
dtgwegweuo2022-10-04 11:39:542条回答



相思百合 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率90.9%
xtx1 共回答了128个问题 | 采纳率


想像自己很厉害 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率100%
The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell,b.Nov.13,1831,d.Nov.5,1879,did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases.After graduating (1854) with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College,Cambridge,he held professorships at Marischal College in Aberdeen (1856) and King's College in London (1860) and became the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge in 1871.
Maxwell's first major contribution to science was a study of the planet Saturn's rings,the nature of which was much debated.Maxwell showed that stability could be achieved only if the rings consisted of numerous small solid particles,an explanation still accepted.Maxwell next considered molecules of gases in rapid motion.By treating them statistically he was able to formulate (1866),independently of Ludwig Boltzmann,the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases.This theory showed that temperatures and heat involved only molecular movement.Philosophically,this theory meant a change from a concept of certainty--heat viewed as flowing from hot to cold--to one of statistics--molecules at high temperature have only a high probability of moving toward those at low temperature.This new approach did not reject the earlier studies of thermodynamics; rather,it used a better theory of the basis of thermodynamics to explain these observations and experiments.
Maxwell's most important achievement was his extension and mathematical formulation of Michael Faraday's theories of electricity and magnetic lines of force.In his research,conducted between 1864 and 1873,Maxwell showed that a few relatively simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature; that is,an oscillating electric charge produces an electromagnetic field.These four partial differential equations first appeared in fully developed form in Electricity and Magnetism (1873).Since known as Maxwell's equations they are one of the great achievements of 19th-century physics.
Maxwell also calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is approximately that of the speed of light.He proposed that the phenomenon of light is therefore an electromagnetic phenomenon.Because charges can oscillate with any frequency,Maxwell concluded that visible light forms only a small part of the entire spectrum of possible electromagnetic radiation.
Maxwell used the later-abandoned concept of the ether to explain that electromagnetic radiation did not involve action at a distance.He proposed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and that magnetic lines of force were disturbances of the ether.Heinrich Hertz discovered such waves in 1888.
英语翻译八年级下册MODULE2第一篇短文,开头:Do you know if Sally Maxwell has ar
开头:Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?
sql815 共回答了22个问题 | 采纳率86.4%
你知道Sally Maxwell已经到达了吗?
月野兔qqhr 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
英语翻译急Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?That’s Miss Ma
Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?
That’s Miss Maxwell.
Hi, are you Sally?
Yes, that’s right. This is my friend Lingling. I asked your secretary whether she could come or not
Oh, yes. Hi, Linging. OK, I’m going to ask you some personal questions, and record your answers. OK, here goes……Sally, welcome to China!
Thank you.
An you tell me where you are from?
And I’ve heard that you play in your school orchestra.
Yes, I’m from London. I’m here with some classmates. In fact, I’m studying Chinese.
And I’ve heard that you plat in your school orchestra.
Yes, our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in a couple of months.But I don’t know who will come?
Can I ask you if you miss the UK, or your relations?
Yes, I miss my parents, but I have some close friends here.
I know that foreigners find China very different form their own countries. What does it feel like?
It’s a very exciting place. But I don’t like the word “foreigner”. My visit here is all about making friends.
OK, Sally, thank you. And good luck with the concert……(They stop.) That was great! So this recording will be part of the programme. By the way, why don’t you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing? Maybe sometime next week?
OK, thanks!
evd001 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
是的, 这是我的朋友 李灵。 我问了你的秘书是否你会来呢。
