
ylygq2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


手柄枭龙 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%


ll_duan 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
按要求写句子 同学王强网瘾很大,我想这样劝说他告别网络:
xuzhaowushuang 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
缘由天定22 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率80%




本题考点: 频数(率)分布直方图;总体、个体、样本、样本容量;用样本估计总体.

考点点评: 读图时要全面细致,同时,解题方法要灵活多样,切忌死记硬背,要充分运用数形结合思想来解决由统计图形式给出的数学实际问题.

我帮网虫解网瘾 作文
浅浅泪儿 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
A.①②③⑤ B.①②⑤ C.①②④ D.①②③④
幸福的人czy 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%

拒绝网瘾,珍视亲情 作文
mjj1016 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
土士 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
the very beginning of the holiday, our head teacher instructed us
to make the most of the summer coming up, and then turn ourselves into
bookworms. I took heart on hearing it, and at once mapped out a long
list of hundreds of tasks I was going to perform. I was even in higher
spirits in the first days of the summer, dreaming that I stuck to the
whole schedule and became a super girl the next semester. But my
ambition didn't stand the test of time. It was only a few days later
that my attention was continually attracted by the Internet, novels, and
shopping malls. Time flew surprisingly fast. When the vacation was
already over, I realized in astonishment and despair that I had acted on
only a half of my plan. However, I am now consoling myself with the
thought that it is human nature to have a rest after a long term's
study; hence it is not realistic to keep working hard, even though the
horrible Senior 3 was just around the corner. Therefore, I am satisfied.
I am satisfied with my daily routine in which I spent an average 9
hours in sleeping, 2 hours in eating, 2 hours in surfing the Internet, 6
hours in doing some trivial things which I couldn't even remember, and
the other 5 hours in studying. After all, I have done my possible. What
is more, I did have a precious pause between the intense school days,
and seized the last chance to relax in my senior life. So, this was a
holiday combined with rest and work
a.①②③ b.②③④ c.①③④ d.①②④
葱头623 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%

自寻短见 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
zhjmini 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
  If a person knows that he or she has difficulty with other forms of addictive behavior,they should be cautious in exploring the types of application that are used on the Internet.In addition,it is important for people to engage in social activities outside the Internet.Finally,mental health workers should investigate ways in which to participate in the implementation of new technology rather than waiting for its aftereffects.
八年级学生高某因 沉迷于网络游戏,学习成绩严重下降,在老师和家长的严厉批评、引导下,产生了戒掉“网瘾”的愿望。你认为他戒
八年级学生高某因 沉迷于网络游戏,学习成绩严重下降,在老师和家长的严厉批评、引导下,产生了戒掉“网瘾”的愿望。你认为他戒掉“网瘾”的有效方法有
[ ]
需要想象力 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
月亮喵喵 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
孩子不上网是正确的啊 为什么要阻止呢 ?阻止不上网就是要孩子上网啊 恰好意思和想要表达的相反
“阻止、妨碍、忌、避免”这一类的词语相当于一重否定意思 不要乱用
你的朋友李华最近染上了网瘾(Internet addiction),导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、与家人朋友产生矛盾等问题
你的朋友李华最近染上了网瘾(Internet addiction),导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、与家人朋友产生矛盾等问题。请你给他写一篇英文书信,告诉他网瘾的危害并提出一些意见。
Dear Li Hua,
I am glad to hear from you yesterday. ……
I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon.
Yours truly,
fredlx 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
Dear Li Hua,
I am glad to hear from you yesterday. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you.
As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games. Now your grades are going down and your health is going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it has damaged the relationship with your friends and family. So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise. Good luck!
I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon.
Yours truly,

