
  l pictured having all these qualities.Strong,positive qualities...that people could pick up on from across a room.
  But as time passed...few ever became any qualities l actually had.
  And all the possibilities l faced,and the sorts of people l could be...all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer...
  until finally they got reduced to one...to who l am.
  And that's who l am...the weatherman.
伊凡宝贝 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
pick up on 是一个词组,‘领悟,了解,注意到,与……熟悉起来’的意思
across a room 原意跨越整个房间,引申为 在远处,从远处
所以,这个定语后置部分翻译为 这些人们可以从远处领悟到的(坚强,乐观,品质)
history has some very special qualities about it
history has some very special qualities about it
.lt ls a of what ha
45003392 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college 的回答
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college 的回答
what qualities and skills should we acquire at college
要求(passion vision major interpersonal skills cet-4 certificate independence responsibility)
夜夜新娘 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率73.7%
The most important thing is to learn how to learn,for there is more to learn after your collledge.
The second important thing is to learn as much as possible in the classes of your major,for you will live on it after graduatation.
英语高手请进What do you think are the essential qualities in choos
What do you think are the essential qualities in choosing your future life-partner?
飞扬_king 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
I think,most important of all she must be honest,because she will be someone who will stay with me for a life-long time,and if she isn't loyal to me,I can't imagine what will happen.
As to the appearing,I think it is not important,beacuse looks can never represent a person's inner world.
What qualities do you think a good business needs?如何回答?
憨瓜水古鱼 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
What are the top five qualities you would look for in a pote
What are the top five qualities you would look for in a potential spouse?
Where does physical beauty rank on your list?
endless13 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
what qualities are important in a good friend?
missonlyone 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
qualities make someone a hero的意思是?
kkkkkkkk还是kk 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
. ____, some famous scientists have the qualities of being b
. ____, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.
A. Strangely enough B. Enough strangely
C. Strange enough D. Enough strange
arronwang 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
解析:这里是副词作状语,enough 修饰形容词副词要后置,这修饰整个句子的.
eg:Ripe ,the apples taste sweet =
When the apples are ripe,they taste sweet
The qualities of a good friendship:
The qualities of a good friendship:
The qualities of a good friendship:Believe ineach other.
Beready to each other.
Share witheachother.
jacklondon 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率82.6%
what do you think are the qualities of a fashion designer?
what do you think are the qualities of a fashion designer?
libin123890 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
A fashion designer should be sensitive to fashion trends have a grasp of the extraordinary vision to be a modest but also the mentality of well-known clothing are often a good guide to the trend of an era and is a popular synonym for you if someone boast very good at So the time is in praise of clothing but you become a good designer can not be easily possible to pass strict examinations and strain innovation capability
What are important qualities of a good boss,a good parent,a
What are important qualities of a good boss,a good parent,a good neighbor,a good co-worker,etc?
山水思沙龙 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
understanding is the most important quality for all these roles.
1、There is no denying that the qualities of our living have
1、there is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.
2there is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.
第一个句子中的no denying 有“lng" 为什么第二个句子中的doubt 不加”ing“ 什么逻辑?
shilei30019002 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
因为阿,你知道deny 只是动词而已.there is 这样的句型是指这里有……
后面自然就要跟名字,deny在没有名词的情况下就要加ing变成动名词 .
而第二句的doubt 本身就是个名词,表示疑问.所以不需要加任何修改啦.
翻courage is the first of human qualities bacause it is the q
翻courage is the first of human qualities bacause it is the quality which guarantees all the others
翻译courage is the first of human qualities bacause it is the quality which guarantees all the others
shenghei 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%
英语话题短文"What are the qualities that you think are important i
"What are the qualities that you think are important in a spouse?Explain."要求以这个题目写一篇短文 大概2分钟能读完的
wuqiong824 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
Iike the majority of ladies ,I have thought that through before .My ideal spouse needs to have the following qualities .
First of all ,he needs to be honest .The reason that i value this highly is honesty is not only the most significant qualitie to a spouse but to all human being .A man without honesty might cheat on you or do something which depress you .
Secondly ,i consider the capability of dealing with people is substantial as well .Nowadays ,communicating skill is of great importance .People who are good at it might get a better job and more friends and then make their living condition better .
All in all ,honesty and capability of communicating mean a lot to me .
who is ture hero in your mind?what qualities shoud a hero ha
who is ture hero in your mind?what qualities shoud a hero have?征询口语对话.......谢谢了
紫菜包饭团 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
in my opinion,***(LeiFeng) is a real hero,he is a person who sacrificed himself and save other teammates in war.
i think a hero should at least have a upright spirit and also be honest.a hero should also be brave and never afraid to contribute.
求帮忙写一篇英语作文..题目Qualities needed for college success 要求Write a
.题目Qualities needed for college success 要求Write a 120-180 word paragraph,using the words and expressions given below.freshman passion goal engage in curiosity commitment题目自拟.一段或者是三段都可.不必在意词的先后顺序 只要使用上这几个词.
大奔摄影 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Qualities needed for college success
As a freshman,we are all looking forward to success.However ,success calls for lots of good qualities.