哦,当然会了。我正好想问你一些个人的问题, 而且我还要记录下你的答案。
我来自伦敦。 我和一些同学在这里。 事实上,我正在这里学习汉语。
分子的速率分布图中纵坐标的含义在maxwell—boltzmann 的 分子速率分布图上,纵坐标为△N/N△v .△N代
在maxwell—boltzmann 的 分子速率分布图上,纵坐标为△N/N△v .△N代表速率在v―(v+△v) 的分子数, △N/N 表示速率在v―(v+△v) 的分子数(△N)占分子总数N的比值.
那么, △N/N△v 表示什么呢?
书本上写:速率 v处单位速度间隔的分子份额.
yejunhao 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
这句话怎么翻译 谢谢solutions to the time-dependent Maxwell’s equation
这句话怎么翻译 谢谢
solutions to the time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in general form are unknown except for a few special cases. The difficulty is due mainly to the imposition of the boundary conditions.
本宫来看看 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率95%
xiaolong81 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
出腊 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率94.1%
Since 1873 Maxwell (Maxwell) built since the basic equations of electromagnetic field theory, electromagnetic waves obtained a rapid development. At present, the research into the electromagnetic fields, already used widely, such as the antenna radio waves propagation, optical fiber communication and mobile communications, radar technology, microwave and electromagnetic imaging, etc. Electromagnetic wave propagation in the actual environment is very complex, such as all kinds of complicated target scattering, complex structure in the radiation, the antenna waveguide and microstrip structure of transmission, etc. With the rapid development of the computer technology, a large amount of numerical calculation method of the electromagnetic fields are constantly emerging, and get widely. Electromagnetic field of mathematical model is solving actual analysis, due to Maxwell equations, Maxwell equations is a set of differential equation or integral equation, electromagnetic field main numerical analysis method based on spatial discretization into the differential equation method and based on the surface or internal scattering body discretization integral equation method two kinds big. FDTD method was) belong to the differential equation method, finite difference time domain method is simple, intuitive and mesh dissection results of simple, etc. In recent years the FDTD is developing very rapidly, and in many ways are important application, including antenna design, microwave circuit design, emc analysis, electromagnetic scattering calculation, photonics, application, etc.
This paper firstly gives an overview of the electromagnetic field calculation method, then analyzed the basic principle algorithm FDTD algorithm are given, the basic principle of one-dimensional, in turn 2d and 3d electromagnetic wave propagation simulation by matlab language programming steps and problems should be paid attention to, and analyzed their simulation results with matlab language, finally come to the electromagnetic wave propagation FDTD algorithm based on simulated programming, some conclusions.
心止即岸 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率90.5%
把下面的句子分成两个简单句1.Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?2.I
1.Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?
2.I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.
3.Can you tell me where you are from?
4.I've heard that you play in your school orchestra.
5.Can I ask you if you miss the UK,or your relations?
6.I know that foreigners find China very different from their own countries.
fanlin821018 共回答了9个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
1.Do you know Has Sally Maxwell arrived?
2.I asked your secretary ."Could you come?"
3.Can you tell me?Where are you from?
4.I've heard .You play in your school orchestra.
5.Can I ask you?Do you miss the UK,or your relations?
6.I know .Foreigners find China very different from their own countries.
英译汉:The Maxwell House rfill pack is economical and easy to d
英译汉:The Maxwell House rfill pack is economical and easy to dispose of.
Simply cut open and transfer coffee to an airtight container.Best enjoyed within 6 weeks of opening.我想知道这一段英文写的是不是关于咖啡产品保质期的?(这是在国外买回来的咖啡粉的外包装上写的)
jiao_nana 共回答了23个问题 | 采纳率95.7%
If you like great music , plese welcome Sally Maxwell 的句子构成
sichupiaobo 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
if you like gread music,please welcome sally maxwell 句型结构是什么
范范之辈xixi 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率86.7%
生晓百湖江 共回答了20个问题 | 采纳率90%
英语翻译maxwell put up his hand and waited for his teacher.mrs.g
maxwell put up his hand and waited for his teacher.mrs.gilbert,to notice him.
do you have a question,maxwell