1. 发现问题 (discovering the problems)
2. 分析问题 (analyzing the problems)
3. 提出劝告 (offering practical advice)
漫画《网瘾》警示我们 [ ] ①要培养高雅的生活情趣
[ ]


wxfmhan 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
jzy1816 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
求英语高手给写个作文!on internet addiction分为两段,1:网瘾的危害.2:怎样杜绝网瘾.要求:120
on internet addiction
63569310 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
With the development of the computer technology,the internet is becoming more and more popular.You can find computers and the internet nearly everywhere in our life,work and study.Even,the internet is becoming one of the most important parts in our social life.But,some young people,especially some of the students,are too addicted to the net surfing.They spend too much time on the games,chatting,movie seeing and even shopping online.That will not be good,even harmful for their hearts,health and their attitude towards the world,only because the internet is so complicated that it is not easy for the young people to control themselves.
bc4532fcad0c494a 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
abstain from online addiction
柴胡_nn 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Internet Addiction
As a primary source of information as well as an efficient means of communication, the Internet offers people a colourful and convenient life. Just by clicking the mouse, we can enjoy a brilliant and easy life that could not be achieved ever before: shopping, making friends, contacting relatives, looking for jobs, downloading music and movies, conducting business deals, and freely airing our opinions.
For its convenience, the Internet has attracted people like magnets and some people even claim that it is indispensable. To them, life can’t go on without it. Every day millions of people spend hours on end surfing the Internet. They are obsessed with it so much so that they forget many other important matters.
As for me, I don’t approve of unrestrained Internet reliance. Although the Internet is a gift of the technological revolution and a blessing of this information age, we should never let it control our life. The Internet absolutely doesn’t mean the whole world to us. Instead, we should guard against its negative effects. To those Internet addicts, I would add: “Self-control can make or break your life. With proper use, the Internet serves you; otherwise, it kills you.”
需要一篇关于 如何戒除网瘾的英语作文400字就行
需要一篇关于 如何戒除网瘾的英语作文400字就行
需要一篇关于 如何戒除网瘾的英语作文300字就行 英语的
股海幽灵 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
Causes and symptoms
No one knows what causes a person to be addicted to the Internet, but there are several factors that have been proposed as contributing to Internet addiction. One theory concerns the mood-altering potential of behaviors related to process addictions. Just as a person addicted to shopping may feel a "rush" or pleasurable change in mood from the series of actions related to a spending spree— checking one's credit cards, driving to the mall, going into one's favorite store, etc.— the person with an Internet addiction may feel a similar "rush" from booting up their computer and going to their favorite web sites. In other words, some researchers think that there are chemical changes that occur in the body when someone is engaging in an addictive behavior. Furthermore, from a biological standpoint, there may be a combination of genes that make a person more susceptible to addictive behaviors, just as researchers have located genes that affect a person's susceptibility to alcohol.
In addition to having features of a process addiction, Internet use might be reinforced by pleasurable thoughts and feelings that occur while the person is using the Internet. Although researchers in the field of addiction studies question the concept of an "addictive personality" as such, it is possible that someone who has one addiction may be prone to become addicted to other substances or activities, including Internet use. People with such other mental disorders or symptoms as depression, feelings of isolation, stress, or anxiety, may "self-medicate" by using the Internet in the same way that some people use alcohol or drugs of abuse to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental disorder.
From a social or interpersonal standpoint, there may be familial factors prompting use of the Internet. For
People who develop problems with their Internet use may start off using the Internet on a casual basis and then progress to using the technology in dysfunctional ways. Use of the Internet may interfere with the person's social life, school work, or job-related tasks at work. Many of the treatments that have been used for Internet addiction have been modeled after other addiction treatment programs and support groups. (Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images. Reproduced by permission.)example, a person might "surf the Web" to escape family conflict. Another possibility is that social or peer dynamics might prompt excessive Internet use. Some affected persons may lack the social skills that would enable them to meet people in person rather than online. Peer behavior might also encourage Internet use if one's friends are using it. Modeling may play a role—users can witness and experience how others engage in Internet use and then replicate that behavior. The interactive aspects of the Internet, such as chat rooms, e-mail, and interactive games like Multi-User Dungeons and Dragons (MUDS), seem to be more likely to lead to Internet addiction than purely solitary web surfing.
One question that has not yet been answered concerning Internet addiction is whether it is a distinctive type of addiction or simply an instance of a new technology being used to support other addictions. For example, there are gambling casinos on the Internet that could reinforce a person's pre-existing gambling addiction. Similarly, someone addicted to shopping could transfer their addiction from the local mall to online stores. Persons addicted to certain forms of sexual behavior can visit pornography sites on the Internet or use chat rooms as a way to meet others who might be willing to participate in those forms of behavior. Researchers may need to determine whether there is such a disorder as "pure" Internet addiction.
