A s___ is a kind of violent fish.

1982sky2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

A s___ is a kind of violent fish.
What is more usefgl after it isbroken?
What goes up and never goes down?


我不是考拉 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
A __seems__ is a kind of violent fish.What is more useful after it is broken?egg 因为只有打破才能吃^_^ 或者world record,纪录只有打破才有用.What goes up and never goes down?age,因为年龄一直都是长的^_^...


英语翻译(1)It saud children may have unitially commotted violent
(1)It saud children may have unitially commotted violent acts reluctantly.
(2)It is the accommodation to chronic danger that is the most dangerous aspect of their exposure to war.
gaojianfang7527 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
求教各位英语好的大大1、We got into a violent _____ about whether to go
1、We got into a violent _____ about whether to go by sea or by air.
2、You must take the _________ for the failure of the business.
3、The hen ate the _____ of corn on the ground.
4、I wanted ______ by the head of the company,but it was impossible.
A、to seeB、to be seenC、seeingD、being to see
5、She ______ her face in 20 minutes in the morning.
A、made outB、made forC、made up toD、made up
1、He made that a rule to spend half an hour reading English aloud every morning.
2、Anyone who are against the law is surely punished.
3、In fact,they pay as much for the insurance as they do for the car itself.
4、The reason for his success is because he worked hard.
5、The founder and editor of the magazine you are reading has been awarded a prize recently.
藏匿风中 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率100%
1.错误 删去that
2.错误 who is
4.错误 The reason ...is that he worked hard.
owolf168 共回答了1个问题 | 采纳率
名詞violence 副詞violently 沒有動詞喔
英语翻译In his own lifetime,Galileo was the centre of violent co
In his own lifetime,Galileo was the centre of violent controversy,but the science dust has long since settled.
我的小麦逗 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率100%
The earth became so violent that it was not clear_________ t
The earth became so violent that it was not clear_________ the shape would last or not.
A.if B.how C.whether D.why
laryzhao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率84.6%

考查:whether常与or not 连用,句意:地球表的如此的猛烈以至于地球的形状是否会持续还是不持续还不清楚。故选C。
SAT 语法1.Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed
SAT 语法
1.Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,(but in some towns they) remained steady or decreased.
A.but in some towns they
B.but in some towns such confessions
2.While the patronage system was an artist's sole means of support,they had a prevalent idea that a portrait should be flattering and not depicting flaws.
答案说这句子可以改为The idea that a portrait should flatter a sitter not depicting any of his flaws prevailed as long as the patronage system was an artist's sole means of support.
李俊炫 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
1.they can also infer crimes
2.看清楚啊,主语不一致! 你改后动词是prevailed, 那depict也 用作动词?
问一个英语句子句子:Typical examples are the driver who brakes violent
句子:Typical examples are the driver who brakes violently to allow a car to emerge from a side street at some hazard to following traffic,when a few seconds later the road would be clear anyway这句话中的allow a car to.翻译成允许不对吧.还有anyway在本句话又是什么意思?还有最好本句话也翻译下,
huigoniang663 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
anyway 而且
Nowadays, children are ________ too many violent online game
Nowadays, children are ________ too many violent online games, which is bad for the development of their characters.
A.defeated by B.limited to C.handled by D.exposed to
zzli99 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

