
微笑的登登2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


hao6955 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率96%
[例句]A big firm is a complicated organisation.


Your company or organisation is becoming more successful.In
Your company or organisation is becoming more successful.In order for this success to continue,yo
Your company or organisation is becoming more successful.In order for this success to continue,you want to expand and increase the budget of your department.The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.
Write the report,explaining why your department needs more money,and include the following points:
• whether extra staff are needed (and,if so,why)
• whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made
• what plans you have for future development
老实太空人 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率95.2%
Dear Mr.Director,
As members of the company,staffs of my department and I share the company’s great joy of the recent success.Now the time has come to have a lasting and even greater success.For that matter it is of critical importance to expand,and increase the budget of,my department.
Considering the company’s recent development,present workloads,and expected growth,my department,one of the founding pillars of the company,is currently understaffed.Employees often hit their weekly working time limits to get their jobs done.It is a great disadvantage to the company to have employees work routinely extra time; there would be not flexibilities,should heavier duties occur,and such working condition may do harm to the corporate image and the morale of the employees.My department needs about eight more staffs in order to return to a normal work strain and have improved productive efficiency.
With the addition of new workers there must be office spaces and equipment to accommodate them.The 80-square-feet office area is too small to hold an expanded department.My department staffs need more space and equipment to realize an optimal performance.As the company is on an upward spiral,my department is hoping for more budgets to facilitate the expansion and generate more revenues in return.
My department staffs are all talented and hard-working; they and I are always expecting the firm to constantly develop,lead,and succeed.This expectation prompts us to work with effort,and with zeal.It is of corporate interest to expand,and increase the budget of,my department.
XXX,Department Chef
嗯,不过因为题目里面一直说的是 my department,里面不可避免的总是提及 my,总觉得在 boss 面前有点不舒服
有一句话,(英文)Every organisation needs a crisis plan to enable it
Every organisation needs a crisis plan to enable it to handle a crisis quickly and effectively.
我知道need to 是一个短语,后面又来一个to是什么情况.
这里好像有一个从句,我不确定是to enable it,还是后面那个.
mathnicholas 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率70.6%
to enable ... 这后半句是不定式做plan 的后置定语,修饰plan .此句中没有从句,因为没有从句的链接词,也没有连接词省略的情况.
英语翻译Where the organisation takes water from natural sources
Where the organisation takes water from natural sources some
level of monitoring to understand impacts should be implemented.
萨亚 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
Organistion Represented by Referee,Nature of Organisation's
Organistion Represented by Referee,Nature of Organisation's business分别是什么意思?
ATAS表里的 应该如何填?
8017cdy 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率95.8%
Organistion 应该是打错了.
Organization Represented by Referee,推荐人(签定人)对组织(单位)的评价.
Nature of Organization's business,组织或单位的主营业务.
谁给我分别解释一下traditional organisation structures (5个)
谁给我分别解释一下traditional organisation structures (5个)
traditional organisation structures 有五类 functional structures , divisional structures , matrix structures , team structures and network structures 具体解释下这五种

