
守望南极2022-10-04 11:39:541条回答

The judge ruled on the plaintiff who was in contempt这句话是错误的,rule on我查了下 意思是“就.进行裁决”我觉得用在这句话没有什么不妥啊,请问这句话错在哪?


ok0660 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率88.9%
ule on 是就……进行裁决,所以on后面显然要带非人宾语.这句话的意思可能是法官判定原告藐视法庭,所以正确的表达应该是The judge ruled that the plaintiff was in contempt.


the best of manhattan art gallerles 全文翻译...急用啊
心与星雨 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%
the best of manhattan art galleries
英语翻译There are few sounds so exciting in Manhattan as those o
There are few sounds so exciting in Manhattan as those of fire engines dashing through the night.句型:There are .as.
冬杨的风 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
我想问一下例如manhattan与will wilton还有important等它们的tan/ton是不发音吗?还是发音
我想问一下例如manhattan与will wilton还有important等它们的tan/ton是不发音吗?还是发音很轻听不见?
qiqimicky 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率100%
英语翻译Suddenly it looks less like Manhattan in the sun than Ic
Suddenly it looks less like Manhattan in the sun than Iceland in the desert.
liujin000713 共回答了11个问题 | 采纳率100%
manhattan,the bronx,and staten island combined
manhattan,the bronx,and staten island combined
Covering about 120 square miles,the New York City borough of Queens is almost as large as (Manhattan,the Bronx,and Staten Island combined)
阿紫4140 共回答了14个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
也就是 曼哈顿,布朗克斯和斯塔滕岛加起来那么大
They want to _____a few days in Manhattan first and then ___
They want to _____a few days in Manhattan first and then _____Fire Island
A spend B take C go
A on B to C at D for
killerible 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
杏花雨1229 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率88.2%
关于as的用法 (第三季)这是manhattan语法里面的一句话.A sentence can be a fragmen
关于as的用法 (第三季)
A sentence can be a fragment in another way:it could start with a connecting word and contain no main clause(a clause that could stand alone as a sentence as is,with its own subject and verb).
请问括号中两个as分别什么词性 而as is后面是不是有省略神马的 到底是啥用法呢?
amai 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
2.第二个as 是as it is 吧
如果是as it is,那这句的意思就是“(它可以单独作为【句子】存在)正如它本身就是一个【句子】那样”
a clause that could stand alone as a sentence as it is
= a clause that could stand alone as a sentence [as the sentence that it is]
A child should learn to tell it as it is.
eg.I was sleeping.
eg.I was sleeping ,and my sister was reading.
这里and my sister was reading 就是分句,是不能单独作为一个句子存在的,因为它少了前面的主句I was sleeping.但是主句I was sleeping 可以单独存在
英语翻译Across the court from the Manhattan apartment that I hav
Across the court from the Manhattan apartment that I have occupied for the past few years is a dog that often hurls insults into the darkness,a few of which my dog refused to accept and make a tart reply
few of which 放在从句中是做什么成分的啊?应该怎么翻译呀?
cnsh 共回答了13个问题 | 采纳率100%
a few of which my dog refused to accept and make a tart reply
my dog refused to accept a few of which and make a tart reply
accept主要做及物动词,所以这里a few of which做从句中谓语动词accept的宾语.
which 指代insults,所以a few of which一些辱骂(这里把狗吠称为insult).直译的话:我的狗拒绝接受那条狗的一些狂叫并对此给予严厉的答复. 更通顺的话就是你给出的那个翻译了:我院子里的狗偶尔对那条狗的狂叫声表示不满并以叫声给予尖刻的回敬.
英文信函Kevin Smith22 West Rd.ManhattanNew York 1234Oct.2,2002Mr
Kevin Smith
22 West Rd.
New York 1234
Mr.John Green
Managing Director
Rockingham Art Gallery
229 Degas Drive
San Antonio,Texas 73568
Dear Mr.Green:
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the San Antonio Tribune (Sept 30,2002) requesting persons interested in the position of Director of art gallery operations to contact you.