将下面的英文译为老子的话。A good soldier is not violent.A good fighter is
A good soldier is not violent.
A good fighter is not angry.
A good winner is not vengeful.
z_cv8_fb2gd725c 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
正在写一篇英语essay关于violent computer game 老师说这个词在文中重复出现会扣分,谁知道如何转述
神剑逍遥 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
出现个几次没有问题,不要每句都用就是了.同一段话里面用it指代前面提到过的violent computer game.实在是需要换个说法,也可以说violent video game.
1.Violent TV programs will ___teenagers easily.
1.Violent TV programs will ___teenagers easily.
A;effect B;affect C;detect D;infect
2.You are superior to me in this_______.
A;aspect B;respect C;ecpect D;inspect
3.It is your life-long job that will____the future course of your life.
A;qualify B;combine C;challenge D;determine
4."What's your____?""I am an engineer.
A;recreation B;interest C;occupation D;quality
5.After 4 year's strict training at a normal university ,he has possessed a teracher's ___.
A;consideration B;qualification C;recreation D;profession
6.It never ______to me that the kind man is a thief
A;happens B;takes place C;occurs D;comes
7.The means of getting money in this way___illegal
A;is B;am C;are D;have been
8.A proverb goes like this:No pain ,no____.
A;get B;attain C;gain D;retain
9.Don't be too self-confident.One should be ____oneself.
A;clear B;clear about C;clear away D;clear up
10.Keep working hard,and you'll______your goals sooner or later.
A;get in B;reach to
C;approach D;achieve at.
jaoben123 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率88.5%
affect 影响
aspect 方面
occupation 职业
qulification 资格(证)
occure to sb 某人有...的想法/念头
No pain,no gain.不劳无获
clear about...明白/懂得...
approach 接近
首字母填空、、求解The n____ of violent programmes on TV and i_____ fi
The n____ of violent programmes on TV and i_____ films is rising.Some people hold that it is quite natural to w_____ programmes with a bit of violence b______ it makes it more e_____.But l t______ violent programme are d_____ harmful.
82zc8u0 共回答了30个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from
Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds
潇潇天雨 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率94.4%
英语动词填空:These measures ______(aim) at preventing violent crim
英语动词填空:these measures ______(aim) at preventing violent crime(***犯罪).
填are aiming,还是are aimed?为什么?请给解析,:)
xiaoshuanghua 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
应该用are aimed,因为主语是the measures这些措施,它是一个没有生命的东西只能是被采取,所以用被动态.
83.SAT句子提升Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocket
Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,(but in some towns they) remained steady or decreased
B.in some towns such Confessions
benero 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
你看错了原题了应该,原题是 Confessions of violent crimes nationwide skyrocketed last year,but in some towns it remained steady or decreased.而It之前有”confessions” 和”violent crimes”,所以最好改成”but in some towns such confessions”
After the violent earthquake, Japan has been still in ______
After the violent earthquake, Japan has been still in ______ trouble and the whole world seems to be at ______ end.
A.the; an B.the; / C./; an D./; the
ttill0429 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

英语翻译One time there was a violent thunderstorm,the worst I ha
One time there was a violent thunderstorm,the worst I had ever seen,which obscured my objective.
无花折枝88 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%

Sometimes the earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that it can destr
Sometimes the earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that it can destroy the whole city,---happened in
Sometimes the
earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that
it can destroy the whole city,---happened in Tang Shan.,in 1976