barbby_m8 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率100%
traditional organisation structures :传统的组织结构
functional structures :功能结构
divisional structures :分区结构
matrix structures:矩阵结构
team structures and network structures :团队结构和网络结构
what is behaviour?what is Organisation Behaviour?
what is behaviour?what is Organisation Behaviour?
我在做商业作业 请大家的回答有关商业的
assn21 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
下面的材料我是用的Steven Robins 的原版教材第九版和一些个人理解啊!
what is behaviour
Behavior or behaviour refers to the actions or reactions of an object or organism,usually in relation to the environment.Behaviour can be conscious or unconscious,overt or covert,and voluntary or involuntary.In animals,behaviour is controlled by the endocrine system and the nervous system.The complexity of the behaviour of an organism is related to the complexity of its nervous system.Generally,organisms with complex nervous systems have a greater capacity to learn new responses and thus adjust their behaviour.Human behavior (and that of other organisms and mechanisms) can be common,unusual,acceptable,or unacceptable.Humans evaluate the acceptablity of behaviour using social norms and regulate behaviour by means of social control.In sociology,behaviour is considered as having no meaning,being not directed at other people and thus is the most basic human action.Behaviour should not be mistaken with social behaviour,which is more advanced action,as social behaviour is behaviour specifically directed at other people.Animal behaviour is studied in comparative psychology,ethology,behavioural ecology and sociobiology
what is organisation behaviou
ACCA F2问题?An organisation operates a piecework system of rem
ACCA F2问题?An organisation operates a piecework system of remuneration, but also. guarantees its employees 75% of a time-basedn rate of pay which is based on $19 per hour for an eight hour working day Three minutes is the standard time allowedper unit of output. Piecework is paid at the rate of $18 per standard hour.If an employee produces 200 units in eight hours on a particular day, what is the employee's gross pay for thatday?A $114B $152C $180D $190这一题我知道答案,但 这一句:guarantees its employees 75% of a time-basedn rate of pay which is based on $20 per hour for an eight hour working day不知道是什么意思
p3qj5 共回答了12个问题 | 采纳率91.7%
求助英语作文Your company or organisation is becoming more successf
Your company or organisation is becoming more successful.In order for this success to continue,you want to expand and increase the budget of your department.The Directors have asked you to write a report saying why your department needs extra money.
Write the report,explaining why your department needs more money,and include the following points:
• whether extra staff are needed (and,if so,why)
• whether changes to the office space and equipment should be made
• what plans you have for future development
风化傲雪 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
Dear directors,
Our sales volume has been increasing these years and I think a lager budget is badly needed in order to further expand our business scale.Now I will tell you why we need extra money in detail.
To begin with,along with the growing sales and scale,we unquestionably need extra staff to accomplish the growing workload.With more staff we can fulfill different missions more effectively and efficiently,which can largely lower the total cost of our products though we need to pay the extra staff.On top of that,our office space is far too limited and our equipment has been outdated and failed to meet the manufacturing requirement.Hence we desperately need to enlarge our office space and renew our equipment so as to compete with our rivals.Last but no least,the extra financing is well worthwhile for it can also be used to further implement our marketing strategy and enhance our advertising Impacts as well as updating the design of our products.All these measures can definitely conduce to a greater sales volume and generate considerable profits.
With extra budget,our department will be staffed with more specialized and experienced professionals to better effectuate our jobs and plans.Furthermore,we will strengthen the impression and reputation of our products rooted in our customers by launching more efficacious advertising and designing campaigns.We are going to enforce a more potent marketing strategy and tactic to widen our sales channels.
Thereby,I firmly believe the extra funding is ponderable and wish you could meet our desire.
Yours sincerely
定语从句求解it would mean more support for the organisation,many o
it would mean more support for the organisation,many of ( )members are working for free.
A.whose B.which C.that D.what
bbt糖包包 共回答了29个问题 | 采纳率89.7%
A 定语从句所缺部分的意思是the organisation's,所以选whose
转化成的形容词 副词 动词explorer pole organisation patience ambition co
转化成的形容词 副词 动词
explorer pole organisation patience ambition courage success
lipcat 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率84.2%
exploration explorative explore
organize organization
patient patience
ambition ambitious ambitiously
courage courageous courageously
success succeed successful successfully
job costing的问题services organisation and hospital是job costing
job costing的问题
services organisation and hospital是job costing嘛?
你工号是多少 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
Indirect manufacturing costs should be allocated equally to each job.讨论我同意此观点,对于间接成本的分配问题,要结合实际吧,简单地说有的按人工分
英语句子结构分析,1.your organisation koffu plc,based in hamilton,has
1.your organisation koffu plc,based in hamilton,has been given the opportunity of setting up a new business venture importing coffee beans from africa packaging them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting the finished product to wholesalers and retailers and retailers throughout new zaeland.
1..your organisation koffu plc(主语based in hamilton,has been given(我认为应该是非谓语,应该是having been given) the opportunity of setting up a new business venture (宾语)importing(非谓语,现在分词做非谓语) coffee beans from africa(这是一个名词词组?) packaging (这个也是非谓语,可是一个句子能有这么多非谓语吗?)them(whole and after grinding)and distibuting (还是非谓语)the finished product to wholesalers and retailers and retailers throughout new zaeland.
lg0917 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
your organisation koffu plc,主语
based in hamilton,插入语:以哈密尔顿为基地
has been given 是谓语,has been given没错
the opportunity of setting up a new business venture宾语
importing coffee beans from africa从非洲进口咖啡豆
(import…from… 从 …进口…)
packaging them(whole and after grinding补充说明咖啡豆的特征)
importing,packaging,and distributing非谓语,并列成分,做宾补.
the opportunity of setting up a new business venture
setting up a new business venture
a(或数词)+量词+of…”结构作定语举例:two pieces of glass两块玻璃
还可以做同位语:the city of Shanghai 上海市,of前的名词正好是of后面那些名词的名称,故后者为前者的同位语)
动词的 -ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,由动词原形加 -ing构成,包括 -ing分词和 -ing动名词.可以在句子中用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补语、状语和定语.
Seeing is believing.
通常为了避免句子主语过于冗长,用it作形式主语.如:It’s nice talking with you.
There + be + no + -ing”结构,此结构的意义相当于“It’s impossible + 不定式”.如:There is no harm in doing so.这样做没有害处.
2. 作表语
Their job is cleaning the window.他们的工作是打扫窗子.
3. 做宾语
Do you feel like having a drink?你想喝点饮料吗?
4. 作宾语补语
There we found him watching TV.我们发现他在那儿看电视.
Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book.(伴随状语)玛丽坐在教室的窗户旁,正在读一本书.
6. 作定语
a leading figure 领导人物
四个英文经济学概念business plan marketing planorganisation planoperat
business plan
marketing plan
organisation plan
operation plan
wanke88888 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
1.A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.
一系列商业目标的正式申明,包括:为什么商业目标可以达到,以及如何达到这些目标.一般来说business plan都是3-5年的.
2.A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives. It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a product line. Marketing plans cover between one and five years.
marketing plan是详细说明为了达到已经设好的市场目标如何一步步的具体操作. 它可以是为了一个特定的产品或服务而设,也可以是为了一个特定的品牌,也可以是为了一个特定的生产线. 一般market plan 是1-5年
3.Process of identifying an organization's immediate and long-term objectives, and formulating and monitoring specific strategies to achieve them. It also entails staffing and resource allocation, and is one of the most important responsibilities of a management team.
organisation plan 是制定一个机构当前以及长期目标的一个步骤,它还包括规划和检测特定的战略来达到这些已设目标. organisation plan需要考虑安置职工和合理的资源分配,它也是管理层最重要的职责之一.
4.Short-term, highly detailed plan formulated generally by junior or departmental managers to achieve tactical objectives. Also called operational plan.
只有operating plan和operational plan.定义是:中层或部门经理所制定的短期和高度详细的计划,用来取得所制定的战略目标.
-ze -se 那个是英式拼法apologize/apologiseorganization/organisation
我爱红桃8 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
apologise 是英试的,一般是以se结尾的都是英试的拼法.
帮忙看下这个项目管理问题。Case 1: Cassop Ltd is an organisation which pro