You will see from my CV that I have considerable experience in the world of art,having previously been a director of gallery operations in places as diverse as Paris and Tahiti.
It may be of interest to you to know that I paint occasionally myself and therefore am well aware of artistic techniques.I pride myself on being able to tell good art from bad art.I believe this is an important quality for any art gallery Director.
I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview before December 16,as I must attend an important art exhibition and conference being held in Paris between December 18 and 21.I can be reached,prior to December 16,at the above address.I am available to begin work on January 6,2004.
If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me.Should you require any forms to be completed you may forward them to me by post or email them to me
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Kevin Smith
asd2002061 共回答了17个问题 | 采纳率100%
看到贵公司在San Antonio Tribune(2002 年9月30日)的广告,我写信应征美术馆董事的职位.
纽约有5大区:Brooklyn,Manhattan,Queen,Bronx还有个是什么?是不是Stand Island用
纽约有5大区:Brooklyn,Manhattan,Queen,Bronx还有个是什么?是不是Stand Island用英文好吗?
qwert0987 共回答了15个问题 | 采纳率93.3%
staten island
英语翻译1.世界之窗的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)尽管只有100多米高,但很逼真2.曼哈顿(Manhattan
1.世界之窗的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)尽管只有100多米高,但很逼真
2.曼哈顿(Manhattan)高层建筑和自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)模型是最美丽的景点
xinlixinli 共回答了21个问题 | 采纳率85.7%
1. Though the Eiffel Tower at the Window of the World is only 100 meters plus high, it looks very true to life.
2. The models for the highrises in Manhattan and the the Statue of Liberty are the most fascinationg tourist attractions.
3. The Window of the World is very worth visiting.
英语发音 t 如何发音:ex important 和 Manhattan
英语发音 t 如何发音:ex important 和 Manhattan
ex :impoTant 和 manhaTTan 这两个单词 外国人说的时候
(词中大写的)T 不发t的音 而发en 的音或者nen的音 .请问这是怎么回事啊,
yin1228 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%
其实那是native speaker在一些中间含有t音的单词中t音的省略 不过要稍作停顿 作出要读t音的停顿
还有如certain 等等 你看英剧里的人很喜欢把later读成像 la-er.还有d的音也可以省略 同样道理 这是很正常的 不过别读成“恩” 仔细听 不是像中文的“恩” 不过注意不是所有单词都可以省略
New York City consists of five parts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Q

New York City consists of five parts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. The population is about 7.5 million and there are 1.5 million in Manhattan alone.
Manhattan, the center of the city, is on the island between the Hudson River and the East River. Most of the famous buildings such as the Empire State and the United Nations and other skyscrapers are in Manhattan. Some of its districts are: Broadway, which has many theatres and cinemas, Fifth Avenue, with stores and apartments, Greenwich Village, where many artists and writers have lived, and Central Park, with a skating rink (溜冰场). From Manhattan you have to cross to the other parts of New York City through a tunnel or over a bridge. The bridge from Brooklyn to Staten Island is the longest in the world.
New York is the second biggest port in the world and it has two airports. The people who live there come from all over the world and speak many different languages. There are 324,000 Germans and 390,000 Poles as well as people from Greece, Scotland, Ireland, Italy and Romania. People call one district "Little Italy" and another "China town".
小题1:The most important part of New York is _______.
A.Hudson River B.East River
C.Bronx and Staten Island D.Manhattan
小题2:The Empire State is ______.
A. a state of the U.S.A. B. a country
C. a skyscraper D. a district in New York
小题3:If you are going to do some shopping in Manhattan, you will go to _______.
A.Broadway B.Fifth Avenue
C.Greenwich Village D.Central Park
小题4:From the article we understand ________.
A.Staten Island and Brooklyn are separated by the sea
B.Staten Island and Brooklyn are one landmass
C.Manhattan and Queens are one landmass
D.Brooklyn and Queens are separated by the sea
小题5:Many ________ live in the New York.
