求:The Scarlet Letter 的英文内容简介 200-300左右

游客要发言2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答


狂风暴雨不下雨 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in 1850,the year in which the Clay Compromise postponed the American Civil War,The Scarlet Letter is a romance set in the years from 1642 to 1649,when Puritans were fighting the English civil war over the ultimate meaning of England,and Puritans in the Boston of Hawthorne's story were attempting to label Hester Prynne.A woman taken in adultery,she must wear the letter A on her chest for all to see,yet she surrounds it with beautiful stitching,so that it advertises not only her shame,but also her skill as a seamstress.She refuses to name her lover,the Reverend Mr.Arthur Dimmesdale; keeps her word not to reveal the identity of her husband,now calling himself Roger Chillingworth; and raises her daughter,Pearl,on her own,living at the edge of town,near the wild forest and the open sea.
As its title suggests,the book is about labeling,about the Puritan and later the American desire to eliminate ambiguity,to get the meanings right.The tale shows that even so simple a label as the first letter of the alphabet is full of burgeoning meanings dependent upon changing contexts.After Hester's competence and usefulness to the community become evident,some think the letter stands for "able." When an A appears in the sky at Governor John Winthrop's death,they think it stands for "angel." Since historical Puritans convicted of adultery were made to wear the letters AD on their sleeves,critics have noted that these are Dimmesdale's initials and concluded that the A also represents Arthur.Anne Hutchinson of the Antinomian Controversy is explicitly mentioned in the text,so the letter also represents Anne and Antinomian.Readers may well conclude that the A can mean almost anything,even America,where we still struggle to reinscribe the labels that others put on us.
Destroyed by his lie and guilt,Dimmesdale dies in Hester's arms,and some see a scarlet A on his chest.Destroyed by his single-minded quest for vengeance,Chillingworth bequeaths his vast estates to Pearl,who leaves America to live abroad,depriving America of all she represents.The book ends with an allusion to Andrew Marvell's poem "The Unfortunate Lover," in which the lover lives on in story.So does Hester Prynne,perhaps the first fully realized female character in American fiction,whose meanings continue to attract new readers.(400 words)
Nathaniel Hawthorne is considered as the first greatest American fiction writer in the moralistic tradition.He is a writer with paradoxical thought—he criticizes the religious craze and the ecclesiastic false while he takes the views of Calvinism as the standard,and he depicts the battle of the colonials against England while he doubt the social reform and technological advancement.In the field of art,he is good at the description of the conflict of character’s inner mind,with lots of imaginations and symbolisms and explores the deep underlying significance.However,most of his works are related to religion.His wide spread work,The Scarlet Letter that is notable for its allegory and symbolism is regarded as the first symbolic novel in American literature.All through the history,American literature always has certain unique connection with religion,in particular,with the Christianity.American puritan ancestors considered themselves as the citizens selected by God in the new era and American continent as their New Canaan endowed by God.Therefore,Christianism is always regarded as one of the most important theme in American literature.For these causes,the author chooses The Scarlet letter which is closely related to religion as my starting point of exploration.The Scarlet Letter is set in the 17th century in Boston.These puritans were the first immigrants settled there who were persecuted by James I.Initially,these puritans were against with Roman Pontiff’s autarchy and social corruption.They advocated sense and refused sensibility.At the same time,they respected ideality and prohibited desire.Later,however,this trend went to extremes.Not only the heretics were persecuted but the woman’s smile in street and children’s curvet as well were not allowed.(283words)


求小说《the scarlet letter>的英文故事梗概,200字左右,
zhushurong 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率91.3%
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne
When Hester Prynne bears an illegitimate child she is introduced to the ugliness,complexity,and ultimately the strength of the human spirit.Though set in Puritan community centuries ago,the moral dilemmas of personal responsibility,and consuming emotions of guilt,anger,loyalty and revenge are timeless.
the lines of The Scarlet Letter
the lines of The Scarlet Letter
三未 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率92.9%
英语翻译Scarlet Hotel is located in a nice part of Chinatown.It
Scarlet Hotel is located in a nice part of Chinatown.It is within walking distance to many good food places,ranging from hawker centers (there are at least 2 within 10 mins' walk) to streets of cafes (just behind the hotel) to high end restaurants and traditional family diners.The room itself (we stayed in a Deluxe room) was smaller than expected.There was hardly space to move around in or even put the luggage.But the ambience was nice - cosy.It was clean,and came with nice touches like evening dress downs and free internet (wired,so bring along a longer cable if you want to surf from the bed)No breakfast was provided but with so many eateries nearby,we probably were better off without it.It's a definite place to try again for a local weekend break,except this time we'd try one of the larger rooms.
舒心2007 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
Scarlet旅店座落在唐人街,步行可通往好多小吃店,包括从小贩中心(至少有2到10分钟内步行)到街头的咖啡馆(酒店后面)到高端餐馆和传统的家庭小饭店.房间本身(我们住在一个豪华房间)小于预期.这几乎没有空间让人可以移动甚至连行李都没地方放.但是气氛是好的 - 舒适的.这里很清洁,而且有一种如晚礼服的触感并且提供免费上网(有线的,因此需要一个较长的电缆,如果你想在床上网上冲浪),没有早餐提供,但附近却有很多可供吃饭的馆子,我们可能会更富裕没有它.这是一个在当地周末休息确切的可再一次尝试的地方,除了这次我们将会尝试一所更大的房间.
怀念逝去的爱 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率85%
红字 the scarlet letter
红字 the scarlet letter
the essay should about love triangle between Hester chillingworth and dimmesdal.double space,three page.
wuzhiwei1980 共回答了25个问题 | 采纳率92%
论文应该是关于Hester ,chillingworth 和dimmesdal之间的三角恋情.两倍行距,三页纸.
《红字》The Scarlet Letter文中直接出现的A字含义有哪些
《红字》The Scarlet Letter文中直接出现的A字含义有哪些
ap8852100 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
an analysis of the scarlet letter(
an analysis of the scarlet letter(
我要的是英语论文 不是要翻译
zjtzjym 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
仙浴湾小镇 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率66.7%
hazel/auburn 赤褐色---brown/maroon 棕色/栗色
emerald 祖母绿---green 绿
celeste/navy blue天蓝色---blue 蓝色
scarlet 腥红色 其实还可以用 wine 酒红色 jester red 大红 florid 鲜红色 rubine 宝石红 等代替
enjoy 享受 陶醉---intoxicate 使...沉醉
cautious---scrupulous 谨慎的 细心的
examine 检查---scrutinize 仔细查看
therefore---ergo 因此
communicate---confabulate 交谈
boring 无趣的---monotonous 单调的
A Scarlet Letter written by Hawthorn
A Scarlet Letter written by Hawthorn
白逸凡 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率87%
“A” stands for Adulterer,a voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband.
Hester Prynne had a baby named Pearl before her marriage,therefore all the people think Hester is a unclean women,so they make her patch the shape of the letter“A” on her clothes signifies that Hester is an “adulterer.”
I hope you like it!