Firstly,curiosity matters a lot !Only if you are interested in what you are doing can you do it well.Besides,a clear goal makes you not blind any longer.Additionally,passion is also of great importance to success.Engaging in lots of activities which may broaden your horizon is also a useful way,What is more,enough commitmet is truly an essential part to achieve success.Last but not least,as the saying goes that struggle is the bridge to success,persistence is also vital to success.
If you can possess these qualities,success is just in sight !
陶罐和鱼 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
英 ['kwɒləti]x09 x09  美 ['kwɑːləti]x09 x09 
What are the essential qualities to success?意思
zhangl1429 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
以后如果有句子要翻译可以去 谷歌在线翻译
以The Qualities of a Good Friend 不题,写一篇150字的说明文
帅男小qq 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
As an old Chinese saying goes,a bosom friend is worth thousands of nodding ones.As far as my understanding goes,a bosom friend or a best friend is someone trustworthy who also trusts you,and someone,with whom you have so much in common that communication appears enjoyable all the time for both of you.He must be willing to offer his help whenever it is needed and share hardship as well as pleasure with you.Staying with a best friend makes hours seems like minutes.
In addition,a best friend sets such a shiny example of what a genuine friend should be like as to stimulate you to move in the same direction.For instance,he will,without any hesitation,provide you with all he can offer whenever and wherever you are in need without expecting anything in return.A best friend remains fully aware of whatever you are good at and tries to help you give full play to you potentials,thus making you sparkle and therefore gain even more self-confidence.
All in all,a best friend is indeed what we can’t do without in that he helps us sparkle and become more of whatever the friendship draws upon.
英语作文《what are the important qualities of a m
英语作文《what are the important qualities of a m
dern college student》
昌桥街老老娘 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率70%
I appreciate all three qualities in my friends. It is important to me that my friends are intelligent, because I value intellectually stimulating conversation on meaningful topics. On the other hand, a friend with a good sense of humor can entertain and understands how to ease my sorrows by making me laugh in difficult times. However, only the reliable friend, by virtue of his dependability and loyalty, is guaranteed to stand by me in difficult times, and thus reliability is the most important characteristic I look for in a friend.
What does he/she usually do in a day .What good qualities do
What does he/she usually do in a day .What good qualities does he /she have?What can learn from hi
糖包糖 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
the qualities of a best friend
the qualities of a best friend
泣雨骄阳 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率100%
We have a lot of friends in our life.But only a few of them are our confidants.
A best friend should be have many qualities.The first,heor she must be honesty.The second is lenient.And third,we should help each other.At last,we should point out each other's mistakes.
what qualities when you look for a boy friend
what qualities when you look for a boy friend
直接回答就 可以了啊
一堂商铺 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
-- 象棋
-- 奥特曼
-- 银行
-- 奥特曼在银行里下象棋!
What are the virtues or qualities that make a person an Olym
What are the virtues or qualities that make a person an Olympic hero?
75418 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
a number ofa large quality ofa great deal oflarge qualities
a number ofa large quality ofa great deal oflarge qualities ofa plenty of的用法和区别是什么?
llnjiuyigez 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
a number of +可数large quality of + 可数和不可数a great deal of + 不可数a plenty of + 可数和不可数
急急急 求英语短文 What do you think are the qualities of a good book
急急急 求英语短文 What do you think are the qualities of a good book
Angel_wl 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
To be a good teacher with appropriate qualities not easy, as we know that a teacher should have attained certain level of knowledge and experience before he/she can impart how he/she knows.
You have qualities that are just as important.啥意思,important后
You have qualities that are just as important.啥意思,important后省掉的词语是什么?
倩女 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率93.1%
important 后面省略的就是as...(也就是“和什么同样重要”),应该是上文刚刚说过的“重要”事物.举个例子吧:
Though you don't have the speed of Robben, you have qualities that are just as important.
在这句里,important后面省略的就是as speed.
____,some famous scientists have the qualities of being both
____,some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.
答案是strangely enough
为什么不是strnge enough
highest 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
英语翻译3.what qualities must a man have to make a lot of money?
3.what qualities must a man have to make a lot of money?
4.how much money should a spouse get for an allowance?
5.would you bequeath all your money to your children?
6.how do you teach your children how to spend money?
7.do you reward your children with extra money when they do what is expected of them?
lovmme 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
3.what qualities must a man have to make a lot of money?
4.how much money should a spouse get for an allowance?
5.would you bequeath all your money to your children?
6.how do you teach your children how to spend money?
7.do you reward your children with extra money when they do what is expected of them?
请教一句英文例句?what are the important qualities do you think for o
what are the important qualities do you think for one to succeed in his career?这句句子可以改成what do you think are the important qualities for one to succeed in his career吗?
扫地工kj 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
但是如果要深究的话,加入了DO YOU THINK 之后,整句句子就要变成陈述语序.
应该变成:what do you think the important qualities for one to succeed in his career are?
这样理论上是没错的,但是句子会头重脚轻,也可以变成这样:what do you think the important qualities are for one to succeed in his career 这样的话,句子就平衡多了呢~
分析这句话的语法.The qualities that boys and girls consider importan
The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same,regardless of the basis of these friendship.
positivewin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
首先,先行词qualities后面的that引导一个定于从句,然后接谓语seem,即一个句子简单的主谓宾结构,后面的regardless of ...作伴随状语.