A.people from Poland and China
B.children from Brooklyn and Staten Island
C.people from Germany and Italy do not
D.children from Greece and Romania do not
Mayz2061 共回答了18个问题 | 采纳率83.3%

小题1:细节题。根据第二段第一行Manhattan, the center of the city,
小题2:推理题。根据第二段2,3行Most of the famous buildings such as the Empire State and the United Nations and other skyscrapers are in Manhattan.可知the Empire State是摩天大楼。
小题3:推理题。根据第二段第四行Fifth Avenue, with stores and apartments,可知Fifth Avenue有很多的商店,那么购物应该去那里。
小题4:推理题。第二段最后一句The bridge from Brooklyn to Staten Island is the longest in the world. 可知Brooklyn和Staten Island是分开的,由一座桥梁连接。
英文阅读理解lt was a cool fall afternoon in Manhattan.The woman tu
lt was a cool fall afternoon in Manhattan.The woman turned off the faucet and looked at her face in the bathroom mirror.'I'm going to go to the movies this evening' she thought,and smiled.Ten minutes later she took the elevator to the first floor and left the building.She was wearing a long,black coat,a hat and pair of shades.
Outside the building she stopped for a moment and looked at all the noisy automobiles and trucks in the street.Next she looked at the people on the sidewalk.There were so many of them.'Is this a good idea?' she asked herself.Then she put her pocketbook under one arm and called a cab.'Of course it is.’
The journey to the movie theater took five minutes.In those five minutes the woman realized that she still loved New York.OK — her apartment was cold in the winter.Yes,there were a lot of crazy,dangerous people in the streets.Everything in the stores was expensive.
There was garbage everywhere.It was all true,but well.New York was her home.
At the movie theater there were only thirty or forty people in the audience.The woman sat In the back row and ate a candy bar.Two minutes later the movie began.Then,and only then,she took off her shades.
It was a good story.She remembered it well.She even remembered some of the dialog.And then,of course,there was the actor with the black hair 'He was my favorite.' she thought *I really loved him in the '30s'.
She left quietly a few minutes before the end.Another cab?'No.' she thought.I'll take the subway.'
At ten of eleven she was nearly home.She felt happy.'That was fun",she said to herself.The front door of her building was.Just three feet away.She took off her shades and looked up at the stars for a moment.It was only for a moment,but that was long enough.A man on the sidewalk stopped He came towards her.'Excuse me’,he said,'but aren't you...'
'No!’ said the woman Her voice was cold and hard.'No I'm not!' Then she put on her shades again and walked quickly into the apartment building.
1.Why did the woman take off her shades before going into her apartment building?
2.Why did the woman wear a hat and a pair of shades?
冷面痴人 共回答了16个问题 | 采纳率93.8%
1、Because she wanted to look at the shiny stars up high in the sky after watching the movie,she finally accepted NY city and was so happy at that moment.
2、Because before going to the theater,the woman hated New York so much( 原因是---her apartment was cold in the winter.there were a lot of crazy,dangerous people in the streets.There was garbage everywhere.)
The hat and the shades were used to keep herself away from the Dirty things,such as the coldness,crazy people and didn't have to catch sight of the Dirty garbage.(hat 和 shades 的作用)
Ridgewood is a small, quiet town 20 miles from Manhattan. It
Ridgewood is a small, quiet town 20 miles from Manhattan. It is a typical suburban town, perfect for raising children away from the fast pace of the city. However, some Ridgewood kids feel as upset as if they were on the city’s busy streets. In addition to hours of homework, Ridgewood’s children are occupied with afterschool activities — from swimming to piano to religious classes.
Out of desperation one day, the town decided to schedule another activity. This one was called “Ridgewood Family Night — Ready, Set, Relax!” Instead of schedules filled with sports, music, or overtime at the office, some of the town’s 25,000 residents decided to take the night off and stay home. For a few months before Family Night, a committee of volunteers worked hard to spread the word. Younger students took “Save the Date for Me” leaflets home to their parents. The mayor issued a statement, and schools and clubs agreed to cancel homework and meetings so families could relax and be together.