A as B that C where
D which

QQ平平 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率73.3%
It's as if they were,in some sense,cosmic beings in violent
It's as if they were,in some sense,cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban
鸡和蛋 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
To our violent power man:
To our violent power man:
Why,all the man try to destroy something for vent?People those thwarted with violent can go to the DaoYu Islands to kill The masturbation team of Japanese,Bomb Japanese Ships simply with Nitroglycerine,Please don‘t show your violent Power in China,That’s disease tigers.
メ旋ゞ律ㄣ 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
The violent film has a n______ effect on teens.
The violent film has a n______ effect on teens.
梦月知心 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率76.2%
negative effect
woaixiangjiao 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率72%
Dust storms are violent and mostly unpredictable. They can c
Dust storms are violent and mostly unpredictable. They can cause property damage, injuries, and deaths, so it’s necessary to know what to do when you come across them.
Watch out for dust storm warnings. Dust storms are most likely to occur on hot summer days, so listen to the local TV or radio broadcasts before traveling in hot, dry conditions, and consider changing or giving up your trip if dust storms are predicted. Roadside signs may also be able to warn you of dust storm danger.
Be prepared. If you are in a storm-prone area, carry a mask( 口罩) to keep out small dust particles (颗粒), and take eye protection to protect your eyes. A supply of water is also necessary.
Go beyond the storm. If you see a dust storm from some distance, and you are in a vehicle, you should try to escape from it. Some dust storms can travel at more than 75 miles per hour, but they frequently travel much slower. However , it is not advisable to put yourself at risk by driving at high speed.
Stay inside. Do not move about in a storm, as you will not be able to see hidden risks in your path. So if you’re in a house, stay inside.
Protect yourself from flying objects. Cover as much of your body as possible. A dust storm’s high wind can carry heavy objects. If you find yourself without shelter, try to stay low, close to the ground, and protect your head with your arms, a backpack or a pillow.
小题1:What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Dust storms usually travel much slower than vehicles.
B.Don’t be so worried about dust storms in the distance.
C.You shouldn’t drive at a risky speed to escape from dust storms.
D.Driving faster than the dust storm is the most important thing.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that __________
A.it is dangerous to travel on hot summer days
B.dust storms usually come from far away
C.people should stay indoors when a dust storm comes
D.small objects blown by a storm’s wind cannot harm people
小题3:Which of the following may NOT really be needed when you come across a storm?
A.A pair of glasses.
B.A blanket.
C.A bottle of milk.
D.A travel guide.
小题4:A weatherman may give you all of the following advice EXCEPT that "_____________".
A.do not enter a dust storm
B.mind the warnings on the roadside signs
C.close all the doors and windows of your house
D.cover your body with as many things as possible
小题5:Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
a. the violence of dust storms
b. the speed of dust storms
c. the worst dust storm ever
d. the likely time for dust storms
A.a. b. c B.b. c. d C.a. b. d D.a. c. d
心动的灵魂 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%


小题1: C 推理题。根据本句However , it is not advisable to put yourself at risk by driving at high speed. 说明在这种情况下迅速驾驶是不被建议的,故C项内容正确。
小题2: C 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段Stay inside. Do not move about in a storm, as you will not be able to see hidden risks in your path. So if you’re in a house, stay inside.说明当sand storm来临的时候,尽量待在家里。故C正确。
小题3: D 细节题。我们需要眼镜来保护眼镜,需要牛奶给我们提供水分;需要毯子来保护自己。并没有提及要使用旅游指导手册。故D项符合要求。
小题4: D 细节题,ABC三个选项都是文章中提及在沙尘暴中保护自己的行为措施,D项内容用尽可能多的东西盖住自己,不符合文章的中心思想。
小题5: C 细节题。根据文章第二段告诉我们沙尘暴最可能是在夏天来临,也告诉了我们沙尘暴的危害,在第四段中也告诉了我们沙尘暴的速度,唯独没有告诉我们历史上最恶劣的沙尘暴是什么。故C项正确。
点评:本文主要讲述了沙尘暴的有关信息以及在沙尘暴中如何保护自己不受伤害的具体措施。 本文细节题居多,答题时在文章找到对应的地方,用笔进行标记,这有利于后期有时间检查时可以立刻找到答案的位置。仔细理解作者所讲的意思,再结合选项,通过排除法和自己对全文的把握,选出正确答案。
Unexpectedly, my hometown experienced _____ most violent sno
Unexpectedly, my hometown experienced _____ most violent snowstorm in _______ November, causing _______ great loss.
A.a; /; the B.a; the; the C.the; /; a D.the; the; a
冰傲凤荷 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率84.6%

考查冠词的用法。第一空,most 是最高级形式,最猛烈的暴风雨应为the most violent snowstorm,第二空,在十一月份,不加冠词,应为in November,第三空,loss为可数名词,一次很大的损失应为a great loss。所以选C。
Everybody present at the party was shocked at her violent re
Everybody present at the party was shocked at her violent reaction ______ the young man’s presence.
[ ]