Case 1: Cassop Ltd is an organisation which produces products for the engineering

industry. These products include: pumps, values, automatic control systems, filters,

and heat exchangers. As part of your job as the Cassop Ltd Special Projects

Manager, you have produced a list of activities that need to be addressed to design a

new product – an erosion chemical feeder - for the company . The details are shown

in the table provided. Please note: You must use the methodology detailed above

table 1 headed “essential methodology”.

1) Draw the network diagram (use activity on the node). (8 marks)

2) Explain how you determined the timing of activities and the total float. (6


3) Explain how you determined the project duration and the critical path. (6


4) If the project starts on the 28th

April ‘14 what is the earliest date it can be

completed using a 5 day working week? Assume no other holidays

(explain how you calculated the figure). (4 marks)

5) If the following happened what would be the effect on the duration of the

whole project? Explain the reasons. (6 marks)

a) A 1 day delay during activity J.

b) Activity P is completed 1 day before schedule.

c) A 3 day delay during activity M .

6) Explain and discuss the limitations of network diagrams. (10 marks)

libo_rainbow 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Martin Solutin gives companies advice on thier markets,organisation and peocesses.
为什么organisation 不用复数形式,organisations?
lorna13123 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
怎么翻译The organisation can least afford to lose-those with the
怎么翻译The organisation can least afford to lose-those with the skills and experience
least 在句中的意思.
nfckeer 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率77.8%
换句话说The organisation can hardly afford to lose-those with the skills and experience
Unfortunately,they are the ones the organisation can least a
Unfortunately,they are the ones the organisation can least afford to lose-those with the highest skills and wxperience.这里的can least afford to lose看翻译是指最不能失去的,但我的理解是因失去而付出最少的也就是最可以失去的,究竟应该怎么理解呢…
scc3gjj 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
比如 I can't agree more 意思是我不能同意更多 实际上就是我同意得不能再同意了 就是非常同意 表示同意的程度很非常 一般有比较级的否定句 你都要注意了 很有可能就是肯定句
英语翻译Imagine you work for a motoring organisation.You have re
Imagine you work for a motoring organisation.You have read an overseas report that says that the brand of tyres used on a car makes little difference to its stopping distance when braking in an emergency.You decide to investigate this claim under special conditions.
aeiqivwh 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率71.4%
organization还是 organisation
organization还是 organisation
雪xx蹄 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译The organisation shall operate a management system which
The organisation shall operate a management system which addresses the
principles and criteria in this standard.
日月白勺光华 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
英语翻译Imagine you are in an organisation with a diverse workfo
Imagine you are in an organisation with a diverse workforce and client base.What actions could you take to encourage respect,deal with problems arising from deversity and assist in using deversity as an asset to your workplace?
justfeelling 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率78.9%
纯属手翻 请楼主验收!