
走韩卢而搏骞兔2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


在海一方100 共回答了7个问题 | 采纳率14.3%


新概念2册练习册答案 第二课的
lilifana 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率68.8%
Lesson 11 1. bx09 根据课文第6-7行I asked him to lend me twenty pounds… he gave me the money immediately, 应该选b. 而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。 2. b 根据文章第二阶段8-9行“I have never borrowed any money from you,...so now you ...
henry1979 共回答了28个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
Lesson 48
1 A 1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too 5.jobs 6.One...a...who
7.past 8.next 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed
B (sample sentences)
I'm sorry to cause you such trouble.
Have you ever seen such beartiful pictures before?
It's such a nice day that we can't stay indoors!
I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.
C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office.
2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport.
D 1.made 2.do 3.make 4.do 5.Do 6.make 7.made 8.does
E 1.out 2.up 3.up 4.up...away 5.up 6.out 7.back 8.up with 9.up with
F (sample sentences)
If you don;t stop that noise at once,you'll have to go to ved.
I'm at a loss to know what to do.
It's stopped raining at last!
He's very busy and can't accept any more work at present.
I'll be at home tonight.
2 1c 2b 3c 4b 5a 6c 7b 8b 9c 10a 11b 12c
新概念2册 47课练习E答案快,
nktingchao 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
1 i asked G..what these people were looking at?
2 G..answered that he didnt know.He thought a new road was being built and it would be finished soon.
3 because they were looking into an empty hole.
4 he said tha some people enjoyed watching others' work.
5 (抄原题)...G..told me to hurry up...he addedtha there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
6 i answered that i didnt want to go yet.
lee000188 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
lesson 39
how old you were
where you were born
if you were married or single
if you had ever been insured before
if you smoked
if you were in good health
how long how much what if
1 'I am cold,' she said,' she said,'and very wet.'
2 'Excuse me,' the man said,'I was speaking.'
3 'Well,' the girl asked,'who do you want?'
2 He wondered if he would be well enough to leave soon.
3 She wanted to know if she could have a drink.
4 He asked if he had to stay in bed the whole day.
5 He wanted to know when he was seeing the doctor again.
6 She wondered how she had managed to survive the accident.
7 He asked what time they turned the lights out.
8 She wanted to know if she would be alowed to have visitors soon.
9 I wondered how much longer I would be in there.
10 She asked if she might have a bedside telephone.
1 They asked me if I would use a computer.
2 They asked me when I would start.
3 They wanted to know why I had left my last job.
4 They wanted to know how much experience I had in the work.
5 They asked me where I had been to college.
6 They wanted to know what I really wanted to do.
新概念2册第6课摘要写作答案我自己已经写好了 只想看看跟标准答案的差别大不大不要给我复制 也请不要一句一句的答出来 我要
我自己已经写好了 只想看看跟标准答案的差别大不大
不要给我复制 也请不要一句一句的答出来 我要一段有连词的写好了的
gunan1981 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.Yesterday a beggar knocked at her door,and then he sang songs.For returning,the writer gave him a dinner.Later the writer knew that the beggar's name is Percy Buttons and he calls at every home once a month.
新概念2册英语33课答案记住是练习册不是课后练习题我思考过了 只是很多不确定 因为我对词语的词性理解的不好
ling_gf 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
B、1past 2passed 3other next 4beach 5found 6arrested
C、 a bottle bicycles food chicken
a meal jobs work cake
a dress people sand coffee
1coffee.2bicycles left.3food on the table.
D、 Caught in a storm
A month ago,my friend and I went sailing in a small boat.We set out from the coast early in the afternoon.Early evening,the boat struck a rock and we jumped into the sea together.Fortunately,we were wearing life jackets.We saw the lights on the coast and swam towards the shore.A man saw us and rang to the police and ambulance.They rescued us and spent the night in the hospital.(作文是自己写的,仅供参考)
新概念2册英语填空题用所给单词的正确形式填空:1.She is a/an _____ (smile)lady,so we
1.She is a/an _____ (smile)lady,so we rarely call on her on the
2.Don't interrupt him,he is busy _____(paint)the bookcase.
3.Do you regret _____(sell)the old house.
4.He kicked the ball so hard,the ball flew to the ______(pass)car.
5.Finally he admitted _____(steal)the computer.
6.They_____ _____ _____(have)a very cheerful time at the new year
party,so they are longing for the moment.
ffqffq 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
to sell
will be having
新概念2册 13课摘要写作答案 新概念2册 13 15 16课摘要写作答案
润田矿泉水 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
  lesson 13
  The Greenwood Boys are singers.They will be coming here tomorrow.Most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.They will give five performances.The police will be trying to keep order as usual.(41words)
  lesson 15
  Mr.Harmsworth wanted to see me.I felt very nervous.I went into his office.He said that business was very bad.The firm couldn't pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left.He didn't ask me to leave as well .He offered me an extra thousand pounds a year!
  (53 words)
  lesson 16
  Traffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place.The writer found a polite note on his car during a holiday in Sweden.The traffic policeman wanted him to pay attention to their street sighs.No one can fail to obey a polite request .
  ( 50 words)
新版新概念2册英语同步练习答案(是有一本它的同步练习的书哦!) 要全部的
新版新概念2册英语同步练习答案(是有一本它的同步练习的书哦!) 要全部的
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