A. with
B. to
C. for
D. by

勉善成荣 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
This car accident was said to result from violent ______ of
This car accident was said to result from violent ______ of a moving object,judging from the evidence collected from the scene.本题1分 A、defect B、impact C、effect D、influence
2005年那一天 共回答了10个问题 | 采纳率90%
They had a__________quarrel and John stonmed out.A.violent B
They had a__________quarrel and John stonmed out.A.violent B.cruel C.harmful
落叶依然 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
They had a _____ quarrel
A.violent B.cruel 残忍的 C.harmful 有害的
本题答案:A.violent 猛烈的;激烈的
17.No sooner_____asleep than she heard a violent knock at th
17.No sooner_____asleep than she heard a violent knock at the door.
A.she had fallen B.had she fallen C.she had fell D.had she fell
18.His brother has not seen much of him recently._____his parents.
A.Neither did B.So did C.Neither has D.So hasn’t
20.---She did a good job in the college entrance examination.
---Yes,_____.Both of them were admitted into universities.
A.so I did B.so did I C.so did me D.so did her brother
21.If you don’t accept the invitation to the dinner,_____.
A.neither do I B.nor shall I C.so do I D.so will I
22.The teacher asked me to repeat his words and_____.
A.so did I B.I do so C.I did so D.so did he
23._____to read poems,but also he can compose some.
A.Not only he likes B.Not he only likes
C.Not only does he like D.Not only did he like
24.He kept a little notebook,in which_____some names and addresses
A.wrote B.was written C.write D.were written
25.So frightened_____in the dark street that she did not dare to move.
A.that girl B.was the girl C.that the girl was D.such a girl was
26.So frightened_____in the dark street that she did not dare to move.
A.that girl felt B.did the girl felt C.did the girl feel D.such a girl felt
浪人2 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
1. B(Nosooner 位于句首,要倒装;用过去完成时,主句用一般时.)
2. C(A不.,B也不.后句倒装,时态一致)
3.D 根据后句Both of them wereadmitted into universities. D意为:她哥也一样.
4. B 主将从现原则.if条件句实际为将来时.
5. C 我如此做了.
6. C not only 置于句首作状语,需倒装,but also不倒装.
7. D 地点状语谓语句首,需全部倒装,谓语动词由后面的名代词的数决定.
8. B so...that...结构中,so+形容词/副词谓语句首,部分倒装.
A violent earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011, _____ tens
A violent earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011, _____ tens of thousands of deaths.
[ ]
A. having caused
B. causing
C. caused
D. to cause
逍遥斋人 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
英语翻译引言里一句话,As a long and violent abuse of power is generally
引言里一句话,As a long and violent abuse of power is generally the means of calling the right of it in question.
“质疑” 权利的正当性。打错字。
狐狸多多 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率94.7%
Sometimes the earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that it can destr
Sometimes the earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that it can destroy the whole city,

Sometimes the
earthquake is so violent(猛烈的)that
it can destroy the whole city,---happened in Tang Shan.,in 1976

A as B that C where
D which

flora_swx 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率81.3%
后面那句话是想举个例子证明前面说的那句是对的,所以用AS表示就像76年的唐山大地震那样(摧毁了整座城市),其他的that where which都是用在定语从句或者宾语从句里面修饰特定的名词.
求英语高手,问一个句子成份Violent clashes in Port Said have highlighted t
Violent clashes in Port Said have highlighted the longstanding resentment residents there feel toward Cairo and President Mohamed Morsy.
句中的feel toward 作何成份?这是在CNN新闻上看到的
nefadidy 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率95.5%
esidents there feel toward.是定语从句,修饰resentment.
feel toward 是定语从句的谓语
The earth become so violent that it was not clear whether th
The earth become so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not怎么划分句子结
That's [why we've given you the letter]划分句子结构
wsns46 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%


given you
the letter

请进,关于英语句式Father was violent because he slapped the boy't fac
Father was violent because he slapped the boy't face for his disobedience.
kiss的娃娃 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
问题一:for 前面不能加逗号.
句子改错Violent tornadoes can take the fur from the back of a ca
Violent tornadoes can take the fur from the back of a cat ang a chicken.
tanxin 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
应该改作 take off the fur from


take … from 只是指“从…表面拿取,而 take off from…指“从…剥离下来”,比如:

take off the coat from a sheep(从羊身上.剥下皮)
take off the wheel from the carl.(从车上卸下轮胎).