One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time even when they are threatened with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes. Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue, declining grades or poor job performance, apathy, and racing thoughts. There may also be a decreased investment in social relationships and activities. A person may lie about how much time was spent online or deny that they have a problem. They may be irritable when offline, or angry toward anyone who questions their time on the Internet.
In the past, people reported to have an Internet addiction disorder were stereotyped as young, introverted, socially awkward, computer-oriented males. While this stereotype may have been true in the past, the availability of computers and the increased ease of access to the Internet are quickly challenging this notion. As a result, problematic Internet use can be found in any age group, social class, racial or ethnic group, level of education and income, and gender.
As previously noted, Internet addiction disorder has not yet been added as an official diagnosis to the DSM. The following, however, is a set of criteria for Internet addiction that has been proposed by addiction researchers. The criteria are based on the diagnostic standards for pathological gambling.
The patient must meet all of the following criteria:
He or she is preoccupied with the Internet (thinks about previous online activity or is anticipating the next online session).
He or she needs to spend longer and longer periods of time online in order to feel satisfied.
He or she has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use.
He or she is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use.
He or she repeatedly stays online longer than he or she originally intended.
The person must meet at least one of the following criteria:
He or she has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of Internet use.
He or she has lied to family members, a therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet.
He or she uses the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving an unpleasant mood (such as feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression).
Since Internet addiction disorder is a relatively new phenomenon, there is little research on the effectiveness of treatment procedures. Some professionals advocate abstinence from the Internet. Others argue that it may be unrealistic to have a person completely end all Internet use. As society becomes more and more dependent on computers for business transactions, educational programs, entertainment, and access to information as well as interpersonal communication, it will be difficult for a computer-literate person to avoid using the Internet. Learning how to use the Internet in moderation is often the main objective in therapy, in a way analogous to the way that people with eating disorders need to come to terms with food. Many of the procedures that have been used to treat Internet addiction have been modeled after other addiction treatment programs and support groups.
If a person's Internet addiction disorder has a biological dimension, then such medication as an antidepressant or anti-anxiety drug may help them with these aspects of the addiction. Psychological interventions may include such approaches as changing the environment to alter associations that have been made with Internet use, or decrease the reinforcement received from excessive Internet use. Psychological interventions may also help the person identify thoughts and feelings that trigger their use of the Internet. Interpersonal interventions may include such approaches as social skills training or coaching in communication skills. Family and couple therapy may be indicated if the user is turning to the Internet to escape from problems in these areas of life.
Relapsing into an addictive behavior is common for anyone dealing with addiction disorders. Recognizing and preparing for relapse is often a part of the treatment process. Identifying situations that would trigger excessive Internet use and generating ways to deal with these situations can greatly reduce the possibility of total relapse.
Although extensive studies have not yet been done, treatment appears to be effective in maintaining and changing the behavior of people drawn to excessive use of the Internet. If the disorder is left untreated, the person may experience an increased amount of conflict in his or her relationships. Excessive Internet use may jeopardize a person's employment or academic standing. In addition, such physical problems may develop as fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, and eyestrain.
If a person knows that he or she has difficulty with other forms of addictive behavior, they should be cautious in exploring the types of application that are used on the Internet. In addition, it is important for people to engage in social activities outside the Internet. Finally, mental health workers should investigate ways in which to participate in the implementation of new technology rather than waiting for its aftereffects.
如果你要短一些的,只要看其中的Treatment 和prevention就行了
later_rain 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率
Network addiction not only destroys your health and affects your health, but also hurts your parents’ feelings. In the long run, you will lose confidence and goal for the future. I am glad that you ha...
颖璇 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
可以断网.如果想玩单机游戏的话就直接把电脑搬离你的视线.手机 PSP之类的电子设备也不要玩.多和爸爸妈妈沟通沟通 让他们监督你 慢慢的适应没有电脑的生活 平时可以多听听歌 看看电影 多看一些书 多做一些能吸引你注意的事情.慢慢学会如何将注意力集中在一件事情上 早睡早起 保证精神良好