The tension between a hope for a more relaxed lifestyle and the knowledge that the benchmark for success has been raised in recent years weighs heavily on the minds of the townspeople. Some parents like to recall a different kind of childhood, one without so many scheduled afterschool activities. However, these same parents feel obliged to make sure their children are prepared to survive in today’s high-pressure work environment. They are afraid that any gap in their children’s physical or intellectual development might mean they won’t be admitted to the “right” universities and won’t succeed in a more and more competitive world.
Nevertheless, it seems that Family Night worked, at least to a point. Cars moved easily around Ridgewood’s normally busy downtown streets, and stores and restaurants saw a drop in business. Some families ate supper together for the first time in months.
Initially, there was great hope of taking back their lives. But sadly, few families believe that one night will change their lives. Many are sure that they will fall back into the habit of over-scheduling their children to be overachieving adults.
小题1:The writer describes Ridgewood as a town where ________.
A.residents take little notice of education
B.children are stressful and over expected
C.parents are concerned about children’s safety
D.children lead a life of relaxed, ordinary rhythms
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the Family Night?
A.Schools assigned no homework.
B.Fewer people ate in the restaurants.
C.The streets were less crowded.
D.People enjoyed meeting each other.
小题3:According to the passage, the parents in Ridgewood ________.
A.have conflicting desires about what experiences to offer their children
B.are happy with the lifestyle they have chosen for themselves and the children
C.believe that it is their duty to make a change for the stressful life style
D.are worried about their children’s lacking of big ambition
小题4:We may get the conclusion from the passage that ________.
A.the concept of Family Night will become a regular part of life in Ridgewood
B.Ridgewood people believe the Family Night will change their way of living
C.Family Night is not as popular as people have originally thought
D.schools are worried about students being given too much free time
爱菲115229 共回答了19个问题 | 采纳率89.5%

This area is located in southern Manhattan.翻译
cool霉l 共回答了24个问题 | 采纳率100%
Manhattan Island is surrounded on the east by the East and H
Manhattan Island is surrounded on the east by the East and Harlem Rivers and on the west by the North and Hudson Rivers.It links with the other four towns which make up New York City and with New Jersey are by means of subways,underground tunnels and bridges which lead into Manhanttan from the surrounding area.
The Brooklyn Bridge was the first suspension bridge to link Brooklyn to Manhanttan.It is also the second oldest bridge in New York.The architect was John Augustus Roebling,who was the chief engineer of the suspended Railroad Bridge at Niagara Falls.
Misfortune accompanied the building of the bridge,which took place from 1869 to 1883.The architect died as a result of an accident early during the construction.His son,Washington Roebling,carried on his father’s work,using the most advanced engineering techniques of the day.He also fell ill during the construction of the bridge and was obliged to direct the work on it from an apartment window overlooking the site.
Since its construction the Brooklyn Bridge has remained a busy and important passage in New York.
The Brooklyn Bridge is 6775 feet long and 1595 feet wide.The suspended part is 3450 feet long and 85 feet wide.It has a clearance of 133 feet above water level.Four huge cables extend across the bridge,supported by two towers,each 272 feet high.Each of these cables is made up of 5700 wires.
小题1:If you want to go to Princeton University in New Jersey from Manhattan,you_________.
A.must drive across a bridge B.must take a Metro train
C.have to go through a tunnel D.can use any of the above means
小题2:The Brooklyn Bridge is _________.
A.the first suspended railway bridge in the USA
B.the first oldest bridge in New York
C.the first suspension bridge between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn
D.the first suspension bridge built in the USA
小题3:In the course of the construction of the bridge_________.
A.the chief engineer was in short of money
B.misfortune fell on the chief engineer
C.John Augustus Roebling fell ill
D.Washington Roebling met with an accident
小题4:Washington Roebling was forced to_________. the building work on the bridge
B.lead the builders of the bridge in a hospital
C.give his directions to the workers from a flat nearby the construction of the bridge by radio
jannymincool 共回答了26个问题 | 采纳率92.3%