Violent winds swept the ocean, and waves thundered to shore,
Violent winds swept the ocean, and waves thundered to shore, shaking the lookout tower at Pea Island Rescue Station. Surfman Theodore Meekins was on watch that evening of 11 October 1896. A hurricane had struck the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and the tide was so strong that beach patrols(巡逻)had been canceled. Still, Meekins paid close attention to the horizon. This was the type of weather that could blow ships hundreds of miles off course.
Offshore, the ship E.S. Newman was caught in the storm. The captain, whose wife and child were on the ship, feared the Newman would soon break up. He made the decision to beach his ship, then fired a signal, praying that someone onshore would see it.
Meekins, whose eyes were trained to cut through rain and surf mists, thought he saw the signal, but so much spray (水雾) covered the lookout windows that he could hardly make sure. Still, he took no chances. After summoning (召集) the station keeper, Captain Richard Etheridge, Meekins set off a coston signal, a signal made by using lamps of different colors. Together, the two men searched the darkness for a reply. A few moments later, they saw a flash of light to the south and knew a shop was in distress (遇险). Even before the return signal burned out, Etheridge had summoned his men and begun rescue operations.
For the lifesavers, the rescue of the Newman was nothing unusual. Over the years, so many ships had foundered off the Outer Banks that sailors called the region the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Noting the dangerous surf and wind conditions, Captain Etheridge quickly decided the surf boats would be impossible to control. Instead, he decided to use another way to help the survivors.
The crew set off on the long journey down the beach to the scene of the wreck (海滩). Captain Etheridge hoped to fire a line from a gun to the ship’s mast (船桅). After the ship’s crew dragged the line onboard, the surfmen would fire a second line and carry survivors safely to shore.
The surfmen crossed three miles of sand to reach the ship Newman. The water was freezing, and the men often sank up to their knees in sand. Captain Etheridge noted in his diary that “the voice of gladdened hearts greeted the arrival of the station crew,” but that “it seemed impossible for them to do anything under such circumstances. The work was often stopped by the sweeping current.”
Even when the rescue equipment proved useless, Etheridge refused to give up. Choosing two of his strongest surfmen, he tied rope lines around their waists and sent them into the water. The two men, holding a line from shore, walked with huge effort as far as they could before diving through the waves. Nearly worn out while swimming against the tide, they finally made it to the shore.
The first to be rescued were the captain’s wife and child. With the two passengers tied to their backs, the surfmen fought their way back to shore. Taking turns, Etheridge and his crew made ten trips to the Newman, saving every person onboard. It was 1:00 a.m. when the crew and survivors finally made it back to the station.
That night, as the exhausted survivors lay sleeping and his lifesaving crew rested, Captain Etheridge picked up his pen, and in the light of an oil lantern, wrote with satisfaction that all the people onboard had been saved and were “sheltered in this station”—words he would remember for many years to come.
小题1:The beach patrols were canceled because ________.
A.Meekins paid enough attention to the horizon
B.there was too much spray on the windows
C.the winds and tide were too strong
D.there was no ship near the station
小题2:The underlined word “foundered” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “___________”.
A.stopped B.sank C.sailed D.arrived
小题3:What was the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A.To warn sailors of the dangers of hurricanes.
B.To create a story describing a rescue at sea.
C.To inform people about Richard Etheridge.
D.To record the details about the Newman.
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The newman was very dangerous before Richard Etheridge and his team members saw the signal.
B.A terrible hurricane took place off the coast of North Carolina and threatened the lives of many sailors.
C.At no other time in American history have so many shipwrecked passengers survived such a violent storm.
D.All the passengers of a shipwreck were rescued because of heroic the efforts of a special leader and his crew.
静静飘雪 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%