it's more like a problem l lost my tooth
bijing0510 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率82.4%
maxwell 方程组微分形式详解
帅哥034 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率81%
hplj 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
在2D里,可以将螺线管简化为矩形;在3D里,可以简化为长方体 查看原帖
zhuomoniao 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
一 爱因斯坦和Maxwell的足迹 现在关心相对论的发展的人越来越多了.当我们站在伟大的相对论奠基者建立的丰富和优美的理论基础上的时候不能不回顾历史,发掘他们的足迹.首先让人想起的是麦克斯韦尔在结合法拉第的电力线理论和流体力学的场理论以及亥姆赫兹漩涡理论中作的优美描述.原来这些描述都是在无粘流动中建立的.然而流体方程组和Maxwell组的相似关系一直缺少一个对应方程组,就是引入了粘性也是如此,借助于引入了非牛顿粘性流体的松弛效应,可以补充上这个对应关系,从而使得不可压的Ns方程和Maxwell方程对应了起来.这就引起了利用粘性可压缩流体方程会对Mexwell方程更进一步的非线性化的兴趣.可以先从速势流动开始,研究空气动力学的可压缩波动方程的种种变换,找出一种拟洛伦兹时空变换使它变为不可压流的波动方程.这就说明了在声学波动方程的数学描述上来看,可压缩流和不可压缩流加上拟洛伦兹变换只不过是相同客体的不同数学表达.为了探讨电磁场和引力场可能存在的介质规律.对于无粘可压缩流动,我们还可以借助卡门钱学森在空气动力学中应用的切线虚拟气体法,得出了质能关系类似的规律.虽然对于可压缩粘性流体和电磁场方程的相同数学结构,还缺少明了的结果,但是美国宇航工程师paul在AIAAPeper上所发表的平行的的表达,却给与了希望讨论.即这种重新表达的力和漩涡的关系有可能能够对引力场的研究以及对maxwell方程组的强非线性化带来生机.下面讲分五节来叙述这个想法.希望网上各路英雄鼎立相助 熟知的事实是牛顿流体框架内已经有三个Maxwell方程和流体力学方程相似,电动力学基本方程组是:div (εE) = ρ ...d(εE)/ d(t) = rot H +γ E .d(μ H)/d(t) = -rot E .div (μ H) = 0 ..其中代表偏微分,div和rot,是散度和旋度,E是电场强度,H 是磁场强度,μ是磁导率,ε是电介常数,γ是电导率.下面让我们在连续介质力学领域里寻找和它相类似的方程.由于电动力学方程组创始人Maxwell在建立他之初,就利用了流体力学的亥姆霍兹定律和法拉第的电力线理论,所以上面的方程1,2,4自然在流体力学方程组中有它的对应表达形式:对Maxwell方程组的1)式来说,在连续介质力学的类似表达,可以用涡的散度为零来对应:div ω = 0..其中ω是介质流场速度的旋度,ω=rot(V).对Maxwell方程组的4式可以类比重力场的守恒法则得到 div F = αρ..其中F是加速度,α是和万有引力有关的系数,ρ是质量密度.对Maxwell方程组的2式对应表达,需要一个涡的变化也能产生力的旋度的表达形式,亥姆霍兹定律正是这样一个关系,对黏性流体可以通过考虑柯罗柯- 兰姆(Chrocco,lamb) 形式的动量方程把亥姆霍兹定律写成更一般的形式,利用牛顿流体动量方程的柯罗柯_兰姆形式可以对该方程两边取旋度,我们可以把所有实际是压力,离心力和粘性力对应的量合起来称为合力F2.于是也可以得到和电磁场类似的公式:d(ω)/d(t) =rot{ F2} 其中F2={F-1/ρ grad P-(ω X V)+{1/ρ div {2 μ [ε]}}} 这样电动力学一共四个方程,我们已经找到了其中的三个在流体力学中的对应形式.
怀旧高龄人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率87.5%
The Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell, b. Nov. 13, 1831, d. Nov. 5, 1879, did revolutionary work in electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. After graduating (1854) with a degree in mathematics from Trinity College, Cambridge, he held professorships at Marischal College in Aberdeen (1856) and King's College in London (1860) and became the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge in 1871.
Maxwell's first major contribution to science was a study of the planet Saturn's rings, the nature of which was much debated. Maxwell showed that stability could be achieved only if the rings consisted of numerous small solid particles, an explanation still accepted. Maxwell next considered molecules of gases in rapid motion. By treating them statistically he was able to formulate (1866), independently of Ludwig Boltzmann, the Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases. This theory showed that temperatures and heat involved only molecular movement. Philosophically, this theory meant a change from a concept of certainty--heat viewed as flowing from hot to cold--to one of statistics--molecules at high temperature have only a high probability of moving toward those at low temperature. This new approach did not reject the earlier studies of thermodynamics; rather, it used a better theory of the basis of thermodynamics to explain these observations and experiments.

Maxwell's most important achievement was his extension and mathematical formulation of Michael Faraday's theories of electricity and magnetic lines of force. In his research, conducted between 1864 and 1873, Maxwell showed that a few relatively simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature; that is, an oscillating electric charge produces an electromagnetic field. These four partial differential equations first appeared in fully developed form in Electricity and Magnetism (1873). Since known as Maxwell's equations they are one of the great achievements of 19th-century physics.

Maxwell also calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is approximately that of the speed of light. He proposed that the phenomenon of light is therefore an electromagnetic phenomenon. Because charges can oscillate with any frequency, Maxwell concluded that visible light forms only a small part of the entire spectrum of possible electromagnetic radiation.

Maxwell used the later-abandoned concept of the ether to explain that electromagnetic radiation did not involve action at a distance. He proposed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and that magnetic lines of force were disturbances of the ether. Heinrich Hertz discovered such waves in 1888.